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Oct. 21, 2021

The Time of Your Life: How to Become Wildly Productive w/ Jordan Raynor

The Time of Your Life: How to Become Wildly Productive w/ Jordan Raynor

You’ve said these four words...and so has everyone around you, often when we’re faced with yet another appointment or responsibility. 

The phrase?  “I don’t have time”. 

Creatives like us are just as guilty - perhaps even more so, because the demands for our time seem pile up    as we balance so many priorities. 

So how can we finally achieve mastery of our  time management, and find that elusive “ work-life balance?” 

According to best selling author and entrepreneur Jordan Raynor, the answer to our time management problems is to study the Author of Time - Jesus Christ - and apply the principles he exemplified to our own lives.

In his latest book,  “Redeeming Your Time:  7 Biblical Principles for Being Purposeful, Present, and Wildly Productive”, Jordan takes a in-depth look at how Jesus made daily decisions in his earthly existence, and then breaks those principles down into a variety of practical applications. 

We sat down with Jordan to have a enlightening discussion about how he personally applies the lessons in “Redeeming Your Time” in his family and  career; why Jesus is our ultimate example of how to keep our word; how Christians everywhere can benefit from a biblical view of time management, and why it is essential to change our approach to productivity from a works-based mindset to one focused on grace. 

Learn more about Redeeming Your Time and Jordan's other resources at JordanRaynor.com

On October 24, 2021, we're presenting a FREE masterclass to our community on How To Overcome the 3 Creative Challenges That Are Holding You Back. You can sign up at godandgigs.com/masterclass and attend this live training that will provide you with inspiration, effective strategies, and tips that will get you unstuck and moving forward with creative confidence!