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Feb. 19, 2024

The One Creative Tool God Wants You to Use (That You Already Have)

Discover why God has creative confidence in YOU.... and how it can make a huge difference in your art and life from one of our most inspiring Established Creative Experts.

If you and God had a conversation about the one missing piece in your creative life, what would He suggest?

There's a really good chance He'll talk about why doubt and fear have stopped you in your tracks just when you were about to make a creative breakthrough.

Most creatives, whether you're a hobbyist, semi-pro or experienced professional, still struggle with doubt and lack of confidence. In this Creative Checkup episode, we'll hear from Established Creative Expert Kellianne Rae Jordan, as she shares a powerful and encouraging tip to help you activate the creative confidence God already has in you!

Learn More From Kellianne

Listen to Kellianne's interview on The God and Gigs Show
Kellianne's Website - https://thejordanscreate.my.canva.site/kellianneraejordan
Keallianne's Podcast "The Pro Creatives Podcast" - https://linktr.ee/theprocreativespodcast

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Allen C. Paul (00:00):
What's the one thing that you already have that God wants you to utilize more than anything else in your creative life? I know that's a loaded question and it can sound like there's no possible answer that would make sense, but I believe with the help of one of our established creative experts, you're going to be able to utilize and realize what God has for you as the most important thing in your creative life to help you thrive in everything you do in your profession. Give me just a moment to welcome those of you who are new to God and gigs, and then we'll get right into this super important conversation.

Hello and welcome to our show. Thank you so much for making this podcast a part of your creative day. My name, if you're new to our show is Allen C. Paul. I'm the host and founder of God and Gigs, and we help you to transform your creative life from the inside out by applying timeless spiritual principles to the temporary creative problems that you've been facing. And one of those creative problems that we all seem to deal with is fear and doubt when it comes to what you've been called to do. Now, I've been performing in my specific area for years, really. I started back when, I guess 11, 12, I was started peeling piano, and I remember even back then having struggles with whether or not I was good enough, whether or not I would compare to the other students and musicians and creatives around me. And this didn't just follow me into my teenage years, it followed me into my adult years.

Maybe that's you. Maybe you've struggled to figure out why, you're still worried, still concerned, still anxious, even if you've been practicing and doing what you have been doing for a long time, there is still a root of fear. There's still a root of Do I belong? Am I good enough? Well, our tip today in this Creative Checkup episode comes from our great friend Kellianne Rae Jordan. Now, Kellianne has been on the God and Gigs show before. She's a great friend of ours. She was on episode 1 59. If you want, check out god gigs.com/ 1 5 9. You'll see all of her interview that we shared. She is such a great person. She's an actress, a producer, a writer, and also a freestyle rapper. But you have to watch the episode to find out what that really means. And more importantly, she understand what's required for a creative to really push through and figure out why this doubt keeps jumping on to every single project that you do and how to overcome it.

As a matter of fact, she shared a tip with our God and Gees 360 membership, our membership, where all of our creatives jump in and they invest in themselves. They have actually already gotten access to this tip, but we wanted to share it with everybody in our God and Gives community. So I'm sharing this tip with you that she shared before we started 2024, so that you can level up in this area of your creative life. So without any more kind of hints, I want you to hear it from Kellianne herself. Here's her tip on the one thing that will help you level up the most in 2024.

Kellianne Rae Jordan (03:45):
Hi God and gigs. I'm Kellianne Ray Jordan. I'm the co-founder of the Jordan's Create and co-host of the Pro Creatives Podcast for moms who make things. I'm going to share my tip with you on how to level up in 2024. First thing I want to share is a scripture, and that scripture is Jeremiah 31 17, and it says, there is confident hope for your future, says the Lord. As we go into 2024, I want you to believe, understand, and know that your future is secure because God says so. And that means that those ideas, those dreams that he's implanted in, you have got to come out. It's not just for you, but it's for other people to experience the goodness of God through the creativity that he's placed within you. So I pray that as your journey continues, you'll go forth boldly with confidence, believing and understanding that God knows what he's doing. And if you're feeling afraid about doing those things, remind yourself to be strong and courageous because God's got your back. So go forth with passion, purpose, patience and perseverance into what God's called you to do in 2024 and beyond. If you want to level up with me, check out my podcast, the Pro Creatives Podcast on Instagram, and you can take a listen to us on Spotify, Amazon music and Google Play.

Allen C. Paul (05:21):
Well, my friend, you heard it that scripture, that encouragement from her is all about creative confidence. The creative confidence that you need is something that God wants you to have that he gave you. If you remember in another scripture that says the same thing, that God has not given us a spirit of fear as creatives. So anytime you feel that fear, remember what Kellianne just said, somebody is actually waiting for you on the other side, and God has prepared that for them. The thing that you do is really prepared for them. So if you step back in fear, you deprive the world, you deprive the person you're called to reach of that very thing, which means sometimes you have to do it scared you have to do it afraid you have to do it ugly, but you still have to do it, and God's grace is there for you as a creative who has the faith in God that he put that gift in you.

Now, there's another verse that says, the gifts of God are irrevocable. That means even if you don't use them correctly, even if they stay dormant, they stay there. The question is what are you going to do with it? So I appreciate Kellianne bringing this tip out, this little nugget that will remind you that you have the creative confidence you need. You just have to act on it. It's not something you necessarily get or even pray for. It's something you have to start using. And if you start using the confidence that you already have, the confidence that God has in you because he gave you the gift, if you start operating in that in 2024 and beyond, you're going to see the results, where people are blessed, where you are blessed, and where your creative gift has an impact on the world. Now, that might seem, again, very simple, but it's not easy.

It's something you got to walk out every day. And I hope this particular podcast just reminded you that yes, you can use this one thing that God gave you creative confidence to impact the world and to step forward in that project that might be dormant because you were a little bit scared, a little bit afraid, and wasn't sure how you were going to go forward. Now, I would love for you to check out Kellianne, make sure that you find her podcast for moms who make Things, the Pro Creatives Podcast. This is for all the moms in our audience. You would love this podcast. She is absolutely nailing it when it comes to living out this life as a family, as a person that knows God, but also knows how to excel in her craft. Please go check out her podcast. Check out God and gigs.com/ 1 5 9 to hear her episode with us and then of course, stay connected with our podcast so you can hear more about how you can thrive as a creative from the inside out. Where my friend, I hope that I encouraged you today, our Creative Checkup episode is all about that, giving you that one nugget that will help you improve your creative life one step at a time. So until next time, continue to become the creative that you are created to be. God bless and I'll see you next episode.