Oct. 27, 2020

Toxic traits- “Dottie Doormat”

Toxic traits- “Dottie Doormat”

Most of us have toxic traits that cause us to keep repeating the same unwanted patterns in our lives. 

Those traits can sometimes also cause us to keep attracting the wrong type of men. 

But there’s hope. 

Anything that can be learned can also be unlearned. 

In this episode , I talk about the toxic trait I term “Dottie Doormat”.

Forgive me if I’m a little harsh in this episode I just want anyone that is allowing a man to mistreat them to get the message that they deserve more. 

I was once a “Dottie Doormat” and I wish someone had been harder on me about walking away. 

I was crazy about someone that didn’t want me -“let’s just be friends”- but also didn’t want anyone else to have me. 

In such cases, we can never blame the men. They only do what we allow. 

Thank God, I finally figured out that I deserved better. 

I hope you find this helpful If you are in such a situation or know someone that is. 

Please email your comments to thehusbandfactory@gmail.com