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Randy Brown

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Randy Brown is a transformational speaker, international author, and networking expert. His experience spans over 30 years of sharing life-changing messages to hundreds of audiences.

Randy’s expertise in dealing with life's adversities provides a powerful and transparent platform for his signature presentation, “Rebound Forward Turns Adversity to Gold.” He faced a dramatic plunge to the depths of depression, daughter's deaths, divorce, prison, and a career lost forever. His book, Rebound Forward is a transparent and honest look at his life and how adversity helped him rebound and has shaped him into the person he is today.

Few are willing to publicly admit their poor choices and impending consequences, but Randy is one of those rare people who thrive on it. This ability has become the trademark of who he is and how committed he is to alerting others to the danger of allowing secrets to live and fester, only to realize the powers of destruction too late. This is a man worth hearing!

In addition to Rebound Forward, he has contributed to three International Best-Selling books in the past three years. He has two daughters, Claire, 31 and Jane, 26.

Randy Brown

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April 10, 2024

The Power of Perspective: Reframing Hardship and Finding Meaning with Coach Randy Brown

Want to learn the powerful secret to rebounding forward after adversity and becoming scarred but smarter? Randy Brown has the solution to help you navigate life's challenges and emerge stronger. In this episode, he shares th…
Guest: Randy Brown