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Jan. 30, 2020

50 Episodes Later: A Challenge to Creatives, Lessons from a Legend and the Spiritual Responsibility of Excellence

50 Episodes Later: A Challenge to Creatives, Lessons from a Legend and the Spiritual Responsibility of Excellence

It’s our 50th episode...but the celebration takes second chair to the important challenge we are posing to every creative in our community. 

Here’s the question for you - are you doing what you were created to do? And are you doing it with excellence - meaning God’s standard and not yours? 

Two things have helped to clarify the importance of this message - one is a new book on finding and focusing on your purpose by Jordan Raynor called “Master of One”, and the other is the tragic loss of legendary athlete, philanthropist and creative writer Kobe Bryant , along with his daughter Gianna, and seven other close friends. 

These events have reminded all of us that living life to the fullest, doing the things we are born and created to do, must be one of our highest priorities. The question is, do you know what we were born to do? No matter the answer to that question for you, we’re challenging you to commit to a spirit of excellence in the area that you have chosen as your ‘one thing'. It’s both a spiritual and moral imperative that we not waste time doing anything less than the work we were created to do. 

It’s why we’re recommending Master of One to all of our listeners, and to encourage you to read it, we’re giving away copies of the book to people who leave a review of the podcast on Apple Podcasts. 

Resources and topics we mentioned in this episode:


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Theme Music:

Performed by Teja Veal