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7 Proven Truths for Men who Want to Results in their Life | Wisdom from the Movie Fight Club

7 Proven Truths for Men who Want to Results in their Life | Wisdom from the Movie Fight Club

“Advertising has us chasing cars and clothes, working jobs we hate, so we can buy sh*t we don’t need. We are the middle children of history, raised by television to believe that someday we’ll be millionaires and movie stars and rock stars, but we won’t.”...

“Advertising has us chasing cars and clothes, working jobs we hate, so we can buy sh*t we don’t need. We are the middle children of history, raised by television to believe that someday we’ll be millionaires and movie stars and rock stars, but we won’t.”

Did you ever watch the movie Fight Club with Brad Pitt and Edward Norton? If so you may recognize the line, if not, don’t worry, it is not a prerequisite for this episode. For some people the idea that there is wisdom to be had in the movie may seem like a stretch. It was a really interesting movie and men tend to be drawn to it. If you listen to the show, you will know I am a movie nerd and I am always looking to glean what I can from a movie.

Let me be fully transparent, if you have not seen Fight Club and you want to, Spoilers ahead, you may want to come back after you see it. I will not dig deep into the movie, so you don’t need to have seen it, but I don’t want to ruin any plot points because that always pisses me off as an avid movie guy.

Today we are going to dive into this cult classic and pull out 7 proven truths for men who want proven results in their lives. Are you ready to Thrive as a man? This episode will help you!

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The Video version of this show is available on YouTube and Rumble

---------------------- Chapters ---------------------

00:00 – About this Episode

01:14 – Show Intro

01:43 – Fight Club Summery

04:53 – Brotherhood

09:02 – Men Need to get Physical

13:07 – Suppression is Dangerous

17:24 – We ALL Need Meaning

20:08 – The Phoenix Conference for Men

24:21 – 2 Dogs, Same Fight

30:05 – The Pendulum isn’t Helping ANYONE

33:15 – Stuff & Things

40:44 – The First Rule of Fight Club

1 00:00:00,180 --> 00:00:03,450 Advertising has us chasing cars and clothes, working jobs we hate. 2 00:00:03,450 --> 00:00:04,950 So we can buy bullshit we don't need. 3 00:00:05,340 --> 00:00:09,330 We are the middle children of history raised by television to believe that 4 00:00:09,330 --> 00:00:13,140 someday we'll be millionaires and movie stars and rock stars, but we won't. 5 00:00:14,730 --> 00:00:18,720 Did you ever catch the movie Fight Club with Brad Pitt and Edward Norton? 6 00:00:19,590 --> 00:00:20,970 If so, you may recognize that line. 7 00:00:20,970 --> 00:00:21,780 If not, don't worry. 8 00:00:21,780 --> 00:00:23,650 It's not a prerequisite for this episode. 9 00:00:24,645 --> 00:00:28,825 For some people, the idea that there is wisdom to be had in that movie 10 00:00:28,825 --> 00:00:31,225 may seem a little bit of a stretch. 11 00:00:32,155 --> 00:00:35,364 It was a really interesting movie and men tend to be drawn to it. 12 00:00:35,754 --> 00:00:38,605 And if you listen to the show, you know that I'm a total movie nerd. 13 00:00:38,605 --> 00:00:42,835 I love good movies, and I'm always looking to glean what I can from a movie. 14 00:00:43,165 --> 00:00:44,605 So let me be fully transparent. 15 00:00:44,695 --> 00:00:49,555 If you've not seen the movie Fight Club and you want to, there are spoilers ahead. 16 00:00:50,005 --> 00:00:52,105 You may wanna come back after you've seen the movie. 17 00:00:53,095 --> 00:00:57,475 I will not dig deep into the movie, so you don't have to have seen it. 18 00:00:58,135 --> 00:01:01,315 It's not a prerequisite to understand what we talked about, but I don't wanna 19 00:01:01,315 --> 00:01:04,345 ruin any plot points because like I said, I'm a movie nerd and that pisses 20 00:01:04,350 --> 00:01:05,965 me off when somebody does that to me. 21 00:01:06,505 --> 00:01:11,035 So spoilers ahead today, we're gonna dive into this, call it classic and 22 00:01:11,035 --> 00:01:16,045 pull out seven proven truths for men who want results in their lives. 23 00:01:16,045 --> 00:01:19,105 So let's roll that intro and we'll get into. 24 00:01:20,815 --> 00:01:22,405 Here's the million dollar question. 25 00:01:22,885 --> 00:01:26,545 How do men like us reach our full potential and grow into the men we 26 00:01:26,545 --> 00:01:30,465 dream of being while taking care of our responsibilities, working, 27 00:01:30,865 --> 00:01:35,365 being good husbands, fathers, and still take care of ourselves? 28 00:01:36,265 --> 00:01:39,565 That's the question in this podcast will help you with those answers. 29 00:01:39,565 --> 00:01:42,445 My name is Brent and welcome to the Fallible Man Podcast. 30 00:01:43,435 --> 00:01:44,905 Welcome to the Fallible Man Podcast. 31 00:01:44,905 --> 00:01:47,005 You are home for all things, man, husband, and father. 32 00:01:47,275 --> 00:01:48,805 A big shout out to the Fallible Nation. 33 00:01:48,805 --> 00:01:52,135 You guys make this possible and I just love you so much, and if you 34 00:01:52,135 --> 00:01:55,765 wanna join the Fallible Nation, it's really easy, but a big warm welcome 35 00:01:55,765 --> 00:01:57,175 to our first time listeners as well. 36 00:01:57,205 --> 00:02:00,175 I'm so glad that you've given us an opportunity and I hope 37 00:02:00,175 --> 00:02:01,405 you really enjoy the podcast. 38 00:02:01,410 --> 00:02:03,595 Please let us know my name is Brent. 39 00:02:03,625 --> 00:02:07,795 Today we're digging into the 99 Movie Fight Club with 40 00:02:07,795 --> 00:02:09,215 Brad Pit and Edward Norton. 41 00:02:09,729 --> 00:02:13,450 I'm not here to talk about the anti capitalist overtones cuz most of 42 00:02:13,450 --> 00:02:18,730 you know I don't have that feeling about capitalism and other shows 43 00:02:18,730 --> 00:02:20,020 have been tearing that apart. 44 00:02:20,710 --> 00:02:24,820 I'm not here to do any nonsense about women being to blame 45 00:02:24,820 --> 00:02:26,260 for the holes of men's lives. 46 00:02:26,740 --> 00:02:29,770 That's kind of stupid and that's not our view here at the Fallible Man. 47 00:02:30,340 --> 00:02:33,880 Writer, director David Finch, put together an interesting tale about 48 00:02:33,880 --> 00:02:38,350 the modern man complete with rampant consumerism, discontentment and rage. 49 00:02:38,620 --> 00:02:40,720 But we're not here for any of that either. 50 00:02:40,720 --> 00:02:46,270 I mean, that's, that just wouldn't be me For anyone who hasn't seen it. 51 00:02:46,330 --> 00:02:49,630 The movie follows the path of an unnamed narrator, which seems kind of 52 00:02:49,630 --> 00:02:55,150 odd, but the unnamed narrators played by Edward Norton, though through his 53 00:02:55,150 --> 00:02:56,980 meaningless consumer driven life. 54 00:02:57,910 --> 00:03:00,280 He has no real relationships. 55 00:03:00,280 --> 00:03:01,480 He has a job he hates. 56 00:03:01,480 --> 00:03:05,500 He doesn't meet his emotional needs and has no purpose. 57 00:03:06,070 --> 00:03:10,299 He buys things and he thinks it will fill in the holes and make him feel 58 00:03:10,299 --> 00:03:15,250 better and fix his life, but really it's just kind of the pointless loop. 59 00:03:15,670 --> 00:03:20,109 He's a massive insomniac and he goes to support group meetings that 60 00:03:20,109 --> 00:03:24,040 have nothing to do with what's going on in his life because apparently 61 00:03:24,045 --> 00:03:25,129 they make him feel something. 62 00:03:25,129 --> 00:03:28,349 Along the way, he meets a girl at the support group meetings 63 00:03:28,349 --> 00:03:32,249 cuz she does the same thing and life seems to be a little better. 64 00:03:33,029 --> 00:03:35,339 Then one day he meets Tyler Durden. 65 00:03:35,939 --> 00:03:38,579 Tyler Durden's character is played by Brad Pitt, who is the 66 00:03:38,579 --> 00:03:40,739 polar opposite of our narrator. 67 00:03:41,459 --> 00:03:45,449 He is a hyper-masculine personality and the Narrat narrator pulled into 68 00:03:45,449 --> 00:03:49,679 his strange and incredible world and together they start Fight Club 69 00:03:50,159 --> 00:03:51,749 and thus the movie gets his title. 70 00:03:51,779 --> 00:03:52,439 Title right. 71 00:03:53,504 --> 00:03:54,794 Movie goes on from there. 72 00:03:54,884 --> 00:03:58,934 Spoilers will come later so you can stick with me a little bit longer. 73 00:03:59,414 --> 00:04:03,164 So longer introduction, but I had to get us all on the same page because if you 74 00:04:03,169 --> 00:04:07,484 didn't understand the basis of the movie, it might be a little hard to follow this, 75 00:04:07,484 --> 00:04:08,774 and I don't wanna do that to you guys. 76 00:04:09,704 --> 00:04:11,984 So that's our starting point right now. 77 00:04:12,014 --> 00:04:15,794 You know the plot line in the movie, and like I said, if you haven't 78 00:04:15,794 --> 00:04:17,774 seen it, spoilers are coming. 79 00:04:17,864 --> 00:04:18,974 They're just not here yet. 80 00:04:19,724 --> 00:04:21,074 This is your chance to bell. 81 00:04:21,569 --> 00:04:24,509 But it is an interesting movie and men are really drawn to this. 82 00:04:24,509 --> 00:04:24,869 Actually. 83 00:04:24,869 --> 00:04:30,329 There's been kind of a revitalization of this movie among younger men, and 84 00:04:30,334 --> 00:04:34,949 so I thought it really deserved a few minutes of our time to dig into this 85 00:04:34,954 --> 00:04:37,679 crazy world that the director created. 86 00:04:38,129 --> 00:04:40,679 David Finch made this crazy world that started as a book 87 00:04:40,709 --> 00:04:41,969 and then turn into a movie. 88 00:04:42,749 --> 00:04:46,049 So you can check out the book if you're an avid reader, but what can 89 00:04:46,049 --> 00:04:49,439 we tos possibly take from a movie? 90 00:04:50,384 --> 00:04:52,304 This is about a bunch of guys beating each other up. 91 00:04:53,504 --> 00:04:57,074 Well, the first thing I really want you to take away from this movie 92 00:04:57,674 --> 00:05:01,094 is men thrive in a brotherhood. 93 00:05:01,844 --> 00:05:06,944 Now, it doesn't matter how you spin this movie, it doesn't matter if you agree with 94 00:05:06,944 --> 00:05:09,434 what they're doing throughout the movie. 95 00:05:09,434 --> 00:05:13,544 The narrator and Tyler start building this fight club and it grows, and it grows 96 00:05:13,544 --> 00:05:16,304 and it grows more and more men flock. 97 00:05:16,904 --> 00:05:20,054 To this savage, nightly fights and beatings. 98 00:05:20,834 --> 00:05:22,664 Why would we as men do that? 99 00:05:22,844 --> 00:05:24,794 What draw is there? 100 00:05:25,604 --> 00:05:27,674 And the simple answer is brotherhood. 101 00:05:28,484 --> 00:05:31,904 As more and more spaces that were once reserved for men together 102 00:05:31,904 --> 00:05:36,194 without the intrusion of kids or women disappear, men are struggling. 103 00:05:36,944 --> 00:05:41,234 Men instinctively seek brotherhood, alignment with other men. 104 00:05:41,804 --> 00:05:45,464 We also seek the company of other men who inspire us to connect. 105 00:05:45,914 --> 00:05:50,204 With to share struggles with and support each other as we fight 106 00:05:50,204 --> 00:05:54,524 through this life, more and more are safe havens of masculinity 107 00:05:54,524 --> 00:05:56,204 where we can talk and be who we are. 108 00:05:56,204 --> 00:06:00,074 Without intrusion, political correctness or interference is gone. 109 00:06:00,944 --> 00:06:04,994 We can't speak openly, are candidly, almost anywhere anymore. 110 00:06:05,864 --> 00:06:11,174 And so this really digs into this idea of brotherhood when 111 00:06:11,174 --> 00:06:12,854 this man who just does not. 112 00:06:14,714 --> 00:06:21,314 Connect with anybody, all of a sudden becomes part of a brotherhood. 113 00:06:21,314 --> 00:06:27,644 A group of men who are on the same path, who align in different ways, 114 00:06:27,794 --> 00:06:31,034 may not be political, it may not be all their beliefs, but they, they 115 00:06:31,039 --> 00:06:32,894 have this alignment and this goal. 116 00:06:33,644 --> 00:06:38,264 Now, you may wanna argue with me here that men still need the locker room. 117 00:06:38,699 --> 00:06:44,339 We need a place where we can speak deeply or crudely or stupidly without 118 00:06:44,339 --> 00:06:49,199 fear of judgment these days, or god forbid, legal repercussions these days. 119 00:06:49,919 --> 00:06:55,859 I mean, I saw a post on Instagram and it was that post where the woman's you've 120 00:06:55,859 --> 00:06:59,219 all seen is that stupid meme where the woman's laying in bed going, I wonder 121 00:06:59,219 --> 00:07:00,179 if he's thinking about other women. 122 00:07:00,179 --> 00:07:03,239 He's laying on the other side of the bed thinking about something stupid, 123 00:07:03,989 --> 00:07:05,999 and it was supposed to by a woman. 124 00:07:06,899 --> 00:07:09,269 And she said, I asked my boyfriend the other day cuz he was looked 125 00:07:09,269 --> 00:07:11,249 off in the distance, like, What are you thinking about? 126 00:07:12,749 --> 00:07:16,079 And he said, How do they know how to make the thickness of the rubber on 127 00:07:16,079 --> 00:07:17,759 the tires and get them onto the tire? 128 00:07:19,349 --> 00:07:24,029 And she said, Women stop worrying about these things because 95% of the time, 129 00:07:24,119 --> 00:07:26,609 if you ask your man, this is the kind of stupid things they're thinking about. 130 00:07:26,609 --> 00:07:27,509 And it's true. 131 00:07:27,809 --> 00:07:28,709 And it's not stupid. 132 00:07:28,949 --> 00:07:30,389 Men like to ponder. 133 00:07:30,794 --> 00:07:34,274 Why things happen, what causes things, how it happens. 134 00:07:34,544 --> 00:07:36,224 Our brains are just wired that way. 135 00:07:36,914 --> 00:07:40,664 We need places where we can connect with other men and we 136 00:07:40,664 --> 00:07:42,164 can think about stupid things. 137 00:07:42,464 --> 00:07:46,154 Can raccoons swim during a flood, in a hurricane? 138 00:07:47,054 --> 00:07:47,834 I don't know. 139 00:07:48,254 --> 00:07:49,544 Cross my mind a time or two. 140 00:07:50,804 --> 00:07:56,204 So we need those spaces and you'll have to look really hard to find them these 141 00:07:56,204 --> 00:07:59,444 days as the way society has shifted. 142 00:07:59,804 --> 00:08:02,534 There are less and less spaces that are just for men. 143 00:08:03,914 --> 00:08:09,404 Now, you're gonna have to dig, but you need to find a place to have brotherhood. 144 00:08:09,409 --> 00:08:12,194 And for you that may be it's, you just do studio for you. 145 00:08:13,184 --> 00:08:15,974 I'd say that's Boy Scout could be Boy Scouts, but Right. 146 00:08:15,974 --> 00:08:19,634 Boy Scouts now have, can have women in it, right? 147 00:08:19,754 --> 00:08:22,814 We have less and less spaces, so you're gonna have to look hard. 148 00:08:23,894 --> 00:08:28,334 There may be online groups, but you need to find something more localized so you 149 00:08:28,334 --> 00:08:30,404 can physically connect with other men. 150 00:08:31,514 --> 00:08:38,054 Find a space for, find a space with men who can be your brothers, men who 151 00:08:38,104 --> 00:08:43,034 you can line with, men who you can commiserate with, men who can inspire 152 00:08:43,034 --> 00:08:47,954 you and encourage you, and that you can have their back men who will 153 00:08:47,954 --> 00:08:49,844 come alongside you in your journey. 154 00:08:50,204 --> 00:08:51,904 And if you wanna thrive as a man. 155 00:08:52,649 --> 00:08:56,339 This is something that you're gonna have to find and this is something 156 00:08:56,339 --> 00:08:58,199 we can learn from Fight Club. 157 00:08:58,709 --> 00:09:02,489 If you wanna thrive as a man, you need to seek brotherhood. 158 00:09:03,479 --> 00:09:04,319 Number two, guys. 159 00:09:04,649 --> 00:09:06,059 Men need a physical outlet. 160 00:09:07,109 --> 00:09:12,359 So Fight Club is a title, should be a parent. 161 00:09:13,889 --> 00:09:16,829 But if you missed a somehow in the introduction, they start an underground 162 00:09:16,829 --> 00:09:18,959 Bear Knuckles, no Hold Bar, Fight Club. 163 00:09:20,369 --> 00:09:24,899 Members fighting monoi mono until one of them submits or loses consciousness. 164 00:09:24,929 --> 00:09:25,979 It's part of the rules. 165 00:09:26,909 --> 00:09:31,139 It goes as long as it has to, but that's, you can either tap out 166 00:09:31,139 --> 00:09:35,039 basically and submit, or you can lose consciousness and the fight stops. 167 00:09:35,909 --> 00:09:38,729 But these guys beat the living daylights out of each other. 168 00:09:38,729 --> 00:09:39,209 I mean, the. 169 00:09:40,154 --> 00:09:43,184 The guys in the club throughout the movie, they do a great job of showing how, 170 00:09:43,274 --> 00:09:45,434 how beat up they look in everyday life. 171 00:09:45,884 --> 00:09:49,124 Cuz it shows them throughout their day with all these bruises 172 00:09:49,129 --> 00:09:50,534 and bandages and stuff like that. 173 00:09:51,344 --> 00:09:55,634 Now you may not need a place where you literally beat the hell out 174 00:09:55,634 --> 00:09:57,614 of other men or, or maybe you do. 175 00:09:58,304 --> 00:10:01,064 I laugh when I hear men who don't understand the appeal 176 00:10:01,064 --> 00:10:02,294 of that part of Fight Club. 177 00:10:03,104 --> 00:10:06,404 A bunch of men beating each other, senseless for some 178 00:10:06,404 --> 00:10:08,444 men just seems terrifying. 179 00:10:08,444 --> 00:10:08,924 Our sense. 180 00:10:10,184 --> 00:10:13,574 I get it because my brother and I grew up that way. 181 00:10:13,634 --> 00:10:15,524 We smart daily after high school. 182 00:10:15,614 --> 00:10:18,494 Now, to be clear, that evolved scars and broken bones. 183 00:10:18,499 --> 00:10:20,024 We weren't playing patty cake. 184 00:10:20,444 --> 00:10:24,374 We had bouts that included baseball bats, Swords, Yes. 185 00:10:24,434 --> 00:10:26,984 Real swords, knives and more. 186 00:10:27,224 --> 00:10:30,204 Bear knuckles was just usually the start of the session and 187 00:10:30,209 --> 00:10:31,604 it expanded very quickly from. 188 00:10:32,774 --> 00:10:35,024 That was years before Fight Club came out. 189 00:10:35,024 --> 00:10:39,314 That was before as MMA was getting started, like that was a new idea to us. 190 00:10:39,974 --> 00:10:40,814 So I get it. 191 00:10:41,324 --> 00:10:41,984 Let me be clear. 192 00:10:41,984 --> 00:10:46,904 It was a bad idea what we were doing, , any of my younger listeners, 193 00:10:46,934 --> 00:10:49,724 it was a bad idea what we were doing. 194 00:10:50,024 --> 00:10:52,544 We're probably lucky we didn't kill each other in this. 195 00:10:53,024 --> 00:10:54,074 Probably not what you should do. 196 00:10:55,094 --> 00:10:55,724 Just say. 197 00:10:56,594 --> 00:10:58,664 However, there are options now, right? 198 00:10:58,664 --> 00:11:00,554 Jujitsu clubs are growing and spreading. 199 00:11:00,559 --> 00:11:04,784 Now, there are other martial arts out there, but not quite 200 00:11:04,784 --> 00:11:08,564 as effective as jujitsu are. 201 00:11:08,804 --> 00:11:09,434 MMA training. 202 00:11:09,974 --> 00:11:10,304 Why? 203 00:11:10,309 --> 00:11:16,444 Because sparring is a core component of those practices, so they're 204 00:11:16,784 --> 00:11:18,874 actually a little more effective than some of the other martial arts, 205 00:11:18,874 --> 00:11:20,764 like TaeKwonDo and stuff like that. 206 00:11:21,664 --> 00:11:26,715 So if you need that physical competition, then look into one of those. 207 00:11:28,125 --> 00:11:31,395 If you don't need the physical comp competition, but you need that 208 00:11:31,395 --> 00:11:34,195 physicality, go get in the gym. 209 00:11:34,219 --> 00:11:37,004 There are all kinds of variations on the gym these days. 210 00:11:37,364 --> 00:11:41,684 You could be into strong man, like I like strong man stuff. 211 00:11:41,684 --> 00:11:42,524 Our power lifting. 212 00:11:42,524 --> 00:11:44,144 You can be a body builder. 213 00:11:44,144 --> 00:11:44,924 You could. 214 00:11:45,389 --> 00:11:47,039 Do CrossFit, right? 215 00:11:47,309 --> 00:11:48,389 Not hating on CrossFit. 216 00:11:48,389 --> 00:11:53,549 Here at Le, at the very least, take up some kind of physical exertion. 217 00:11:54,059 --> 00:11:57,299 Take up climbing, go mountain biking, play sports in the park, 218 00:11:57,329 --> 00:12:00,329 Do obstacle course events like Spartan and Tough Motor like I do. 219 00:12:01,139 --> 00:12:03,359 That's actually why I started doing OCRs. 220 00:12:03,629 --> 00:12:07,049 Working at a desk was suffocating me mentally and emotionally, 221 00:12:07,049 --> 00:12:09,209 and I needed a physical escape. 222 00:12:09,209 --> 00:12:12,479 I needed to get physical again, and I've loved it ever since. 223 00:12:13,574 --> 00:12:18,644 Men are revitalized when we let loose the physical part of our makeup, and 224 00:12:18,644 --> 00:12:21,014 it makes you stronger in every way. 225 00:12:22,094 --> 00:12:26,174 If you wanna thrive and get results as a man, then you need to get physical and get 226 00:12:26,174 --> 00:12:27,704 that physical outlet coin in your life. 227 00:12:27,734 --> 00:12:32,327 I promise you, as you get physical and you scale it. 228 00:12:32,357 --> 00:12:32,717 Okay. 229 00:12:32,717 --> 00:12:37,967 If you are a seasoned couch potato and desk jockey, scale it. 230 00:12:38,747 --> 00:12:39,107 Yeah. 231 00:12:39,107 --> 00:12:40,487 At first it will be hard. 232 00:12:40,832 --> 00:12:43,202 I'm not saying to go hit the gym five days a week. 233 00:12:43,232 --> 00:12:47,852 If you are 200 pounds overweight and you've, the most workout you've done 234 00:12:47,852 --> 00:12:53,312 is to lift a beer to your lips in the last six years, start getting physical. 235 00:12:53,312 --> 00:12:57,092 And as you build that physicality, you will feel better mentally, 236 00:12:57,272 --> 00:13:00,992 emotionally, you will be more clear and it'll get easier and easier. 237 00:13:01,442 --> 00:13:04,472 And guys, it is incredibly critical for you. 238 00:13:04,472 --> 00:13:06,782 Just start getting physical in your life, I promise you. 239 00:13:07,862 --> 00:13:08,882 Number three. 240 00:13:11,007 --> 00:13:12,677 Suppressing yourself is unhealthy. 241 00:13:13,907 --> 00:13:14,777 Fair warning. 242 00:13:15,257 --> 00:13:16,757 Last chance to bail. 243 00:13:17,027 --> 00:13:17,867 Spoilers. 244 00:13:17,927 --> 00:13:19,307 Start here. 245 00:13:19,817 --> 00:13:23,957 So if you're still with me and you're still undecided, spoilers, start here. 246 00:13:24,077 --> 00:13:24,797 You've been warned. 247 00:13:24,857 --> 00:13:25,577 Last chance. 248 00:13:26,687 --> 00:13:31,127 When the story starts, we find our narrator living a Monday life, which he 249 00:13:31,127 --> 00:13:33,527 finds no joy, hope, pleasure, our meaning. 250 00:13:34,607 --> 00:13:37,697 He's just going through life wishing he had the courage to do more. 251 00:13:38,822 --> 00:13:42,932 Wishing to live bigger and to escape the conformity that dominated his life. 252 00:13:44,042 --> 00:13:49,232 Everything is the same day in and day out, and he lives for the weekend, which 253 00:13:49,232 --> 00:13:51,212 he still doesn't actually do anything. 254 00:13:51,902 --> 00:13:57,392 He can't sleep, which is really common with guys who aren't living 255 00:13:57,512 --> 00:14:01,082 a purposeful life and guys who are just going through the motions. 256 00:14:01,592 --> 00:14:03,212 He's a massive insomnia. 257 00:14:04,472 --> 00:14:06,752 And he can't seem to live the matrix of his life. 258 00:14:06,962 --> 00:14:09,362 Now I am saying Matrix looks in. 259 00:14:09,362 --> 00:14:10,592 Yeah, right. 260 00:14:10,802 --> 00:14:11,972 That's what they did in the Matrix. 261 00:14:11,972 --> 00:14:14,042 They just kinda lived a cycle constantly. 262 00:14:15,002 --> 00:14:17,702 Then he meets Tyler Durden last chance. 263 00:14:17,792 --> 00:14:18,482 Here we go. 264 00:14:19,112 --> 00:14:21,362 Tyler is the man he wants to be. 265 00:14:22,382 --> 00:14:23,462 He can't believe it. 266 00:14:23,852 --> 00:14:26,792 Tyler's like a messiah of manhood for him. 267 00:14:26,792 --> 00:14:31,532 He's an alpha male, hate that term, who lives large and loud and without re. 268 00:14:32,492 --> 00:14:39,122 The only problem in this case is he is Tyler Durden professionals would call 269 00:14:39,122 --> 00:14:43,232 this dissociative identity disorder or multiple personality disorder. 270 00:14:43,982 --> 00:14:49,652 His is more complex because not only is he both people, he actually interacts 271 00:14:49,657 --> 00:14:54,992 between the two, like he both people at the same time, which is not common 272 00:14:54,997 --> 00:14:56,642 with dissociative identity disorder. 273 00:14:57,812 --> 00:14:58,832 He is both people. 274 00:14:59,687 --> 00:15:02,867 Interacting, seeing the other person, like he literally sees 275 00:15:02,867 --> 00:15:07,157 Tyler Durden in front of him and is talking to him like he's right there. 276 00:15:07,847 --> 00:15:09,287 But he's both people. 277 00:15:10,457 --> 00:15:10,757 Now. 278 00:15:10,757 --> 00:15:13,187 Experts agree that this usually comes from two places. 279 00:15:13,577 --> 00:15:16,457 Usually this is massive trauma at some point in someone's life, 280 00:15:17,027 --> 00:15:19,847 or prolonged suppression of certain feelings and desires. 281 00:15:20,627 --> 00:15:24,347 And it's far more complicated of an issue than my simple explanation. 282 00:15:24,347 --> 00:15:25,557 Can do any justice of guys. 283 00:15:25,907 --> 00:15:27,517 It's not like I. 284 00:15:28,142 --> 00:15:29,931 A psychiatrist or a specialist. 285 00:15:29,931 --> 00:15:35,421 I just try to do my research well, but for my limited understanding, that's correct. 286 00:15:35,751 --> 00:15:38,121 Now, if you wanna get into that brain stuff, go to Dr. 287 00:15:38,121 --> 00:15:38,871 Do Dr. 288 00:15:38,871 --> 00:15:39,721 Hines channel. 289 00:15:39,721 --> 00:15:40,530 You've met Dr. 290 00:15:40,530 --> 00:15:43,590 Heim on the show before, and if you haven't, Dr. 291 00:15:43,590 --> 00:15:48,630 Heim is a very accomplished psychiatrist from Australia. 292 00:15:48,635 --> 00:15:50,430 I've had him on the show several times and he is worked 293 00:15:50,430 --> 00:15:51,660 with us on the Phoenix before. 294 00:15:52,230 --> 00:15:56,130 Check out him, he can give you these actual like scientific professional. 295 00:15:56,655 --> 00:15:59,055 I can't do that, but this is how I understand it. 296 00:15:59,835 --> 00:16:02,235 And so that's what we're working off of today. 297 00:16:03,285 --> 00:16:06,285 Are you gonna develop dissociative ID disorder? 298 00:16:06,285 --> 00:16:08,205 Because you don't gu your feelings? 299 00:16:08,715 --> 00:16:09,435 No. 300 00:16:11,055 --> 00:16:11,655 No. 301 00:16:12,645 --> 00:16:17,115 While you may not ever suffer the issue to that extent, by suppressing 302 00:16:17,115 --> 00:16:22,335 your emotions and your feelings and your thoughts suppressing your. 303 00:16:23,340 --> 00:16:26,850 Emotions, feelings and thoughts can be incredibly unhi, unhealthy. 304 00:16:27,360 --> 00:16:31,140 There are issues like loss of confidence, ed, depression. 305 00:16:31,145 --> 00:16:31,410 Yes. 306 00:16:31,410 --> 00:16:32,640 Ed is associated with that. 307 00:16:33,090 --> 00:16:36,270 Compensation issues, addiction, displacement of 308 00:16:36,270 --> 00:16:37,890 feelings, and so much more. 309 00:16:37,890 --> 00:16:40,920 All these complicated brain things, like I said, go to my friend Dr. 310 00:16:41,100 --> 00:16:43,530 Hs channel, He can get into all that with you. 311 00:16:43,530 --> 00:16:47,250 I can't, Can you imagine though, if the story. 312 00:16:49,350 --> 00:16:52,650 Would it progressed the same if the narrator had a couple good friends, 313 00:16:52,740 --> 00:16:55,740 you know, brotherhood who he could talk to and commiserate with. 314 00:16:56,730 --> 00:17:06,210 If you wanna thrive as a man, then guys, you, you need to learn the process and 315 00:17:06,480 --> 00:17:10,950 find healthy ways to handle your emotions and your feelings and your thoughts. 316 00:17:11,400 --> 00:17:15,300 You can't suppress them to thrive and get results as a man. 317 00:17:15,750 --> 00:17:17,230 That's just not how it works. 318 00:17:19,245 --> 00:17:20,085 Number four. 319 00:17:21,075 --> 00:17:24,765 We all have a desire for something meaningful in our lives. 320 00:17:25,695 --> 00:17:29,985 Number four, guys, we all have a desire for something meaningful in our lives. 321 00:17:30,975 --> 00:17:37,755 Now, this one should be fairly obvious, I would think, but you 322 00:17:37,755 --> 00:17:41,895 have to look at the narrator and kind of read between the lines. 323 00:17:43,125 --> 00:17:45,435 If you read between the lines in the movie, you can see that 324 00:17:45,435 --> 00:17:47,355 something is missing in his life. 325 00:17:48,195 --> 00:17:50,205 He keeps trying to fill the void with stuff. 326 00:17:50,595 --> 00:17:54,045 In fact, the movie goes into some detail and so does the book about 327 00:17:54,915 --> 00:17:58,665 just this meaningless consumer driven life where he just keeps trying to buy 328 00:17:58,670 --> 00:18:03,795 things and furniture that fit him and define him and, and fill those gaps. 329 00:18:03,795 --> 00:18:07,905 He doesn't even know really what he's feeling, but it's not working. 330 00:18:09,090 --> 00:18:12,990 What we do see, as I noted before, is a lack of meaningful connections 331 00:18:13,320 --> 00:18:14,850 throughout the whole setup of the film. 332 00:18:15,090 --> 00:18:18,270 You don't actually see him interact meaningfully with anybody. 333 00:18:19,080 --> 00:18:22,560 No women, no men, no kids, no. 334 00:18:23,070 --> 00:18:24,960 His work connections are bad. 335 00:18:25,530 --> 00:18:28,320 He doesn't have a place where he has purpose and where 336 00:18:28,320 --> 00:18:31,680 he fits and left him empty. 337 00:18:32,910 --> 00:18:34,380 Along comes Tyler Durden. 338 00:18:35,130 --> 00:18:36,420 What is selling sounds good. 339 00:18:36,420 --> 00:18:37,560 When you've got nothing, right? 340 00:18:37,560 --> 00:18:39,987 When you're just going through the motions and you have no purpose, 341 00:18:39,987 --> 00:18:45,747 you have no direction, you have no meaning, you have no connections. 342 00:18:46,797 --> 00:18:49,133 Snake Coyle, salesman come along and you're just like, 343 00:18:49,133 --> 00:18:50,453 Hey, that sounds great, right? 344 00:18:50,453 --> 00:18:51,833 It's gotta be better than this. 345 00:18:52,943 --> 00:18:59,103 I interviewed an author a while back named Nate Rifkin, and 346 00:18:59,103 --> 00:19:00,565 it's funny to me because I see. 347 00:19:01,275 --> 00:19:02,085 That story. 348 00:19:02,085 --> 00:19:06,225 Thinking back onto that interview, and if you didn't see that interview, check 349 00:19:06,225 --> 00:19:07,395 out my interview with Nate Rifkin. 350 00:19:07,455 --> 00:19:08,145 It was great. 351 00:19:08,145 --> 00:19:14,505 He wrote an incredible book called The Standing Meditation, and I won't 352 00:19:14,505 --> 00:19:18,525 go back into that, but it, I see the parallels because Nate was going 353 00:19:18,525 --> 00:19:23,475 through the motions too and got suckered into some bad choices because of it. 354 00:19:23,865 --> 00:19:27,485 Guys, that's what happens when you don't have purpose. 355 00:19:28,305 --> 00:19:32,715 When you don't have meaning, when you don't have something driving you, 356 00:19:33,425 --> 00:19:36,495 when you don't have those meaningful connections, when you don't have 357 00:19:36,495 --> 00:19:42,135 that, it's really easy to get sucked up in bad choices and bad decisions. 358 00:19:42,765 --> 00:19:47,205 I'm actually quite convinced a lot of young men make bad choices because they 359 00:19:47,205 --> 00:19:49,035 don't see the purpose of their life. 360 00:19:49,065 --> 00:19:52,065 They don't see the ideas, they don't see the meaning behind it or 361 00:19:52,065 --> 00:19:54,615 why they should do this or do that. 362 00:19:55,845 --> 00:19:58,755 I'm convinced that a lot of young men make those bad choices 363 00:19:59,745 --> 00:20:01,045 because there's just nothing. 364 00:20:01,051 --> 00:20:05,041 They don't get it because there's nothing for them to get apparently. 365 00:20:06,241 --> 00:20:08,521 Well, I don't agree with that. 366 00:20:09,781 --> 00:20:15,571 And while we're on that, let's talk about today's sponsor, which is me. 367 00:20:15,661 --> 00:20:17,101 Hey guys. 368 00:20:17,281 --> 00:20:20,401 The Phoenix Conference is coming up in February, and this is exactly 369 00:20:20,401 --> 00:20:21,151 what we're gonna talk about. 370 00:20:21,211 --> 00:20:22,981 I believe This is so important. 371 00:20:23,476 --> 00:20:26,146 This is the focus of the next Phoenix Conference. 372 00:20:26,626 --> 00:20:30,046 Back to the first Phoenix Conference, we talked about the importance 373 00:20:30,226 --> 00:20:33,996 of being a father figure role, model, a mentor, even if you're not 374 00:20:34,026 --> 00:20:35,526 necessarily physically a dad, right? 375 00:20:35,886 --> 00:20:38,826 There are a lot of coaches, youth ministers, teachers out 376 00:20:38,826 --> 00:20:42,276 there who are filling that role, and so we focused in on that. 377 00:20:42,276 --> 00:20:46,566 But on this time, I really wanna focus in on purpose because I believe 378 00:20:46,566 --> 00:20:48,906 every person is built with a purpose. 379 00:20:49,896 --> 00:20:52,806 Now the Phoenix Conference is coming up February 10th and 11th, and 380 00:20:52,806 --> 00:20:55,686 we do this both live and virtual. 381 00:20:56,556 --> 00:21:02,856 And tickets are available right now at www.foulman.com/the Phoenix. 382 00:21:03,366 --> 00:21:06,696 The early bird pricing, guys, and you can see if you're listening, 383 00:21:07,036 --> 00:21:09,336 I'm looking at a graphic right now. 384 00:21:09,666 --> 00:21:12,687 It's got Jim Fuller, Oliver, Marcelle, and Dai Manuel. 385 00:21:12,707 --> 00:21:15,191 , and I'm actually working on the next speakers for the event. 386 00:21:16,021 --> 00:21:19,621 We throw a pretty good event if I say so myself, guys are still 387 00:21:19,621 --> 00:21:22,981 talking about the last event and our virtual event is awesome too. 388 00:21:22,981 --> 00:21:23,821 Now I understand. 389 00:21:23,821 --> 00:21:27,991 If you don't live in central Washington, coming physically to the 390 00:21:27,991 --> 00:21:30,181 in-person event could be daunting. 391 00:21:30,186 --> 00:21:31,051 Our impossible. 392 00:21:31,111 --> 00:21:31,561 I get it. 393 00:21:32,671 --> 00:21:34,441 But our virtual event is pretty good too. 394 00:21:34,441 --> 00:21:35,761 We stream all the speakers. 395 00:21:35,761 --> 00:21:40,711 We also have breakout sessions on Zoom, and the breakout sessions 396 00:21:40,711 --> 00:21:41,941 are hosted by our speakers. 397 00:21:41,941 --> 00:21:43,111 You get to connect with them. 398 00:21:43,651 --> 00:21:47,341 And be a part of this conference, guys, so we have a great package for you there. 399 00:21:47,941 --> 00:21:49,981 And guys, I can't encourage you enough. 400 00:21:50,751 --> 00:21:52,951 Purpose is so important in your life. 401 00:21:53,731 --> 00:21:58,081 You have a tails, you have a purpose, you have a larger purpose, and 402 00:21:58,081 --> 00:21:59,521 you have smaller purposes in that. 403 00:22:00,571 --> 00:22:04,921 And yours may be different than mine, and that's okay, but we want to help you 404 00:22:05,011 --> 00:22:08,401 find your way into that purpose because you will live a more fulfilled life. 405 00:22:09,226 --> 00:22:13,066 You'll be happier, you will thrive better, and you'll get better results 406 00:22:13,066 --> 00:22:17,476 in your life as you grow when you know what that purpose is and when you 407 00:22:17,476 --> 00:22:19,816 actually actively seek that purpose. 408 00:22:20,986 --> 00:22:25,906 So let me ask you, we've talked about three, four 409 00:22:25,906 --> 00:22:27,076 truths already from Fight Club. 410 00:22:28,166 --> 00:22:30,076 Have any of them surprised you? 411 00:22:31,036 --> 00:22:31,756 Let us know. 412 00:22:31,756 --> 00:22:34,246 You can DM me on one of my social media accounts. 413 00:22:34,246 --> 00:22:37,546 I'm at the Fallible man everywhere except for Facebook where I'm at. 414 00:22:37,546 --> 00:22:41,446 Fallible man, because I just didn't know anything about Facebook when I set it up. 415 00:22:42,166 --> 00:22:45,856 So you can message me there and tell me, did any of these surprise you? 416 00:22:47,446 --> 00:22:50,786 Now as we roll into this, the next part of the show, guys, we're gonna go through 417 00:22:50,815 --> 00:22:53,695 Three more that I want to get into with. 418 00:22:54,445 --> 00:23:00,145 So we're talking about seven proven truths for men who won't results in their life. 419 00:23:00,160 --> 00:23:03,627 We're pulling wisdom from the oddest of places. 420 00:23:04,167 --> 00:23:06,447 We're pulling wisdom from the movie Fight Club. 421 00:23:06,447 --> 00:23:08,727 And if you haven't seen the movie Fight Club and you're just now 422 00:23:08,732 --> 00:23:12,537 getting on with this, spoilers have started and there are spoilers ahead. 423 00:23:12,807 --> 00:23:16,947 So if you wanna watch the movie, Go watch the movie, come back 424 00:23:16,947 --> 00:23:18,207 and turn the podcast back on. 425 00:23:18,627 --> 00:23:20,187 I want you to finish the podcast. 426 00:23:20,187 --> 00:23:20,607 Guys. 427 00:23:20,787 --> 00:23:24,687 I really think these are important things and they will help you to get 428 00:23:24,687 --> 00:23:28,437 the results you want and to thrive as a man because I think we can learn from 429 00:23:28,437 --> 00:23:32,607 anything, but there are spoilers, so you can check out there and do that. 430 00:23:33,127 --> 00:23:38,217 Otherwise, we're gonna keep rolling into what I think are some really important 431 00:23:38,222 --> 00:23:41,367 things, and as we go through this, guys. 432 00:23:42,402 --> 00:23:47,652 Just remember, if you have some thoughts, hey, it's really hard on podcast platforms 433 00:23:47,652 --> 00:23:51,762 to reach podcasters, but I have a live show on Monday nights specifically 434 00:23:51,762 --> 00:23:54,702 because I like to interact with my audience and I like to hear from you guys. 435 00:23:54,702 --> 00:23:59,712 I also am reachable on social media, so let me know if you 436 00:23:59,712 --> 00:24:00,732 have any thoughts on the show. 437 00:24:00,762 --> 00:24:01,632 Do you agree? 438 00:24:01,632 --> 00:24:02,802 Did I miss anything? 439 00:24:03,402 --> 00:24:04,722 Did any of these surprise you? 440 00:24:04,992 --> 00:24:06,612 Message me, let me know. 441 00:24:06,689 --> 00:24:07,979 Cuz I want your thoughts on this. 442 00:24:07,979 --> 00:24:10,649 That's the only thing I don't like about being a podcaster. 443 00:24:11,129 --> 00:24:14,459 It's just not a great platform for interacting with your audience. 444 00:24:14,459 --> 00:24:16,469 And you guys are why I do this. 445 00:24:17,669 --> 00:24:21,329 So let's move on to our next point. 446 00:24:21,359 --> 00:24:22,559 Number five, guys. 447 00:24:23,069 --> 00:24:26,279 Number five is two dogs. 448 00:24:26,519 --> 00:24:27,599 One wrong proverb. 449 00:24:28,889 --> 00:24:33,669 Now you've even probably heard me talk about the old. 450 00:24:34,289 --> 00:24:38,099 Native American proverb about two dogs inside every man. 451 00:24:39,119 --> 00:24:42,449 I know I've talked about it before, but maybe you're a new listener, 452 00:24:42,449 --> 00:24:44,639 so you haven't talked to me about it, but I wanted to share a new 453 00:24:44,639 --> 00:24:48,599 thought with you that I had about this in looking at the movie Fight 454 00:24:48,604 --> 00:24:50,189 Club and what's going on there. 455 00:24:50,879 --> 00:24:55,919 This movie illustrates how one side that's not fed can still rear 456 00:24:55,919 --> 00:25:00,419 its ugly head because it's fed by the slice and pains perceived or. 457 00:25:02,414 --> 00:25:06,704 Tyler and the narrator are two sides of the same coin, and much like the movie 458 00:25:06,704 --> 00:25:12,794 version of Jean Gray and the Phoenix one is control, balance, logic, conformity. 459 00:25:12,794 --> 00:25:18,374 The other is a creature of raw passion, creativity, emotion, and desire. 460 00:25:19,244 --> 00:25:21,944 It, it's like, uh, you know, a three year old. 461 00:25:22,424 --> 00:25:23,834 It's, it's just how it is. 462 00:25:25,514 --> 00:25:29,144 You exist just like the narrator did as both sides. 463 00:25:29,639 --> 00:25:34,709 And if you nurture one side and ignore it or suppress it, the other 464 00:25:35,639 --> 00:25:37,659 is just chaos waiting to erupt. 465 00:25:37,664 --> 00:25:40,626 That's what we're heard with this whole idea of, everybody has two 466 00:25:40,626 --> 00:25:42,336 dogs, whichever one you feed. 467 00:25:42,876 --> 00:25:45,966 I don't, I don't, I used to think that was a good idea, but I really 468 00:25:46,506 --> 00:25:51,696 think that old proverb missed it a bit because if you ignore one side 469 00:25:51,696 --> 00:25:53,526 entirely, you get what happened. 470 00:25:54,591 --> 00:25:59,181 Like Patrick Bateman in American Psycho, who can look all calm and 471 00:25:59,181 --> 00:26:02,751 together on the outside, but there's darkness right there just waiting. 472 00:26:02,756 --> 00:26:04,581 And eventually it just breaks through. 473 00:26:05,691 --> 00:26:08,421 If you ignore that other side, it doesn't go away. 474 00:26:09,291 --> 00:26:13,041 It doesn't stop being, and it actually can grow and get stronger too. 475 00:26:13,461 --> 00:26:15,111 So that too many movie references. 476 00:26:16,131 --> 00:26:18,868 Xmen American Psycho Fight Club too. 477 00:26:18,868 --> 00:26:21,088 No, is not because I love movie. 478 00:26:22,063 --> 00:26:25,453 How about one more because this is not a new subject. 479 00:26:26,233 --> 00:26:32,413 Robert Lewis Stevenson addressed this back in 1886 in the strange case of Dr. 480 00:26:32,413 --> 00:26:33,103 Jacko and Mr. 481 00:26:33,103 --> 00:26:33,433 Hyde. 482 00:26:35,383 --> 00:26:40,363 Now, in that one, there was a lab accident that kind of stimulated the 483 00:26:40,363 --> 00:26:44,893 release, just like in the movie X-Men two. 484 00:26:45,793 --> 00:26:49,963 Xmen three where Gene Gray turns into the dark phoenix or whatever. 485 00:26:50,533 --> 00:26:53,965 Gotta go back in the movies, Not the newer movies with Sophie 486 00:26:53,965 --> 00:26:59,365 Turner, but if you go back, right, Robert Lewis Stevenson saw this. 487 00:26:59,725 --> 00:27:07,195 There are good and bad to every person, and if you neglect one side entirely, 488 00:27:07,795 --> 00:27:09,835 it can come out in a really violent way. 489 00:27:10,555 --> 00:27:13,795 Now my humble research, I've not found a single case where 490 00:27:13,795 --> 00:27:15,655 this turns out good for anyone. 491 00:27:17,515 --> 00:27:19,915 There was a deep struggle in my life for a long time. 492 00:27:19,945 --> 00:27:22,225 How do I square with the darker side of myself and still 493 00:27:22,225 --> 00:27:23,815 be the person I want to be? 494 00:27:24,295 --> 00:27:25,855 So let me propose this idea. 495 00:27:26,845 --> 00:27:30,145 You don't need to feed one or the other. 496 00:27:30,177 --> 00:27:32,127 It's not a this or that. 497 00:27:33,327 --> 00:27:37,647 You harness them in tandem, like sled dogs or pulling horses. 498 00:27:38,427 --> 00:27:41,427 Let their combine strength work in your favor. 499 00:27:42,627 --> 00:27:45,567 It will require discipline and restrain at times, but you're a 500 00:27:45,567 --> 00:27:47,517 grown man, so you can do that, right? 501 00:27:48,807 --> 00:27:53,997 What if you put the harness on your whole self and bring all your 502 00:27:53,997 --> 00:27:56,157 strengths and weaknesses to bear? 503 00:27:57,057 --> 00:28:00,537 At the end of the movie, Tyler and the narrator get into a fight 504 00:28:01,527 --> 00:28:04,527 that's really hard to follow when you're watching the movie. 505 00:28:04,977 --> 00:28:07,377 Once, you know, the little twist at the end of the movie 506 00:28:07,377 --> 00:28:08,497 that they're the same person. 507 00:28:08,523 --> 00:28:12,963 So , that's, that's very interesting to actually witness and try and process. 508 00:28:13,503 --> 00:28:18,513 But the narrator puts Tyler down, but at the end of the movie, he stands alone and 509 00:28:18,513 --> 00:28:20,703 he watches his master plan come together. 510 00:28:21,033 --> 00:28:24,993 And there's a lot of fan theories as to what that means exactly. 511 00:28:25,953 --> 00:28:29,223 Many seem to think that it symbolizes the unity of the two parts coming together. 512 00:28:29,913 --> 00:28:31,953 Together into one awake individual. 513 00:28:32,733 --> 00:28:35,943 Well, what if the narrator hadn't tried to suppress himself emotionally and mentally? 514 00:28:36,633 --> 00:28:39,933 What if he had just met in the middle and let each side use his 515 00:28:39,938 --> 00:28:45,693 strengths and let each, and let the other side intercede on things that 516 00:28:46,083 --> 00:28:47,362 he shouldn't necessarily act on? 517 00:28:47,428 --> 00:28:48,328 Impulse control. 518 00:28:50,068 --> 00:28:53,098 We wouldn't have a movie to talk about, so I guess it would suck if that's how 519 00:28:53,103 --> 00:28:56,368 it had worked out, because there wouldn't have been this great movie to talk about. 520 00:28:56,368 --> 00:28:57,718 But what if you did? 521 00:28:59,518 --> 00:29:04,618 What if you take your whole self, the good, the bad, and the ugly, 522 00:29:05,218 --> 00:29:11,218 and you align yourself and harness yourself together in tandem, behind 523 00:29:11,218 --> 00:29:12,988 your goals, behind your aims? 524 00:29:13,438 --> 00:29:19,858 What if you align all that and you let your good strengths temper your 525 00:29:19,858 --> 00:29:22,348 weaknesses and you let your weaknesses? 526 00:29:23,323 --> 00:29:25,963 Guide you as warnings for your strengths. 527 00:29:25,963 --> 00:29:27,253 So you know, get outta control. 528 00:29:28,063 --> 00:29:34,843 What if we just harness all that together and focus on being one whole person and 529 00:29:35,053 --> 00:29:37,913 just act with some restraint, right? 530 00:29:37,913 --> 00:29:40,986 A little self restrain is why we don't have more stupidity in 531 00:29:40,986 --> 00:29:42,186 the world than we already do. 532 00:29:42,426 --> 00:29:46,536 So maybe it's actually possible, but I'm telling you, if you want 533 00:29:46,541 --> 00:29:50,931 to see the results you want in your life, And thrive is the man you are. 534 00:29:51,501 --> 00:29:58,491 Then you need to harness all of your strength, acknowledge your weaknesses, 535 00:29:58,491 --> 00:30:02,811 and let them temper each other so you can have the best of all your worlds together 536 00:30:02,871 --> 00:30:05,511 and align yourself for your goals. 537 00:30:07,191 --> 00:30:12,381 Number six, going to extremes sell and provides a real solution. 538 00:30:13,251 --> 00:30:18,141 I said at the beginning that Tyler and the narrator, total polar opposites. 539 00:30:19,971 --> 00:30:21,411 Ize of the same coin. 540 00:30:21,921 --> 00:30:27,021 The problem with the pendulum swing is we tend to go too far one way and then 541 00:30:27,021 --> 00:30:28,881 respond by going too far the other way. 542 00:30:29,091 --> 00:30:31,371 Now, if you've been on the show before, you've probably heard me talk about 543 00:30:31,371 --> 00:30:36,681 this cuz I really, this is a pet peeve of mine, is we tend to just ride that 544 00:30:36,711 --> 00:30:40,941 pendulum swing from one extreme to the other and we never actually get any 545 00:30:40,941 --> 00:30:45,441 kind of solution or real meaningful fix. 546 00:30:46,926 --> 00:30:50,496 The narrator was far from his best life, right? 547 00:30:50,856 --> 00:30:52,956 This isn't the life that any of us wanna leave. 548 00:30:53,016 --> 00:30:54,936 I mean live that any of us wanna live. 549 00:30:57,366 --> 00:30:59,376 Let's face it, none of us wanna live that life. 550 00:30:59,433 --> 00:31:01,893 It's so depressing that the character doesn't even get a name. 551 00:31:01,893 --> 00:31:03,783 He's just the narrator, right? 552 00:31:04,623 --> 00:31:06,363 Even though it's his life we're looking at. 553 00:31:07,503 --> 00:31:10,233 But Tyler was equally far the other direction. 554 00:31:10,233 --> 00:31:16,053 I mean, going way out in his style of life. 555 00:31:17,268 --> 00:31:20,958 Going to extremes rarely solves anything, and when it does 556 00:31:20,958 --> 00:31:23,238 is usually a temporary fix. 557 00:31:24,558 --> 00:31:27,918 As men, we have this great ability to temper our emotional responses 558 00:31:27,918 --> 00:31:29,148 more easily than women do. 559 00:31:30,588 --> 00:31:33,918 This is a huge advantage for us because it can prevent this radical 560 00:31:33,918 --> 00:31:36,648 swing if we use it appropriately. 561 00:31:38,328 --> 00:31:43,158 If you want to thrive and get the results in your life as a man that 562 00:31:43,158 --> 00:31:49,458 you want, You must learn to temper your responses on an emotional 563 00:31:49,458 --> 00:31:51,798 level and avoid the pendulum effect. 564 00:31:51,828 --> 00:31:52,348 Okay? 565 00:31:52,379 --> 00:31:54,209 It is the old A of one. 566 00:31:54,419 --> 00:31:54,929 Two wrongs. 567 00:31:54,929 --> 00:31:58,589 Don't make a right going too far one direction. 568 00:31:58,589 --> 00:32:00,149 All you gotta do is look at a country. 569 00:32:00,149 --> 00:32:03,359 Right now we have a lot of division going on currently in our 570 00:32:03,359 --> 00:32:06,629 country, and it's because we're stuck on this pendulum swing. 571 00:32:07,589 --> 00:32:08,669 No one's in the middle. 572 00:32:08,729 --> 00:32:11,369 We have, well there are people in the middle, Let me rephrase that. 573 00:32:12,539 --> 00:32:16,589 But we have this crazy pendulum swing and we have people on the far 574 00:32:16,594 --> 00:32:18,779 extreme left and far extreme right. 575 00:32:19,319 --> 00:32:23,999 And really, if we want progress, if we want to make lives better, if we 576 00:32:24,004 --> 00:32:28,199 want to help each other, if we want to be the men we need to be, then we 577 00:32:28,199 --> 00:32:33,449 need to come down here into this area of region logic in the middle, and not 578 00:32:33,449 --> 00:32:35,219 let our emotions pulls one direction. 579 00:32:35,729 --> 00:32:38,639 As a man, you are uniquely set up. 580 00:32:39,314 --> 00:32:42,584 To do that, it is instantly part of who you are. 581 00:32:43,724 --> 00:32:46,784 Now, I can go on about on that forever. 582 00:32:46,784 --> 00:32:50,864 I actually carefully put in my notes just to make sure I didn't rant about that 583 00:32:50,864 --> 00:32:54,764 point too long, guys, because I could definitely go off on that one for a while. 584 00:32:56,354 --> 00:33:02,384 So let's jump to point number seven that I want you to consider as a man. 585 00:33:02,384 --> 00:33:02,654 Okay? 586 00:33:02,654 --> 00:33:04,124 I can't tell you how to live your life. 587 00:33:04,394 --> 00:33:06,584 I've told you before, I wanna walk alongside. 588 00:33:07,259 --> 00:33:09,719 I wanna support you in your journey, cuz I'm on my own journey. 589 00:33:10,529 --> 00:33:13,679 I don't have all the answers, but I have some ideas that I wanna share 590 00:33:13,679 --> 00:33:16,889 with you and I wanna walk alongside you because I believe in brotherhood. 591 00:33:17,609 --> 00:33:22,859 So number seven for your consideration is stuff doesn't provide happiness. 592 00:33:25,559 --> 00:33:28,289 At the beginning of the show, I read you this quote. 593 00:33:28,379 --> 00:33:32,189 Advertising has us chasing cars and clothes, working jobs we hate. 594 00:33:32,189 --> 00:33:33,629 So we can buy bullshit we don't need. 595 00:33:34,184 --> 00:33:37,124 We are the middle children of history raised by television to believe that 596 00:33:37,124 --> 00:33:42,554 someday will be millionaires, movie stars, rock stars, but we won't. 597 00:33:43,064 --> 00:33:46,094 Tyler Durian says that in one of his speeches now at the heart of this movie. 598 00:33:46,154 --> 00:33:50,534 It is very anti capitalist, anti-establishment message, and we're not 599 00:33:50,534 --> 00:33:52,364 going to get into all that, as I said. 600 00:33:52,369 --> 00:33:56,774 But one takeaway we can get is that we are often influenced our culture 601 00:33:56,774 --> 00:33:59,244 to try and fix our life with stuff. 602 00:33:59,253 --> 00:34:01,588 That's what marketing and advertising is all about, right? 603 00:34:03,073 --> 00:34:08,593 Marketing is all emotional based as a podcaster, as a YouTuber, 604 00:34:08,593 --> 00:34:10,183 I look into marketing, right? 605 00:34:10,213 --> 00:34:12,523 And I study it because I'm not very good at it. 606 00:34:12,523 --> 00:34:17,113 I have a marketing company that hands my podcast because I'm not good at it. 607 00:34:17,683 --> 00:34:20,083 But marketing is based off emotion. 608 00:34:20,803 --> 00:34:22,183 It's not based off facts. 609 00:34:22,183 --> 00:34:26,353 It's not, Hey, the fact is you need this now. 610 00:34:26,383 --> 00:34:28,783 Marketing is based on feelings and emotion. 611 00:34:29,713 --> 00:34:32,443 Which is not my str strong point, so I have other people do it for me, 612 00:34:33,553 --> 00:34:40,993 but we see it right here, very, very on the nose in this movie, right? 613 00:34:41,023 --> 00:34:44,473 Right off the bat, we see the narrators trying to plug the holes in his life 614 00:34:44,473 --> 00:34:46,843 with all this stuff and all these things. 615 00:34:47,263 --> 00:34:50,173 Like it even goes through a scene, if you haven't seen it, where he's 616 00:34:50,178 --> 00:34:53,203 walking through the house, like painting the house and seeing the 617 00:34:53,203 --> 00:34:56,413 price tags of all the different things that you see in this shot. 618 00:34:58,168 --> 00:35:02,788 Tyler goes on to touch on it throughout the entire story, but we see it here 619 00:35:03,088 --> 00:35:04,888 in this quote that we started with. 620 00:35:05,608 --> 00:35:08,158 We worked for years and jobs we hate for what reason? 621 00:35:08,428 --> 00:35:10,618 Now, this is not a Sunday school answer. 622 00:35:10,618 --> 00:35:13,598 You can't just say, provision and walk away from this idea. 623 00:35:13,667 --> 00:35:18,047 Men with families and not just men with immediate families 624 00:35:18,047 --> 00:35:19,097 that are their responsibility. 625 00:35:19,157 --> 00:35:20,777 Men with larger families, right? 626 00:35:20,782 --> 00:35:22,187 You came from somewhere, right? 627 00:35:22,187 --> 00:35:23,567 You have parents, you probably have sibling. 628 00:35:25,637 --> 00:35:29,717 You have people around you that you have kind of taken in or responsible 629 00:35:29,717 --> 00:35:31,487 for or have some responsibility for. 630 00:35:31,487 --> 00:35:36,557 Even if you don't have your own kids, Men understand the 631 00:35:36,557 --> 00:35:38,987 idea of provision we provide. 632 00:35:38,992 --> 00:35:40,367 That's one of our strengths. 633 00:35:40,367 --> 00:35:42,087 That's one of the things we're made to do. 634 00:35:42,977 --> 00:35:48,767 But you can't go permission and walk away from this idea, guys. 635 00:35:49,427 --> 00:35:49,847 Yeah. 636 00:35:50,327 --> 00:35:54,857 We work to provide for those in our charge, but we provide much more than 637 00:35:54,857 --> 00:35:56,237 their basic needs most of the time. 638 00:35:57,497 --> 00:35:58,997 Like put this through your head for a minute. 639 00:35:59,357 --> 00:36:02,927 If you cut out all the extras, started shopping more frugally for the things 640 00:36:02,927 --> 00:36:05,657 you have to have, like clothes, right? 641 00:36:06,077 --> 00:36:10,277 What if you started buying all clothes at Goodwill or thrift stores? 642 00:36:11,537 --> 00:36:13,337 Do you have to have new designer clothes? 643 00:36:13,757 --> 00:36:16,337 What if you started sewing your clothes to make them last longer? 644 00:36:17,477 --> 00:36:20,457 What if you stop buying the newer stuff and stretched out? 645 00:36:20,457 --> 00:36:21,567 Use, How old is your phone? 646 00:36:22,467 --> 00:36:23,577 How old is your car? 647 00:36:23,683 --> 00:36:25,963 What if we cut out the extras like tv? 648 00:36:26,593 --> 00:36:30,163 No one actually needs a TV to live like no one. 649 00:36:31,273 --> 00:36:34,063 I know people who can't pay their bills, who have huge televisions. 650 00:36:34,423 --> 00:36:36,433 No one needs a television. 651 00:36:37,213 --> 00:36:38,593 It does not give you life. 652 00:36:38,593 --> 00:36:39,823 It does not nurture you. 653 00:36:41,503 --> 00:36:43,513 What if we cut out the comfort foods and the snacks? 654 00:36:44,773 --> 00:36:50,593 What if we really look at need versus the standard we desire to 655 00:36:50,593 --> 00:36:53,143 live at, what's the difference? 656 00:36:54,493 --> 00:36:58,903 Could you change your job to something that made a little less, 657 00:36:59,353 --> 00:37:04,363 that you might enjoy more if you really reigned it in that way? 658 00:37:05,293 --> 00:37:07,213 Could you take a lower paying job that. 659 00:37:07,843 --> 00:37:12,193 Not spend you as much emotionally and mentally so that you could 660 00:37:12,193 --> 00:37:16,723 build that side hustle that one day might replace your income. 661 00:37:18,073 --> 00:37:23,893 I recently saw the new definition of wealth in a social post, and I air 662 00:37:23,893 --> 00:37:28,063 quote the word new cuz I, I'm not sure it's just pointing out the obvious. 663 00:37:28,123 --> 00:37:31,453 Honestly, the old definition was a lot of money. 664 00:37:32,923 --> 00:37:33,853 Pretty straightforward. 665 00:37:34,588 --> 00:37:38,068 The newer definition A, is actually why we wanted a lot of money. 666 00:37:38,068 --> 00:37:40,978 That's why I say new with air quotes cuz I don't think is new. 667 00:37:42,358 --> 00:37:46,208 And the new definition is the ability to decide how you spend the majority 668 00:37:46,208 --> 00:37:48,804 of your time and the means to do so. 669 00:37:48,804 --> 00:37:49,791 Wealth is relevant. 670 00:37:50,541 --> 00:38:00,081 You can make $80,000 a year or $60,000 a year with almost no overhead. 671 00:38:01,776 --> 00:38:07,356 And work on a laptop sitting on beach somewhere these days. 672 00:38:07,376 --> 00:38:09,746 That's the amazing thing about the time we're in. 673 00:38:11,066 --> 00:38:14,294 Tim Ferris talks about the concept in his book, The Four Hour Work Week 674 00:38:14,294 --> 00:38:17,919 and it's, I think you should actually read it and know you're not only 675 00:38:17,919 --> 00:38:20,619 gonna work four hours a week, that was just to get people's attention. 676 00:38:21,999 --> 00:38:25,389 But I'm absolutely thrilled to see more and more people coming around to 677 00:38:25,389 --> 00:38:27,669 this slot, people starting to live. 678 00:38:28,974 --> 00:38:34,344 At a lower income level, but they're thriving that income level because they're 679 00:38:34,344 --> 00:38:36,444 not necessarily living in the giant house. 680 00:38:36,444 --> 00:38:40,104 Now they're living in a different country where that money goes a lot 681 00:38:40,104 --> 00:38:44,784 farther because they can work remotely, and so they may only make $50,000 a 682 00:38:44,784 --> 00:38:49,404 year, but where they've chosen to live $50,000 a year, less them live like a 683 00:38:49,404 --> 00:38:54,534 king and they have a job where they can kind of make their terms work, right. 684 00:38:54,539 --> 00:38:55,284 They just have to. 685 00:38:56,919 --> 00:39:00,879 Deliver all the things they're supposed to deliver, but no one's babysitting them. 686 00:39:00,879 --> 00:39:04,359 No one's looking over how many hours they've been doing it, right? 687 00:39:04,689 --> 00:39:06,219 That is wealth. 688 00:39:06,759 --> 00:39:12,099 So you might make $250,000 a year, but you work 80 thou 80 hours a 689 00:39:12,099 --> 00:39:20,589 week, you know, 52 weeks a year, and your overhead is $170,000 a year. 690 00:39:21,279 --> 00:39:22,509 Now, are you more we. 691 00:39:23,544 --> 00:39:29,154 Then the person who makes $50,000 a year that has a $10,000 a year overhead 692 00:39:29,784 --> 00:39:33,594 and works a couple hours a week because he just delivers deliverables. 693 00:39:33,661 --> 00:39:39,806 It's a changing concept that we need to get used to, and that is stuff 694 00:39:39,811 --> 00:39:41,486 doesn't necessarily provide happiness. 695 00:39:42,146 --> 00:39:42,626 Okay. 696 00:39:42,866 --> 00:39:44,786 Having more stuff doesn't necessarily make it better. 697 00:39:45,266 --> 00:39:48,986 Cutting that back so you can live a wealthy. 698 00:39:51,146 --> 00:39:54,626 To live on your standard, to live on the way you want to live, where you 699 00:39:54,626 --> 00:39:56,696 want to live, do what you wanna do. 700 00:39:57,236 --> 00:40:01,676 We gotta get these concepts because they're not in sync at this point. 701 00:40:02,726 --> 00:40:04,016 Stuff isn't happiness. 702 00:40:04,676 --> 00:40:05,846 Stuff isn't wealth. 703 00:40:06,296 --> 00:40:07,886 Money isn't necessarily wealth. 704 00:40:08,576 --> 00:40:12,326 How you get to spend your life, how do you get to spend your time? 705 00:40:12,926 --> 00:40:13,826 That's wealth. 706 00:40:15,206 --> 00:40:17,546 It's not a new concept, like I said, I think is funny, but. 707 00:40:19,976 --> 00:40:21,566 We've always been after the same thing, right? 708 00:40:21,566 --> 00:40:25,106 We wanted more money so we could live on our terms. 709 00:40:25,222 --> 00:40:29,542 If you wanna thrive and get results as a man, you need to get out of this 710 00:40:29,542 --> 00:40:32,122 trap of thinking stuff equals wealth. 711 00:40:32,662 --> 00:40:34,252 Stuff equals happiness. 712 00:40:34,252 --> 00:40:37,042 Stuff equals accomplishment. 713 00:40:37,102 --> 00:40:38,572 Stuff doesn't do any of that. 714 00:40:39,052 --> 00:40:40,222 Stuff is stuff. 715 00:40:40,942 --> 00:40:44,062 Get it outta your head if you want to thrive and get results 716 00:40:45,112 --> 00:40:46,582 now guys, you have been awesome. 717 00:40:47,152 --> 00:40:52,042 And so I wanna give you one more, and so we're gonna go into number eight, which 718 00:40:52,042 --> 00:40:54,232 is the very first rule of fight club. 719 00:40:55,252 --> 00:40:58,462 The first rule of fight club is you don't talk about fight club. 720 00:40:59,542 --> 00:41:02,722 In the movie fight club, there are eight rules that are sacred to the group, 721 00:41:02,872 --> 00:41:06,832 and number one is you don't talk about fight club, followed by number two, 722 00:41:06,832 --> 00:41:12,652 which is also, you don't talk about fight club in the world of social media. 723 00:41:13,772 --> 00:41:17,962 Constant updates and putting pe, putting people, putting their entire lives online. 724 00:41:19,342 --> 00:41:24,532 There is a value here in this idea of you don't talk about fight club. 725 00:41:25,312 --> 00:41:30,112 Some things, some things in life are better left unsaid, are kept private. 726 00:41:31,462 --> 00:41:35,002 I'm so grateful that I grew up before the time period we're in right now. 727 00:41:36,442 --> 00:41:40,492 I'm thrilled that my stupid mistakes are not immortalized forever on the. 728 00:41:41,482 --> 00:41:42,772 Because I had a lot of them. 729 00:41:42,772 --> 00:41:44,602 I'm glad there weren't cameras around. 730 00:41:45,712 --> 00:41:50,302 I'm not saying I would not have followed a suit because I absolutely would've been 731 00:41:50,302 --> 00:41:53,422 stupid and followed suit and done the same thing that young people are doing now. 732 00:41:53,902 --> 00:41:57,022 And I would've put my whole life online because that's what everybody else did. 733 00:41:59,512 --> 00:42:02,932 I'm just glad it didn't exist because I would've done that 734 00:42:03,022 --> 00:42:04,342 because that was what you do. 735 00:42:04,479 --> 00:42:07,719 And that's what our young people do now, and even our young adults and even a 736 00:42:07,719 --> 00:42:15,114 lot of adults, I know so many adults who update Facebook all the time before you 737 00:42:15,114 --> 00:42:18,894 call me old, realize that this was less than 20 years ago that this BA behavior 738 00:42:18,894 --> 00:42:21,774 wasn't even possible for most of us. 739 00:42:22,044 --> 00:42:25,254 So before I hear some of the audience going, Oh, you 740 00:42:25,254 --> 00:42:28,614 will Boomer, stop yard dumb. 741 00:42:29,384 --> 00:42:31,164 This was less than 20 years ago. 742 00:42:31,164 --> 00:42:34,704 Technology is moving incredibly rapidly, and if you're old enough to have 743 00:42:34,704 --> 00:42:37,554 seen it, I had the first modern flip. 744 00:42:38,889 --> 00:42:41,439 The precursor at the beginning of modern cell phones. 745 00:42:41,829 --> 00:42:43,029 I had the very first one. 746 00:42:43,029 --> 00:42:44,859 I was 19 when it came out. 747 00:42:46,809 --> 00:42:47,889 I'm only 42. 748 00:42:48,489 --> 00:42:52,119 This was not a long go time ago, and you couldn't post to Facebook 749 00:42:52,119 --> 00:42:53,259 cuz Facebook didn't exist. 750 00:42:53,949 --> 00:42:56,409 You couldn't post off your cell phone to the internet. 751 00:42:56,409 --> 00:43:00,279 It didn't work that way, at least not with common cell phones. 752 00:43:02,109 --> 00:43:05,409 Guys, there's nothing wrong with staying little mysterious. 753 00:43:05,679 --> 00:43:07,449 Leave some mystique to yourself. 754 00:43:08,379 --> 00:43:10,629 Once you put it out there, it's there forever. 755 00:43:10,629 --> 00:43:14,289 And there are some people who are gonna have horrible regrets later in their life. 756 00:43:15,129 --> 00:43:16,809 They're focused on money right now. 757 00:43:16,809 --> 00:43:21,489 They're focused on short term fame instead of long term thoughts and goals 758 00:43:22,449 --> 00:43:24,429 that are way more important than money. 759 00:43:24,669 --> 00:43:27,549 And it's gonna come back to bite them in the ass later. 760 00:43:28,839 --> 00:43:30,309 Stay a little mysterious. 761 00:43:30,349 --> 00:43:31,959 Don't talk about everything. 762 00:43:31,959 --> 00:43:33,609 Now you can talk about some things. 763 00:43:33,639 --> 00:43:34,749 You can share some things. 764 00:43:34,754 --> 00:43:35,979 I'm not saying you can. 765 00:43:37,089 --> 00:43:39,159 But try, try it from this perspective. 766 00:43:39,429 --> 00:43:41,199 I used to hire people, okay? 767 00:43:41,199 --> 00:43:41,709 I used to. 768 00:43:41,709 --> 00:43:45,429 I used to be one of the hiring managers, and I will readily admit 769 00:43:45,434 --> 00:43:50,529 the first thing I did with a resume is go and check your social media 770 00:43:50,829 --> 00:43:52,119 and your professional media accounts. 771 00:43:52,119 --> 00:43:54,999 I didn't just go to your LinkedIn, I went to your Facebook. 772 00:43:55,329 --> 00:43:57,669 I went looking for you on Instagram and on Twitter. 773 00:43:58,569 --> 00:44:01,959 If you put it out there on a public PA platform, it's fair game as 774 00:44:01,959 --> 00:44:05,229 far as I'm concerned, and people will show you their true nature. 775 00:44:05,889 --> 00:44:11,079 When they are only paying attention to their friends, seeing it, I can't 776 00:44:11,079 --> 00:44:15,489 say I made all my hiring decisions based on that, but trust me, if I 777 00:44:15,494 --> 00:44:21,399 saw something that just blew you out of the water, you didn't get hired, 778 00:44:22,209 --> 00:44:24,129 leave a little to the imagination. 779 00:44:24,134 --> 00:44:26,979 Don't put your whole world up there for the world to see. 780 00:44:29,289 --> 00:44:31,149 Let me give you four reasons no one accepts. 781 00:44:31,149 --> 00:44:33,309 A small handful of people actually care. 782 00:44:34,209 --> 00:44:38,109 I don't care how many Facebook friends you have, and I hate Facebook friends because 783 00:44:38,679 --> 00:44:41,349 I don't hate the people who friend me on Facebook, but I hate the term friends. 784 00:44:41,349 --> 00:44:45,129 For the people who connect with you on Facebook, because they're not your friends 785 00:44:45,129 --> 00:44:50,169 necessarily, I have a, I have friends who have a thousand plus friends on Facebook. 786 00:44:50,979 --> 00:44:54,219 They don't spend time with all those people who, Sorry, hit my mic. 787 00:44:56,229 --> 00:44:58,539 I have friends who have over a thousand friends on Facebook. 788 00:44:58,989 --> 00:45:00,759 They don't spend time with all those people. 789 00:45:00,789 --> 00:45:02,829 They're not their friends guys. 790 00:45:03,444 --> 00:45:05,934 No one except a small handful of people in your life actually 791 00:45:05,934 --> 00:45:06,984 care about what you're posting. 792 00:45:06,984 --> 00:45:09,834 Most of the time, you're not that special. 793 00:45:10,194 --> 00:45:13,464 Our everything you do is not pure gold, and that includes myself. 794 00:45:13,974 --> 00:45:14,244 Okay? 795 00:45:14,784 --> 00:45:15,774 Talking to me too. 796 00:45:16,224 --> 00:45:20,004 Not everything that we do is that great, are worth sharing. 797 00:45:20,064 --> 00:45:20,694 I promise you. 798 00:45:20,694 --> 00:45:22,074 In fact, most of it isn't. 799 00:45:23,714 --> 00:45:26,844 There are things that are left better, un unsure. 800 00:45:26,844 --> 00:45:28,764 We don't need to know about all your relationship. 801 00:45:28,769 --> 00:45:31,824 We don't need to know the intimate details of your relationship and shouldn't. 802 00:45:33,339 --> 00:45:38,559 We don't need to know that you checked in at Chick-fil-A or 803 00:45:38,559 --> 00:45:40,509 wherever else you checked in at. 804 00:45:42,339 --> 00:45:43,569 No one actually cares. 805 00:45:43,889 --> 00:45:46,779 Everyone's just competing for likes and it's a system you can't win and 806 00:45:46,784 --> 00:45:51,489 neither can I first rule fight club. 807 00:45:52,149 --> 00:45:54,009 We don't talk about fight club. 808 00:45:54,579 --> 00:45:57,579 Not everything in your life needs to be shared. 809 00:45:57,579 --> 00:45:58,899 Not everything in your life. 810 00:45:59,784 --> 00:46:03,624 Is better off shared with the whole world, guys, that's not something that 811 00:46:03,624 --> 00:46:05,274 you need to throw out there all the time. 812 00:46:05,274 --> 00:46:07,374 It's not something that needs to be available for everybody. 813 00:46:08,514 --> 00:46:13,254 In fact, your life will be better sometimes if you just go low key 814 00:46:13,434 --> 00:46:17,094 and check out and stop sharing anything and just put some work in. 815 00:46:17,784 --> 00:46:19,374 I guarantee it will make a difference. 816 00:46:19,374 --> 00:46:25,484 I If you want to get the results you want and thrive as a man in this world, maybe 817 00:46:25,484 --> 00:46:26,804 it's time to go a little low key on some. 818 00:46:28,274 --> 00:46:31,184 Stop sharing your whole life with the world. 819 00:46:31,604 --> 00:46:34,034 Retain some mystery now, guys. 820 00:46:34,034 --> 00:46:34,964 Did I miss anything? 821 00:46:36,074 --> 00:46:37,064 Share with me guys. 822 00:46:37,064 --> 00:46:41,174 Like I said, you can reach me at the Fallible Man or at Fallible Man 823 00:46:41,234 --> 00:46:43,854 on like nine different platforms. 824 00:46:43,854 --> 00:46:47,547 You can always message me on my website, connect with me on Facebook. 825 00:46:48,507 --> 00:46:51,693 And hey, if you got something out of this, leave me a review on Apple Podcast. 826 00:46:51,693 --> 00:46:55,413 That really helped me to keep doing these shows and I just really appreciate that. 827 00:46:55,418 --> 00:46:58,413 I tend to read them on air when people do that because it means so 828 00:46:58,413 --> 00:47:00,753 much to us here at The Fallible Man. 829 00:47:01,203 --> 00:47:02,973 But guys, let us know what you think of this list. 830 00:47:03,843 --> 00:47:04,893 Are you a Fight Club fan? 831 00:47:04,893 --> 00:47:05,613 Do you like Fight Club? 832 00:47:05,673 --> 00:47:07,053 I actually like the movie. 833 00:47:07,283 --> 00:47:08,463 Do you like the movie? 834 00:47:08,913 --> 00:47:09,933 Tell me what you think. 835 00:47:10,113 --> 00:47:10,503 What? 836 00:47:10,563 --> 00:47:13,563 What did you think of my breakdown of Fire Club? 837 00:47:13,593 --> 00:47:14,973 Am I off entirely? 838 00:47:15,063 --> 00:47:16,053 Do I miss something? 839 00:47:17,163 --> 00:47:17,633 Don't tell me. 840 00:47:17,633 --> 00:47:20,043 I missed it's the point in the movie cuz I, I did catch all that, 841 00:47:20,073 --> 00:47:23,193 but I tend to pull out the things I think is important in a movie 842 00:47:23,493 --> 00:47:25,173 and I hope you enjoyed it as well. 843 00:47:25,443 --> 00:47:28,443 Guys, as always, be better tomorrow because of what you do today. 844 00:47:28,743 --> 00:47:29,703 We'll see on the next one. 845 00:47:30,513 --> 00:47:32,543 This has been the Fallible Man podcast. 846 00:47:33,713 --> 00:47:37,133 Your home for everything, man, husband, and father. 847 00:47:38,033 --> 00:47:40,493 Be sure to subscribe so you don't miss a show. 848 00:47:41,333 --> 00:47:47,963 Head over to www.thefallibleman.com for more content and get 849 00:47:47,963 --> 00:47:49,583 your own Fallible man gear.