Aug. 8, 2020

Hanna Thomas Uose on why video calls don't give us Zoom Fatigue, but rather Zoom Trauma

Hanna Thomas Uose on why video calls don't give us Zoom Fatigue, but rather Zoom Trauma

You’ve heard of Zoom Fatigue. But what about Zoom Trauma? It sounds extreme, but an article by my guest on this episode Hanna Thomas Uose suggests that this is precisely what we’re experiencing. I was so intrigued by what she had to say, that I...

You’ve heard of Zoom Fatigue. But what about Zoom Trauma? It sounds extreme, but an article by my guest on this episode Hanna Thomas Uose suggests that this is precisely what we’re experiencing. I was so intrigued by what she had to say, that I invited Hanna onto the show to talk about it. In our discussion, we explore why she thinks that and what we can begin to improve things. We discuss why Zoom (and other video channels) are so traumatic and what thoughts Hanna has about how we can begin to solve the problem. She’s got some great ideas about how social media and the creative arts can help.

I’m a keen advocate for what Hanna is proposing and I’ll be following it as part of my Human Risk and Compliance Media Toolkit projects.

The original article that prompted this discussion is:

To find out more about Hanna’s work visit her website here:

She’s also on Twitter:

We also referred to:

A video featuring Professor Robert Kelly

The Meeting Owl

Sarah Cooper

For more on the Compliance Media Toolkit, a guide to having better virtual experiences which is targeted at Compliance staff, but available for free to anyone and relevant regardless of your role, sign up here:

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