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Oct. 16, 2023

One Simple Tip That Strengthens Your Connection to Your Audience

One Simple Tip That Strengthens Your Connection to Your Audience

Is this you? You love your audience - but you're sick of the content hamster wheel,  making content over and over again. 

"Repurpose" is the word everyone tells you, but you're frustrated by actually trying to do it effectively, and you're stretched thin trying to show up everywhere on social media. 

There's just one change needed to rethink the entire way you approach your content repurposing, and it will help simplify things and make it easier for you - but you have to buy in wholly to this concept that we share in this episode. 

In this episode, you'll learn to:

  • Serve the specific needs of your audience so that they become your best supporters over time and help you grow your creative platform.
  • Find the perfect balance between content creation and promotion so your work gets the attention it deserves.
  • Simplify your content repurposing process so you feel less stress and enjoy more discretionary time. 

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Have you been frustrated by these messages that you see all over social media about repurposing your content, about the fact that you have to say the same thing in several different ways, be on every single platform? And you have to spend so much time doing this because the only way to reach your audience and the only way to grow is to be everywhere at the same time. If that has frustrated you, I'm going to help you as a creative to simplify this concept so that you remember the why behind sharing what you have to share over and over again, but in different ways. And I'm going to tell you how you can make that a much simpler process. In this episode of The God and Gigs Show, give me just a moment to welcome those of you who are new to our show and then we'll get right into this extremely productive and effective conversation.

Hello and welcome to our show. Thank you so much for making this podcast a part of your creative day. And if you are new to our show, thank you for joining us and giving me a chance. Let me tell you why you are in the right place. My name is Allen.

I am a creative musician and the founder of this platform, God and Gigs, where we help you to transform your creative life from the inside out and help you solve temporary creative problems with timeless spiritual principles. We help you become the creative that you were created to be by God, whether you serve in a church or outside, in the mainstream arts and entertainment space, or both. Now, let me talk about this whole concept of repurposing. If you've never heard this concept before, it is as simple as this. Taking one form of content, a blog post, a live stream video, a YouTube video like I'm making right now, and then repurposing it or changing it into several different kinds of content that are different than the original one.

A perfect example of this is this very video right now. If you're watching a clip of this very video right now on Instagram, it's because I clipped it, saved it and shared it in a different format that technically is repurposing. Now, here's the part that gets most of us really flustered. Number one, as creatives, we don't want to spend more time talking about the stuff we make than making the stuff that we make. So as a musician, I don't want to spend more time talking about my shows or spend more time creating content around my shows than I do actually playing and performing and writing and composing.

The same thing might be said of you as an author or as a photographer. Even though many of our creative outlets do lend themselves to sharing on social media and promoting and creating videos and things like that, a lot of us are really frustrated with the whole social media flywheel that continuously churns and asks us to make more stuff and create more content every single time they need us to share. And I say they because without us and our content, these platforms would not exist. So what we're really doing is that we're creating and giving them material to keep people on their networks. So I want to help you with this because I have to, first of all, tell you, you do have to participate to some extent in this content repurposing carousel.

It is true. You do have to be in certain places where your audience can find you. And that means taking certain things that you make, whether it be reels or shorts or whatever it is, TikTok, videos, whatever you decide to make, you do need to find a way to make it consistently what we call batching, our content. Finding ways to do this effectively is extremely important. But what I want to release you from is this idea that you have to be so creative and come up with all these different ways of inventing new content and repurposing it in every single platform.

Instagram, YouTube, Facebook TikTok. I want to release you from that. And here's how we're going to simplify this. I want you to think of yourself, and this is going to be a crazy analogy, but just go with me. Superhero fans will be fine.

Those of you who don't like superheroes, you're probably going to feel uncomfortable, but that's okay. I think you'll get the analogy. I want you to think of yourself as Alfred to Batman. Now. Who's?

Alfred. Alfred was that guy, the butler who helped take care of the Batcave, who, even though he didn't seem like he knew a lot, he was more just there to help Batman or Bruce Wayne or whatever. Just kind of like keep him sane and keep him steady. But he also was the guy that always had the technical wizardry and the things to help Batman whenever he needed something in his tool belt, there was Alfred, right? So Alfred always had the right thing to share with Batman at the right time.

So I want to think of your content like this. Instead of thinking of all the different places you need to be, think of it like this. If your customer is Batman and you're Alfred, where and what do they need to continue being the superhero that they need to be? So if you want your person, your audience, your customer, your listener, to continue down the path of being inspired by you, being encouraged by you, your job is just to be Alfred. Your job is just to think of where will they be and what will they need?

If you think of these particular ways that they need to be served, not everyone, not trying to reach everyone, not trying to be viral, but simply saying, what does my customer need at this specific moment? What does my listener need at this specific time? And then think of ways that then you can take the content that you have made and put it right where they can find it at the time that they need it. When they send out the bat signal, right when they are getting ready to do whatever they're going to do. When they're getting ready for their day.

How can you be there with a piece of content that helps them through so that you can be the Alfred, be the person that is helping them through whatever that moment is. And this works by the way, if you are inspirational, if you are entertainment, if you are ministering, whatever that is, your content is supposed to be that one little piece that goes in their tool belt for the day. And here's why it's important that you repurpose it. You may not have the specific thing that one customer, one listener, one person needs at a specific time, but someone else might need it as a video, then someone else might need it as an audio piece or a podcast and someone else might be more of a reader. So you can think of three or four different ways that you can repurpose particular pieces of content and or your artwork for each type of person.

But the key is not trying to be everywhere at the same time. You're only trying to serve your audience in the ways that they need you. You're just Alfred. You are not trying to serve everyone. You simply want to have the right tool or the right thing at the right time when they need it.

So repurposing really is just this way of keeping a couple of tools, a couple of items within arm's length so that they can grab it whenever they are ready for it. So if that means an Instagram post and a LinkedIn post and a YouTube post, well, then you've got three things that you can repurpose. And there are so many tools, I'm going to share them in the links and the description where I actually do have a tech stack of many tools that can make this a lot easier and simpler. AI has entered into this, makes it a lot simpler. But the key is not necessarily to try to make so many things, so many tools and add so many things to your plate that you spend more time talking about the things and promoting than you do making the things.

We want to make sure that there is a bAllence between making and promoting. We want to make sure that you never get so caught up in trying to make more stuff and trying to promote more stuff that you feel like you have no time for yourself. So once again, release yourself from the need and the desire to feel like you have to be at all places for all the social networks and promoting all the time. Content repurposing is not designed to make you this instant and continuous influencer type person that's always creating media and content. That's not our job.

We are not trying to be influencers, we are trying to influence, but we're only trying to do that for the people that we're called to. So as a creative, as a musician, as an entrepreneur, take yourself off of that hamster wheel of trying to make more things for more people that don't really care. It's not about likes, it's about effectiveness. Only think about being Alfred to your Batman. What does your specific person need in their tool belt at this specific time?

If you can make something and then repurpose it so that they have three or four different ways to get it within arm's length at the time they need it in a certain social media platform, or maybe even better, in an email or a blog post or something that they can actually get to themselves and don't have to worry about. Algorithms. That's another thing we'll talk about later, is how can we eliminate the need for algorithms? But you want to simply be there as their Alfred. What do they need at that specific time?

You can then repurpose your content using some of the tech tools that I'll share again in these links so that you can start to create this one step at a time and make it where it is a consistent, but not an overwhelming part of your consistent creative day and your routine. Okay my friend, I hope that has helped you. I hope you now see yourself as less of a person that has to go viral and stay on this content carousel and more of a person that has the specific tools, just what your customer, your audience member, or your listener needs and be there for them. Just like Alfred right there ready to help Batman at any time that he needed a certain thing, but never more than what he actually needed, just the thing at the right time. That's what content repurposing is all about.

Just making sure that you have the things ready when people are ready to receive them in the format that they're ready to receive them. Well my friend, that's been our show for today. I hope you enjoyed this. If this blessed you, make sure you subscribe on the app you're using right now. Follow us and also you can make sure that you are connected to our newsletter.

That's godandgigs.com info. That's where we send out one newsletter every week, the Paul Creative Services, where we get more in depth and things like this and keep you up to date with the things that we can't talk about in social in our community. So you definitely want to check that out GodandGigs.com info or simply check out the link that's in this description. Well my friend, until next time, continue to become the creative that you were created to be. God bless and I'll see you next episode.

Thanks for joining us here at the God and Gigs Show. Please leave us a review on iTunes, like our Facebook page. Or visit godandgigs.com and tell us what you thought of this show. We'll be back soon. In the meantime, go create something amazing.