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Faith. Politics and Living Authentically | An interview with Congressional Candidate Jeff Zink

See the Video Here: https://rumble.com/v19fcz6-faith.-politics-and-living-authentically-an-interview-with-congressional-ca.html

Do you ever wonder what they are doing in congress? I bet you do! More and more Americans are wondering about what is going on behind the doors of what is supposed to be our representation to the government.
I had the incredible opportunity to interview ...

Do you ever wonder what they are doing in congress? I bet you do! More and more Americans are wondering about what is going on behind the doors of what is supposed to be our representation to the government.

I had the incredible opportunity to interview congressional candidate Jeff Zink from Arizona's 3rd District where he is tired of standing by and wondering himself. So he is running in the midterms 2022 for district 3 Arizona.

Jeff is running for the US House of Representatives in Arizona’s 3rd District. Right in the heart of Phoenix on the Republican party ticket. America First Candidate and Constitutionalist.

Jeff is running in a traditionally democrat held district where he says the democratic party has forgotten and failed many of his neighbors and constituents. He is also the only candidate who was there on J6 where his son is still fighting for his freedom and worked the full Arizona audit. He has some pretty strong things to say.

Jeff believes that God has called him to serve and so he is following his authentic faith all the way to the Capital. No matter where you land on Faith or politics you need to hear this one.


---------------------- Find Jeff Zink -----------------------

Website: https://jeffzinkforcongress.com/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/realjeffzink/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/realJeffZink4Congress

Twitter: https://twitter.com/realjeffzink



[00:00:00] Jeff Zink: Here's

[00:00:01] David Dowlen: the million dollar question. How do men like us reach our full potential and grow into the men? We dream of being while taking care of our responsibilities, working, being good husbands fathers, and still take care of ourselves. That's the question in this podcast will help you with those answers.

[00:00:20] My name is Brent and welcome to the fallible man podcast. Welcome to the fallible man podcast. You are home for all things, man, husband and father. Shout out to the fallible nation. You guys are amazing. You keep things like this possible. You guys make it possible for us to keep bringing these amazing guests.

[00:00:36] And I have an amazing one for you today and welcome to our first time listeners. My name is Brent. And today my special guest is American Christian political candidate. Jeff zinc. Jeff, welcome to the show.

[00:00:48] Jeff Zink: Thank you. Uh, Brent, I'm just glad to be here and I'm glad that, um, I've got a fellow partner in Christ and being able to, uh, um, go through this world together.

[00:01:00] David Dowlen: Absolutely. Now Jeff is running for the us house of representatives in Arizona's third district, right in the heart of Phoenix on the Republican party ticket American first candidate and a constitutionalist. Now for our alert listeners, let me be very clear. We're gonna be talking about faith and politics and living your authentic self in this episode, that tends to be a hot point for some people.

[00:01:20] So be aware. Now make sure you have your big boy point pants on, and let's hear someone else's thoughts regardless of if you agree or not, and you will learn and grow regardless of how you stand on it. Jeff, the first question I always ask is who is Jeff's zinc right now in your own words.

[00:01:37] Jeff Zink: My own words.

[00:01:38] Uh, somebody who's actually followible, uh, somebody who is, uh, walking this, uh, world by faith. One of the things that I try to do is, is, uh, an ordained minister. When I'm talking to people, when I'm, uh, working with, uh, someone that are that's questioning the, the surroundings of what's going on, that we have a God that's on, on the throne that we have somebody that we can place or trust in when it doesn't look like there's anybody trusting.

[00:02:09] So for myself, where I'm at in this point, um, I've spent over 50 years, um, reading the Bible and God has called me to, uh, now be a true leader, uh, of a country, uh, and all of the things that that encompasses, uh, especially in this day and time.

[00:02:31] David Dowlen: Jeff you fractured your neck 40 years ago. We we've passed some emails back and forth before this.

[00:02:37] And I can seriously identify. I fractured my neck in the beginning of January, 2020. Uh, that was, that was not a fun experience, but yours led to headaches just nonstop. Can you tell your story real quick?

[00:02:49] Jeff Zink: Sure. My testimony started, uh, 40 years ago. I, uh, was playing college football at Texas tech university.

[00:02:57] Um, I, uh, fractured my. I started having , uh, Longhorn. Huh . And so, uh, one of the things that happened, uh, was those headaches, but I was able to, you know, go past those, my pain level tolerance was high enough that, you know, I wouldn't allow it to affect my life. I had a very good career in sports medicine was able to travel the country.

[00:03:25] I worked with several professional teams, um, got to see the best athletes in our country. But the thing is, is that, um, about nine years ago, uh, here in Phoenix, I walked into burrows, ER, with a blood pressure of 2 48, over 1 98. Wow. I should have met God that day. Yeah, I really did. But. He's got a plan. The other thing too is, is that I was in really good shape because I was also an NCAA basketball official.

[00:03:56] So I was running up, uh, down a, uh, college basketball court, uh, about three to four times a week. And then in the off season, I always ran and stayed in really good shape. So that combination is what kept me here. The thing is, is that over the next five years, none of the doctors could figure out why my headaches were getting so intense and so frequent that I ended up becoming 100% disabled.

[00:04:24] So I literally lived on a couch in bed and I pace the floor for two and a half years. And in, in doing so, going through that valley, um, I, I, I never cursed God now. I can't say that it didn't curse at him, but I never cursed God. I never turned my back on. Uh, you know, the thing is, is that I was going, you know, I was a deacon in my church.

[00:04:51] I was leading people to Christ. I was teaching at a Christian university. I was, uh, always talking to kids and, uh, officials and, uh, about Christ. Uh, I mean, he was always the center focus of my life, um, to the point that my wife, I was able to bring her to Christ and baptize her. So my relationship with my wife, uh, is one that is super strong in the fact that I am the spiritual leader.

[00:05:22] However, she watched me struggle just to get through a day. And literally it was if I can breathe and, and get past this pain for the next, uh, you know, one minute, I'm fine. And I live from second to second to minute, to minute to hour to hour for two and a half years. And so one on December 24th of 20.

[00:05:46] that night changed at three o'clock. And the reason why is, is that I, I changed my prayer, my prayer there, uh, that night was father. I don't wanna live this life any longer. I was really, I, I was getting to the, uh, end here where I was struggling. The pain was so severe that I started struggling with even surviving any longer.

[00:06:10] And I said, I don't wanna live this life anymore, but whatever you want me to do, wherever you want me to go, I will go do that. And I will be your faithful servant. Well, as you are in front of me, so did God stand in front of me. I'm gonna break your headaches. I'm going to restore your health, and I'm gonna send you to Congress to represent my people.

[00:06:34] Now I can tell you that I had a headache every day for 40 years in the last two and a half, I had migraines that were unbreakable by any medications, everything that the doctors tried for, uh, that nine years, they couldn't do anything. When God showed up, my headache broke. I Oak I couldn't walk across the living room floor without getting out of breath.

[00:06:57] That's how deconditioned I had gotten. I spent, uh, 12 weeks walking door to door, six to eight hours a day, six to 10 miles a day, getting signatures to be placed on the ballot. I think my health has been restored. The only thing that needs to be, uh, to finish this three part prophecy that was given to me on December 24th, 2020 is to be placed in Congress to represent his people.

[00:07:30] So I'll go ahead and answer a question that's that it invariably ever happens. What makes me different than any other Congressman? Because when you go to Washington DC, you're going you're, you know, you, uh, go down, you change, you do all these things. The reason what makes me different is this. I am more terrified of my heavenly father giving me back my headaches and putting me back on a couch and, and forgetting me cuz that's what I thought I was during that two and a half years.

[00:08:07] So whatever man can do, and I've already had these, uh, conversations, I've had phone calls where people have said, Hey, we will give you all the money that you want. If you'll drop out of the braces. I've had people that would say, if you will, uh, you know, be, allow us to be on your, uh, congressional staff, we will make sure that you have more than enough money in order to do this.

[00:08:33] There's nothing on this earth that they can bribe me with or have me done, uh, do anything. So, um, right now what's happened is, is that not only are the, uh, Republican national, uh, convention and the Arizona, uh, grand Ole party, the G O P they have told me that they will not give me any time, money, effort, or resources.

[00:08:57] And my I'm literally dying on the vine because I don't have people, you know, donating to my campaign and they're actually going against it. So for me, um, I'm either going to walk the faith of what I said I was going to do. And I, and again, I have a motivation because. I don't forget the headaches and the time and the struggles of every second of the day.

[00:09:25] And God has given me, I have so much energy. I don't have those headaches. I'm able to do whatever I need to do. Um, and it's, and so for me, I'm motivated to make sure that I represent God's people. And so that's, that's my testimony. That's why I'm running. Uh, and for this, uh, position and why is it that I, I chose, uh, you know, uh, Congress is because that's what God told me.

[00:09:56] David Dowlen: Okay.

[00:09:57] I, I actually have no problem with that. I know some people struggle with that concept, but, uh, I, I have my own moment with Jesus' story. So that's, but that's a whole nother podcast, uh, takeaways. No, I'm not actually a Longhorns. My household was hilarious growing up. Cause my dad's a Longhorn. My mom's an a and M.

[00:10:15] Oh, okay. Yeah, it was , it

[00:10:19] was always very exciting around our house around that game. Uh, but you know, good schools. I, I like them both actually, but good schools, but I always had to tease people cuz like, eh,

[00:10:30] Jeff Zink: yep. Um, well, and the thing is, is I've got a bunch of nephews and nieces that have graduated from, uh, a and M they've gone there, you know, and I support that school as well.

[00:10:41] They're really, really good. Um, you know, and the Longhorns, I, I never, I never won against them. They beat, they beat us up every time that I, when I was there. So you that's, it, it just is what it is.

[00:10:55] David Dowlen: if you're not a Texan, that's, that's probably outside. That may be a little outside of your grasp, but if you have two major rival schools in your.

[00:11:03] Like I live in Washington state. We have the Huskies and the cougars in Gonzaga and, but the Huskies and the cougars that's I think that's, that is the dividing point in Washington. You're either a cougars fan or a Husky pan there's if you're not, no one cares. Yeah. I'm gonna have somebody zag, friends be like, Hey,

[00:11:22] Jeff Zink: I heard that

[00:11:23] So

[00:11:25] David Dowlen: Jeff, let me ask you, how do you feel about being in politics with your faith? Because there are a lot of people would have difficulty reconciling the two.

[00:11:35] Jeff Zink: Well, the thing is, is that, um, what happened, uh, more than anything else, people sit down and they have good intentions at the beginning. Um, and you know, one of the things that I do, uh, as a, a regular basis is this Ecclesiastes tend to tells us this, that while a wise man always goes to the.

[00:12:01] A fool goes to the left. Now, jokingly, I always tell everybody that, you know, even the Bible tells you don't vote Democrat, but, um, the thing is, is that it's, uh, it, we need to get past Republican and, and Democrat. What we need to do is, is we need to have what is right and what is wrong. God is what is good.

[00:12:24] God is what is great. And, and we need to recognize that and act accordingly. And so one of the things that when people, uh, sit down and they actually ask me, uh, that question, um, I, what I do is, is I just tell 'em, um, I am protecting myself. I have a string of pastors that I've now pulled together, that we do.

[00:12:50] We do prayer time together. Uh, we pre I pray every day, uh, sometimes four or five times a day when I'm, uh, working with different, uh, things. And as things come up, um, I know that I'm going to a lion's den and I know that when I come out of that, lion's den that, um, I don't have, uh, the stench of, uh, of holiness about me.

[00:13:16] So one of the things that I've done is, is I've got, uh, pastors that, uh, at the end of the day, uh, are going to call me and, and we're gonna pray. And then the other thing is, is that when I get on the plane and I come back to Phoenix, uh, Arizona on the weekends, um, I have at least one or two of the, uh, pastors will meet me at the airport.

[00:13:37] And as we're driving to my house, uh, we're praying the thing is, is that I know that I will change. Gut being a part of something that is so evil. I'm not a fool in understanding that. And so as a fool, I'm not, I, I would not be prepared for me at my, uh, age in life. I've dealt with Satan and in his demons, uh, you know, for, uh, 60 years now of my life.

[00:14:09] And the thing is, is that I'm sitting here and I'm going, I know your ways. I know what's going on. And I know that I'm not gonna be tempted beyond what I can, uh, you know, stand. But I, but the battle that I'm faced with now is so much greater that I need that support. And so I've already started a network of pastors and people that are going to hold me accountable.

[00:14:38] And guess what? You've now been, uh, officially, uh, since you have my, my phone number and everything else, you're officially a part of that group where you're gonna be able to call me directly and talk to me and help me and, and stay the past because, uh, iron sharpens, iron and . And if I said that, oh, you know, I got this, this is nothing.

[00:15:04] Um, then that's prideful and pride, man. That's what you have right before the great fall. Well, for me, I'm going with so much hopefully humility that, uh, people will start to recognize that, okay, well maybe he is different. Maybe what he's talking about, because I need to take the Bible and the constitution.

[00:15:27] And I have to introduce it back into our federal government because it's been removed. And that's the problem that we have.

[00:15:37] David Dowlen: Jeff, I'll give you the T-ball question for the night. What's your favorite ice cream?

[00:15:44] Jeff Zink: My favorite ice cream. Oh gosh. And I'm a, and uh, I am a, uh, basement as well, cuz that's how we got our president.

[00:15:55] um, chocolate, uh, Rocky road I think is probably one of my favorite, uh, ice creams, uh, there, but boy, I'm telling you, uh, if you just have any ice cream, I'm pretty much all over it.

[00:16:08] David Dowlen: I found the ice cream is the great UNFI. I think we can like just create world peace with ice cream. Everybody can get behind ice cream.

[00:16:15] Jeff Zink: That's exactly right.

[00:16:16] David Dowlen: So, so I always ask people, right? Cause this, we, we can be on totally different planes on a hundred other things. I know lactose intolerant, people who love ice cream. So, you know, it's kind of a universal thing. Yes it

[00:16:29] Jeff Zink: is.

[00:16:30] David Dowlen: How do you define living authentically and how do we do that as men?

[00:16:35] Jeff Zink: Well, the main thing is, is that, um, every day you look in the mirror and you've gotta look at the reflection that's coming back. Um, God ha has given us so many, uh, days, so many seconds. He says that, uh, not only does he know the hair, how many hairs, uh, are on my head, uh, but he knows everything about us.

[00:17:00] And what he's looking to do is, is, are, are we going to honor him or not? And I can tell you that I probably failed him, you know, 40, 5000, 200 times a day. Not, not a week. I'm talking about a day where, you know, I get, gosh, I could have said that better. I could have been more compassionate. I could have, uh, addressed these issues.

[00:17:26] Um, a little bit different, uh, especially when I'm dealing with people that really don't believe the way I, I believe. And they think that, you know, God's not real, uh, that the world is all we have, uh, that, that they don't have hope. And boy, it's a struggle to sit down and, and make sure that my words, uh, are accountable.

[00:17:52] And so those are things that, uh, I know that I struggle with. I, I go and I, I ask for forgiveness. Um, and that's the part that I will do going to Washington DC. And so, um, you know, when I'm elected and hopefully I'll be back on your show, um, at some point where I'm now a true Congressman and stuff, and I.

[00:18:18] You know, start throwing those things of this, this, uh, interview back at me. Well, you said this, you, you were implying this, you know, what's changed or go, gosh, everything you said you had prepared for. And now when we throw this back there, you're still living the same thing. That's, that's what God wants us to do every day.

[00:18:42] As men godly men, he doesn't mind that we fail, but if you do fail, be honest, you know, uh, there's times where my I screw up and my wife, I look at her and I have to go back to her and I have to ask for forgiveness. I have to say, you know what? I was too sharp. I, I, I, I, that was not how I wanted that to come.

[00:19:03] Um, you know, and she's faithful to forgive me. Um, I'm still waiting. I married somebody who's perfect. So I'm still waiting for her to make a mistake. Uh, but she, and she hasn't yet. So, you know, but she's stuck with me and I'm, I'm definitely fallible.

[00:19:21] David Dowlen: I can identify with that. My, my wife keeps me pretty honest.

[00:19:24] I, I definitely, uh, got the up upper hand on that deal. She, she got the south end of the deal for sure. Now,

[00:19:33] Jeff, I had a great conversation with a mutual friend of ours, gene Valentina. That's how we met about getting people involved in their local politics. And it seems that you're going farther than just local politics, which is awesome.

[00:19:44] But do you think that everyday men should get involved with their local politics if at all possible in their area and why?

[00:19:51] Jeff Zink: Oh, absolutely. Well, uh, for, for a couple reasons, here's the thing. If you're involved locally, Um, and here in Arizona, the, the grassroots, whether you doesn't matter what party you're in, uh, is called a precinct committeeman.

[00:20:08] And what they do is, is we have a meeting once a month and they're they able to go over all of the information and then you're responsible for 125 people. And then you take the information that you learned out of that monthly meeting, um, and go out and have like a neighborhood get together. Um, we, we have, uh, cookouts and stuff and we invite people over.

[00:20:36] We talk to them and stuff, and then like with myself, um, we've got, uh, several of them that are coming up where we're gonna be going to churches and we're gonna be showing 2000 mules. We're gonna be showing, uh, different, uh, Christian movies. And then we talk about those things, but that's, that's at the, at the local level.

[00:20:58] And if you can, and here's the thing, the most important that a man can do, see woman has been given, uh, God's creation. She creates life inside of her and she nurtures the children and everything else, godly. Men are supposed to lead them. Now, if you, uh, don't know if you're a leader, look behind you, because if there's no one behind you following you, then you're not a leader.

[00:21:29] But if you've got people that are willing to follow behind you, then you know that you're a leader and being a part of the school boards. is probably the most important that a man can do, uh, in local politics because now you're going to be overseeing the curriculum. And a lot of them can say, Hey, look, I just barely got through high school.

[00:21:51] I don't have your degrees. I don't have your education and everything else. Let me tell you something. Do you know right from wrong. Cause if you've read the Bible and you have Jesus in your heart and you, and you are willing to put yourself on the line every time, then I, I promise you then fighting for a children and how they're being educated.

[00:22:15] See the thing is, is that critical race theory? God says that we, he draws all men to him, but what does Satan do? He wants to divide us. He wants to separate us from our, our savior and stuff. And so what we do is, is we sit down and we look at this and we go, uh, where can I make a change? Well, you make a change with the, the children that's in your home.

[00:22:41] You make a change by the friends that they bring into your home. And then if you want to truly make change, then you get on a school board. If you, if, if a school board, if that's something that's, uh, uh, you've done, then you can go into city council or, uh, board of supervisors, or you can start running for a state legislature.

[00:23:03] The thing is, is that whatever God calls you to do whatever level that is be involved, be be, uh, you know, the thing is, and you and I both know this. What are great fathers who makes a great father. The guy that's there, the guy that, that screws up that makes mistakes, that does things, but yet they, they, they just work their way through it.

[00:23:27] It's exactly the same thing. So we, so the thing is, um, what I always tell people is this, if you are afraid to share your faith with another person, the good news that Jesus Christ died on across once. And for all, for all of our sins, if you're afraid to tell them, then you're, you're literally holding back and not doing and being obedient to our heavenly father, which said, go and tell the world of the good news.

[00:24:01] So what we need to do is, is we need to start looking at that. And instead of critical race theory, how about critical thinking skills instead of, uh, you know, some of the things that are being taught, if we have men and, and women. Of God that are setting on these school boards and looking at the curriculum, then we don't have, uh, uh, gay rights coming in, drag Queens, coming in.

[00:24:28] And, uh, and why, because if they can get to our small children and they can affect them, then they will make them, uh, uh, inefficient adults that are, are wounded and crippled for life. And what we need to do as godly men is set in that doorway. You need to, you, we need to learn to be the sheep dogs. We're protecting our families.

[00:24:53] And if other other men can't stand in that way, by getting on a school board, you can do that for a lot of men who may, may not, uh, have that opportunity. So it's really important. We're, we're doing things and being obedient to God. And that's why it's so important for us to, to get involved. All right.

[00:25:17] David Dowlen: I think you basically answered it, but Sarah asked, uh, how we suggest people get involved in politics. What's the best place to start?

[00:25:24] Jeff Zink: Absolutely. So what you can do is, is you can look up, uh, what is called legislative districts meetings. Um, and you can Google that in, uh, in its, uh, LD, uh, meetings. So if you put, uh, south Phoenix LD 11, you would pull up our website. Um, it tells you, we just had a meeting on, uh, Tuesday, Tuesday nights at, uh, the second Tuesday of every month.

[00:25:49] Uh, we meet, it gives you the location where we're gonna be meeting at the time. We normally have food and drinks there. It's a good time to talk, but then we sit down and we start strategizing, and then we bring other candidates that are running, say, we've got a governor's race, we've got a Senate race, we've got all these different, um, uh, candidates.

[00:26:11] We bring them in, let them speak and they get to ask them questions, just like what you're doing with me. And you get to find out about them one on one, and then find out how they are. And I'm, I hopefully, if anybody goes to my website and, and takes a look at some of the speeches that I have. You're gonna see that I don't change that much.

[00:26:36] I'm, I'm just as the same person in front of a whole bunch of people as I am one on one, like I am here.

[00:26:44] David Dowlen: That's, that's

[00:26:44] incredibly important. We just, uh, we just actually, Sarah and I just wrapped up our first in-person conference. We did a, uh, role model, male role model and father figure conference. Uh, recently the Phoenix is the shirt I'm wearing actually.

[00:26:58] And, uh, that was one of the top things. The minute the conference talked about for a role model is that consistency in who they are, uh, just across the board in every situation. That was one of the things that men most looked up to in other men and role models for themselves is that integrity of this is who I am.

[00:27:19] Period. No matter where you catch me, no matter what I'm doing, this is who I am. And in, in a congressional candidate, that's a huge thing. Right. Cause everybody can smile for the camera. I hate being on camera, but I'm really good at smiling while I'm on camera. Right. being able to be consistently that same person, one of the greatest compliments I ever got when my coworkers hung out with me outside of work was like, wow, you are exactly the same way you are at work.

[00:27:45] I was like, yeah, I hope so. That's that's important to me. Yeah. Now guys, we are spending some time getting to know Jeff, because I want you to know who he is. You can't make a decision about what he has to say until you get a look at who the man is in the next part of the show, we're going to get into some deeper water.

[00:28:02] So some major topics we're gonna roll our sponsor and we will be right back with more from Jeff.

[00:28:07] I'm calling on all men right now to stand up and stand against this horrific crime. It is estimated over 300,000 children are being sex trafficked in the United States loan every single day. I want you to get on your social media. I want you to follow savinginnocence.org or fightforme.net. Both these charities are working to end child trafficking in the United States and abroad. You can donate at www.thefallibleman.com/shop and buy our End human trafficking merchandise. And all proceeds will be given indefinitely to savinginnocence.org. You can also go to www.savinginnocence.org/donate and donate directly to saving innocence men. It is time for us to fight and stop this horrible thing known as human trafficking.

[00:28:59] All right guys. And we're back here with Jeff sync, uh, congressional candidate in Arizona, discussing faith politics and authenticity.

[00:29:07] Jeff, what purchase of a hundred dollars or less have you made in the last year? That's had the biggest impact on your life?.

[00:29:14] Jeff Zink: Uh, I bought, uh, a couple of Bibles that we gave to some homeless people. Uh, there, uh, we've got a homeless encampment. That's not very far from where I live. Um, and the thing is, is that because of our open borders that we have, we're, we're having a lot of, uh, people.

[00:29:34] So, uh, what I did was is I, I, uh, spent, uh, several of the Spanish speaking, uh, Bibles and was handing them out. And then through a translator was able to talk to them. And we're talking, uh, talking to people from hard Honduras from Nicaragua, uh, from Columbia, uh, coming up here. And the thing is, is. Um, what they want is what we have here in America.

[00:30:02] They, we have freedom. And where did that freedom come from? Um, it's surely not our government. It, but it's from God. And that's what our founding fathers had, uh, told us, uh, and written in the constitution that, uh, our freedoms come from God. And so one of the things that I've really enjoyed is being able to, uh, uh, talk with them and, and give them, and a lot of them that I've talked with, they, they, they know about Jose.

[00:30:33] I mean, Hey Jesus, , uh, they know a little bit more about him. Mm-hmm , but they don't, they don't have that relationship. And so we're, we're able to sit down and actually meet, uh, meet them and talk to them, uh, and stuff. And then we also have a food, uh, program that we do and stuff, but my personal a hundred bucks was the Bibles that I was able to distribute out.

[00:30:58] David Dowlen: Now, Jeff, we're gonna get into some touchy subjects here and I'll be careful how I phrase the questions for the YouTube, a algorithms. Uh, guys, if you're listening to this on audio, audio, and you can't find the video on YouTube, I'm also on rumble. So you can find the video there cuz they won't take it down.

[00:31:14] Jeff, you were present on J 6, 20 22 in DC. What is your take on that day?

[00:31:21] Jeff Zink: Well, the purpose, uh, uh, contrary to the, uh, J six committee hearing that they're presenting right now, which we're watching and monitoring very closely. Um, I, I didn't go because my president called me to have this insurrection. I went because I seriously thought that there was issues and problems, uh, nationwide with the, uh, election that was stolen.

[00:31:46] I know that we had seen a lot here in Arizona and we were, uh, uh, at the apex, uh, of the Arizona audit, which I also worked. The thing is, is that I went there because I thought that, uh, Arizona, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Michigan, and, uh, uh, Colorado, uh, were all going to object to their electoral college votes.

[00:32:14] If they would've done that, then it would've thrown us into a, uh, constitutional election at that point, meaning that all 50 states have one vote in that the house of representatives of each state would, uh, cast that vote. And it would be along party lines. So 31 of the states were controlled by the Republican party.

[00:32:43] And I thought for the very first time that we were going to have a president elected through a, uh, constitutional election and I wanted to be present to observe and see that firsthand and watch our government in action. What I did see was something so much, uh, different, um, not only, uh, was I there and present, but I observed, uh, uh, people that were, um, Getting on helmets and goggles and mask.

[00:33:18] And they had grappling hooks and they had, uh, you know, uh, different types of communications and stuff. And they were getting into Trump para paraphernalia. The, we got pictures and videos of all of those. Um, and so what happened was, is that, uh, over, uh, a time we had just heard that Paul Gosar had stood up and objected to Arizona's electoral, uh, uh, votes, uh, that Ted Cruz, because we didn't have a, uh, uh, Senator with enough backbone to support, uh, Paul Gosar.

[00:33:55] So Ted Cruz from Texas had to sign off. It was the one and the only, uh, state that objected to the electoral college, because right after that, we had just cheered that that was happening. And I really seriously thought that that was about to happen. And, uh, they were going to be, uh, in session for two hours and debate this.

[00:34:19] And stuff well, at that time, all of a sudden there was an outbreak and all of a sudden, all of these things, uh, where they started having people go against the Capitol police, uh, they started rushing towards the Capitol. Um, we had the, the police officers, the Capitol police in front of us actually undo the bicycle barrier that we were at and motion us on, uh, and, and told us, oh, absolutely, you can come on.

[00:34:48] It's not a big deal and stuff. So my son and I walked towards the, uh, Capitol on the east side, which is away from what everybody else saw, the, the, the sheer wall and everything else. That was the west side. So that was on the, uh, uh, complete opposite of where we were at. And so one of the things is, is that.

[00:35:11] As I walk towards now, remember you have to understand December 24th, I was healed, but my health I, I gradually got, well, I wasn't instantaneously where I was able to walk, you know, uh, six weeks, uh, I mean, 12 weeks, six to eight hours a day. Um, I, I, my body had to recover, uh, from me literally for two and a half years laying in the bed and, and on the couch and, and being inactive.

[00:35:41] So I wasn't moving very slow, uh, very fast. I was, I was very in a weak condition, but for some reason I had enough strength to go and, and observe, uh, what was taking place. So as I walked towards the capital and observing, we took pictures and video and I have all those. And then what we did was is that once we went up the steps.

[00:36:05] Uh, there, I turned to the, to the right and went to the Senate side of the porch to get away from the big crowd and everything else. There's where I, and my son videoed. Uh, another gentleman, uh, uh, hunter empty 20 years old, black lives, Antifa activists, uh, started kicking in windows, uh, and punching windows.

[00:36:31] He was then arrested. We have all that on video, it's been turned over to the FBI I've I spent an hour and a half being interrogated by the FBI, uh, in regards to this. Um, and then after we had stopped filming and they had taken him away, uh, we, we did the research and we found out that 20 minutes after he had been arrested, he was released on his own recognizance.

[00:36:59] So one of the things that he was allowed to do was to go back to California, where he was then told to at some point at, which was in later in, around, um, uh, August, uh, he appeared before the judge and was given no jail time. No, um, no bail, an ankle monitor told him that he could go to work in, in, in the area, uh, uh, at, at his home, but that, uh, he would wait until they actually had a trial for.

[00:37:33] Now let's move forward to what happened to my son, my son on February the 14th. Now you have to understand, we, we filmed everything that hunter did. We never went inside. We, we were on the porch. Uh, we assisted the, um, uh, capital police and helping them. And I gave them my card. That's how the FBI found out about, um, my son and myself.

[00:38:01] So what they did was is on February the fourth at three 30 in the morning, the FBI, uh, in Lubbock, Texas came to my son's home, tore the front end of his home out. They entered into his house. They flash baed him and his dog. Uh, they arrested him. Then he was then transported to the Lubbock police, uh, uh, department's uh, jail cell where he was apprehended there until he was, uh, uh, about two weeks.

[00:38:32] He had to, uh, stay there because there were snow storms so bad that, uh, they couldn't get a plane out of Texas to go to Washington DC at that time. So he stayed there and, uh, then he was transported to Washington, DC, where then he was placed into the Gul log. That, that was there. Now the, the thing is, is that this is going to be, uh, pretty tough because what I'm gonna describe is what he has told me, uh, uh, took place inside the, the prison itself.

[00:39:07] The, uh, he was put in isolation, uh, three eggs and mayonnaise is described as a meal. He was often time given one meal a day. Um, he would go three to five days without being allowed out of his cell. At that time, he would be released for about an hour to shower and shave. He was then placed back into solitary confinement.

[00:39:34] One of the things that would happen at nine o'clock at night is that all of the prisoners cuz they could, they. Uh, holler. And you could hear each other, uh, doing that at nine o'clock, they'd start the pledge of allegiance. My son stated that, um, uh, the guards would come in and start batoning guys to get 'em to shut up, uh, and not to say the pledge of allegiance.

[00:39:59] Um, not only did they do the pledge of allegiance, but they'd seen the national Anthem and during that time they were being beaten. Um, and so the thing is, is that we need to understand that these people, uh, and my son, while he had four charges and was facing 47 years and, and federal penitentiary, if he's convicted have now since been, uh, most of them have been dropped.

[00:40:24] He's still facing 22 years, but on July, the eighth of this year coming up, he's going to go for the 10th time before a federal judge, the prosecutor has not given discovery of what my son has done. They've said. That he entered into the capital building, which is a line and that, uh, we interrupted a congressional Senate hearing, uh, and, and which was trespassing, uh, because of that, w was also another form of trespassing.

[00:40:56] Uh, the other two charges he had was, was, was on federal grounds. Uh, and then, uh, also, uh, in, uh, fighting with the capital police. Now, my testimony are videos and everything else. They have dropped the, the interaction with the police. They dropped the, uh, uh, uh, trespassing, but they've still maintained that they have evidence of him being inside the capital.

[00:41:24] And that, uh, they're still saying that we interrupted the congressional Senate hearing and stuff. So the thing is, is that, uh, you would think that there would be a, um, speedy trial. Uh, our, our Congress, our Congress is set up and our, and our laws. Uh, we need to understand we don't live in a democracy. I, I, I, I, it just, I cringe every time I hear we live in this democracy, we do not.

[00:41:54] We live in a Republic. If you, if you remember your pledge of Allegiant, it says to the Republic for which it stands. One nation under God. We need to understand that it is the rule of law, not the rule of people that, uh, uh, our founding fathers had set up. And so what we need to do is we need to go back to this Republic.

[00:42:20] So in that it states that you're supposed to have a speedy trial, which hasn't happened, but we also have many, many people with that have the same charges as my son. Not everybody has $80,000 to drop on an attorney to get their son out. We were very fortunate in being able to do that. And so he got out six weeks after that because I got a phone call from him.

[00:42:46] We were going to allow him to stay in as long as he felt comfortable. But when a 32 year old man calls you crying, going dad, they just Baton to guy there's blood. Uh, uh, uh, there, that was on the batons. They were coming after me. I don't know if they killed this guy or not, but, uh, we've already heard the, uh, ambulance they've transported these, uh, these people out.

[00:43:11] Get me outta here, please, please. I can't do this anymore. Okay. So what are you gonna do? If you have the, uh, the ability you're gonna get your son out of that position? And so by that he has lost his first amendment rights. He's under a gag order. He's lost his second amendment rights. It now he's not charged with any violent, uh, charges yet.

[00:43:33] They stripped him of his, uh, uh, second amendment, right? So we, we are, are fighting those charges. And like I said, on July, uh, the eighth, we're gonna go for the 10th time before the federal judge. And, uh, the prosecutor hopefully, uh, will drop the charges. That's what it seems like we're heading to because they just cannot provide any evidence supporting their case against him because, uh, we didn't do anything that he, uh, he did, uh, or what they're charging us with.

[00:44:06] So what I always tell everybody is, is that our, our government is set up that you are presumed innocent until proven guilty today in this atmosphere. Right now we have, uh, you are guilty until proven Democrat. Let me let, and so let me take this a little bit further. We were talking just before we came on of a news story, that was just breaking.

[00:44:32] Okay. Steven Cober. Who is part of the mainstream media and he is the comedian and everything else, and he has his opinion. And that's the great thing about our country is, is that you can believe whatever you want and you have the right to do that. However, he had seven of his top staff break into the, uh, capital.

[00:44:54] Okay. So two days ago they broke into the capital. Uh, well, I, let me rephrase that. Not broke in. They were led in by Adam Schiff's staff and then they, uh, were kicked out. Then they were led in again by another congressman's staff. The second time they were arrested. inside the capital. They have pictures, they've got video, they've got everything.

[00:45:19] What we're trying to do right now is we're scrambling as, as we speak. Uh, and as soon as I get off of this, I've gotta get on the phone because I've got, you know, attorneys that are calling me, uh, you know, with information and how we're going to, you know, um, fight this because now we have the other side actually doing what they're, uh, saying that the, uh, J Sixers did.

[00:45:47] And the, and, and in some of those that, you know, I'm not condoning any violence. I, I went there to peacefully observe and, and to let my voice be heard and any person that. Went in and did damage and, and, and did anything to harm anybody else. They need to be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. I, I have no qualms about that.

[00:46:11] And there are seven there's over 740, uh, uh, prisoners, 600 of them. Did not do anything they did not get in. Uh, they didn't engage with the, uh, police. They didn't, uh, go inside. They didn't damage anything with the federal, uh, but they're charged. And so it's the 600 that we're working on, uh, across the nation, uh, with about 140 different, uh, attorneys, Peter Tipton, president Trump's personal attorney is also involved and I'm in conver conversations with all of these attorneys on, on a daily basis and stuff.

[00:46:49] And we've got, uh, tri Evans and Weston Martin in Texas, which we introduced to 16 page brief to, uh, Ken Paxton, which would be the sovereign rights of an individual. But here's where my son's case actually even turns, uh, another, uh, deal about a month and a half ago. I get a, a phone call from, uh, a magistrate judge in Texas.

[00:47:16] And she said, Mr. Zinc, I need to talk to you about your son. And I said, okay, what do you need to know? And, and as she started revealing, she was a former FBI agent. She then went into law school then as, as she went through, went to the ranks and became a magistrate judge. See the thing is, is that the federal government and the FBI are actually infringing on the sovereign rights of, uh, of our individual, uh, people.

[00:47:45] This is where godly men and women need to stand up. We need to understand our rights because our rights and liberties that are given to us by God are trying to be taken by our government. And this is what's. This is the reason why we're in the fight and what's going on. So when the FBI went to the, uh, judge, the federal judge in Washington, DC, and the evidence that they presented to them, they were allowed to get a no knock warrant.

[00:48:15] They were supposed to go to the magistrate judge who called me and, and said, I need to tell you what's going on with your son. And, and what the FBI did was is that they didn't go to her court. They went to another judge in Abilene. That was a democratic judge mm-hmm . And he signed off on the state of Texas, allowing the no knock to be served by the FBI.

[00:48:42] They then went in, served that no knock warrant at three o'clock in the morning, on February the fourth, and then took him out once they did that, then they abducted and then kidnapped my son, uh, out of the state of Texas. The reason why that I stated so clearly. They had falsely given information to the federal judge.

[00:49:06] How did I know? That was because of the magistrate judge that called me and said, um, that it was a slow news day. And what happened was is that they then turned around and she started looking up, uh, my son's case because she goes, I don't remember, uh, his name coming through my court and he's in my jurisdiction.

[00:49:30] since she is a Republican and a conservative, she would've never signed off on that. No knock warrant. She would've not allowed them to, uh, uh, do what they did to him. So what happened was is that they, they knew that they went to another, uh, democratic judge, that judge then signed off on it and it was served.

[00:49:50] Then he was then, uh, extradited to Washington DC when he was supposed to appear before the, uh, uh, judge in the state of Texas, because Texas has a sovereign nation, uh, uh, state. Yeah, just like every other state is. So these are things that what we're fighting at the national level and what I'm involved in, uh, right now is trying to get the word out of all of the different people that if you're involved in this to reach out to me, let me know.

[00:50:23] So we can get you with one of our attorneys and stuff. And because we're trying to get a unified front, and this is where this is very important of getting this word out. So the thing is, is that, uh, why do I do this? Because it's the right thing to do. Not because of my son, it's the right thing to do, but God put me in a position to see firsthand what's going on.

[00:50:48] The FBI came at me, couldn't find anything. So they didn't, uh, do anything. And like I said, uh, earlier I've had a phone call that says that if you will drop outta the race, your son's charges will be dropped. I've had, if you'll drop outta the, uh, uh, race, you'll have all the money that you want to have. Uh, and, and you won't ever have to, uh, work or do anything, you know, you can have the high life or whatever, but at what cost of the people and the others that are involved in this, why would I turn my back on them, godly men, uh, and women are not supposed to do that.

[00:51:25] And that's what, that's the difference. That's why I've been, uh, 20 hours a day for the last, uh, you know, year and a half of listening to other peoples, not just my son's case, but other people's cases, helping them and working with them. And then, uh, working with the attorney generals in about 15 different states across the United States.

[00:51:48] And as we're doing this, this is the fight. So that's why, and, and I'm just one guy, um, So, if anybody wants to get involved and you wanna roll up your sleeves and you really wanna see the underbelly of, uh, of our country and how bad it's, uh, the depravity of man has gotten, uh, by all means, call me, uh, I can put you to work.

[00:52:11] I can, I I'll give you more than, than you can handle, uh, because my slate is really full right now.

[00:52:19] David Dowlen: All right. So your son is home for now, but still, still fighting the charges

[00:52:26] Jeff Zink: still fighting him, you know, and like I said, we'll find out July the eighth, uh, what happens and, um, you know, and whatever God does, he's still, he's still on the throne.

[00:52:37] Um, and I will accept whatever, uh, they try to do. Uh, but the thing is, is that I want to be able to not only. On my deathbed. And when I stand before God, I wanna be able to say, uh, to him, I did everything I possibly could, not just for my son, but for every person that was involved in this, because they've been falsely accused.

[00:53:01] I want to be able to say to him that I've done everything. And then I want those words told to me that every Christian man and woman wants to hear well done, good and faithful servant enter into my home. That is what I want. And so everything else here on earth is, is it's just, what do we do? And, and how do we stand?

[00:53:26] And that's where, when you went back to integrity, you know, what is the definition? The true definition of integrity is what do you do when nobody is looking? And if you're willing to go behind the scenes you're you're listeners for the very first time, or literally hearing me. And are going, oh my gosh, this guy's involved with the audit.

[00:53:51] Uh, Arizona audit was, uh, and testified that he was at, uh, J six and everything else. I'm one guy, but God has placed me in a position where I'm the most controversial congressional candidate in the country. And I have a heart for God, and I'm an ordained minister, and this is where Esther comes into place for such a time as this.

[00:54:16] And if you as an, uh, as a leader and you go, gosh, I don't know. Uh, if I can do this or not, then, um, don't pray. The prayer that I prayed. I trust me, do not pray God, whatever you want, wherever you want me to go, whatever you want me to do, I will do that. Don't pray that prayer, because I promise you, our country needs people.

[00:54:42] We need men. We need women. We need leaders. We've got to have godly people that are going to do the right thing for the right reasons when nobody else is looking around, this is the reason why we're doing this. So I was called for such a time as this. And I'm a nobody. So just think what you can do. With somebody like yourself, you know, and, and that's the listener that's listening right now.

[00:55:08] What can God do if you took the challenge and you stood up and you said, I'm not going to do this, we're gonna start placing biblical principles back into our schools. We're gonna put biblical principles back into our churches. And then let's put 'em into our city councils, our board of supervisors, our legislative at the state level, and let's do it at the federal level.

[00:55:33] And let's bring God back to one of the greatest countries in the world that has ever seen God gave us this country and our church and godly men and women went to sleep and have not allowed, uh, and have allowed Satan to take control of it. And that's why we're here now. So we, as the sheep dogs need to stand up and start working on getting our country back.

[00:56:00] And that's, that's what we need to do.

[00:56:03] David Dowlen: How's the polls going for you? I, uh, was trying to dig it up, but finding Arizona's third district, I, I saw one, I found one poll on Politico that has the democratic incumbent, just steam rolling life. How, how is it from there? Cause I don't know where to look.

[00:56:18] Jeff Zink: Um, so I, as I go, uh, uh, let's see.

[00:56:22] It was, yes, it was last night. Boy, my days go together. So last night I was at a business, um, uh, gathering where all of the Latino businesses and I have to understand C three is made up of 67% Latino, 8% black, 2% Asian, uh, uh, 2% native American and the rest are Caucasian. So, um, I'm in a minority. Um, CD three has been represented by the democratic party since 2000.

[00:56:56] So for 22 years, the democratic party has had our, uh, district. Out of that in 2012% of the population was below the poverty line today in 20 22, 60 7% of the population is below the poverty line. That's insane. We have no manufacturing. We have no businesses. The Latinos voted, uh, in 2020. And for that, what, what has now happened is that central, uh, and, and below I 10, which is the heart of my district and it's all Latino own businesses.

[00:57:39] Nobody voted for a light rail yet the city council overruled the voting people and said, no, they don't understand what they, you know, they, they misinterpreted. We need to do that. And they awarded all of the tra uh, the, uh, contracts and all of central is now torn. And all of the Latino businesses are going out of business.

[00:58:03] Now they're punishing the Latino businesses and owners that, that heard, made their voice heard. They're now punishing them and the congressmen and the representatives that are here in this district did nothing for these, uh, for the people here. And so I live, um, uh, in the heart of CD three, um, and our Congressman just moved and has a nice little house in a gated community that, uh, nobody can come in yet.

[00:58:36] He voted for, um, you know, to keep our borders open and for everybody to come in. But yet they make sure that none of the, the people are dropped off anywhere near where he lives, but they are definitely being dropped off where I live. And I see it and I go to the park and the mornings walking my dog. And I have to deal with homelessness, uh, uh, and homeless people in the park every day and, and stuff, and try to help them.

[00:59:06] And, and here's the other thing. I've got an elementary school now, right now. It's not a big deal, but I have an elementary school right next door to that park. So when I walk in the mornings during school, I have to call the police. I have to get those people out of there because I don't know what type of person's there.

[00:59:25] And I'm trying to protect our children, uh, or elementary children that's right there and try to get them, uh, and I don't wanna moved. So I'm working with several organizations here to make sure that they're placed someplace where they can get help, but I, but I've done that, uh, every day during school year and stuff.

[00:59:46] And so these are all of the things that, um, I'm having to deal with directly, uh, with what's taking place. So, um,

[01:00:00] David Dowlen: Hopefully the grass roots campaigns will work well. You know, business owners are pretty savvy. They, they understand what's hurting em, and what's not. So hopefully that goes in your direction. I was reviewing some of your proposed legislations on your website and on the merit alone, I'm IM a huge fan. I, uh, feel very strongly about veteran's affairs.

[01:00:19] And your proposal on Kyle's bill is which would stipulate VA pay for a service provider for an appointment if they cannot facilitate it within 30 days or immediately for mental health services, which is amazing long, long overdue. Um, they cut the fat bill. Pur proposal is long overdue. And guys, I will have links to his website.

[01:00:42] Okay. In the notes, you can go to the front page of his website and scroll down and it's right there. It's a free download. You can download all the bills he wants to propose and bring into Congress with him. , um, it makes sense. They, they make so much sense, but don't take my word for it. Go to his website.

[01:01:01] Okay. It's Jeffzink4congress.com and that's a, sorry, sorry. That's four. My,

[01:01:06] my wife is, well, it, it, it can be either or, oh, okay. It can be the number four or for, I have both domains. Okay. So he's

[01:01:13] got both domains, so it can be four spelled or four for the number. Right? Add that stream right there. If you're watching on video, you guys can see he's got a lovely website, but right there on page one.

[01:01:25] Okay. You can go down and it is right here on the page and you can download the free PDF version of all the bills that he is interested in bringing and introducing to Congress. Uh, and you can see for yourself exactly what he is intending to bring what he is intending to show you guys. I, I didn't get through all 15 that are in there.

[01:01:48] I leifed through a couple that caught my attention and. Man they're common sense bills that should, some of 'em should have been done so long ago. Uh, the veteran stuff is so close to my heart. My friend's dad is struggling right now. They actually just submitted him for, uh, what was it, the agent orange, um, what's going on with his head.

[01:02:10] They actually just submitted him for review for the agent orange poisoning in Vietnam. Um, because he's, he's hit that turn. And we talked to a couple, for instance, like, this is what you need to submit because this is what is happening to him,

[01:02:23] Jeff Zink: right. It is well, and for any service. Oh, absolutely. And the thing is, is for any veteran and again, um, uh, I was raised by a war II.

[01:02:34] My bro, my older brother, there's 13 years between me and my older brother. Uh, and he served in Vietnam. And the thing is, is that, uh, while we have an organization called, uh, 22aday.org, that number's actually 26. Now we're losing 26 veterans a day. And the thing is, is that, um, what my, my heart, because, uh, I got, uh, literally I thought that the VA was a really great place that, that it was all taken care of and stuff.

[01:03:12] Because when my father went to the VA, I went with him. Now you have to understand, at that time I had 20, I had 28 years, um, of sports medicine behind me at that time in an active practice and stuff. So I go with my father and the. Nurse practitioner comes in and everything. And I said, well, you know, where's the doctor.

[01:03:37] And she goes, oh, well, you know, I'm I met. And so I sat down and I said, well, I've got some questions. You have three medications right here. One is the, uh, generic drug. One is the same drug, but it's an off label. And one is the prescription. You have my father on the same prescription, three drugs, okay.

[01:04:00] Taking this. And I said, and his side effects are, are this. And she goes, oh, okay. So are, who are you? You know? And I said, well, I'm his son. And I said, I've been in, uh, in medicine for, you know, 28, uh, or I guess 23 years at that time when I first started. And then, um, she immediately goes, oh, okay, well, hold on.

[01:04:22] And then leaves, the doctor comes in. Now we talk face to face and, and, and everything. Then after that, I go back cuz I was in another state at that time and I go back and my, my brother called me and he goes, what did you do for dad? And I said, I don't know why. And he goes, well, every time he calls, he gets an appointment.

[01:04:46] Every time I call, I get appointment, we get to see the doctor. Uh, you know, I, the, the care went at top class. Now why? Because all of a sudden they realized that there was somebody that had a me, uh, had a medical background that understood and was watching them. That's the problem that I have because most of our veterans don't have an advocate.

[01:05:17] They don't have a son. So guess what? I want to be the adopted son of every veteran or brother or uncle or whatever you wanna do. And I want, I want to, uh, Uh, put together, uh, a task force. That's actually going to go through the VA and we're going to, uh, and so Kyle Chandler, let me talk about Kyle A.

[01:05:39] Little bit. Kyle is a guy that he went to, uh, um, Afghanistan and he was in some of the worst fighting that was taking place. In fact, um, uh, part of the things that, uh, was told to me is that, um, he ended up having to do hand to hand combat with several people that he had to kill. Uh, and, and when you do that, that changes a person's, uh, uh, completely, it, it's one thing to shoot somebody from a long ways away, but when you have two or three guys attacking you and you're, you're having to, you know, take that person's life, I, I don't know what that is and or what that's like, but.

[01:06:22] It changes a person. And so Kyle got in, uh, got into trouble, um, and, and was really hurting and reached out to the VA. And when he reached out to the VA, they told him it would be six months before they, he could be seen, he was in dire need. Right. Then he needed help right then and stuff. And so one of the things that, um, uh, happened was he actually hung up the phone and when he hung up the phone, he took a gun and he walked out in the backyard and he shot himself.

[01:06:58] Um, we can't do this. Our, uh, we, we have, uh, valued people. You're human beings. You're asked to do terrible things. Uh, in war we, we asked, uh, uh, a lot of our veterans and our soldiers and stuff. And I, and the thing is, is that you may look at a, a veteran and you thank them. And I do, I think, and I thank you for your service and, and I thank every person for their service, but the toll that takes place on that individual, especially if they're in combat, like that is a heavy price that we've asked them to.

[01:07:39] So that we can walk around and burn our flags. That's freedom of speech. We can say things like we don't like America. It's a horrible place. Uh, there, we allow, uh, gays and lesbians to, uh, have a lifestyle here which would not be in any other country. At all, but because of our freedoms, we, we allow that freedom to take place.

[01:08:06] But what I have to try to remind people is this it's not free. It comes at a huge price and a heavy toll, and our veterans are paying it. And for us to turn our backs on them, I, I cannot nor will I stand for that to take place. So that's one of the bills that I personally have, uh, uh, I'm gonna bring forward.

[01:08:30] And that's the reason behind, and I wanna bring Kyle's mother. I promised her when that goes to the floor for a vote, she's gonna be in the. And she's gonna get to see that her son didn't die in vain, that he's gonna be able to be recognized for the, what he has gone through. And that's, for me, that's just a small thing that I can do for her and, and for Kyle.

[01:08:57] But you know, the thing is, is that it's not just them. It's all of our veterans and we need to sit down and literally start taking care of those. And here's the other thing which I'm gonna parlay in, which I don't have on my website. But the UTI, uh, shooting, one of the things that I want to do, and I'm gonna start working on, is this, I wanna take our veterans.

[01:09:21] I want to give them a job. And if they're homeless, start giving them a job I'm gonna, I'm gonna let them protect our most valuable. Uh, possession, which is our children. We shouldn't have gun free zones. They should be walking the halls with their veterans. Our veterans should be able to walk those halls with an, uh, an AR 15 with a, a handgun with whatever they, they, uh, feel comfortable, uh, caring.

[01:09:51] And then they get to talk to these kids and those kids get to ask questions. What was it like, why did you fight? And we educate our children with the price of what our veterans have to pay. And we transfer that knowledge to our younger children and we grow them up. But if somebody wants to come take our precious, uh, uh, children, they're gonna be, uh, it will be at such a heavy cost because our veterans are trained to take the enemy out and that's what we need to do.

[01:10:23] And that's, that's another one that I'm gonna, uh, put, uh, together and bring to the.

[01:10:29] David Dowlen: I would vote for you if nothing else for that one bill right there. the, the Kyle's bill, for sure. Um, but man, my, my wife and I have had that very conversation. It's like, we get so many veterans who are coming home and struggling with coming back into society, but they have these incredible skills and they're struggling to find jobs where they feel like they're still serving.

[01:10:51] And a lot of 'em need that so badly. Mm-hmm we have all these problems here. Here is the solution. We have a skilled force that can keep our children safe. Uh, man. Yeah. Now I will vote for you just on that alone, man. That's that just so that you need to move to Washington run for cause our congressmen suck up here.

[01:11:11] Um, I, I won't even mince words say they're an embarrassment. I'm sorry. But

[01:11:16] Jeff Zink: well, to let you understand just how bad our, uh, uh, who I'm running against, um, I'll say his name one time, Ruben Gago. Um, he is the gentleman and you can look him up. Um, he was with Eric Swalwell in, uh, Qatar, uh, topless in shorts on the back of a camel, had his arms raised, both of 'em had their arms raised and, and you can look for this picture and everything else.

[01:11:47] Now, I don't know if you know about Qatar. That's a Muslim country. Men are supposed to conduct themselves in that country where their neck to their ankles are to be covered from their shoulder to their sleeves, to, to their, uh, uh, wrists are to be covered. Okay. They don't have enough respect for another country's culture and their belief system.

[01:12:21] That that's what they do. I would never ever do that while I, I, um, don't believe the same way as a Muslim. I will tell you that if I go in, when I go into a country of another faith, I honor and respect them and will hold their culture and make sure that I always present them. That's what we're supposed to do.

[01:12:47] Just like godly men, you know, and, and, uh, for the, uh, ladies that are, that are looking for, for men, here's how you find one that's that's really good. You make sure that the man is going to care for you. See a woman doesn't need to be taken care of. She wants a man to just care for her. And there's a huge difference between those two and how, how we do this.

[01:13:13] We, uh, you have to be worthy of leading her and if she can't trust you to lead her, she won't follow you. So we, as, as godly, men need to make sure that we hold true to what God's, uh, design is and making sure that just like when I first met my wife and I said, would you follow me? And she goes, oh no, I wouldn't.

[01:13:37] 12 years later, you ask her that question. Now she'll follow me wherever she wants, because she knows that I follow God and I don't deviate from that and stuff. And especially during the, the, uh, valley, she watched me walk with God and, and, and always praised him. And she, and that was where she struggled.

[01:13:58] She's how do you praise a man? Uh, a God that has you hurting so bad. And I said, it's sin. This is a consequence of sin. It's not him. Uh, I said, if he, if he truly wanted to judge me, I wouldn't be here. I'd be in heaven with him. And the only difference is is that since God, since Christ died for me and my sins, I would be in heaven.

[01:14:23] And it had nothing to do with me. So these are the things that fallible men that we need to set down. If you wanna get to the core, what, what you're now starting to pick at, in there in finding through these bills and, uh, and stuff is truly who I am. This was, this is behind the scenes when nobody's there.

[01:14:43] Why do I have this passion? Why what's Dr. The driving force for me. And that's because God stood up for me. I can certainly stand up for my fellow man and my fellow woman. And I can give them a hand up and, and brush them off. And then we, we just keep moving together, but we're going to do this together

[01:15:08] David Dowlen: future congressman's Inc.

[01:15:10] I'm gonna say that, cuz I'm counting on this ladies and gentlemen, cuz I know we have women who listen to the show as well. The most powerful thing you have right now. And getting involved in politics is to go vote, go vote in your primaries, go vote in your local elections, decide what kind of world, what kind of country you wanna live in, find out what the political candidates are all about and vote with your heart and your soul for the future of our children, for the future of our country and the world you wanna live in.

[01:15:44] I, I will hold you to it when you become Congressman, I would like to have you back.

[01:15:49] Jeff Zink: Absolutely. I

[01:15:50] David Dowlen: would love to have you on here and just continue to follow this story. Uh, our prayers are with you and your son. That's a, that's a huge fight and God will sort that out hopefully very soon for you. I know God will sort that out in the end, but hopefully sooner than later.

[01:16:06] Um, but I am just, I, the things you are trying to bring forward, I hope I hope cuz I, I worry about our government all the time and I pray about it all the time. Thank you for taking the time to share with us. We will have links for Jeff sink's website for his Facebook, for his Instagram. So you guys, I want you to not ever take my word for things.

[01:16:31] Okay. I try and bring you guys enough information so you can then go and follow up and make your own decisions because that's what you need to do as men not take anyone's word for it. Go look yourself. Be very cut. Careful about who you trust your opinion with. And that includes me. I don't I'm I'm on a journey, myself guys.

[01:16:51] I am fallible. So go and look. We will have all the links so you can find Jeff Zink find out exactly the man he is and what he's about. I hope you've had a glimpse of that today. Jeff, thank you for taking the time to be on the show and spend some time with us and share your heart and, uh, God bless as you head forward, hopefully to Congress.

[01:17:13] I I'm looking very forward to that election and guys as always be better tomorrow because of what you do today. We'll see on the next one,

[01:17:21] David McCarter: this has been the fallible man podcast, your home for everything, man, husband and father. Be sure to subscribe. So you don't miss a show head over to www.thefallibleman.com for more content and get your own fallible man gear.

Jeff Zink Profile Photo

Jeff Zink

Congressional Candidate Jeff Zink

Do you ever wonder what they are doing in congress? I bet you do! More and more Americans are wondering about what is going on behind the doors of what is supposed to be our representation to the government.
I had the incredible opportunity to interview congressional candidate Jeff Zink from Arizona's 3rd District where he is tired of standing by and wondering himself. So he is running in the midterms 2022 for district 3 Arizona.

Jeff is running for the US House of Representatives in Arizona’s 3rd District. Right in the heart of Phoenix on the Republican party ticket. America First Candidate and Constitutionalist.

Jeff is running in a traditionally democrat held district where he says the democratic party has forgotten and failed many of his neighbors and constituents. He is also the only candidate who was there on J6 where his son is still fighting for his freedom and worked the full Arizona audit. He has some pretty strong things to say.

Jeff believes that God has called him to serve and so he is following his authentic faith all the way to the Capital. No matter where you land on Faith or politics you need to hear this one.