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Dec. 9, 2021

How to Authentically Share The Good News As A Creative (Back to Basics #7)

How to Authentically Share The Good News As A Creative (Back to Basics #7)

When you hear the word "evangelism", you might immediately think of missionaries or preachers - but for Christian creatives in the mainstream marketplace, evangelism isn't just about what happens at an altar call.

Creatives who love God but who work outside the four walls of the church have to constantly navigate living a life that draws people to God, by serving people who may be far from God with excellence and respect.

 By practicing all seven of the Seven Service Steps to Creative Success, you can harness all the benefits of living an authentic Christian life and watch as your influence helps spread the good news of the Gospel.

For more info on The Seven Service Steps to Creative Success, and all our other resources, head to godandgigs.com/start. 

On December 20th, 2021,  we're presenting a FREE masterclass to our community on Defeating Your Dream-Killing Creative Challenges So You Can Crush Your 2022 Goals! You can sign up at godandgigs.com/masterclass and attend this live training that will provide you with inspiration, effective strategies, and tips that will get you unstuck and moving forward with creative confidence!