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July 16, 2020

TBH: Keeping the Faith and Facing the Brutal Facts of Creative Life during a Pandemic

TBH: Keeping the Faith and Facing the Brutal Facts of Creative Life during a Pandemic

It's not always easy to keep your head up, creative. 

Especially now. 

In the face of continuous negative news, uncertain economic realities, and confusion in the culture, Christ-centered creatives are in between a rock and a hard place. 

On one hand, we want to be wise and protect our loved ones from any possibility of harm. 

On the other hand, we are called to serve and push forward to help encourage and bless our communities and congregations.

How do we navigate these troubling issues without losing our faith? 

In this frank and stripped-down episode, host and author Allen C. Paul decided to open up about his own feelings regarding the priority of ministry, his creative career, the COVID crisis and where he's finding answers - even if they aren't perfect or apparent.