March 18, 2024

How to Unlock Your Kingdom Creative Influence with Ny, Podcaster / Creative Coach

Are you called to influence the influencers of the world through your art? If so, are you ready to step into that calling even when you're scared or feeling like you don't have the resources? 

In this episode, you will be learn how to:.

  • Take a leap of faith and discover your untapped potential  to share your unique message with the world.
  • Build influence in unexpected areas and expand your reach in ways you never thought possible.

Our special guest: Ny aka CallMeKoffee

Ny, also known as CallMeKoffee, is an inspiring podcaster and creative coach who brings a refreshing blend of faith and creativity to her work. Her podcast, "KoffeeSipsTea," is a testament to her commitment to helping others unlock their kingdom creativity through a holistic approach. Ny's genuine passion for integrating faith into the creative coaching space shines through in her engaging conversations and valuable insights. With a background in acting and singing, Ny's personal journey of faith and creativity has deeply influenced her coaching practice, making her a relatable and empathetic guide for those seeking to express their creativity through a faith-based lens. As a dedicated kingdom creative, Ny's authentic storytelling and unwavering faith serve as an inspiration to her audience, making her a valuable resource for anyone looking to embark on their own creative journey.



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00:00 - Who's Influencing the Influencers?

02:27 - Embracing Holistic Creativity

09:19 - Journey to Holistic Coaching

13:33 - Expressing Identity through Creativity

14:35 - The Birth of "Coffee Sips Tea" Podcast

15:05 - Starting the Podcast Journey

16:11 - Start Ugly and Just Release It

19:46 - Overcoming Fear and Doubt

23:21 - Being Open about Faith

28:58 - Words of Encouragement

29:37 - Embracing Identity and Faith

29:57 - Connecting with Ny

30:42 - Taking a Leap of Faith

31:20 - Unexpected Success

32:30 - Community Engagement and Support


Have you ever wondered who's influencing the influencers? Yes, I know that influencing and people who are influencers are all in the media and they're all over our social media feeds. But maybe there are people that you don't even know who are actually influencing the people who are out there sharing their message and being what you might think of as famous. Well, today you're going to hear from a podcaster and creative coach who has done just that, who has stepped into her calling to help bring kingdom creativity to people who might not actually usually be the ones you'd think would be open to it. And you're going to find out how you can have the same influence and step into your holistic creative calling, even if you are scared, frustrated, or just not sure what step to take next.

So just give me a moment to welcome those of you who are new to God and gigs, and then we'll get into this fascinating conversation.

Artists, musicians and creatives of all kinds looking for help balancing your passion to create with your everyday life? Not sure if your faith can coexist with your profession? Welcome to a place where real artists discuss real life. You're listening to the God and gig show. Visit for show notes, links and more information.

Hello and welcome to our show. Thank you so much for making this podcast a part of your creative day. And if you are new to this show, I believe you've made the right choice. You've joined us at the right time and you are around the right people. First of all, let me introduce myself.

If you're new to the show. My name is Allen C. Paul. I'm a host founder of God and. Gigs and I'm a musician creative.

I'm a husband, I'm a father, and I'm forgiven. And I am so glad that you're here to thrive in every area of your creative life, whether you're a musician, artist, freelancer, anyone in the content creation space or entertainment space. But you also have a spiritual christian background and you want to thrive as an artist without sacrificing your faith. That's what we do every day here. We connect the dots between your spiritual life and your creative life.

So I hope you'll hang around, you'll connect with us. All the links are in the show notes and I believe you found the place that you need to be. And speaking of the place you need to be, I couldn't think of a better person for you to connect with and hear from than our guest Ny, aka call me coffee now I love the name because her name really evokes this creative spirit that she's going to share with you. But she's not just a personality. She is a kingdom creative, a creative coach and a podcaster like me who really understands what it means to holistically join what she does in the creative space to her faith and her calling to help people to see what God has for them.

And what you're going to hear is how she had to take the same steps of faith that maybe you have. How she had to start a podcast, how she had to integrate her faith and her creative life in ways that were unexpected, and how her faith and her ability to step forward actually helped her attract people she never believed she would have influence over. And this is what I really want. You to get out of this episode. You don't know what's on the other side of your next step.

You don't know who's waiting for you to take a leap of faith. You don't know who wants you to go ahead and start that podcast or that coaching practice. But Nia is going to help you. To do just that by telling you her story and how she helps people to do the same. My friend, we laugh through this entire.

Interview, but we also provide some incredible value for you so you can also have a holistic, thriving and beautiful kingdom. Creative career, my friend. Let's check in with Ny, aka call me coffee.

Ladies and gentlemen, I am so glad that I get to bring you this amazing young woman of God. She's a podcaster, she's a creative, and she's going to share really how she got into this entire area where she didn't necessarily. No one grows up saying, I'm going to be a podcaster when I grow up. But she found her way into this area, so I really can't wait for you to hear her story. Welcome, Ny, aka call me Coffee.

Welcome to the guiding gig show. Hey, I'm happy to be here. It's a pleasure to have you. And we were just laughing already that the vibes are already silly. So if you guys hear us giggling throughout this interview, I apologize, but you've been in this, as I have in the podcasting world for a while now.

We talked a little earlier before we got done this recording about how we're navigating this community has just become like a big part of our lives. And so, especially when I heard what your podcast is about, I was like, okay, we're part of the same tribe. We already felt that right away. But many people are meeting you for the first time. So this is a question most of us podcasters, we know we got to do, right?

So you know it's coming probably the first 30 seconds. You got to do your elevator pitch. You got to tell them pretty much the basis of who you are in that one sentence, which is totally impossible. But just if people had to learn something about you for the first time, what are those few things you want. Them to know about you?

Well, yeah, definitely. In addition to be a podcaster of coffee sips tea, I'm also a holistic creative coach of my coaching practice high sessions, and it's to help unlock kingdom creativity through the holistic approach. And that's pretty much me in a nutshell. I love going for long walks. I love traveling.

I love meeting new people and doing what I do. It's fun. If it's not fun, it's not worth doing. All right. I love it.

I love that part. And I really was so curious because as soon as you said holistic creative coach, that's honestly what caught my attention going into so many areas of whether you're artist, creative entrepreneur, solopreneur, like, there's a billion buzzwords now. Right? Right. But the word holistic, to me says a lot more about you even than necessarily the creative part.

So tell me, where does that word, or what does that word mean to you and why is it a part of your coaching or really just a part of who you are? Why did you want to make sure that's included? I wanted to make sure that was included. That's a really good question. Because holistic, to me, it's just showing up as your whole self, embracing your mind, your body, your spiritual aspect of you.

It's just none of physical part of everything. I believe in holistic spirituality. I don't believe in churchianity or going to the pews every Sunday only. Right. That's like conditional.

So when you are showing up holy with a w next to holistic, right. So you're showing up as your whole self, fully integrated in your faith, your spiritual fitness. It's an act of worship to God. He says that he would. That we would prosper even as our soul prospers.

I think it's in three, John and two. Don't quote me on that. I need to read my Bible more, obviously. So that's holistic in a nutshell. It's fully integrating your faith, your fitness, life, and creativity.

Kingdom. Creativity. God is a creator, and when he made us, we became animated. When he breathed the breath of life into us. And then they says, and then man became a living soul.

That's in Genesis two and seven, right? So that's what we are. We are living, breathing souls. And then we're having a human experience, and we show up. We're being.

We're not our doings, we're not what we do. We just be. And father God does the rest. So you're just showing up, being present, that's all. That's a mouthful.

And it's hard to do. I want to ask because now people are learning again. Okay. She's a holistic, creative coach. I want to ask you, where did this passion come from in you?

Was it your childhood? Was it something in terms of the way that you were brought up that you said, oh, I want to be helping people? Where did this desire to help other people come from? That part of it? Well, it couldn't have been my childhood, because even though I grew up in the church, I grew up in churchianity.

I did not grow up in having a relationship with God. I grew up in religion, right? Rituals, routines. And so God had to break me out of that. And he was just saying to me, I remember one day saying, he was saying to me, acknowledge me in all things and I will direct your paths.

And I was saying to myself, I'm like, that sounds like proverbs chapter three. But I wasn't sure because at that time, I wasn't really reading the Bible like that. So I ran home excited. And sure enough, when I turned the Bible to proverbs chapter three, it said that. And I was just like, oh, wow, God is talking to me.

I'm hearing him. So it really came out of a desire for something I felt lacking in my creative life. I have a background in acting and singing, entertaining and all of that, but I feel like what was missing was an actual relationship to him where we're having a dialogue and I'm not just praying and then just wishing for something in return. I just wanted to just show up and just say, look, I'm grateful for you. I just want to praise you.

I really want to worship you in spirit and in truth, have that John 424 life so it came out of initially just wanting to help myself connect better to my art as an artist. I'm saying, so wanting to connect to myself as an artist, as a worshipper. And then it became something more. I was just like, okay, father, God is doing something more here. And it was helping other people.

And so even though it started off as fun, it became more and more apparent, like, I'm definitely doing faith based coaching. God is showing up in these sessions. People were saying stuff like, I feel healed. I don't know what it is. I feel an upliftment in my spirit, and I could not understand what was happening because I just thought we were just humming and high, and I just thought we were singing some notes.

That's what I thought. I thought we were just going over some scenes, but apparently not. God was showing up in these sessions, and he was just telling me, like, I want you to be a coach. That's really what I want you to do. And I would listen, I would be obedient.

And so it was really just a matter of me saying yes to God and partnering with him. And out of that developed people receiving that help. When you said that, two things popped into my head. One was the fact that you were being obedient in your creative life, realizing. That there was another line of that.

It wasn't just, I want to sing, I want to act. It was, hey, God, you're asking me to go in another area. Coaching and helping people and teaching is not the same as the actual doing the thing, right? Yes, that was one lane. But the other part that I really love that you said is that you didn't want it to be just about that.

And there's a phrase that I've been really kind of like. It's been resonating in my spirit. I think I said it on another podcast that people ask if you are a creative, right? And they say that's your identity. And I'm very careful about that because I don't think God's like, the first thing you are to me is a singer, an actor, like you said, not a human doing, right?

Right. First, we're a soul. We're just loved because we're loved because we're just his children. And then he's on top of that. Hey, by the way, you have this gifting or this talent, but it's not who you are.

And so I said on this other podcast that creativity is not who I am. It's how I express who I am. And that's what phrase popped into my head when you said that, like, you express who you are through all these other things, but it's not who you are. And I think that's why you and I connect so deeply on the holistic part, because we both are saying to our people or to our audiences that you're not just a singer actor, creative. You are a person that God made individually, just for that.

And then on top of that, like you said in those sessions, it seems like what you do is that you bring out the connection, which, again, is something I love. You bring out the connection between the creative and their creator. Yes, absolutely. I love it. Oh, gosh.

Okay, so now I got to ask you some questions about this whole tea coffee thing, because it sounds like it's a dope name. Number one, if you're not looking at it, it's coffee with a k. Okay, so get that part right. Yeah. So tell me where the genesis of the podcast.

And there's got to be a backstory that we got to. There is definitely a backstory. Okay, so, like, coffee sips, tea, the podcast that started back in 2018. I came home from work, I was exhausted. I was burnt out.

I was working in HR at that time. And I'm just like. I just picked up my phone. I started recording and having fun, like, just jamming. I was just singing songs, playing around.

And all of a sudden, I just started recording episodes. And I'm like, I don't know if I'm going to really put this out there, because who am I to really cast it? I don't believe that I would ever be doing something like that. I never was saying to myself, oh, boy, gee, I want to be a podcaster. No, that's not what happened.

I was really just doing that for fun. And it was kind of just, in a way, another level of expression, number one. And then it's just kind of sharing my commentary of what was happening in my daily life, like, my frustrations. And then I was just like, maybe this could be a podcast, maybe not. And so I did keep that content to myself.

And that's why you can hear in the beginning, the beginning episodes, they're very raw, like, very underproduced. They're just very in your face. And that's because it just started off like that, just very raw, just who I was, where I was in my life back in 2018. And then two years later, I get these tickets to go to pie fest, shout out to Mr. Chris Kermitzos.

And he was just telling people, like, start ugly. And he gave out the book. I still have the copy. And lo and behold, I was the leader of my group. I literally just flew in off the airplane right to Orlando, Florida.

Have my suitcase. You said 2020, too. So let's remind everybody what happened one month later. I believe that podfest, because I missed that one. I went to the virtual one after that, during the pandemic, when everything was.

Shut down, but you made it in. God had it for you to make sure you were there in person. You guys, I didn't have no money to my name, nothing. I literally came off of this airplane with just my luggage, my jacket, that's it. And they made me the leader of that table.

And I'm just like, oh, my gosh, what am I going to tell these people? And then finally the question came around to me, like, who are you? What's the name of your podcast? Where can we find you? And I'm like, hi, my name is Ny.

I don't know what the title my podcast is. I have some pre recorded episodes. I'm thinking of calling know, coffee sips, tea or whatever, and they were just like, just release it. What are you waiting for? Just release it into the atmosphere.

And whatever happens, it just happens. It doesn't matter. So I was just like, you know what? I'm just going to release it. I'm not going to play around with this.

It doesn't matter. At the end of the day, this is an act of worship to God, and people can receive it how they want to. And that's what I did. I went home off of that. And yes, you're right, that was when the pandemic had first started, and nobody was really taking it that seriously.

And it didn't really make headlines. It wasn't that big just yet. And so I went home. I literally pressed upload. I started uploading episodes, and then I started recording more, and things just took off from there.

It was just a whirlwind, and I was just like, okay, father God, I hear you. Maybe this could be a thing. So here I am. I love this story. This is what somebody needs to hear this every time we have these type of interviews where someone like you shares.

Because I have the exact same story when it comes to my release of my book. When I went to a convention with. Couldn't even have gas, didn't have enough gas in the car to make it. Like, we were like, we got there. That thing was below the e by the time we got to Atlanta to go to this conference back in 2016 to release my book, because I was like, God, you want me to be at this conference?

This was one of my mentors that was running the conference. I'm going to show up and I'm going to give it to him. And you're really, like, running on faith. I think so much of this has to do with us getting out of the way. It sounds like you had to get out of the way of your fear sitting at that table.

I've been at those same tables, right at Podfest. Everybody's so welcoming, and yet the fear is, I don't belong. What do I say? What do you say to somebody else that, especially if you're coaching them, who feels that fear, who's like, either? Everybody's doing it, I don't belong.

I'm not talented enough. I don't have a name yet. I don't have a platform. So what do you say to those people now that you've overcome? How do you help them do that same thing?

And honestly, fair is the opposite of faith. So you have to remember to. I do everything from a faith based approach. I would be a bit of a hypocrite if I'm trying to do it from a fear based approach. That would not be who I was.

So I would tell anybody who's trying to overcome fear and anxiety and all of those things and those doubts, I would say, pray about it and just do it anyway. And you'll be surprised. And every day, you are going to get better. You're going to continue to improve, because that's all you can do, is just continue to improve. You see what works, what's not working for you, what you want your sound to be like, what you don't want your sound to be like.

There's no right or wrong way to doing life, to being a creative or living your life creatively. There's no right or wrong way to it. It just is.

That's the only thing I would say. Because it's really also, some people have showed up in these sessions, and they're like, one thing I would want to get over is confidence. Like, a lack of confidence. Right.

These sessions are empowering. So we were made to have a spirit of power, of love, and a sound mind. Yeah. So if you're just single mindedly making this decision, you're going to be empowered to continue on, and then you can use that lesson, that testimony, to empower and encourage other people 100%. And I love the fact that when we talk about this, we're always talking about that being a two way street.

This is what I mean by that. He said, we have a spirit of love. We have a spirit of power, sound mind. But guess who was telling him that, like, Paul was telling Timothy that he needed to hear it, because at the time, apparently Timothy was not feeling fear. He was operating in that fear place.

So it's always this two way street where it's like, it's okay. If you feel that way. But there's somebody on the other side saying, no, hey, I've been through it. I've done it. You can make it, and God's going to send you those people, but you got to be willing to.

Like you said at the beginning, they were open to you coaching them. Your clients are. And saying, hey, I don't know it, but she's doing it. I don't know what to do, but he's doing it. And that's why a community is so powerful.

Tell me a little bit what you mentioned, because you said this earlier about the people that you didn't expect to open up to you in your podcast. You said earlier we were talking, I want the audience to hear it. Like you may have just said, okay, God, whoever. But apparently you're building some relationships and having influence beyond what you believed at beginning. I think that's going to help somebody else if they hear that.

Yeah. God started sending TV personalities a few celebrities my way. Some of them were a list, believe it or not. And the one thing that they all had in common was they were open minded. Right?

Even if they didn't believe what I believe, they were open to what I was talking about. So it's also deeper than me just being a podcaster and having that platform. It's also, I'm proclaiming the gospel. It is evangelical in nature. Right.

Even if you don't think you are, you are still doing a work of an evangelist. It's just taking on a different form. And I love that expression. I love that God is permitting me to give that expression and that the people, they are open to that. And they share a little bit of their faith, too, where they are in their faith journey.

There's no right or wrong way to doing faith journey. It's just like, do you believe? Tell me more about that. What has that been like for you, your spiritual path? I really want to know.

And they get to encourage other people in their walk. So I'm like, I know Jesus. If you want to know about him, cool, that's great. But if you're not on the Jesus path, I want to know, what is it about your journey that you're on that's different, or what is your faith walk like for you? I don't want to condemn you.

I don't really want to judge you. I'm really just trying to understand and have a dialogue around that. And I love that people are open to talking about faith because they're seeing, like, I'm not coming on here condemning you and saying you're going to go here and here and whatever. I'm not against you. I'm seeking to understand.

And maybe that's what it is about the platform. They like that they can be vulnerable and open up and just share that part of themselves to them. It's really like a whole individual. They embrace all parts of theirselves of their lives. But I thank God every day, and I'm just like, okay, well, I even had to say to myself, there has to be something that they feel is missing in their lives if they're talking to little old me.

I know what you mean. I was about to call you that. But, yes, the humility in that.

And I've had the same feeling when I see people on again, it's not the humble brack, it's giving God glory. Right. But when you realize, like you said, little old me, I don't have this credential, that credential, this person. But I think what you realize, what you just said is it's not about your accomplishments or what you have. It's about what God has to share through you.

And he'll pick whoever he wants to pick. And we have to be careful not to get in his way, because then that blocks the blessing for somebody else because we keep looking at ourselves like, no, I'm not the person. We're the Moses. Like, no, God, don't use me. Meanwhile, there's 2 million Israelites that are literally, like, waiting for you to step forward and let God use you.

I love the fact that you're humble about that, but, no, I get it. You're not shrinking yourself, but you're giving. Yeah, I'm not, like, downplaying myself or shrinking. It's not even a humble brag. It's like, I am deeply, sincerely humbled by this life.

Who would have ever sunk right that he would take somebody like me? Yes, I've done stuff in the past, but it has never been anything on this level. Got it to where people are like, I want to know more about Jesus. Or some people say, know, I had somebody the other day telling me about, oh, yeah. You know, his name is not know.

It's really.

He was a Hebrew Israelite, and he was talking to me and I was, okay, brother, I'm listening. And that's the thing. People are sharing their faith. It's not taboo in that setting. It doesn't have to be taboo, because if you don't have faith or belief in something, then how could you go about your day to day life?

Yeah, it's exactly that conversation. I believe that before there's ever conversions, we could talk either in ministry or in sales. There's never a conversion without a conversation. The conversation has to start. It.

Jesus met the woman at the well, started a conversation, didn't get to all the stuff about her husband's, and none of that. It started with, can I have a drink of water? Something as simple as a basic need of life. Right? So I believe what you're doing is you're saying to creatives, people like you and like me, do you want a cup of water?

Do you want something? Is there something you need? And like you said, if you get to the point where your light shines and they ask, that's great, but our first call is to love people. That's our first call. And you've done an amazing job of that.

I'm just so impressed by, again, your sincerity. That's what I believe I'm hearing and feeling from you, is the sincere faith that you have. And clearly God's using it to shine a light for people. So I love it. I cannot wait to share this with more people.

We're going to be connecting more often. We got to, but we can't go too long tonight. We got to get them a little bit, like a part two or a reason to go come back. So if you want to give one last word of advice, this is the one I'd love to share with people. What would you tell somebody who is where you were, like, if they were 2018?

I'm just playing around. Like, take yourself back to there and talk to yourself. But someone is where you are at, right? So talk to that person. That is where you were.

What would you say to yourself back then? I would say Talitha, like, get up.


Yeah. Get up. You're not going to die. You're going to live. God wants you to live.

So get up, take up whatever is in your hand, right? Or what's in your house and use it. Use that gift, because we all have a spiritual gift. And believe it or not, that's going to be your way to connect with others in this world. Beautifully said.

I love this so much. Call me coffee. I didn't call you anything else. Call me coffee. I said the whole thing.

Yes. Just go listen to the podcast and you'll understand why it's important that I said it exactly the way I said it. But thank you so much for being a part of the show. This has been a blessing. Oh, and make sure to tell them if they're old school and they didn't click the link.

Tell them how they can follow you or how they can find you online. Yeah, you can find me on one of my handles, honey. Nine nine. Some people call me honey. That's fine.

And then my other handle is coffee. Ole. If you want to get a little more personal, I'm very responsive, very approachable. And if you want to start booking an espresso coaching call to see what is your kingdom purpose, go ahead and book today. Book a hot session today.

Go to TL page.

So simple, so easy. Awesome. I'm sure they're going to check it out. My friend, this has been a blessing. Thank you so much for being part of the God and gig show.

We'll do it again sometime real soon. All right.

Well, my friend, I was so inspired. By that conversation and I hope you were too. Especially when it comes to overcoming your fears, overcoming that feeling of stagnation and frustration when you're not sure if you should move forward. You can take inspiration from. Call me coffee from Ny.

I just love that name. I love how she embraces that part of her personality and the way that she has integrated faith into her own coaching and her own life. That God opened this door to this unexpected success in attracting TV personalities and celebrities, people that she never thought she would connect with. But because she was able to take that leap of faith, start that podcast, she is now enjoying this level of influence and success. And maybe you want to be like Ny.

Maybe you also want to take a leap of faith into something that you've been thinking about but have never had the courage to do well. First of all, I would encourage you to connect with her. Check out her links in all of the show notes. Book a session with her. She is absolutely a great person to connect with.

And if you need a resource to help you do this in a way, to answer the questions that you have about this next step, I would encourage you to check out our five questions resource. It's the five questions you should be asking yourself before you take a leap into full time or even part time creative work. Because we all ask ourselves these questions, but a lot of times we ask ourselves the wrong questions. So check out this resource. You can get it for

Questions questions or just click the link in the show notes and immediately start looking at what will help you take the next step in your creative journey so that you can enjoy the same kind of freedom, fulfillment and success that God wants you to have. In your creative calling. Well, my friend, that's all we have for today. You can find all the other links to our membership to everything else we're doing in God and gigs. In the description in this episode, please make sure you subscribe.

And remember, we are a value for Value podcast. If you don't know what that means, it's very simple. It means you can contribute to this community and give value back for the value that you just got in three ways, time, talent or treasure. Time simply means share the episode, take a moment, leave a review or a comment. Every single time you respond to us, it builds up this community and it helps me personally to realize that you're on the other end and we are blessing you.

You can help us in giving back value through talent and that means, yes, you're a creative. So maybe you have an artistic creative bench and you want to send in some graphics or send us something that you've created that we could add to the show. I would love to hear it see it. You can email me at and I can take a look and a listen and we could add this to our community and finally, treasure. You can always support us by purchasing one of our products.

Any of our memberships are a great investment into yourself. But also add value to this podcast and this community and you can also send a boost to Gram or a boost on a podcasting 2.0 app. There's a link in the show notes where you can find out how to send a boost. It's a ton of fun. It's a great way to enter a whole new level of creative commerce.

I highly recommend you check out one of these apps and subscribe to us and follow us on one of those apps. It's going to make a huge difference in the way you experience this show. Well, my friend, that's all we have for today. So until next time, continue to become the creative that you were created to be. God bless you and we will see you next episode.


Ny aka “CallmeKoffee” Profile Photo

Ny aka “CallmeKoffee”

Podcaster/Holistic Creative Coach

Ny is currently the host of a Faith-based podcast, KoffeeSipsTea, where she chats about entrepreneurship, holistic healthcare, and creativity all with a kingdom twist.
Ny is also a Holistic Creative Coach using the holistic approach through HA! Sessions to unlock unlimited creativity. You may also follow Ny on Twitter @HaSessions123 or FB @HoneyNy Ny for more updates.
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Discover your unlimited creative potential & creative superpowers by booking your HA! Session today!