Dec. 22, 2020

Live your life by DESIGN not by DEFAULT.

Live your life by DESIGN not by DEFAULT.

Pretend today is December 31st, 2021 & it was your best year ever! 

What specific things would have to happen in the following areas of your life for you to say that?

1. Spiritual
2. Social
3. Career
4. Money
5. Fun -Don’t skip this one. It matters
6. Intellectual
7. Family 
8. Legacy- ( your purpose, ministry, burden or assignment that is bigger than you. What do you want to be remembered for when you die)
9. Health

Once you’ve written what your ideal year looks like in each category. Come up with a SMART goal that represents what you want to see. 

For example if for health you said : “I want to lose weight” 

 You would change it to a statement that is


Using the above criteria the new statement could be : I want to lose 20 lbs by the end of March 2021

Try it. Cut out magazine photos and make a vision board of the things you are hoping for too. It is so powerful! 

Happy planning ❤️