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May 7, 2020

3 Important Tips for Artists When Transitioning From Supporting Others to Your Own Independent Brand

3 Important Tips for Artists When Transitioning From Supporting Others to Your Own Independent Brand

How do you move to the front of the stage when you’ve spent a lifetime being in the background? 

This is the question many talented musicians and vocalists are asking. As the entire world continues to struggle to recover from the impact of COVID-19, singers and background musicians are no longer able to work consistently behind touring artists. This has forced many of us to rethink how to use our gifts and become more visible in the public eye.  

Thankfully, you don’t have to have a outgoing personality, be social media savvy,  or have a public relations team in order to shift from a supporting musician role to one of a front-line, independent artists. But it does take a major shift in mindset. 

In this passionate discussion, you’ll be encouraged to make three adjustments in your strategy that will help you think like an independent artist, instead of waiting for other artists to create work for you. These strategies include:  

Creating a relevant and attractive sound that is unique to you

Creating a marketing plan that sells your interesting qualities

Creating a message that resonates with your audience. 

While your skills as a background musician or vocalist are still very important, you must expand your knowledge and stretch yourself beyond your comfort zone if you want to thrive in this brand-new music and entertainment industry. 

Key Topics covered in this episode

  • Why simply remaining as a background music specialist is no longer a viable option
  •  Why being a front-line artist doesn’t mean selling out your musical or artistic values
  •  Some simple ways to introduce yourself as an independent artist
  • The spiritual responsibility you have to yourself and your audience to present your unique gifts 
  •  How to sell and promote yourself even in the midst of cultural and social upheaval



Theme Music:

Performed by Teja Veal, from "The Hopeless Romantic EP”