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Annabel and Meshach

Annabel and Meshach Profile Photo

Intimacy Alchemists

Annabel and Meshach of The Spooner State are Intimacy Alchemists and have been together for 20 years.

They have cultivated a profound and ever-evolving Sacred Union rooted in open communication and mutual growth. Their journey has led to a love they affectionately term '1% Love'—a love adorned with endless supplies of love, connection, intimacy, adventure, fun, and fulfillment.

They have a vision to make ‘1% Love’ a global phenomenon.

‘1% Love’ is the type of love shared between lovers which makes people think:

“How in the world do they seem so in love?”

“How are they so connected and in tune?”

“What do I need to do to have a love like that?”

Using their proprietary method, The 1% Lovers Transformation Method™, they empower couples to transform their relationships into Sacred Unions of ‘1% Love’ within 30 days.

Feb. 14, 2024

The 1% Who Make Love Last: Putting in the Work Year After Year

Unexpectedly, this couple's secret to a lasting relationship involves a surprising shift from secrecy to sharing. Learn how Meshach and Annabelle went from vowing to keep their relationship private to now openly spreading th…