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Oct. 23, 2023

Start Being Creative Again! Estelle Avbuere Shares Why It's Never Too Late

Re-discover your creative talent and embrace the passion you have for performing with this inspiring interview with this podcast host, vocal coach and creative entrepreneur!

Are you a frustrated "used-to-be" creative? Did someone once tell you you should just get a real job or focus on something more practical?

You're not alone, but this interview with vocalist, singing coach and podcast Estelle Avbuere will show you how to break free from the doubt that has held you back and confidently reclaim your artistic journey.

In this episode, you will learn to:

  • Embrace your passion for artistic expression even if you have other priorities and career responsibilities. 
  • Build confidence in your artistic abilities and unleash your unique creative voice.
  • Overcome self-doubt and embrace your inner artist, knowing that your creativity has the power to inspire and transform.

Estelle Avbuere is a talented vocalist, music instructor, and podcast host who is passionate about helping beginning and returning creatives reconnect with their artistic dreams. As a performer herself, Estelle understands the journey of stepping away from one's creative gifts and the desire to reignite that passion. Through her podcast, Sing Confidently, Live Creatively,  Estelle encourages aspiring singers and performing artists to never let go of their dreams and provides practical advice on how to pursue their artistic talents. Her unique perspective and dedication to empowering others make her a valuable resource for anyone looking to reconnect with their creative passions.

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I used to. Those three words are so sad, and if you've said them, you kind of feel that defeat as soon as you say it, because it usually means it was something that you enjoyed doing but that you had to or thought you had to step away from. I used to perform. I used to dance, I used to sing. These types of things are things that God put on the inside of us, but real life or some other situation drags us away from our creative dream, and we kind of assume that that was all in the past.

Well, today's interview is going to help you change that. We're going to talk to our friend Estelle, who is going to teach us how to pick your creative dream back up and how you can embrace the calling that God has on your life to be a creative. Even if something else has gotten in the way or you thought that it was too late to pick this back up. This interview is going to inspire you, encourage you, whether you have been a full time creative for a long time or whether you're one of those people who felt like the creative dream had passed. Give me just a moment to welcome those of you who are new to our show and then we'll get right into this inspiring conversation.

Artists, musicians and creatives of all kinds looking for help bAllencing your passion to create with your everyday life. Not sure if your faith can coexist with your profession? Welcome to a place where real artists discuss real life. You're listening to the God and Gig show. Visit Godandgigs.com for show notes, links and more information.

Hello and welcome to our show. Thank you so much for making this podcast a part of your creative day. And if you are new to the podcast, you are in the right place at the right time with the right people. And let me explain why. First of all, let me introduce myself.

My name is Allen. I'm a musician, husband, father. I'm a creative and I'm forgiven. And I'm so thankful that I get to be a part of this tribe at God and Gigs, where we help each other to transform our lives from the inside out by solving temporary creative problems with timeless spiritual principles. That's what we've been doing since 2015.

This is now an award winning podcast. I'm so proud to say that we were awarded by Spark Media as Best Male Host for 2023. So it's a humble brag, but I want to give honor to the people who gave us honor by mentioning that. So I am so grateful that this is a podcast community that has gotten recognition for serving our community well. And make sure you are subscribed to this podcast so you can find out more about our community, the people that we present on these interviews, as well as our Creative checkup interviews where we share one tip or strategy each week and it's just a great place for you to be.

So thank you for joining us and I hope you will stick around. Now, let me introduce our wonderful guest for this episode. You're going to love her so much, especially if you're someone who has allowed a creative dream to get away from you. Our guest today is Estelle Avbuere . She's a vocalist, music instructor and podcast host who has a passion for beginning and returning creatives people who have stepped away from their creative gift.

And she helps them to get back into their dream of performing again. Through her coaching, through her podcast and her own journey, you're going to see that it's never too late to get back into what God has called you to. She's going to explain how her own passions have gone in very different directions, but how God kept calling her back to her performance roots. And she's going to share how she's helping people like you to never let go of that created dream and some practical things that you might need to do in order to embrace that dream while you are pursuing it and while you're deciding really what to do with that talent that you've kind of slipped away from. This is an incredible interview.

She is so engaging, so inspiring. I'm definitely advising that you check out her podcast, which we'll give the link to at the end of this interview. But right now, let's talk to Estelle about how you can become a more confident creative even if you have stepped away from your dream and aren't sure if it's time to pick it back up, here's our conversation with Estelle Avbuere .

Ladies and gentlemen, I am so honored to have this amazing singer, vocal coach, performer and all things creative performing art. She's teaching you how to sing better so you can live better. This is going to be such an amazing interview. So I want you to tune in right now and let me welcome to the God and gigs show, Estelle Avbuere . How are you doing?

Hi, Allen. Hi, God and Gigs listeners. I'm good, I'm great. I'm so excited to be here. Thank you for having me.

I am so glad to have you. We have been talking really it feels like we've become old friends over the past few weeks because we've just realized that our worlds are really right. I'm sorry I've been stalking you. It feels like for the last few weeks you're like trying to like, can you come on the show? Can you come on the show?

Can you come this week? Can you come this week? But the truth is, it's because we realize we have the same, same really mission. You have a mission to help creators, singers specifically and people who are performers, to really become confident in their voice. I have a mission at God and Gigs to help all kinds of creators to become confident in their creative abilities, music and all that.

So it was just a natural thing that we connected. So I'm so glad to have you on the show. But, you know, you have to do this because you're a podcaster, too. You have to introduce yourself in the first 30 seconds and tell them all about your life story, but just tell them the few things, the few things that you want them to know about you when they first meet you. What are the things that you'd want them to know right away.

Yeah. So, again, thanks so much for having me. So, yes, my name is Estelle As Berry. I am the daughter of the most high. I'm a child of God.

I'm also the daughter of Nigerian immigrants. And so my culture is very important to me. And because of that, maybe because of my upbringing, I kind of went a more practical route initially when it came to my career, but I knew that God was calling me to the arts. And so now I'm a performer and performing arts entrepreneur. I started the online vocal studio voice and performing art studio called Paul Creative Services, as well as the podcast.

And I love helping people to embrace their creative gifts that God has given them and to use them and build confidence in them, specifically in singing and acting and dancing and performing. And so that's what I love to do. Man and again, that's where our tribe exists, right? And I want to ask you, I always love to start with this. You know what, I'm going to take a left turn right here because this literally just hit me to you, since you have, I'm going to guess, been a creative all your life.

What does it mean to you to say I'm a creative? Does it mean that it's something that you were just born with, or is it something that you do like, you just described it, right. You have this world that you live in, but do you feel like you were always a creative, like, from the beginning? Yeah, for sure. I've thought about this a lot, too, because, of course, we are all made in the image of God, and God is the ultimate creator.

So everyone has this ability to create. Of course everyone has the ability to create. Whether it's creating a meal plan for your family, whether it's creating, I don't know, creating something new in your academic journey, whatever your situation is, we all have the ability to create. We all have the ability to innovate. But when it comes to calling yourself a creative, that to me, is usually aligned with the disciplines that are within the field of the arts, meaning that you are taking action and applying your creativity in a way that is where you're expressing yourself and expressing something that is meaningful.

So whether it's through a story, through a performance, you're creating a performance. You're creating an experience that is entertaining or you're creating a song or you're creating a painting or like a clothing design, right? Whatever it is, it's applying that creativity that everyone has access to, but you're applying it in a very practical way. And using the disciplines that are within the arts is usually like when I think of a creative, like someone who calls himself a creative, right? So you can still be creative and be in the health field.

You can still be creative and be in the tech field, right? Of course there's creativity. You should be creative everywhere that you are. You can be creative because you have to come up with new ideas and apply them in order to move society forward in all these different industries. So that's one level of creativity.

But for me, being a creative means that I'm producing something that is expressive of myself. And I've always been that way. I kind of grew up thinking I was going to end up in fashion. I loved clothing, I loved design, I love style. Growing up, my mom worked in the health field, but also had a boutique growing up.

My parents are both like entrepreneurs. My mom had a side business of a fashion boutique growing up that she still has. And so because of that and seeing her loving fashion and everything, I just was always drawn to that too. But I also grew up taking dance classes, starting to sing in choir at church, and then in school choirs, taking piano lessons, starting to act, did theater, was a cheerleader. I was just always performing, entertaining, doing something on stage.

I just loved doing that.

Literally. I couldn't get away from it, and I didn't want to. And I loved it, but I never considered it as a career until later in college. I started to think about it. It started to percolate a little bit, but it still wasn't there.

I was a music minor briefly in college, well, for a few semesters in college, actually for a couple of years in college, I was a music minor studying voice with some teachers that I loved in my college. And I was a psychology major, music minor. And that really just brought in my perspective to see that, oh, I really do have this gift and I can grow in it even more. And then after college, I was psychology, premed, thought I was going to go that path, started going that path in that career field, in that academic space, and then knew that God was calling me out of that. And it was a really hard decision to make that pivot and to make that turn.

But I was creating all the way through, maybe pausing a little bit. When I was pursuing medicine, I kind of took maybe a little bit of a break from singing and performing. I was still singing. I sing all the time. I was probably still singing in choirs and stuff, but I wasn't feeling very intentional about it.

And then I realized that I really still wanted to be very intentional about singing and performing, and I wanted to tell stories from the stage. And it was something that I realized that it was something that God had gifted me with for a purpose. And so it wasn't something that I could just push to the side anymore. I needed to be intentional about it. I needed to develop it, and I needed to actually go into the art space and see it as even a mission ground to really be a light to others in the arts field and to know that there are so many people who don't even realize how important their creativity is.

Even if they are artists, they don't realize that it's a gift from God. And I need to be there to encourage them and to remind them about that. And that's really what I want to do now. And that's where I am. Wow.

Well, I love here's the part that I really start to pick up on, where you talked about all these other interests you had, like, you talked about the creative and I don't even want to call it non creative, but let's just say non performing arts. Right? So the other things, the other skills you had, the other majors you were considering, and that is where I think a lot of our listeners and a lot of those people who follow us, they live in that space. They don't live in the we do. We just live on the stage, and we live in the art studio.

And they don't live there. They usually live somewhere in what I think we talked about even in a previous conversation. They have these parallel career kind of things. So I'm wondering, where does your passion to help those people come from? Is it because you had to deal with the same struggle of, like, what you just talked about, trying to say, I got to be intentional about deciding to be a creative, or is it something else?

Why do you feel drawn to help people to do what you just said, to believe in their creativity? Why is that so important to you? Yeah, and that's so cool that you said to believe in your creativity. I just dropped an episode today that's like, about how do you believe that your creative gifts are worth expressing, right? Because if you don't believe that they're worth developing or taking time to develop, you're never going to get into a dance class.

You're never going to take a voice lesson. You're never going to do any of that because you're not believing that it's worth investing in, because you don't believe that your creative gifts or your creativity is worth expressing in that way. The biggest thing for me was knowing that there are so many people with creative gifts who are in other jobs, are in other fields, which is great, and maybe that's where God has called them to be. But they also have this like, oh, I've always wanted to sing. I've always thought it'd be so cool to be in a show, or oh, I've always loved dancing and movement.

But there's something in their heads that says, no, that's not serious. Like, you did that when you were younger, it's time to grow up. Or oh, you're in this field now, you can't take that time for yourself to do something that's fun for you. And I want to be the one to say, like, hey, God has given you those creative gifts for you to use. Even if it's just for a season, just as a creative outlet, even if it's just as a hobby, even if it's just as even not just, but even if it's as a hobby, as a creative outlet, as a ministry, as a side hustle that you're using those creative gifts, they're still worthwhile they're still worth expressing and worth developing.

And so think of it as not like it's either Broadway or Bust, right? That's what I try to say. It's not just Broadway or bust. You can love the arts and love performing and then decide, you know what, I would love to just take a voice lesson every now and then and just continue to sing, because I love singing. And that can be your time of self care, that can be your time of taking time aside to explore something that is fun and interesting to you, which we don't always do enough of.

And so I would encourage people that your creative gifts are worth investing in no matter how you want to use them. They're worth investing in because they're there. They're there as a gift. And then from there you need to develop them and then share them and use them. I love that so much.

Hopefully that answers it. The thought that came to my head was it was the verse that the Bible says that he gives us the desires of our heart, right? And so there was a preacher I heard one time that kind of changed it up a little. We didn't change the Bible, but he made sure the emphasis was different and he said, God gives you the desires and then he stopped of your heart. And so the fact that people have this desire to create is God given.

It's not like a pipe dream. I love that's what you're saying investing means it's not something that is flippant. It's not something that they should just think of it like you said, even if it's not monetized. I think that's the other thing that people assume. They have to become professionals.

Like you said, Broadway or bus or else it's not worth it. Whereas if God gave you a gift to use, it might be just your local I give you a perfect example. My oldest son is in a local orchestra, jazz orchestra. He has been playing piano for years, and he just joined this local jazz band, and he's so excited. It gives him life, and he's giving life to the community, and it's fun.

And that's really, like you said, what creativity and music and joy is all about. It's about creating something that's just beautiful for the world. So I want to ask you, though, because you're talking about helping others, I want to kind of be a little bit, nail you down a little bit. Has there ever been a time that you felt that it wasn't worth it? Was there ever a time that you kind of had to struggle to stay, whether it was in your vocal studio, whether it was performing?

Has there ever been like, that kind of Valley moment where you had to tell yourself, hey, I got to stick with this, even though either there's no money or there's nothing, has there ever been like, a moment where you had to really push yourself to stay in the creative life? Yeah. For me, I decided that I was going to be pursuing this professionally, personally. Again, not everyone wants to, not everyone has to, but I knew that this was what God put on my heart to do. So I decided that I was going to be pursuing this professionally in December of I guess that would be 2021.

So kind of, like, started full steep ahead, January 2022, and here we are in 2023. Although I grew up in the arts my entire life, right? So to me, it was always something that was there. And then when I decided to intentionally pursue professionally, it was like as soon as I made that decision, I was transitioning out of medical school, out of medicine in general. And so that was a really hard transition.

Just like dealing with shame or like, oh, you should be doing this. Fears felt like people may be looking down on me or thinking that I was what was I doing? Thinking I was crazy being told, what are you doing? So, yeah, I laugh about it now, but it actually was pretty painful and very hard. But I knew that I still have that drive in me that I know this is what God has called me to.

I heard the voice of God. I want so badly to be in the arts field, and I want to pursue this career wholeheartedly and further my education in it, too, and just be the best that I can be so that I can be of service to others. And I don't want to spend another moment doing something that I know God has not called me to do. Yeah, that transition was really hard for me, but I still had that drive. I think maybe last year.

I think later on in the year, I did have a dip. That's a term that a lot of times is used in the professional development space and entrepreneurship space of, like, you hit the dip. When you started a business or you started something new, you started to pursue this creative goal of yours. You're going to hit a dip where it's like, okay, you had that motivation, you're ready to go. Everyone was coming against you, but you were like, whatever, I'm going to go forward.

I know what God is telling me to do. I'm going for it. I'm making plans every day. I'm waking up early, I'm staying up late. And then eventually months go by, maybe weeks go by.

Everyone is different. For me, it was like months going by and I was still just really struggling. Maybe I hadn't dealt with the emotional I think I had tried to, but I still needed more time to deal with the spiritual and emotional just weight of transitioning careers, which for me was very just a lot because of expectations that I felt like people had for me and whatnot. So that on top of the fact that I started to apply for graduate school, I wanted to go back to school, and I wanted to go back to school for performing and for vocal performance. But I had also heard so much feedback and stuff chatter when it came to me changing careers and people saying, oh, well, you studied psychology, so why don't you do psychology?

And then maybe do art therapy or something, or music therapy so you can kind of still do the music thing, but have something that's more solid as a career. And I was like, well, that does sound good. That sounds good on paper. It sounded good to my human brain, right. And the logical, analytical side of me.

But I knew what God had called me to do, and that wasn't it. Yeah, still, I kind of like, slipped myself and I applied to the master's programs that I wanted to apply to for vocal performance, but I also applied to some psych programs, and I kind of disobeyed God in that sense. And that's when I was really in my dip, I would say, because I was like, oh, it's like a fork in the road. Am I actually going to continue pursuing what I know God has called me to do as a creative and as the performer, or am I going to take the safer route? Which I'm not saying that's not a good route for some people, but I just knew it wasn't God's route for me.

It was a good route, but it wasn't God's route for me in particular. And so, yeah, that was the time I had to get through. And this time around, I'm going wholeheartedly towards what I know God has called me to do and applying to more programs. And it's just so much more exciting now because I know that I'm all in completely surrendered to what God's plan is for me now. And it's a completely different experience when you've gone through that Dip, you've gone through the doubting season of, is this really worth pursuing?

Am I actually doing this? Is this crazy? Maybe when you've gone to the other side of like, no, I know that this is where God called me to be, and I'm sticking to it. That is where I'm at now. And yeah.

Thank God. I love this so much because that admission of the Dip number one. I've read that book. I think it's Seth Golden, like you said, entrepreneurs. Again, we're talking to musicpreneurs.

But another thing that immediately brought to mind when you talked about your story is now the person that you're now helping, right? Your clients, your vocal students, the people that come to you now, even those that listen to your podcast. So I wonder, what is the first lesson since you've learned this lesson, you got through the Dip, you pushed through. So what's the first lessons? Not necessarily vocally.

Well, maybe you could talk vocally, but what are the first things you help your client and the people that come to you to push through their Dip? Push through their I don't know if I should do this. I don't know if I should invest in this. I don't know if my voice is what's the first thing you tell them so that they could push through their first obstacle and actually achieve this creative dream that they have? Yeah, first of all, recognizing what's going well, what are the things that are actually working?

Because sometimes we hit the Dip or whatever because we're like, oh, I'm not seeing the outcome that I want. Right. Or I'm not hearing the outcome that I want in my voice. So why even move forward? So just reminding you of like, okay, where have you come from?

That's what some people have done for me. That's what Voice teachers and my mentors have done for me, too. And also reminding them of where they want to go when that goal is strong enough and it's a strong enough why. And you can remind them of not only the goal, but also believe in them for them, kind of like, on their behalf. Like, I believe in you.

I believe that you can do this. I know you can sing this note because I've heard you do it before. And maybe in this moment, you're feeling anxious, you're feeling a little nervous, and that's going to affect your range sometimes. It's going to affect your breath support. Right.

When you're going for this note, you're feeling a little nervous. Okay. You're not going to have as great of breast support in this moment. That's okay. Recognize that.

But I know that you can do this. I've heard you do it before. And so kind of like, instilling that sense of belief in them that I have, showing them that I believe in them has been, I think, something that's been good and then also from there, reminding them of how good it's going to feel when they reach that goal, right? So when they're performing or when they're doing that. So this one client that I finished up working with, like a few sessions back to back, she was preparing to sing a song for one of her friend's birthdays.

And it was just such a heartfelt thing. She just really wanted to do this really nice performance of this song for her friend. And I just kept reminding her in that moment, your friend is going to be so happy. She's going to be so just happy that you spent this time to give her this gift of this song. And in that moment, just focus on the joy that you have in that moment with your friend and whatnot and so that made it more meaningful as opposed to like, okay, let's sing the song again.

Let's do it again. Let's do it again. So I think instilling that belief in themselves and then also just reminding them of the beauty of the future goal. That was an incredible answer. That's exactly what every person needs, trust me.

I was like, listening with raptors right there because we go through that even if we've been 2030 years, whatever, in the industry as a performer, those same thoughts come in the comparison, forgetting why I'm here, thinking that everybody's looking and no one's going to like it. And then you have that mental. I remember a book, I don't know if you've checked out this book. I remember. It was called a soprano on her head.

I can't remember the author. I have to put a post or a link to it. It describes the inner critics as a whole bunch of judges just staring at you. And she was talking about sopranos. Yes.

And I think she was saying, like, you have to almost imagine this vocal teacher. I guess she was using all these crazy analogies to get them to stop thinking about the judges. And she's like, imagine singing like you were standing on your head, like, just anything to break this mental block that we put on ourselves as performers. And I think, again, it's not just performers that do this. I think human beings, I mean, you just talked about even in our faith, usually the obstacles to our own faith is the way we look at ourselves, not the way God is, or we elevate our problems and then we elevate our weaknesses.

So I think it's so powerful that you said, yeah, you remind them of the good, remind them why they're doing it. And if you're listening to this right now, you're hearing that someone else believes in you more than you do. That's amazing. So I love that answer. I want to ask you, since we talked about some of the struggles, let's talk about some of the mountaintops as well.

What has been your favorite moment so far? What would you say has been like, a mountaintop experience for you where you saw all this stuff that you. Worked for you, saw it come to fruition for you. There have been a couple. So one of them was well, the auditions that I recorded like the self tape auditions that I recorded last year for the musical theater vocal performance programs that I applied to last year.

Just getting to the point of actually going and professionally recording these auditions with an accompanist who's now a great good friend of mine and who is amazing and just getting to be in the room and record it in this beautiful studio, this dress. And it was really nerve wracking, but I did it, and it turned out pretty well. And I was really, just really proud of it, even though and I have that now to use in my reels and everything, I was just so proud of it. I'd worked on these two songs, at least that I had done, and then I had other songs that I worked on that I did for other auditions, but those were two songs that I really, really worked on and really loved. And one of the songs to connect it to Another Mountaintop moment, I then later performed at the Voice Studio's, I guess, like end of the year performance or whatever, I performed it and it was really exciting because I had spent like months and months working on it and now it was a great performance.

It was just very in the moment. I mean, a great performance. I don't know how everyone else experienced it, but for me it felt very in the moment. It felt like I was really present, it felt really fun and it looked like it got good feedback, but I mean, I just really enjoyed it. And now it's like a key piece in my repertoire and something that I go back to again and again and that I love and I've done.

I've performed it since at open mic night and Just and other auditions. And so it's been great. Those were a couple of great moments performing wise that I've been able to have so far, in addition to just other audition experiences. But I'm just excited to continue having them. I have more auditions coming up for grad school applications that I'm doing.

So more mountaintop moments, hopefully in the near future. Amen. Amen to that. Here's something that I'm really impressed by because there's this phrase with leaders and people that are teachers, right, that the teacher is not better than the student, that the best teachers are still students. And I think you're exemplifying that, but you didn't stop to say, oh, I haven't made it to this level, that you immediately had a heart to go back and serve other creatives.

You immediately said, even though I'm on this journey, I'm going to teach someone that's a little bit behind me and continue to help them. And that's an amazing spirit. I want you to talk a little bit as we're closing up here about your podcast and just your heart to do that. Like your podcast, you're already at, what, 100 episodes or so? Yeah, I have 130 episodes as of today.

Wow. It's been a journey. Lots of ups and downs. Had some dips with the podcast, too. It happens with that as well.

But the podcast started out as one thing of just like, me expressing myself and being creative while I was on the medical journey. And then it ended up being like talking to people who know that they have a creative gift and need that inspiration to bring it out and to not put it aside, like I had at some points, but go full force in using it and being intentional with it. Whether in ministry, whether as side hustle, as a hobby, as a creative outlet, or as a career singing, acting, performing. And so I interview performers and actors and anyone in the performing arts, including you, your own host, has been on this show. That's not why I brought it up.

I promise. That's not why I brought it. No, that's okay. No, it's good. Happy to mention it.

Yeah. So I think yours is coming out next week. I've had, let's see, Nyla Watson, who's on Broadway on the tour for Hadestown. I think she just wrapped up the tour for Hadestown, but she's been on Broadway and like, waitress, among others, and The Color Purple, I believe the tour for that one. And she's just an incredible performer, and she's now become a mentor for me just because I invited her to the podcast.

And it was just an amazing connection to have. I've had other local artists, musicians, entrepreneurs, content creators who have millions of followers on TikTok or have small content brands or whatever. It just doesn't matter. Like, any creative people who are in these creative spaces, and whether singing, performing, songwriting, acting, dancing, I've been able to just interview so many people. And their conversations are like master classes in some ways on dancing or on singing and acting and performing and even creative branding and things like that.

So I would really just encourage artists, like all artists. But especially if you grew up singing, you grew up performing, you grew up doing theater, and you want to get back to it as an adult, you want those beginning steps to really build confidence in yourself when it comes to singing and performing. Then definitely check out the podcast. It's going to really, really help you. It's going to give you some basic steps and some really beginner steps.

And it's also going to who are just so generous with their time and so generous in giving you great, great advice, including Allen C. Paul, starting next week. You did that perfectly. So, yes, please make sure your link is right there in the description of this particular episode. So they are clicking it right now.

They are subscribing because they've heard again. And I want to make sure we close off with this? You're walking the talk. It is so important to me in this community that we don't have people who just talk about, oh, this is how you get a million followers. This is how you get on Spotify.

This is how I get a million streams. This is how everybody that's on the show has been a practitioner, has been someone that lives what they talk about. And you're a perfect example of that. I just wonder if you have one final word to say to someone. I always like to close out with a question like this.

Someone who is right at that moment, they're thinking they're either in the dip that you were in, or they're at that position where they're just about to say, I'm all in, like you said. So what would you say to that person who's listening right now or watching right now, and they're right at that moment, just like you were just about to, but you had those insecurities or those fears, but God is calling them to pursue their creative career in a greater extent. What will be your final word to that person? Yeah, good question. I would say just don't let fear be the reason that you don't do the thing that you want to do.

There are other reasons that maybe you shouldn't do certain things right. But don't let fear of man or fear of the future be the thing that stops you. If you believe that God is calling you to something or has given you a gift for something, or you have this just, like, inkling of, like, I love this thing. I have this creative interest, this passion for music, for playing piano, for writing songs, for spoken word. There's part of me that just wishes, like, man, I wish I could do this.

Don't ignore it. If it's fear that's making you ignore it, you can put it aside if you're like. No, I know that God is not calling me to that right now in this season. Okay, I'll let you put it aside. I'll let you go with that.

But if it's fear that's stopping you, that is not okay. Don't let fear be what stops you. Let faith be what fuels you to take a hold of that gift. If you're in that dip, if you're in that place of, like, it's just not working. I'm not seeing the outcome I want.

I'm feeling tired. I'm exhausted. I completely understand you literally, I completely understand that feeling of exhausted, of not seeing the outcome that you want to see. But I just want to remind you, too, and remind yourself of that why over and over again and to pour in time into that artistic gift that God has given you.

I am absolutely inspired and encouraged. So thank you for saying that to me and to everybody that needed to hear it right now, because that was absolutely it was a beautiful, beautiful way to close it out. And I'm sure someone right now just felt the Lord kind of speaking through your words, if not because perfect love cast out all fear, right? And fear, there's no fear and God has not given us that spirit of fear. So every creator that's listening right now, you just heard Estelle echo the words of God into your ears when it comes to your creative calling.

So just let them know how since they can easily click on that description, but just remind them how they can find your website, how they can find your podcast, and how they can become possibly a student. Yeah, so definitely go to my podcast is called Paul Creative Services. The studio is creatively. Performing arts. You can find it on Instagram, my voice lessons and stuff like that.

If you just go to Paul Creative Services, you'll get everything that you need from there. And I'm also doing a free workshop coming up very soon for singers, anyone who wants to sing and perform. If you have any questions about singing and performing, I'll give link for a Google form. It's just like a pre sign up kind of, so I can kind of get some feedback from you. If you have a question you've always wanted to ask about this thing, like, how do I reach these high notes or how do I do this thing when it comes to performing?

How do I overcome this fear of performing or whatever. Whatever the question is, you can put it in that form and that way I can address it in the workshop. It's going to be a free workshop and basically like an hour of free coaching. So it's going to be amazing and you'll get to just be around other people who are singers and performers. So it's going to be exciting.

So I'd love for you to go and join. That coming up. Very awesome. I am so glad we made this connection happen between guiding Gigs and Singing Confidently Living Creatively. So Estelle, this won't be the last time, I promise you.

So make sure you're following both of us so you can see the next time. But until next time, thank you so much for being on the Guiding Gig Show. God bless you. Thank you so much for having me. God bless you all.

Thank you for everyone listening. This was amazing.

My friend. I hope now you see why it's never too late. Why no matter what type of career path you've already taken, if you are in the midst of a career change, if you've just been thinking about applying more of your life to your creative dream, now you see someone who is walking the talk and has shown you a path to actually doing that. I am so thankful for Estelle, for her generosity, for her wisdom. At this time of her life, she is doing everything that we are talking about at God and gigs.

She's embracing the call. She is stepping forward in faith and she's helping people along the way. So please, like we talked about, make sure you subscribe to the Paul Creative Services podcast. I am so glad that we were able to connect, that we were actually able to be on her podcast as well. We'll put a link to that in the description whenever that airs.

And we want you to make sure to stay connected with our community because Estelle will definitely be back, either as a trainer doing something in our community. God and Gigs 360 gold. We're going to make sure that she is constantly sharing and pouring into the community because she is one of us. Well, my friend, thank you so much for listening to this podcast. Make sure that you are already subscribed.

If not, tap the follow button or the subscribe button wherever you're listening. And make sure that you are also subscribed to our newsletter because we share articles and more information for our community that we can't always share on social media. To find that, just go to Godandgigigigigigigigigs.com Info. There's also a link for that in our description. Well, my friend, thank you so much for listening and until next time, continue to become the creative that you were created to be.

God bless and I'll see you next episode.

Thanks for joining us here at the God and Gigs show. Please leave us a review on itunes like our Facebook page or visit Godandgigs.com and tell us what you thought of this show. We'll be back soon. In the meantime, go create something amazing.