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Eric Koenreich

Eric Koenreich Profile Photo

Fitness & Mindset Coach for Men

Eric Koenreich is a dynamic individual with a diverse range of experiences that have shaped his expertise in the realm of physical fitness and mental health. From his days as a pro wrestler to owning a bakery and a gym, Eric has always been driven to explore new avenues and challenge conventional thinking. As a certified personal trainer and a passionate advocate for balanced living, Eric's mission is to help men improve their health without sacrificing the joys of everyday life. He firmly believes that adopting a mindset of moderation and making small, sustainable changes can lead to significant transformations. For years Eric has theTired Dad Fitness Club aimed specifically at dads, Eric has expanded his reach beyond just dads, aiming to inspire men of all ages to prioritize their well-being.

Check out Some High Points:
- Lost over 100 pounds
- Certified personal trainer
- Former professional wrestler
- Former food influencer
- Former powerlifting gym owner
- Former bakery owner
- Brazilian jiujitsu brown belt
- Married for 11 years
- Father of 3

Nov. 1, 2023

From Dad Bod to Fit Dad: How Eric Koenreich Achieved Physical Transformation and Balance

Have you ever heard these myths about dad bods? Myth #1: Dad bods are healthy and attractive. Myth #2: You can't have a dad bod and be fit. Myth #3: Only men can have dad bods. In this episode, we have Eric Koenreich who wil…