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July 23, 2020

Website Worries? How to Upgrade Your Online Presence and Increase Your Impact

Website Worries? How to Upgrade Your Online Presence and Increase Your Impact

If you didn’t think maintaining your website was important before...you’ve probably experienced a rude awakening in the past few months. 

As creatives the world over adapt to the new realities of post-pandemic life, we’ve seen more than ever how much we depend on our brands and online platforms. 

While social media takes a major role, there’s nothing more effective than owning your own space on the internet. No matter what happens on social media platforms, having control of a well-functioning website is essential to a successful creative brand. 

Unfortunately, many creatives find themselves overwhelmed and frustrated with the process and upkeep of their websites - to the point that they actually harm, rather than help, their changes of gaining customers and listeners. 

In this in-depth and practical episode, we walk through the essential steps needed to start cleaning up and reviewing how your website is functioning. With a few foundational actions, you can become more confident and savvy in serving your audience by giving them a central place to find all of your creative work. 

For complete show notes tap here or go to GodandGigs.com/72.

Want to join our Summer Website Clean-Up Challenge? Register at GodandGigs.com/cleanup