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Aug. 21, 2023

3 Stages to Developing a Creative Career That Makes Money

3 Stages to Developing a Creative Career That Makes Money

If you're searching for financial sustainability for your creative business, you're currently moving through the three stages that every creative entrepreneur goes through. 

What are those three stages, and which one are you currently in? 

In this exclusive look behind the scenes of a God and Gigs coaching call, you'll discover how  grace and profitability intertwine - and we'll share some transparent facts about how God and Gigs is doing as a business. 

In this episode, you'll discover how to

  • Learn to convert your creative talent into a profitable venture.
  • Grasp how grace plays a crucial role in diverse phases of life and business.
  • Comprehend why focusing on profitability and steady growth is essential for a creative business.
  • Get acquainted with the financial path a creative business takes from financial drain, achieving balance, to gaining profits.
  • Identify how joining a supportive group of creative minds can spur productivity and inspire you to stay consistent in your creative growth.


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Have you been trying to figure out exactly how to make money with your creative business? And have you been frustrated with the fact that either you're making not enough or not sure how to make more, or wondering if you even should be making anything? Well, you're going to find some answers to the three stages that every creative business goes through in this excerpt from one of our coaching calls, an exclusive of behind the scenes look at the coaching that we do at god and Gigs 360 Gold, which is our premier program here at God and Gigs for those creatives that have invested into community and in accountability. So you're going to hear something that nobody else gets to hear, a short part of one of those coaching calls where we answer this question of the three key stages of creating a business that can make money for you here in this Paul Creative Services episode of the Guided Gig Show. Give me just a moment to welcome those of you who are new to our show and then we'll get right into this extremely important conversation.


Hello and welcome to our show. Thank you so much for making this podcast a part of your creative day. And if you're new to our show, you are in the right place at the right time. Because as a creative musician, freelancer entrepreneur, anyone that's in the intersection of arts, entertainment and ministry, then you are in the right place with your tribe, where we help you to solve those temporary creative problems with timeless spiritual principles. Now, today's episode, as I mentioned in the open, is very special.

It's a very short excerpt that I wanted to share with you from our coaching calls at God and Gigs 360 Gold. Now, if you're unfamiliar with that, that is our high character, top level coaching community where the creatives in the God and gigs community have decided to invest and join in a special group where we share coaching calls every month, including our Blueprint, which we have created over the last five years. Of all the information that we have gathered from the best creators in the business christians, believers who have done it right. And we put all that in our course, the God and Gigs Creative Blueprint. And we share that information with our tribe, with our creatives in the coaching community, every single month.

So it's thriving. It's got some incredible information there. And I really thought this one moment from our all calls, that's what we call them every month. We have all calls where we have the entire community get together and somebody asked a question about whether or not my business was growing as fast as it really should be and he felt that it should be blowing up. And I was so appreciative.

But the response I gave him, I thought was something I should share with you as well. And so it's a short response. This intro is actually longer than the response, but I wanted to make sure that you understood the context that there is a season that you are in as your creative life has progressed. And I think that it's important that you realize that if you want to make money in your creative calling, that you've got to follow a few steps. It's the same steps that I'm on.

It's the same steps that many internet and creative gurus have been on, but they don't tell you this part. So I wanted to share it with you so that you heard from me, transparently, exactly where God and Gigs is in this path of these three steps to becoming profitable as a creative business. And so when you hear this response, you're going to hear these three steps which really line up with where every creative is. So as you listen, I want you to think about where are you in these three steps? Which one in your financial life are you at?

Even if you're just doing this as a hobby right now, you fall into one of these three categories that I'm about to share with you in this Paul Creative Services. Excerpt from our coaching calls at God and Gigs 360 gold. So without any further delay, here's the excerpt. Here's my response to the question of how we are growing God and Gigs as a business and what stage of profitability we are in at this current point. Here we go.

The phrase that has come to mind more and more and again, I'm borrowing from another again, another coach, that this has resonated with me. I want my business and my creative life. The Bible talks about grace so much. I believe there is a grace for the season of my business. I want my business and my life to grow into the season of grace, which God has allowed it for this season.

God gave me a grace for parenting while I was a parent. My kids are grown now that grace is lifting, I'll be right now like my 25 year old over there. My parenting grace has fallen off the map because she's out of that season. I'm still a parent. I'm still a dad, right?

But I'm not a dad of a five year old, a three year old and a two year old or a one year old like they were back when they were little. Right now, I'm a dad of grown kids. And the grace for that kind of teenage symney, you know, I'm talking about that one year old grace is gone. I don't have one year old grace anymore. I cannot take it for like that's.

Why? When Allen comes over, I'm like, all right, we're going to play for about five minutes. I'm giving you back to your mama because I do not have the patience for a one year old anymore that grace has lifted. And I think it's the same thing for business. So John kind of like to go.

I didn't want to cut you off, but I just realized as soon as you said it, I want my business to grow into the grace that God has allotted at this point. At this point, I believe he's given me grace to reach more people, but more people directly. I am not looking for a scalable big business because that's not the grace I feel he's allotted for this season. Now, one day maybe he will, and maybe we'll have people like you guys coaching other people because you come through the system and you know how to do it. And now we're all helping each other make money and bless people.

Maybe that's coming. That's not where I'm at right now. So I appreciate you saying that, but I just want to make sure it's not that I'm looking for money or not looking for money or looking for big returns just because it's like the holy thing to do, because I don't think there's anything wrong. The love of money is the root of all these, not money. So there's nothing wrong with us wanting bigger bank accounts.

It's when we only want big bank accounts, right? So thank you for that, though. I appreciate the compliment, though. That means a lot again, because my messaging hopefully is resonating that it's not just about the money, but I do want people to be profitable. And the reason I'm starting to use the word profitable is because profit means there's more than enough.

So I am starting to use that language. I wanted to be sustainable and I wanted to be profitable. So if you have a side hustle that's your creative or your creative career, and you still have a nine to five, I want eventually your side hustle to pay for itself. That's my first goal is that everybody's side hustle pays for itself. That you're not feeding Robin Peter to pay.

Like, that's the first goal. The first goal is your side business should pay for itself. So it's net cash of zero out of your bank account and eventually that is actually putting something into your bank account. And then, of course, you got to give grace and you continue to work, it takes over your bank account and it's all you need is your creative side. So that's kind of like the process that we're talking about.

We're talking about getting from where your side hustle or your creative career is kind of draining, but you're investing in it. And then you get to the point where it's paying for itself, and then you get to the point where it's paying. Like that's the goal. The goal is those steps. So I would say right now, paul Paul Creative Services is cash positive.

Mostly, most months is cash positive. That includes, by the way, when I say Paul Paul Creative Services, that includes music and coaching. So I put both of those together. So putting them together, sometimes the music is here and sometimes the coaching is here and it goes back and forth. So I try to keep them all going, obviously, but it's no longer draining from my account.

It's paying for itself. Now, if I wanted to pay me, I got to do better, which is why I'm actually trying to grow it. So that's where that's at. Well, short and sweet and to the point, I hope that you heard my heart on this issue. So you now know that you're either at a place where you're kind of feeding your creative career, where it's taking money from you, you're either at a place where you're net zero, where you're making just enough to cover your bills as a creative, or you are at that stage where your creative career is now paying you.

And so I want you to think about that as you think about your next step as a creative. Are you trying to get profitable? Does it matter to you? Do you want to make more art, more creative work from the profits and be able to sustain yourself? Well, if so, then you got to get some people around you who are also on that journey.

So I invite you to join Guiding Gates 360 Gold. Now, if you're listening, at the time of this being released around the end of August, we are doing a back to school promotion where you can save immensely. When I say immensely, this is because of two things. One, that the cost of guiding Gigs 360 is going up at the beginning of September. It's our anniversary month, and just like everything else goes up in price, we've got to raise our rates to reflect what's happening in the economy.

So our rates go up in Guiding Gigs 360 gold. But for the next few days, you can actually save 50% off of our current rates. So you're literally getting the lowest rate you'll ever be able to get on Got a Gigs 360 Gold. So I wanted to offer that to you, our podcast audience. You've been very faithful as listeners, so I didn't want you to miss out on this.

So I'm sharing it once again. If you missed this, I apologize. I know that this is a time bound announcement I'm making in the middle of the podcast, but I felt it was important to at least get out to those of you who are hearing this right now. However, no matter when you hear this, make sure you check out God and Gigs 360 Gold by going to Godinggigs.com Gold and you'll always see what's available for you there. Now, this particular announcement, as I mentioned, is time sensitive.

But it doesn't mean that you can't get into God and Gigs in other ways. If you just want to check us out and you're new, make sure you go to Godinggigs.com Info. That's where our Paul Creative Services newsletter is held. And that's where you can always sign up and get more information from us throughout the year, so you've got some great resources available for you, whether it's guidingge.com Gold for our Gold program, our coaching, or guidinggeeks. Cominfo.

All those links are in the show notes, and please follow us on all the socials we're everywhere that you want to be as a creative so that you can grow as the confident creative that God has made you to be. Well, my friend, I appreciate you so much listening. Thanks for checking out this excerpt from our coaching calls. I hope that I'll be able to see you in a future coaching call, but among your fellow creatives as a part of our community at God and Gigs 360 Gold. That would be amazing.

I hope you'll consider it. But until next time, please remember to continue to become the creative that you were created to be. God bless and I'll see you next episode. Thanks for joining us here at the God and Gigs show. Please leave us a review on itunes, like our Facebook page, or visit Godandgigs.com and tell us what you thought of this show.

We'll be back soon in the go create something amazing.