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Dream Again! How to Revive Your Divinely-Directed Creative Life | Jeneen Hammond, Actress TGGS 225

Lost your creative dream?
If you feel unable to move forward because obstacles or fear has paralyzed your progress...you need more than advice.

You need your dream revived.

Jeneen Hammond, actress, singer, and playwright, has made a career from following the Holy Spirit's direction for her creativity - often with no preset plan. She has crafted a space as a strategic visionary, storyteller and entrepreneur, and has worked with ministries and production houses all across the country. Through her character "The Bag Lady" and her 'dream revivalist' role, she inspires people to rebuild lost confidence, regain self-worth and pursue the life they dream of.

In this interview, she shares how God can use theater and your unique story to connect with your purpose in a powerful and unexpected way.

In this episode, you'll get answers to these questions:
1. Does God use story and theater to reveal truth?
2. Does performance have a purpose in ministry?
3. How do you create stories and plays inspired by God?

Connect with Jeneen

Free 7 Day Devotional for Creatives http://godandgigs.com/prayer