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Heartbeats and Conspiracies: The Uncensored Tales of a Cardiologist Revealed

Brace yourself for a paradigm-shattering dialogue that will obliterate everything you thought you knew about health and well-being. In this unfiltered conversation, the legendary "Paleocardiologist" Dr. Jack Wolfson unleashes a torrent of hard-hitting truths, pulling back the curtain on the profit-driven motives fueling our broken healthcare system.

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Brace yourself for a paradigm-shattering dialogue that will obliterate everything you thought you knew about health and well-being. In this unfiltered conversation, the legendary "Paleocardiologist" Dr. Jack Wolfson unleashes a torrent of hard-hitting truths, pulling back the curtain on the profit-driven motives fueling our broken healthcare system.

With over four decades of experience under his belt, Dr. Wolfson doesn't mince words as he exposes the systemic flaws that have allowed heart disease to reign as the number one killer, despite our supposed medical "advancements." But this isn't just a scathing critique of the status quo – it's a clarion call to reclaim your vitality through a revolutionary, nature-based approach.

Rooted in the foundational principles of "eat well, live well, think well," Dr. Wolfson maps out a comprehensive blueprint for fortifying your body against disease. You'll discover:

  • The three unconscious "filters" that distort your perception of reality, fueling chronic anger and emotional turmoil
  • Practical exercises to disarm these psychological landmines and cultivate inner peace
  • The shocking truth about sun exposure that defies mainstream dogma (and why slathering on sunscreen may be disastrous)
  • How to nurture a mindset of purpose, gratitude, and self-acceptance amidst life's chaos

But what truly sets this conversation apart is Dr. Wolfson's raw vulnerability and unapologetic candor. Through deeply personal stories – from his father's tragic battle with a rare neurological disorder to his own transformative journey toward holistic living – he dismantles the façade of medical authority with an authenticity that will leave you questioning everything.

Whether you're grappling with your own health challenges or simply seeking a fresh perspective, this conversation is a wake-up call to embrace a life of true vitality. One rooted in questioning the norm, nurturing your faith, and aligning with nature's wisdom. The path to becoming a "bulletproof" man starts here – tune in and let the revolution begin.

Dr. Jack Wolfson's Links:










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00:00 - Exploring Heart Health with Top Cardiologists

02:26 - Introducing Dr. Jack Wolfson on Fallible Man Podcast

04:11 - Getting to Know Dr. Jack Wolfson

11:11 - Importance of Freedom of Speech

15:07 - Personal Journey into Natural Health

17:33 - State of the Healthcare System

19:26 - The Influence of Pharmaceutical Industry on Healthcare

25:50 - Encouraging Critical Thinking and Questioning

28:24 - The Importance of Being Prepared for Emergencies

32:23 - Focus on Building a Strong Host Against Diseases

39:01 - Taking Control of Men's Health and Well-being

41:56 - Essentials for a Healthy Lifestyle

48:25 - Navigating Changing Relationships and Emotional Health

50:37 - Balancing Work and Life for Wellness

53:37 - Connecting with Doctor Jack


Speaker: [00:00:00] If you could sit down with the top cardiologists in the world, what would you ask them? Heart disease is the number one killer of men in the world. And recently I sat down with Dr. Jack Wilson, who is the top natural cardiologist in the world. He's a second generation cardiologist and has been at the forefront of cardiology for over 40 years.

The man has been called the paleo cardiologist because of his preference in diet. Dr. Jack has so much to share with the world. It's unreal. And he is still sharing all the day, all the time on his podcast, as well as on others, guys, I would love to tell you precisely what you're going to learn. But there's so much in this one episode that I can't even begin to list it off.

So grab your pen and paper, get ready to take some notes. Dr. Jack is going to step on some toes. He's going to offend some of the norms and some of the quote unquote status quo. But I promise you want to hear what he has to say about your heart health. Check out [00:01:00] this thought from Dr. Jack. It's not what you would think from a heart doctor.

And let's get into it.

Speaker 2: Question everything and always fight for the freedom to question everything.

Speaker: Here's the million dollar question. How do men like us reach our full potential, growing to the men we dream of being, while taking care of our responsibilities, working, Being good husbands, fathers, and still take care of ourselves. Well, that's the big question in this podcast. We'll help you answer those questions and more.

My name is Brent and welcome to the Fallible Man podcast.

Welcome to podcast. Your home for all things, man, husband, and father. Big shout out to Fallible Nation. That's our long time listeners. We'd love to have you become part of that and a warm welcome to our first time listeners. We know there's a lot out there competing for your attention. So we appreciate you taking the time to check us out today.

Be sure and connect with me [00:02:00] at Fallible Man on most social media platforms, especially Instagram. That's my preferred platform. Let me know what you thought of the show. And if you really enjoy it, be sure to share it with a friend who needs to hear it. And hey, leave us a review on Apple podcasts. If you think we did a good job that helps us reach more people.

My name is Brent. Today, my guest is board certified cardiologist, nation's number one natural health heart doctor, Dr. Jack Wolfson. Dr. Jack, welcome to the Fallible Man podcast.

Speaker 2: Thanks so much, Brent. Pleasure to be on and, uh, excited to, uh, share some good information and my thoughts on what's going on in this crazy world.

Speaker: Now, Dr. Jack, we start pretty light. So how's your trivia skills?

Speaker 2: Uh, they're pretty, uh, they're pretty good now, I guess. I think so. I usually beat my kids. So, uh, but they're, but they're, uh, 16, 11, six and three, and they don't go to school. So presumably I'll beat them at trivia.

Speaker: I don't know. I we'll, we'll see on this one.

I, I, I understood my research that you were a big family man. So [00:03:00] I've got a Harry Potter trivia question for you. And if you guys are listening, you didn't see the look on his face. Apparently this is not the subject. Which of the following joke items was not listed as a name, item, banned by Filch in Book 4?

Is it fanged frisbees, the ever bashing boomerangs, stink pellets, or screaming yo yos?

Speaker 2: I, uh, I do not have a clue my friend. I did see like the first movie and my, I wish my 16 year old was here because he read some of the Harry Potter books, uh, years ago, but, uh, you got me totally stumped.

Speaker: Want to make a guess?

Speaker 2: No.

Speaker: All right, guys, you know, the rules don't look it up. Don't cheat. I did have to look that one up. So, uh, that's not off the top of my head. I have the full Harry Potter trivia because my kids think that is cool. Until we try to answer the questions and we find out, we don't know. But we'll get back to that later.

Now, [00:04:00] Dr. Jack, I don't do huge introductions. No one cares about all of that. In your own words, today, in this moment, who is Dr. Jack Wolfson?

Speaker 2: Uh, Dr. Jack Wolfson, uh, is a, uh, is a husband. He's a father of four. He is also a rancher with six goats and five chickens, and, uh, a dog and more chickens and goats and animals.

Uh, on the way he is a, uh, radical, he is, uh, uh, unafraid to take on establishment. And any facet in any kind, uh, I am a freedom fighter, freedom lover. Uh, we have certain unalienable, alienable rights as given us by our creator, uh, and the government needs to stay out of those. So I think I could probably go on and on and on about various things about me.

But, um, you know, I'm, I'm a truth teller. I'm a [00:05:00] freedom. Uh, seeker. You wanna poison your body. You wanna poison your kids. I guess that's up to you. I have to be a freedom guy. I happen to thank most things that are done to children are child abuse in one way, shape, or form when it comes to food, when it comes to pharmaceuticals, when it comes to the lifestyle that most people give their children.

Uh, and, um, again, I'm not afraid to say it. It's your best Dad joke. Best dad joke. Oh God. Um, that's a tough one too, man. You're pretty good with the, uh, with the stumps. I mean, I know that my boys love to make fun of me all the time. They like make the fun of me, uh, you know, working. They like to make fun of, uh, that my oldest son is shorter than, or they, excuse me, he's taller than me.

They're both, uh, better mountain bikers than me now. Um, Yeah, what else? They call, they say that I'm fat, you know, some other stuff, you know, whatever, but [00:06:00] those are all jokes on me, but that's, um, that's about all I got.

Speaker: Well, if you think of one, you can throw it out later. What's the worst song ever produced?

Speaker 2: Um, uh, that answer is We Built This City by Starship.

Speaker: All right, I'll take it Batman or Superman.

Speaker 2: Oh, that's a good one. Oh, that's a good one. That is a really good one. Christopher Reeve and the Superman movies. All things said and done. That's, that's right in my wheelhouse. You know, when I was a kid, so I'm gonna have to go with Superman.

But I do love that. I love, I love Christian Bale and all the Batman stuff. And again, I'm a child of the seventies and the reruns. I remember all the Batman stuff. [00:07:00] Um, You know, from, uh, you know, from the 1960s. So, um, Adam West and Burt Ward.

Speaker: It's funny because women don't understand what a polarizing question that is for men.

Speaker 2: Yeah, that's a, I mean, I think if you also said like Marvel or DC, like where would we go, you know, with that? Who's your favorite character in that universe? What's the best movie out of all of them? I would say Guardians of the Galaxy is the best. movie again, like the humor and the storyline behind it, the music behind it.

You talk about music as well, just some great music from the 1970s on that. And, uh, one of my best friends from, from undergrad, I went to University of Illinois in Champaign, Illinois. Uh, one of my best friends from back in the day, his son was, was the child in the opening scene when He played the young Star Lord when his mother was dying of cancer.

Uh, that was my [00:08:00] buddy's, uh, son. So that's my connection to, uh, greatness there.

Speaker: That's very cool. I don't know that your connection to greatness, but it's certainly cool. What purchase of 100 or less have you made in the last year that's had the biggest impact on your life?

Speaker 2: Wow. So many things. I mean, uh, you know, that, uh, I mean, you mentioned 100. We literally paid 100 for each of the six goats. That we bought. So in order to expedite that conversation, I will leave it at that. Uh, I will say that I did buy a pocket knife that is, and it's my first time ever carrying a pocket knife.

Uh, and I, and I just, I love it. It's just the utility of that. Now it also does have a bottle opener. Not that I open up a lot of bottles, but, uh, having like that utility [00:09:00] knife on the, on the good old bat belt, it's helpful.

Speaker: All right. Cereal. Is it a soup?

Speaker 2: I don't eat much cereal, my friend. Uh, but is it a soup?

I've never thought of it as a soup, uh, and I would say no, because I like really hard crunch. If I was going to eat cereal, it would always be something with extreme crunch. So when I make my own cereal, sometimes it's coconut flakes, uh, raw cacao nibs. I'll put some nuts and seeds in there and used a preferably raw dairy would be the milk portion of it.

And that would be, uh, Like that crunch factor. When I think about soup, I don't think about crunch.

Speaker: Did you hear that? That was the sound of demonetization. You said raw dairy. Oh, people are so weird these days. But Jack, if I was to sit down at your dinner table, what story would your family [00:10:00] tell to try and embarrass you?

Speaker 2: I say again, what story would your family tell to try and embarrass me? Um, I mean, it certainly depends on which family member, you know, is, is there. Uh, you know, my, my mother would have a different story, uh, my wife would have a different story, my children would have, uh, a different story, uh, regarding embarrassment.

But, um, you know, cause my boys would definitely talk about different mountain bike, uh, things that I would do. Like if I try and go off a jump and I'd go flying off the handlebars, that's what they would say. Uh, there, my wife would have different stories, uh, that are a little bit more R rated, um, that, I guess, I mean, if this show is catered to adults, you know, kind of like getting, getting busted, uh, together in a department [00:11:00] store, uh, changing room.

Um, that was, that was an embarrassing thing. So, uh, yeah, now that I think about it, I'll go with that.

Speaker: I love it. I love it. Dr. Jack, what is something everybody needs to know about you before you dive into today's show?

Speaker 2: Everybody needs to know that, although I am very, uh, candid and, and outspoken and appear fearless at times, uh, I have the same fears and concerns with, that everybody else does.

And, uh, Uh, I've talked to over 40, 000 people in my professional career. I've heard every single story in every single way. And, uh, although oftentimes I'm not kind of [00:12:00] confessing things that have happened to me, I'm putting my, you know, personal self into these things that, um, You know, really, uh, we all have the same struggles.

We all have the same struggles, the same fears, the same concerns, uh, and, uh, talking about them, I think is very important. I think that we all have opinions these days and we should, Listen to other people's opinions and we should not be afraid to give our opinions, but conversation is critical. The freedom to have these conversations is also paramount because, you know, freedom of speech, I believe it's a God given right.

It's in the, uh, uh, the bill of, uh, uh, rights. First amendment, of course, freedom of speech, um, many different freedoms are guaranteed in the constitution. Uh, and I think we should continue to abide and uphold those.

Speaker: [00:13:00] All right, guys, we've been getting to know Dr. Jack just a little bit in this part of the show, digging into who he is.

In the next part of the show, we're gonna dive into men's health. We're gonna roll our response and we'll be right back with more from Dr. Jack Wolfson. Are you tired of tossing and turning at night, searching for that elusive, perfect pillow or just better bedding in general? Well, look no further. Our podcast is proudly sponsored by MyPillow, the renowned American pillow manufacturer.

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That's 800 796 9775 to order now. You can't be your best without a good night's sleep. And my pillow delivers guys. Welcome back in the first part of the show. We spent some time just getting to know who Dr. Jack is in this part of the show. We're going to start diving into men's health because I'm not going to pass up the chance to talk to a man with this kind of medical qualifications.

Now, Dr. Jack, we, we didn't touch on it really big. Like I said, I'm not big into, uh, accolades and stuff, but you are. An [00:15:00] expert in your field. And then some, tell us a little bit about you. Um, Your practice before we get into the rest of this.

Speaker 2: Yeah. I mean, just so everyone knows, you know, I, um, I like to say that I was born a cardiologist.

My father was a cardiologist. So in the womb, I would hear what he was talking about as a child. I would hear what he was talking about and I would follow in his footsteps. And when I was graduating from my cardiology program at the age of 31, my life was amazing. All things were going well. But unfortunately for him, Uh, his life was not going so well.

He became sick with a Parkinson's like illness. He was eventually diagnosed with a disease called progressive supernuclear palsy, uh, at the Mayo Clinic and the Mayo Clinic had no idea why. He was sick and they had no treatment for him and they said he'll be dead within three years and he would die within three years.

But simultaneously and serendipitously, I met the woman who would become my wife. And she is a doctor of chiropractic at DC. And she told me exactly why my [00:16:00] father was sick and dying. She said, you know, it's the way he eats, the way that he lives, you know, all the environmental toxins, all the poisons.

That's why your father's sick and dying. And what she said made perfect sense. Uh, number one male clinic, I had no idea. And, you know, and again, but she's, you know, so it made, I saw a sickness all around me, my father, all the patients, all the things like that. Uh, and I also listened to this woman because she was smoking hot.

So, you know, that made a lot of sense to me as well. So, um, I would start to change. Uh, I would start to change the way that I live, the way that I acted, the way that I ate, uh, and like I said, my father would die, but his death is not in vain. It created the man that I am today. And, uh, uh, that's, uh, you know, a lot of that backstory, I would eventually leave the biggest group in the state of Arizona, start my own practice, natural heart doctor.

And, uh, just trying to, you know, save, uh, men and women from, uh, the catastrophe of the, uh, medical system. Uh, God bless the men and women who work in [00:17:00] emergency rooms and trauma centers, but for the prevention, treatment, reversal of chronic disease, the medical system has nothing. And it's, uh, it's sad, it's unfortunate, but it's the reality we live in right now, and I'm trying to change it.

Speaker: That actually leads perfectly into my next question, because the last few years have brought out some concerns, some confusion for a lot of people. Can we trust the system? Is, is Pharma calling the shots? Is insurance companies saying what should happen? I mean, in your opinion, give us a state of the union on the current healthcare system.

Speaker 2: Yeah, state of the union of the current health care system is that it's a total disaster. Uh, they you know, it's it's all about pharmaceuticals. It's all about surgeries and it's all about money It is so financially driven That the whole system is totally destroyed again. They're great in emergencies They're great for broken bones are great for traumas if you need open heart surgery, you know, then It's a great place to be what happened to your father, [00:18:00] you know, Brent, you know, where there's an emergency situation again, and that's, you know, God bless them, you know, for the emergencies, but how do we prevent that?

We're not going to prevent that with pharmaceuticals. We're not going to prevent that with tests. We're going to prevent that with eat well, live well, think well, and test, don't guess and evidence based supplements and biohacking strategies. What I call the a hundred year heart method. That's how we're going to do it.

Since the, uh, the early 1900s. The Rockefeller Institute, the Flexner, uh, report. They basically destroyed the entire holistic medical system. It became pharma driven. Lipitor is the number one selling drug of all time. Uh, hundreds of billions of dollars in revenue. And the drug is a total sham. Uh, and then of course the last, uh, coming up on four years right now, uh, was just a tragedy on so many different levels.

Uh, what it did to the economy, what it did now currently with, uh, uh, hyperinflation, what it did to [00:19:00] families, uh, ultimately what it did to the health of people. We're just starting to scratch the surface on the problems of what happened. And the focus should have always been on how to build the body up.

Naturally preventive strategies, naturally of which there are many. Uh, and I will say that, uh, Anthony Fauci is probably the dirtiest medical doctor that's ever lived. I,

Speaker: I shout amen, but I'm sure that was seeing sacrilegious at the moment. Dr. Jack heart disease has been the number one killer in the U S I, I, I have this weird fascination with reports.

And so I look at the yearly mortality report that, uh, Princeton or Harvard, one of them has one they put out every single year and have for ever. And heart disease has been like the number one killer for years and years and years. Why is it still a threat? [00:20:00] That's what I want to know with modern medicine, right?

We're supposedly have like the best healthcare system in the world. Why is heart disease always the top of the list?

Speaker 2: We don't do anything that addresses cardiovascular disease prevention. We don't talk about the right foods. We don't talk about the right lifestyle. Uh, we don't talk about the right thought processes, what we call eat well, live well, think well.

The medical doctors are trained in pharmaceuticals and surgeries. So, uh, We are where we are and it's an extremely lucrative business for the pharma hospital insurance complex. It's incredible that the, the hundreds of billions of dollars that are spent. In that area of, of the pharmaceuticals for blood pressure, for cholesterol, the, uh, stents and [00:21:00] bypass surgeries, the testing that's done, stress tests and ultrasounds and, uh, CT scans and MRIs.

The pacemakers, defibrillators, like this is mega industry and the pharma cartel is very powerful. It's not as powerful as the military cartel and certainly not as the banking cartel, but it's up there. It's up there. And I think that the last four years was just pure money grab with just trillions of, of wasted.

I mean, again, it's not like the government printed anything, they just pressed buttons and, uh, created, uh, currency to give to corporations, is, is what it was. Uh, and we're going to continue to suffer the consequences, and we are not even near, uh, As bad as the situation is going to get, I don't want to be [00:22:00] fatalistic and I don't want to be a total doomsday around this, but I don't think things are going in the right direction.

And the other final thing I'll say about this is that in 2019, in October, there was a gathering, the world economic forum, uh, uh, along with the bill and Melinda Gates foundation, uh, where they talked about. A coming pandemic. Uh, then this was their pandemic preparedness, uh, discussion and gatherings in October of 2019.

And then three months later, they announced COVID. Now the world health organization in conjunction with the others that I aforementioned, they are talking about disease X and disease X virus. Will be 10 times worse than COVID was. The devil is telling us the script. [00:23:00] And if you think that it won't happen, it just happened.

It just happened and it's going to happen again. So you better be prepared for it. Now, how you can prepare for that is, is. You know, the subject of another discussion

Speaker: since we're already down the rabbit hole. Some, uh, ironically, the same time the meeting was going on, the whistleblower from China was trying to blow the lid off the disease that was already starting to spread through Wuhan at that time.

I watched a lot of international news. I was online watching him do a live stream, trying to blow the whistle on this, when the police kicked down his door and drug him out. Uh, he was the first whistleblower on that. And lo and behold, months later, here it is. Uh, But yeah, no, I'm, I'm actually very familiar with that.

Meaning I get called crazy a lot by some of my friends. It's like, no, just, just y'all are uninformed. There's a difference. [00:24:00]

Speaker 2: Well, let me, let me say one thing about that, Brett, you know, is that. This goes back to the freedom story. We have to be free to have these discussions because again, I mean, it's just, it's just a fundamental need.

It's a fundamental right. Uh, if you block the freedom to have these discussions, that's what leads to totalitarianism.

Totalitarianism, um, authoritarianism,

totalitarians, authoritarians. That's what it leads to. So again, if you, if you don't have these abilities to ask these questions, how do you ever know what the truth is? Uh, so you have to, so these conspiracies, sometimes it turns out that the conspiracies are true. Now, where, where this, uh, you know, what COVID was, where it came from, uh, Lots of speculation, lots of different possibilities, but [00:25:00] let's discuss all the different possibilities just because CNN tells us that it came from bat soup and Wuhan, China doesn't necessarily mean that it is true or there is actually anything.

And how many people are dying and what are they dying from? Just let's have these discussions. And if you, if you're going to sit there and watch mainstream media and swallow it as the truth, good luck, good luck. But I think we should question everything and have the freedom to question everything, whether it's at the Thanksgiving dinner, uh, at church, at synagogue, in the workspace, online,

Let's just have a public discourse.

Speaker: If you aren't questioning anything CNN airs, you're already in a bad way.

Speaker 2: Everybody, I mean, question everything. Don't trust anybody necessarily and [00:26:00] entertain all thoughts. And, you know, be intelligent and formulate your own opinions. But, um, you know, I mean, and I think, you know, really to go back to, uh, and I'm not trying to play partisan politics here, you know, but, uh, unfortunately, like, uh, you know, Trump knew this was a joke right from the beginning and somehow some way his opinion changed, uh, you know, on it and all of a sudden it became, you know, warp speed and he went along with, you know, lockdowns and stuff like that and, you know, if I've never met, uh, him personally, but I would, if I did, I would certainly ask him, I'd be like, dude,

Speaker: he trusted of the wrong people.

Speaker 2: Yeah. Yeah. Or, or, you know, who knows? Maybe someone had a gun to his head and said, listen, this is how it's going down. This is what you're going to say or you and your entire family are dead. We killed, we killed, you know, John F. Kennedy. We killed Bobby Kennedy. We've killed a lot of people. We'll kill you.

Speaker: Oh, that's

Speaker 3: crazy. Talk. That's crazy. Talk.

Speaker 2: You know, [00:27:00] the, um, uh, uh, one of the writers for the Washington Post, Uh, I think his name is Robinson is his last name. Eugene Robinson is his name. So he questions Robert F. Kennedy Jr. 's motives and he says, Robert F. Kennedy thinks the CIA killed his uncle and his father.

Get a grip, you know, Bobby Kennedy Jr. Lee Harvey Oswald killed your father. Oh, that's it. That's it. Lee Harvey Oswald. He kills the president. All by himself, this guy kills him, and then, and then, you know, two days later, he's killed by Jack Ruby, and then Jack Ruby dies three weeks later of cancer. Yeah, it makes perfect sense.

How could it possibly be the CIA? How could anybody want to have killed John F. Kennedy because he wanted to keep the United States out of Vietnam?

Speaker: Am I

Speaker 2: the only

Speaker 3: [00:28:00] one who

Speaker: actually listened to the congressional hearing last year when the CIA openly admitted on record that they killed Kennedy? Am I the only one who actually listened to that hearing last year?

Because the CIA openly admitted that they killed Kennedy. The congressional hearing hearing last year, yeah, we killed him.

Speaker 2: So, you know, so that sense, I mean, you know, with that kind of, you know, with that stuff going on in the world, it really, it really helps to explain everything about what's going on.

Again, you follow the money, they follow the money of the pharma, you follow the money of the military complex, you follow, you know, you know, the banking. Um, and ultimately you hope you're in a situation where you can do something about it because you've been forewarned and you know that it's coming. So. I mean, I'll tell you right now, if you don't have three months of food and water stored away, uh, and, uh, [00:29:00] power, electricity, uh, gasoline, depending on where you live, if you're not prepared, you're pretty, you're pretty stupid.

You're, you're, you're absolutely clueless. And when, and I'm, I'm hoping for the best. I hope this like, like never happens again. I don't want to see people suffer, you know, like they did. Yeah. You know, you hope for the best, but you prepare for the worst. Simple as that. If you're not prepared, I mean, again, I, if you don't just see what just happened, um, and, and personally, I don't, I care less about toilet paper.

I don't care if I have toilet paper or not. That don't mean nothing to me. I can live on toilet paper. Um, but I need food. I need water. Uh, if I'm in a cold environment, I need a shelter where I'm not going to freeze to death and neither will my family. So this. Uh, you know, you know, this country and every country could be in total [00:30:00] anarchy within minutes, within minutes, they shut down the power, they cause a financial crash, they talk about some, you know, virus.

It'll be pandemonium before, you know, it be prepared. People,

Speaker: my sister in law and my wife were passing a meme back and forth, both laughing. I was like, what is it? And my wife showed me and it was a shot from Mad Max. And it says it was in a woman. I'll obviously put it together. It was when you start evaluating your husband's capability of apocalyptic warlord or not in their attractiveness.

I was like, yeah, no, I get that this point life's life's a little. Life's a little, it, it, it hasn't taken long. Like the world is just coming in glued these days.

Speaker 2: Yeah. Yeah. I'm not saying you gotta [00:31:00] be the, uh, you know, Mad Max or be trained or, you know, again, who's going to survive that the best, uh, you know, it's, it's the, uh, you know, X, uh, you know, green beret, uh, It's the, you know, Navy seal.

It's not Jack Wolfson. I'm the son of a cardiologist, uh, who became a cardiologist. And I'm not that person you want in a zombie apocalypse. But I, again, I'll, I'll do my best. I'll prepare myself the best. Uh, survive for as long as anybody can, but, um, you

Speaker: know, we'll see. Everyone needs a good doctor. Yeah,

Speaker 2: true.

Doctors are

Speaker: going to be really valuable at that time point.

Speaker 2: Yeah, yeah, we'll see. We'll see, we'll see, we'll see.

Speaker: Did you see it was breaking news, I want to say, today. So you know, if you guys are listening to this, this was recorded a couple months before this came out. Uh, you'll have to tell me how this came out.

In a couple of months, guys, when this airs, uh, breaking news today, avian flu [00:32:00] transferred from animal to man in Texas,

sick, some sick animal or whatever, some hunter. And apparently they're having an outbreak of avian flu starting in Texas. It must be 2024. We're heading back to an election year. Things have got to go South. Yeah,

Speaker 2: yeah, and I'll use this opportunity to say, listen, don't be afraid of viruses or bacteria, fungus, you know, those are, that's all the germ theory.

But when the germ theory was developed at the time, uh, uh, you know, Pasteur, you know, and others, there were just as many doctors there who said it's not the germ, it's the host. And what you have to focus on, whether it's cardiovascular disease. Brain disease, cancer, immune disease is you have to focus on being a strong host [00:33:00] and you become a strong host when you eat well, live well, think well, when you eat the right foods such as free range, grass fed meats, nose to tail, preferably organs, preferably from unvaccinated bison.

You eat wild seafood, salmon, sardines, uh, anchovy, mackerel, even tuna, clams, oyster, shrimp, lobster, crab, on and on, eggs, raw dairy. Uh, you eat all organic food. You keep the poison out of your food. Uh, keep your alcohol to a minimum. If you like coffee, drink organic coffee. Again, keep the chemicals out of your life.

That's how you become bulletproof from a food standpoint. From a lifestyle standpoint, you get sun, you get sleep, you get physical activity and movement, you avoid environmental toxins, plastics, phthalates, parabens, PVCs, VOCs, uh, pesticides, herbicides, [00:34:00] insecticides. Make sure your home doesn't have any water damage leading to mold.

And bacteria exposure in, in, uh, which is very, very horrific, which many, many, many people suffer from and medical system doesn't have a clue. Uh, holistic dentistry, chiropractic care, and then make sure that you're thinking well, make sure you find your happiness, you're happy in your job, happy in your relationships.

Uh, are you in alignment with, with God? Do you have a sense of community? Do you have a sense of purpose? Gratitude? Uh, those are all, uh, critical factors. And there is no microscopic alleged virus. That, uh, is gonna defeat the bulletproof man.

Speaker: So, you, you mentioned coffee. Did I see you have your own coffee line?

Speaker 2: Yeah, I do.

Speaker: Yeah? All organic, I assume, then?

Speaker 2: Uh, organic, glyphosate free, and then [00:35:00] also mold mycotoxin free. And I created it called Cardiology Coffee because I wanted people to understand that coffee is heart healthy and the evidence supports that. A lot of times people go to the medical doctor And the doctor tells them to stop drinking coffee.

Meanwhile, they're drinking coffee, but they should tell you to stop drinking coffee. Uh, and, and there are a lot of medical benefits to it. Now, if you don't feel well, when you drink coffee, then don't drink coffee. I'm not pushing people to drink coffee, but if you like coffee, uh, like I do, then you should drink it, but just make sure you drink the good stuff.

Speaker: I found the medical community full of irony. I worked at a nursing home for a time as a maintenance guy when I was younger. And I was amazed at how many health care. People smoke. I was like, wait, you're all nurses and like CNAs and LPNs and, and 99 percent of the staff smoked. It was like. Um, that seems a little [00:36:00] ironic just just saying right?

Speaker 2: Well, it used to be a lot worse I mean certainly it used to be a lot lot lot worse, you know And and and the tobacco use of that population of people has come down with the the rest of society Although I think it is on the uptick, you know with uh with with teenagers and, and 20 somethings. And I think this, you know, this whole vaping and e cigarette, uh, disaster, uh, is, uh, is, is, is obviously a disaster, like I said, to be redundant.

But, um, you know, as far as the medical people, yeah, I mean, you don't, you don't go to medical people looking for preventive strategies. You don't ask a medical doctor about nutrition or lifestyle or healthy thought processes like that doesn't happen yet. It's all very clear. It's very clear in the medical literature, the importance of eating the right foods, avoiding the wrong foods, living the right lifestyle, you know, thinking the right thoughts, uh, my, my psychology, you know, my, uh, psychiatry, uh, rotations were all about pharmaceuticals.

They were [00:37:00] not all about, uh, what can we do to, um, to, uh, promote, uh, emotional, uh, wellness, mental wellness. It was all about how do we pharmaceutical. Uh, pharmaceutical eyes, how do we treat with pharmaceuticals, uh, based on conditions people have, you're depressed, here's your pharmaceutical, you're stressed out, here's your pharmaceutical, you've got anxiety, here's your pharmaceutical, it's a, it's, it's a horrific, horrific model, uh, that I, Took a big part of it for 16 years.

Speaker: So lifestyle is important as far as like your family relationships, your work satisfaction that, that plays into our overall health.

Speaker 2: Um, a thousand percent. Now I will say this, I think that our genetics are perfect. I think we are genetically built perfect. Of course, in the image of God and our genes are perfect.

Why wouldn't they be perfect? We can run and [00:38:00] jump and see and feel and make babies. We can do some pretty amazing stuff. Why would we be genetically programmed to get sick? We're not. Everything is the concept of epigenetics, above the genetics, how the man made environments, how our lifestyle impacts and interacts with our genes gives us disease.

So people may have a family genetic predisposition, but these, again, have to be activated by The violations of eat well, live well, think well, that's what's doing it, but nobody's programmed to have, uh, heart attacks or strokes or cancer. It's all man made and I'm going to blame the men on this one because the men made up most of the chemicals, not the women.

It's kind of the man's fault.[00:39:00]

Speaker: Sorry, I was making notes as we went. Guys, we've been discussing some men's health and the happenings of the world today, all the craziness, getting it from a cardiologist perspective and understanding that the world sometimes is outside of our control in a huge way, but we have the ability to take care of us.

So the next segment of the show, we're going to dive into eat well, think well, live well, or our sponsor. We'll be right back with more from Dr. Jack Wilson. Struggling to catch quality Z's at night. It's time to change that narrative. Sleep isn't just a luxury. It's the crucial component for your overall well being.

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Let's make tonight the start of a better sleep and a better day is ahead. Now let's dive back into the show. Guys. We've been talking to Dr. Jack Wolfson. He's been called the paleo cardiologist and the number one natural heart doctor in the United States or possibly in the world. I don't know. I'll give you that one.

Uh, cause I don't know. Right. I don't know what you're, if you're going to say the whole world, maybe you might not be, I don't know. That's your opinion on that one. Um, But we've been talking about what's going on in our world and just the chaos of what the world has been like the last couple of years, what's out of our control, what, what's scaring a lot of us and what's affecting our [00:41:00] health.

We've been talking about how our health has been affected these things in this part of the discussion, we want to talk about. lifestyle. Dr. Jack shared with us that eat well, think well, live well is, is, is what we really need to get into to take control of our health, especially as men. Uh, we're, we're pretty bad about letting our health go when we get busy with everything else.

I know that's the first thing that goes is my good eating habits and my workouts is the first thing that goes when I get busy and I start eating junk and not working out. So Dr. Jack, how, let's talk about lifestyle. Let's talk about eat well, think well, live well, how you said that, you know, happiness with our family, with our jobs, that satisfaction plays big into it.

Let's, let's jump into sleep, diet and exercise. What, what do we need to start getting right to be that bulletproof man, as you said?

Speaker 2: Well, I think, you know, real quick on the food story. I think we [00:42:00] also, we need to focus on what to eat. Uh as opposed to what not to eat So let's make sure we fill our bellies full of free range grass fed meats and wild seafood Uh eggs and avocados and coconuts If you do dairy preferably raw dairy make sure everything's organic So if your advice is ice cream eat organic ice cream if your advice is cookies or cupcakes make it organic Not recommending it but i'm just saying if you do those kind of behaviors just Eat organically and therefore you get the poison out of your diet and the poison obviously is the poison But we all like debate the food story of what's the best way to eat But what about the best way to live and we forget about how important sleep is our ancestors Went to sleep with the sun down and they woke up before the sunrise They would watch the sunrise and then they'd spend the day in and out of the sun And they were naked and wearing a winecloth.

All plants, all animals are outside in the sun, yet the medical authorities and the talking heads on television, they tell us the [00:43:00] sun's bad. They tell us the sun's dangerous. They tell us to cover up, to wear sunscreen. You know, there's a, um, uh, I saw this article that came out a couple of weeks ago, it was an article, it was a story about this famous gamer by the name of Ninja, very famous gamer, like the best, uh, you know, at Fortnite in the world.

And my boys know who like Ninja is like, they, they know who this guy is Ninja. So they mentioned him before. And I know that he was interviewed by like Ellen DeGeneres or whatever. I remember seeing a clip on that, which was pretty funny. So, um, Ninja has melanoma on his foot. So they tell us, they say, well, get out of the sun because the sun causes melanoma, sun causes skin cancer, fear, fear, fear.

They want us to be sick. So they tell us lies, tell us to cover up. How does. [00:44:00] If, if melanoma is from the sun, how does Ninja, a guy who I would imagine spends his entire life indoors on video games, how does he get melanoma on his foot? An area that's not sun exposed. So, uh, I was just kind of like use that story just to say the sun, uh, is, uh, outside of God is the source of life.

The sun creates vitamin D. It makes all of our hormones in our body function, makes all the mitochondria, all of our cells. Our skin is a solar panel. The solar panel of our skin is built to collect light, just like our eyeballs are get sun, smart sun, that's going to be the key strategy that we need to follow.

Um, but again, like those are the basics and those are free. Those are free tips, right? So sleep, sunshine, physical activity, movement, uh, you know, take care of your body. It's like if, you know, if we said to [00:45:00] someone, you only get one cell phone for the rest of your life. You only get one cell phone. You would treat the cell phone like it, right?

I mean, like you would barely even use it probably like you would touch it with gloves and you'd, I mean, you would just put this thing in all the kind of protectors. Why don't we take care of our bodies? Why don't we take care of our bodies that way? We got one body. Uh, keep the toxins out of it. Check your house for mold.

Check for water damage. Check for bacteria. See a chiropractor. Make your chiropractor your primary care provider. Take care of your teeth with a holistic dentist. Uh, that's going to be that strategy there. And then again, that concept of, of thinking well, and these are all super important. What are you here for?

My purpose is to certainly be a man of faith, to be a husband, to be a father, to take care of, uh, uh, the [00:46:00] environment, to take care of my, uh, animals, and to take care of my patients and anyone that I speak to. My purpose is to be the best holistic, uh, natural cardiologist on the planet. To wake people up to the reality, to get them away from pharmaceuticals, to get them away from sickness.

Now, yours may not be such a big goal as to end heart disease, your purpose. Uh, it may be any of those other things, just being a good member of society. Helping a brother out, you know, maybe again to a shoulder to cry on for a sibling or a parent. Uh, you know, again, all these different things that are there.

So, um, you know, this purpose, the gratitude and self acceptance, you know, being a member of the community. And community is interesting in the sense of, uh, what community are you aligned with going forward? Are you part [00:47:00] of, you know, Brent's tribe over here? You know, the, the fallible man, you know, group, um, where, where we think differently than mainstream.

What about your old friends, family members? What about them? Are they part of your life going forward? Or do you want to hang out with like minded people going forward? Because I get that all the time. I've lost a lot of friends and a lot of family members over my, uh, beliefs that are different from them.

And I say, you know, God bless. God bless them. God bless those memories. You know, high school stories, college stories, med school stories. Childhood stories, great stories, but they're a part of the past. And if those people who were with me on those stories are not congruent with the way that I am now, and my thought processes are now, then I don't really need them in my life at this point.

And they feel the same way. In most cases, they don't need me in their life and that's fine. Those are [00:48:00] great memories. Thank you for them. And let's, let's just move on because I want to, as much as I want to change the world and change people's opinions and wake people up, I don't necessarily want to hang out with the people who are swimming away from my message.

So, uh, and I think that's okay. I think that's okay.

Speaker: Dr. Jack, uh, you know, we're, we're talking about lifestyle and making some choices. And you said you lost some people along once your thought process has changed and your views have changed on things. And we've all gone through that, right? And we've talked about the turmoil in the last couple of years.

Any, any. Recommendations on how to keep our emotional health up with all that going on.

Speaker 2: Well, I think that, you know, spirituality and faith, I think always is a good fallback. It's, it's truly not my area of expertise. [00:49:00] Uh, I was raised in a, in a Jewish household. Uh, not very observant, uh, to, uh, to the, the, the Jewish laws, uh, not very knowledgeable about the Old Testament and scriptures, uh, certainly not knowledgeable about the New Testament and, and Christianity and the various facets of that.

Uh, when I would meet my wife, I would, uh, we would. Kind of talk about being more spiritual. Um, just uh that there's Something something that created us that we just didn't get here just because there was this big explosion You know 14 billion years ago that created the sun and created the earth and then this happened and all of a sudden, you know Here we are having this conversation, you know Um, I I certainly don't believe that that story So, um, we've experimented a little bit with, [00:50:00] uh, I guess kind of like Messianic Judaism, but I, I, I would say again, just finding your faith, finding that I think is a good place to lean on and then leaning on friends and family members who, uh, who think like you, who are going through the right, you know, who are going through the same, uh, struggles, but, uh, but.

No matter your situation, there's other people who can help you. And I think in general, people are good and they want to be able to help. And they want to be a shoulder to cry on. And they want to listen, you know, to you and be helpful and be of service.

Speaker: You have any projects coming up? What's next for Dr.


Speaker 2: Uh, what do I got going on? Uh, really just trying to, uh, you know, get the message of cardiovascular health and wellness, uh, out there, uh, trying to make, uh, from a business standpoint, trying to. Be a better business, uh, a leader, a leader of the team, trying to be a better communicator, trying to be better at scheduling, trying to be better at meeting the needs of my [00:51:00] staff and, and our patients.

And, uh, you know, ultimately I think, uh, if there's anything that's kind of commonality for all of us, and you can tell me otherwise, Brent, right? It's just, uh, um. You know, how do we, how do we have this work, you know, life balance? Uh, how do we, how do we take care of ourselves? How do we take care of our family?

How do we embrace our own faith? How do we, um, balance all of that also with, uh, you know, with, with quote unquote work and our, in our careers. And just knowing that we're all, we're all struggling with the same things. We're all struggling with the same things, and it doesn't appear to be getting any easier, you know, for these, uh, for these, uh, struggles, but, uh, you know, again, I think talking about, talking about these issues, nobody's got any easy answers, uh, except [00:52:00] find solace in the fact that we're all in this, uh, together, and, uh, Uh, God has a plan, uh, for us and, uh, those of us who I think are faith based, but I think more so of those of us, I believe, this is my opinion, of course, those of us who are living true, living free, living as, as, as, as God intended,

I think those were the ones who are going to be around. I think we're the ones who are going to be saved. That's my thoughts.

Speaker: Dr. Jack, you have your own podcast, right? The heart healthy show. Is that correct?

Speaker 2: Yeah. The healthy heart show. We're kind of on a little bit of a hiatus right now. Um, you know, again, but, uh, I get my message out there through blogs on the website and [00:53:00] articles and, you know, Creating videos for Instagram coming on shows like yours.

You know, so love getting the message out there. If anybody's interested in cardiovascular health, if they need, you know, certain help, uh, you know, we're really with anything, my company's natural heart doctor. Uh, my book is a great place to start the paleo cardiologist. Yeah. It's about there's stuff about paleo nutrition, but it's about.

The paleo lifestyle. It's about eating well, living well, thinking well. That's your best strategy to survive in this, uh, crazy world.

Speaker: Where's the best place for people to connect with you?

Speaker 2: It's come to the website, natural heart doctor. Uh, or if you know, if you want to come to the website, you can do so there.

If you want to go onto social media, I do so there. If you want a free copy of my book, all you do is pay shipping. That website URL is free heart book. com. Uh, Pay the shipping fees. We'll send it out to you, uh, Chuck and Jenny and, and, um, Chuck's kids down in Mesa, [00:54:00] Arizona, ship the book out to you, uh, ASAP, you know, great gift for people, uh, sometimes these conversations are kind of hard to have, right?

It's, uh, you know, it's, it's, uh, a one on one conversations can be very confrontational. certainly in person and even virtually they can be. Uh, so sometimes the best you can do is just give someone say, Hey, you know, here's, here, here's a copy, you know, of this book, you know, take a look. And, uh, you know, I would appreciate if you read it, I would appreciate if you read this article, this blog post, um, you know, indulge me in that, do me that one favor.

If you would, you know, read this, uh, to open up people's minds and change hearts and change lives.

Speaker: Guys, we'll have all of Dr. Jack's links, and he's got a lot of them. So I promise they'll be in the show notes in the description. I will make sure that you can find Dr. Jack. Now, I know you're really worried about the Harry Potter question.

For all of you who actually care at this point, the answer is C, stink pellets. [00:55:00] One item that was not on the ban list in book four was the stink pellets. The other three were there. They were not. On the, I have no idea why they weren't on the list. Who knows? I think I mentioned once in book six, it is a truly random trivia fact from Harry Potter.

So if you guys are into trivial pursuit, there you go. That's one of the answers. Dr. Jack, we've covered a lot. There's a lot of big concepts. There's a lot of big ideas. If the listener heard nothing else today, if our audience heard nothing else, what is the most important thing you want our audience to hear today?

Speaker 2: Question everything and always fight for the freedom to question everything.

Speaker: Guys, for myself and Dr. Jack Wolfson, thanks for hanging out today. Thanks for listening. Be better tomorrow because what you do today and we'll see you on the next one.

Speaker 4: This has been the Fallible Man podcast, your home for everything man, husband, and father.

Be [00:56:00] sure to subscribe so you don't miss a show. Head over to www. thefallibleman. com for more content and get your own Fallible Man gear.

Dr. Jack Wolfson Profile Photo

Dr. Jack Wolfson

Holistic Cardiologist/Loving Husband/Father

Dr. Jack Wolfson is a board-certified cardiologist,
best-selling author, husband and father, and the
Nation’s #1 Natural Heart Doctor. For over two
decades, more than a million people have
experienced the transformational power of his care
and strategies on Natural Heart Health originating
from his Scottsdale, AZ practice. He is named one of
America’s Top Functional Medicine Doctors and is a
five-time winner of the Natural Choice Awards as a
holistic M.D. His book, The Paleo Cardiologist: The
Natural Way to Heart Health, is an Amazon #1 best