I remember a few years ago, I watched 3 seconds of a video on Facebook and quickly kept scrolling after thinking to myself, here’s another narcissistic, “want to be” entrepreneur, scam artist, selling “the secret to success, just like everybody else. Fast forward a few years, I find myself searching for “the secrets of success” and I continually come across GaryVee but, brush it off. I accidentally listened to one of his podcasts a few months ago and I caught myself hooked. Hooked to the brink of addiction. He isn’t selling “the secrets to success”. He’s selling the mindset one needs to have, in addition to sharing ideas from his personal experience, which has obviously done him right. Overall, he’s giving you the concrete mix and leaving it up to you build the foundation with it. The best part is, he does it without caring what anyone else is going to think about it or him. Everyone and anyone can benefit from something in every single episode!
July 1, 2021 by thirdleglleanin on Apple Podcasts