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Oct. 1, 2020

Multiple Income Streams? How Your Creative Mindset Unlocks New Ways to Earn Money

Multiple Income Streams? How Your Creative Mindset Unlocks New Ways to Earn Money

The O’Jays said it best… “Some people got to have it…” 

Yes, they were referring to money, but they might has well been referring to how we earn it. 

Discovering multiple streams of income has become a hot topic of conversation among creatives, especially since the pandemic disrupted our live performances, tours and other methods of making a living. 

Here’s the question - what exactly are these multiple streams of income, and is it truly possible for artists, musicians and creatives to build difference revenue streams without getting lost, confused or overwhelmed? 

We point out three misconceptions about multiple streams in this episode. It's NOT: 

  1. Just doing more things
  2. Just selling more stuff
  3. Just joining more programs

...and we explain the mindset that truly unlocks the alternative streams that you can take advantage of as a creative, musician or artist. 


To create new avenues for revenue, we creatives, musicians and artists have to follow the ‘positive pivot principle’ which we outline in this episode...and then apply the right mindset to create profit opportunities from each potential solution. 

By applying the right creative mindset, you may find you have many more potential sources of income than you once thought. 

Resources Mentioned in this Episode