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Donald Dunn

Donald Dunn Profile Photo

Veteran / CEO of Heroes Voices Media Foundation / Podcaster

I entered the Army in 1994 and spent 20 years in the military. During the 20 years I spent 68 months in deployment/combat tours. 9 months was in Bosnia and the rest was in Iraq and Afghanistan. After the Military I opened up my own company in the trucking industry. I closed it shortly after covid. Since than I have started a podcast called Two Drunk Dudes in a Gun Room to highlight the struggles and the success of our veteran community and I am building a nonprofit called Heroes Voices Media Foundation to help Veterans reach their dreams while getting therapy doing it.

Feb. 28, 2024

Gun Room Therapy: How Donald Dunn Uses Media to Heal Veterans

Are you ready for a shocking revelation? Veterans struggling with mental health post-military are finding unexpected support through a groundbreaking initiative. The surprising twist? It's not just about mental health - it's…
Guest: Donald Dunn