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Reset Your Breathing with Rectangle Breathing | Simple Techniques for Better Sleep

0n this video, we dive into the concept of rectangle breathing, a technique designed to help you transition from over-breathing to a balanced, more efficient breathing pattern. This method can significantly enhance your overall well-being and improve your sleep quality.

Key Takeaways:
Understanding Rectangle Breathing: Learn how alternating between over-breathing and under-breathing can help your body find a balanced breathing rhythm.

Rectangle Breathing Technique: Follow along as we practice rectangle breathing, a simple yet powerful method to slow down your breath and promote relaxation.

Inhale for a 5-count
Pause for a 10-count
Exhale for a 5-count
Pause for a 10-count

Step-by-Step Guide: We guide you through one complete cycle of rectangle breathing and offer tips on adjusting the pause times to suit your comfort level.

Practical Application: Discover how incorporating this breathing exercise right before bedtime can help you fall asleep faster, wake up less often, and feel more refreshed in the morning.

If you find the pauses challenging, feel free to shorten them to a level that feels mildly comfortable. The key is consistency—practice this technique nightly to gradually improve your breathing patterns and sleep quality.

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00:00 Introduction to Reset Breathing
01:12 Basics of Rectangle Breathing
02:45 Guided Rectangle Breathing Session
05:30 Adjusting the Technique to Your Comfort
07:00 Benefits of Bedtime Breathing Practice
8:30 Conclusion and Next Steps

From S05E39 of The Fallible Man Podcast
"Reclaim Restful Sleep: Overcoming Sleep Apnea Naturally"
#BreathingTechniques #BetterSleep #RectangleBreathing #Wellness #Relaxation