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Oliver Marcelle

Oliver Marcelle Profile Photo

Author / Speaker / Coach / Podcaster

I go on a journey with my clients. I help them discover and implement ways to communicate effectively and build relationships, both personally and professionally.
Whether in a 1:1 or group setting, I inspire the confidence to explore and discover various communication styles. I provide the tools to successfully collaborate those styles in a way that ensures communication without frustration and judgment. Individuals/groups that work with me walk away with clarity, confidence, and an action plan.

Nov. 22, 2023

Gratitude in Action: Transforming Lives with Oliver Marcelle

Have you ever heard these myths about gratitude? Myth 1: Gratitude is just a temporary feeling that fades away quickly. Myth 2: Gratitude is only necessary during good times, not in challenging situations. Myth 3: Gratitude …