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June 5, 2023

How to Use Podcast Guesting to Instantly Expand Your Audience

How to Use Podcast Guesting to Instantly Expand Your Audience

Imagine being able to share your message and talent worldwide, directly with people who are interested, at practically no cost. 

Social media? Hardly - that's a method that depends on algorithms. This method always attracts the right people who are looking for you. 

The secret method? You're using it right now. It's podcasting - specifically, being a guest on other podcasts. 

In this behind the scenes look into one of our God and Gigs 360 Gold Member Calls, you'll learn how to become a podcast guest and gain instant clarity, authority, and visibility in your creative career, all while reaching a global audience for free.

In this episode, you'll learn how to to:

  • Tap into the power of podcasts in sharing your creative message.
  • Unveil the advantages of featuring on podcasts as a powerful pathway to greater exposure.
  • Gain insightful advice for identifying worthwhile podcasts that resonate with your personal goals.
Being a guest on a podcast provides instant clarity and authority. It gives you visibility and puts you in a special club that people seek out for expertise. - Allen C. Paul

Related Episodes:

Why You Should Be Podcasting (and How To Actually Make Money While Doing It) w/ Sarah St. John, Podcaster / Author [TGGS 211]

Promote Your Creative Work Confidently! How to Share Effectively and Stand Out [TGGS 203]

Over 1.5 Million Prayers: How Consistency and Obedience Leads to Favor w/ Alison Delamota, Podcaster [TGGS 226]

Resources For Getting On Podcasts


Free Resource for Artists Considering Going Pro

If you are thinking about becoming a full-time artist, you've got to ask the right questions.

So we've created a workbook to help you figure out what you need to know before making the leap.

Go to GodandGigs.com/questions to get your free download of this powerful and practical resource, and take the next step toward your creative dreams! 

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 What if I told you there is a way that you could share your art, your music, your creative project with pretty much anyone in the world for free? And you wouldn't have to wait for social media and hope that they show it to them, but those people would come to you because they already are searching for your topic or your creative project. Wouldn't that be amazing if that was a free service that you could get pretty much anytime you wanted and get anyone in the world to listen and figure out what you're doing and be able to contact you? Well, guess what?

 That already exists. And it exists in the medium that you're using right this second. That's right. You are proof that this works. Now we're going to talk about podcasting today.

 I'm going to give you a little sneak peek into our member calls in God and Gigs 360 after I do the intro. But let me tell you right now, because you are listening to this podcast, you are proof that your voice could be the one on the other side, sharing your message and what you do for your creative art and getting it out there. So we're going to talk about that in today's Paul Creative Services episode of The Guiding Gig Show. This is a great topic. Do not miss a second of it.

 Give me just a moment to welcome those of you who are new to God and Gigs, and then we'll get right into this super informative discussion.

 But hello and welcome to our show. Thank you so much for making this podcast a part of your creative day. If you are new to our show, you are in the right place at the right time. My name is Allen C. Paul.

 I'm the host and founder of God and Gigs, and we are here to help you to transform your creative life from the inside out by solving those temporary creative problems you're facing with timeless spiritual principles. We're here to help you connect the dots between your spiritual life and your creative life. We've been doing this since 2015 or so. We've had almost 230 or 40 episodes by now. So we have been here and we're in here for the long haul with our creative community, including our coaching community, god and Gigs 360 Gold.

 And that's why I'm so glad you have tuned in and you're giving this podcast a chance today. And for all of our regulars, people who are part of our community, this is going to be a special treat because you're going to get two for one. You're going to get a Creative Checkup episode where we share on a specific topic that helps you immediately in your creative life. But you're also going to get a behind the scenes look at our God and Gigs 360 Gold program, which is where we share biweekly member calls. We get together with our community, we talk, we share, we grow, we give really interactive and immediate feedback to everyone in our coaching community who wants to grow and really get ahead and exponentially increase the pace of their creative growth.

 So what you're going to hear is a little part of a talk I gave on one of our member calls about how to get onto podcasts. Now, you might ask yourself, okay, why should I even be on a podcast? I'm listening to one right now. Do I really need to be the guest on one? Yes, and I'll explain why in this member call excerpt.

 I really, really believe that you're missing out if you haven't explored this. And I did so with our creative community in this member call. So make sure you listen and take notes and check out the links in the description and then share this episode with somebody who also could benefit from some free marketing, some free networking, something that it costs almost nothing, but can make a world of difference in your creative career. Oh, and by the way, this is also behind the scenes of my home. I'm going to admit there was a little bit of singing because there were some rehearsals going on in my own home.

 And as I've said many times, I am a musician, I am a creative just like you. So I said, you know what, I'm not going to try to hide it. You're going to hear exactly what is going on inside the Paul household as well as what's going on in God and Gigs 360. Well, my friends, I'm going to go ahead and let you hear this excerpt, this clip from our member calls about how you can become a guest on other people's podcasts and really expand and extend the reach of your message. Here we go.

 But one thing I wanted to share, and I'm probably going to put this on the podcast too, and maybe we'll even just make this member call podcast. But I've had a lot of discussions around people because my whole life really in terms of both my full time position, part of my full time position at my church, which is running a podcast. Of course, they got a gig show, which is now running up, getting closer and closer to 250 episodes, which is just incredible. I guess this would be our 6th year, something like that, 6th or 7th year coming up as far as length of time that we've been on the air and publishing the episodes. So podcasting is a huge part of my life and what is still kind of interesting and hard to explain is how impactful podcasting can be in your creative life.

 Now, Simonie, I know as you're on this call right now, we've talked a little bit and shared about podcasting or being a guest on other podcasts. So there's really only the two ways that podcasting impacts you, or three ways. Listening obviously is one, but then the other two is either creating a podcast or being on a podcast. So because my life revolves around it sometimes, I assume everybody knows those other two things. Number one, I'm assuming you know how to listen to a podcast.

 That might not be a good assumption. I need to tell you, hey, you can listen to a podcast or you can watch a podcast on YouTube. We're on YouTube. I was literally just working on getting our last two episodes with John Mike, which were absolutely bananas. I was mad at myself for not getting it out, like, right away, but I wanted to make sure that I got the audio and the video and everything together because it was such an incredible two part episode.

 So I've been working on that with the YouTube and trying to get everything edited, and it was taking me forever. But that's almost done. Thank God. I'm uploading it literally right before I started this. So all that to say, podcasting is a big part of my life.

 And I thought about it, and I also got some emails from some friends who have also been podcast guests. And they asked me the question, hey, how do I become a guest on other people's shows? And I immediately sent back the email to him, and I said, hey, here's a couple of things you can do. He said thank you. I didn't even know that stuff existed.

 And I said, oh, my gosh, I've done it again. I've been involved in this world in podcasting industry. I've spoken at a national conference. I've spoken on virtual conferences. I've been part of this world now for eight, nine years.

 And so I'm kind of like an OG when it becomes podcasting, because when you start in 2016, that was not when podcasting was a big deal. And then I want to make sure that you understand that it's not just about podcasting, but it's about what you do, your creative life, your music, your art, your film, your dance, your drama, your writing. There's not a single part of creative life that podcasting does not intersect with, and there's not any area that can't be beneficial to your career. So this is why I said, you know what? Let me pause.

 And on this member call, if we don't get questions, we'll see if there's questions, then I'll make sure to pause for those questions. But I want to make sure that somebody said two out of three. Okay? So you got to tell me which two out of three does that mean? Like, you're good with listening, you're good with creating, or you're good with being a guest on because you've been a guest on some podcasts, I'm going to talk about you being on Voice It with Friend, which is really cool.

 And so I went to listening and guest. Okay, so your third one would be actually creating a podcast, which we'll talk about in a second, which might be amazing move for you, but I won't push you that way yet. Right now we're just going to talk about guesting. So as Simoni just alluded to, being a guest on a podcast is something that every creative should be putting in their arsenal no matter what you create. And let me tell you why.

 The first thing about podcasting guesting onto the podcast provides for you is instant clarity and instant authority. Clarity, I would say, because when you show up on someone's podcast, it merely forces you to say something about who you are, what you do, what you can provide to an audience. You can't even get on a podcast until you have something to say, until you have something to share. So the whole point of getting on a podcast is I have a message or I have something to talk about. Unless you're in a podcast that's totally about just shooting the breeze, which I don't advise.

 Usually you're growing excited on a podcast which talks about your subject, your industry. And if you do that, you immediately have to craft and get clear about what you share. And that instantly gives you like an idea of, hey, I got to be really serious about what I talk about and how I talk about it. And it hones your message. So it gives you clarity.

 And then it also gives you authority. Because once you have been on podcasts, talking to other people about your industry, about your niche, about what you do, about your projects, about your music, about your art, whatever you do, once you show up on a podcast, it's literally like putting on a billboard that you are now like a part of a special club. You're part of a special club where people actually seek out your expertise, where now you are one of the few that people will listen to. People will listen to you and want to hear from you about your expertise because they said, oh, well, you're sharing directly with other people. You're open to being on shows.

 You're talking about what you know, you're talking about your books, you're talking about this. Well, only people that really have something to say show up on these types of things. Only people that have like a message and an audience show up there. And so even people that don't know who you are will immediately assume that will give you so much credit. It's kind of like we talked about, even with some of us writing a book or writing putting out an album, it's like a calling card to your credibility.

 You immediately become someone that is respected in a certain area because you show up, you share your opinion, you share your knowledge, you share your expertise. And people instantly give you that kind of benefit of the doubt. They might look into your stuff and say, okay, are they really about but most people don't even take that step, to be honest with you. They just say, hey, they're on the podcast. They're talking, they're making sense, I validate, I put a stamp on it.

 Yeah, that's someone that's worth listening to. That's somebody that other people respect enough to put on the show. So clarity, it gives you authority. And probably another thing, of course, is that it gives you visibility, right? There are podcasts that I've been on so far that have had just like, maybe I don't know how many downloads, most times downloads for podcasts, you can't really tell how many people are on there or how many people listen.

 They're out there. Ones that are obviously big because they have big budgets and they're all over the place, and you can tell they're big, but most times you can't really tell what the audience of a podcast is just by looking at it. You just have to show up. And the cool thing about Podcast is that it can be both super personal and it can be extremely wide in terms of visibility and discoverability, because it's just an audio file that can be picked up anywhere on Apple. Or YouTube if you're on video or Spotify and it lives there forever and there's no takedowns, where Twitter?

 Where it disappears after ten minutes or something like that. It's a permanent place where people can find you. I still have people finding me. Excuse me, let me get a sip of water.

 I still have people finding me from my interview with Matt Tommy, one of our actual members. Aaron, if you're watching now, Asaid he found, I believe us, through the Matt Tommy episode that I was a guest on. I talked about 360, and just the fact that the power of that one call, that one discoverable moment where I showed up on his screen, didn't know me from Adam, and I was talking to someone that he did know, suddenly put me in a position where now he is a part of our community. So there's no other way to kind of show you the power or no better way to show you. Excuse me.

 As I try to put my words together, the power of podcasting and guesting our podcast is that you merely become visible to anyone following that podcast. And they just work. Like, I can't tell you what else I can kind of convince you other than simply say once you've been on other people's podcasts, you realize that this is a vehicle to advance your career, to become more visible, to become having more authority, and to again, build your clarity and really build your message after being on so many shows. I am a totally different person when it comes to explaining what I do, how I do. Because once you've done it, you got the reps over and over again.

 The first time you're on the show, you never feel comfortable. You always feel like you're saying too much or I'm not saying enough. What are they going to ask me? I'm so confused, I'm so scared, I'm so nervous. And then you just get into a rhythm of talking to people because these are just conversations.

 And as we've said in this particular as we said in 360, you may have not heard me say it recently, but it's in the blueprint. There's never a conversion without a conversation. Conversation comes first and then people are converted, whether it's to your faith learning about Jesus, or whether it's converted to a customer, converted to an audience member. It starts with a conversation. After conversation comes a conversion.

 And so you got to get into places where conversations are happening. And the best way to start those conversations is in a podcast where if you're not doing video, it's just audio. Even if it's video, it's people starting conversations with you where you can hone your message, know exactly what you're talking about, kind of figure out how to share what you're doing. And so I want to now share now that I've told you why you should be a guest on other people's podcasts, let me tell you how. So, first things first, you do have to get really clear about what your message and where you're aiming at.

 You can't just start going to random podcasts all over the place and just say, hey, can I be on your show? Although, again, there are podcasts that say they're about everything and I do not suggest that you seek those out. But you do need to get really clear on what kind of subjects, what podcasts talk about, the subjects that you want to be interviewed about and become kind of a student of that industry and then become a student of the podcast that are in that industry. So for me, if I was to, let's say, let's not even go with guiding gigs, because that's pretty easy and I can always talk about guiding gigs. I'm familiar with all the podcasts around there.

 Let's say more in the music side. If I wanted to talk to people about being a jazz pianist, then I'm going to have to start paying attention to which podcasts are for or about or made by jazz pianists. That's going to take a little bit of research, sitting down in my Apple podcast and just searching for jazz piano and searching to see where are these podcasts that are about jazz piano? Where do those jazz piano fans, if I'm trying to reach the fans, listen, or maybe the audience is not necessarily fans, maybe I want to get in touch with other jazz pianists who are actually playing and I want to be in front of them. So now if I want to be in front of them, then I got to find shows that are more tailored toward musicians and not necessarily toward jazz piano fans.

 You see how already, before I even get into it, I have to start thinking, who's the audience? Who am I trying to reach? And who can I serve if I show up on their podcast and then finding out what those podcasts are. And I would highly recommend this is something that a lot of people still with, even the Guy Gig Show, they still do this and I hate it. They will pitch to be on my show, and their topic has nothing to do with what I talk about.

 Oh, I'm a real estate director. I'm a real estate investor. I love to be on your show. I don't talk about real estate. Why are you trying I'm a banker.

 I get these I literally get emails from people asking to be on the Guidance Gig Show. You know what the Guidance Gig Show is about? You're in this group. But every time I get calls from people or emails from people that are called cold pitches, I guess you could call them cold pitches, and they pitch to be on the show. And they've never obviously listened to my show.

 So that's the first rule before you try to be a guest on someone else's podcast, is listen to the show. I wish I didn't have to say that, but I do. So listen to this show. Find out if they even provide for guests. Is it a solo show?

 Then you don't need to be pitching to them. You can listen to them for feedback, maybe review them and kind of just get acquainted with them. They might know other people that are guesting or that accept guests, but obviously you want to be on the show. That's your interview style. So get to know the people in that area and in that industry and the podcast that are in that industry.

 Okay, let's see some messages there. Just wanted to make sure I got that message from somebody there. I'm also going to check to see if we got anybody that got the link to make sure we're moving on without leaving anyone behind. So that's the first part, is looking at other podcasts and finding out who's in your niche. And yes, there are big shows, but here's the other thing.

 Yes, of course you'd want to be on a big show where there's a lot of people who will listen or follow, but your most likely biggest impact and quickest impact will come from shows that are not huge guests and hosts that are very much personable and approachable. And that means they probably have a smaller audience, but they are looking for people to talk. They are looking for guests. Almost every time I've been on a show or I've seen a show that's like they're basically like, hey, can you come on, can you come on? I need more guests.

 Shows like mine, we're 24/7 in terms of every week there's a new show, which means I always have to have new guests. That means I don't want to be talking to myself all the time. I need more people, which means I'm always looking for guests. That are quality, that have something to share. Someone is looking for you and your niche and your opportunities in your field, and they need guests.

 So you have a prime opportunity to show up for those people and be on their show. So now let's talk about how to get on their shows. Now, we already talked about researching, figuring out who they are. Now, how do you get in touch with them to let them know that you'd like to be on this show? Well, here's a couple of things that you can use, a couple of strategies and resources.

 Okay, I'll start with the more not paid, but these are all like resources that kind of like you just join a group, join something, and you can jump in. Two of these that I highly recommend. Well, one I highly recommend one that's okay, not bad. One is called Podmatch.com. Now, Podmatch.com is run by Alexand Filippo, who I got to meet his wife and him run what's?

 A big conglomerate of companies. I can't say big, but they got their hands in everything, podcasting. And it's called pod pros. But their Pod match service is literally, you joining a service where you can create a profile and there's nothing there but podcasters looking for guests and guests that are looking for podcasts. I joke and I say it's like podcast dating service, be dating.

 But if you are a creative, you should make a profile, put it on Podmatch, and then simply look for other shows that interview artists creatives like you, because I guarantee you on Podmatch, which is the reason I'm putting Podmatch out there. And the other one is called Matchmaker FM. Both of them. The reason why I advise you to join those is because it's like they're right there. It's where you're shooting fish in a barrel.

 You're literally in a podcast place. Why would you struggle to find people who want to interview you when literally you just join the service? And every week I get three to four matches of shows that might fit my profile. And I just say, pass, accept. And if I accept, I send them a message.

 Like I said, literally, imagine podcast dating. And I tell them about my profile. I tell them about me and say, hey, I would love to be on your show. Would you be interested? I've been on about 20 to 30 shows that way simply by booking them through Pod Match.

 The other one I mentioned is called Matchmaker. Same concept. Both of them are free at the beginning, but you can join their pay plans. And I would start there only because, again, why do it the hard way if you've got places where there's podcasts networks literally looking for people like you who just want to talk? And yes, actually, now I think about this.

 This is definitely something you might want to consider because you can span different genres and discussions because you could find someone who is talking about everything. Like there's no particular genre or topic that isn't covered in the run of a podcast. Which means there's a show. No matter how out there, no matter how niche your thing is, if it's acting in a certain direction, if it's some type of music, whatever it is, you can find a podcast where someone's like, I wish someone talked about X, I wish I wasn't the only one. And then you can find that show, put in the search and like I said, Pod Match and then Match Matron, and there's a couple of other ones where you can immediately get tagged in and start talking to people.

 And here's the other cool thing about this. And then I'll stop for a second so we can answer some questions and talk to everybody. The thing that I've really found about this podcasting thing is not only that you connect with the people who are listeners, but you connect with the host. And most of the time the host is someone that's influential in their small circle, maybe even a small circle. If they've got a show, that means they've got people who they know and that builds your network.

 So even if you're going in as a promoting type of tool and you don't know if anybody's going to initially buy your stuff if they listen to you, but making connections with other podcast hosts is extremely beneficial to your network because imagine it like the DJs back in the well, we still have DJs in the radio days. I guess it's not as influential as it used to be, but yeah, every person that's an artist knows that getting in touch with the DJs was like the number one way to get your song out there, and probably still is, but now it's like spotify curators and stuff like that. But getting to the tastemakers, the people who make stuff happen and know people, those are podcasters when it comes to things that are influencing culture. Things that like where the conversations are happening. And knowing those people puts your name in their ear and now they've got a picture of you and they've talked to you and they like you.

 And now you've got more and more people who are aware of what you do. So there's just no downsides to being on podcast. There's no downside to being a guest. Two other ways you can get on other podcasts is join a podcast group on Facebook. It's a little bit more Wild West out there, but I've a member of some of those podcast guests and again, they simply say, meet a guest.

 Sometimes they're about certain topics, sometimes they're not. You just jump in, let people know that you're willing to talk. This is the hardest part for some of us. And I'm going to ask the ladies here that are part of this call if this is the issue, because I think this is the hardest part just putting yourself out there and saying, okay, I don't know if I have something to sell yet, if I need to talk about this or that. Why would anybody want to talk to me?

 I don't have this bigger audience yet. And you got to just throw that aside and just realize this is an exploding medium. There will be almost probably $3 billion made in podcasting advertising and stuff like that. And of course, this goes to big shows and small shows and for those in this community, I just cannot see a downside to you being on shows. I probably mentioned it earlier, I'm probably going to mention it a lot more in the next few months because I just want to see us being in a position where you're finding the benefits and making life easier for yourself, especially when it comes to promoting yourself, visibility, getting your products out there, getting your music out there.

 And I just don't see enough creatives who are like taking advantage of all the podcasts that literally are just asking for someone to talk about what they do, to share your gift, share your calling, share what you do, share how well you do it, and whether it's a ten minute episode or 2030 45 minutes episode. So that's my little talk for today. In terms of what I wanted to share, it was burning again. I got called just or email from somebody who didn't know these things existed and I said, okay, that means there's a lot of the creators that don't know. So I'm advising everybody listening and watching get on a podcast and I'll put those resources in our links and in our comments and stuff like that so that you can check those out.

 My friend, I hope you enjoyed that little peek inside our Got In Gigs 360 community because we shared our member call with you. You got to hear what we do on a bi weekly and weekly basis with our member calls and our coaching calls. But you also got some really valuable information on how to get yourself onto podcasts where you can share your message, get people interested in what you are doing, and really find that open door of opportunity to share, to grow, and to let people know what you are doing with your God given creative gift. So check the links in the show notes, in the description. There's all kinds of ways that you can immediately get connected with podcasts who want to hear from you.

 Well, that's our Paul Creative Services episode for today. Thank you so much for listening. Make sure that you're following us on all the socials. Those links are also in the show notes Twitter, Instagram and Facebook. We love to interact with you and tell us what you thought of this show.

 And more importantly, when you are getting on some of these podcasts, make sure you share it in our creative community on Facebook. That way we can. Go support you and listen to you as well. We'd love to hear where you are showing up in the world. Well, until next time, my friend, continue to become the creative that you were created to be. God bless and I'll see you next episode.

Thanks for joining us here at the God and Gig Show. Please leave us a review on itunes like our Facebook page or visit godandgigs.com and tell us what you thought of this show. We'll be back soon. In the meantime, go create something amazing.