Welcome to THE GRYD! Dare To Be Different!
Sept. 17, 2024

“A Big Bad Voodoo Loss”

“A Big Bad Voodoo Loss”

Oh, another day in the life of being a Dallas Cowboys fan. Bright lights,
big stars, fans lined up to see what turned out to be an embarrassing 
loss to New Orleans 44-19. A Saints team whose turning the pages post
Drew Brees and most of that roster is still rising out the waters. On
Sunday afternoon, it was the same song and verse from Dallas.
No sense of urgency from neither side, only bright spot was kicker
Brandon Aubrey. The Cowboys defense went out and caught a spell
early and never snapped out of it. As New Orleans marched and played
their combination of jazz, soul and funk Dallas never put the noise
cancelation earbuds in. They were caught in a trance of vibrations and
turned into a 35 point first half for New Orleans. Nobody would’ve
thought but you can clearly see Dallas’ hangover early. It was Green Bay
2.0 and nothing to break this New Orleans spell.

Like a drum major, veteran quarterback Derek Carr conducted this
team to the prompt and circumstance. A team whose preparation was
fully displayed, no fear whatsoever. For Dallas, more questions drew ire
of fans as if they fell for the bait of last week’s statement road win. The
irony is Dallas has been this same lame-duck team for a greater part of
the last 30 years. When they fall behind, running away from the issues
versus solving them.

There was a time Cowboys teams of old would rally one another; rather
it was Troy Aikman, Emmitt Smith, Michael Irvin, Charles Haley. This
version of Dallas is soft like toilet tissue. All show, no tale and that’s an
appetite for losing. Nobody challenges one another in fear of ruffling
feathers. Coaches don’t push players like they once did and it’s the
product of being “babied” versus “dawg.”

Dallas got the early blowout loss needed, and with plenty of time to
correct their mental relapses, there must be more accountability within
the organization. Players, coaches, even the front office who constructs
the roster. There’s one common denominator: Jerry Jones is the
ultimate salesmen who continues to give fans all the concession
speeches in remix part deux.

The big bad voodoo New Orleans Saints were better than advertised
and Dallas overlooked a team that can still be a threat. For this
Cowboys team, will they live and learn or continue to fall bait to their
own hype? Either way, the spell lingered and will take more than sage
to cleanse.
Stai tuned.