The Index Podcast
Feb. 16, 2024

Real Estate Investment: Tokenization, AI, and Expert Advice with Dan French, CEO of ResProp

This week on The Index, host Alex Kehaya welcomes Dan French, CEO of ResProp & Partner at Rex, a company reshaping property investment. It's a great conversation about blockchain-driven property investment opportunities, where high-quality real estate assets become as accessible as trading stocks. Learn more about the promise of AI in property management and the transformative potential of blockchain in mortgages.

Host - Alex Kehaya

Producer - Shawn Nova




00:04 - Exploring Real Estate Technology and Tokenization

07:34 - Real Estate Tokenization and Investment Process

18:50 - Opportunities for Investment and Market Fit

23:39 - Improving Property Maintenance With AI


00:00:04.427 --> 00:00:08.013
Welcome to the Index Podcast hosted by Alex Kahaya.

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Plug in as we explore new frontiers with Web 3 and the decentralized future.

00:00:19.466 --> 00:00:22.292
Hey everyone and welcome to the Index.

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We believe that people are worth knowing, and I want to tell the stories of the people who are building the future of the Internet.

00:00:28.827 --> 00:00:40.011
I'm your host, alex Kahaya, and today I'm excited to welcome Dan French, managing partner at RECS, a technology platform that empowers working people underserved by tech.

00:00:40.011 --> 00:00:48.308
Recs provides solutions to help small business owners, property managers and vendors make payments, find insurance route, work efficiently and more.

00:00:48.308 --> 00:00:53.884
And, dan, I know you kind of work with like a portfolio of companies underneath a parent company, and some of them use AI.

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Some of them, you know you're looking at different tokenization strategies.

00:00:57.185 --> 00:01:03.963
We'd just love to kind of start with like your background and then get into the different projects that you guys are working on.

00:01:04.566 --> 00:01:07.064
More than happy to Alex and thank you so much for having me on.

00:01:07.064 --> 00:01:10.266
Big fan of the show, Love your passion around the space.

00:01:10.266 --> 00:01:12.010
And happy to get into my background a little bit.

00:01:12.010 --> 00:01:14.084
So two decades in real estate.

00:01:14.084 --> 00:01:19.144
You know I've been operating and investing in real estate that whole time, so I really know real estate from the ground up.

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Like you know boots on the ground.

00:01:20.730 --> 00:01:23.085
I've managed my own apartments.

00:01:23.085 --> 00:01:26.947
You know I turn my own apartments, answer the maintenance line, lease my own apartment.

00:01:26.947 --> 00:01:28.984
So deep background in real estate.

00:01:29.165 --> 00:01:34.105
Our platform that we built after the great financial crisis was a real estate investment platform.

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It purchased about $2 billion in assets, so that was 17,000 apartments by 2016,.

00:01:40.563 --> 00:01:50.349
We had already been thinking about, you know, launching it to real estate technology and building our own tech Because, as you know, alex, real estate is the largest asset class in the world.

00:01:50.349 --> 00:01:56.989
It's, like some people say, $280 trillion, so three times the value of, like the stock market in the US.

00:01:56.989 --> 00:02:09.668
It's enormous and it touches every aspect of people's lives by being, you know, very deep in the space as investors, as operators, we felt these pain points ourselves and so we felt number one.

00:02:09.668 --> 00:02:16.411
It was a great mission to serve other people because we knew that the real estate, the tech in real estate, is so poor, it's so bad.

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And number two, it was a huge economic opportunity.

00:02:20.229 --> 00:02:26.620
So that's really like the two main reasons why we pivoted a little bit and started launching it to real estate technology.

00:02:27.203 --> 00:02:30.879
So you had kind of a fund, basically, that was acquiring all these properties.

00:02:30.879 --> 00:02:36.568
You did about $2 billion in acquisitions and then now you have this technology platform.

00:02:36.568 --> 00:02:38.381
What does this technology platform do Like?

00:02:38.381 --> 00:02:39.566
What are your goals with that?

00:02:39.566 --> 00:02:45.579
And I guess, based on your experience, you know what pain points are you solving that you faced, because it sounds like that's where this came from.

00:02:45.579 --> 00:02:48.449
You had some pain points and now you built some technology to solve it.

00:02:48.939 --> 00:02:57.203
I think the best technology, the people launching into technology and being entrepreneurs, they stick to what they know, they stick to their space.

00:02:57.203 --> 00:03:02.229
That humility that's really like what kind of like one of the underpinnings of what we did here.

00:03:02.229 --> 00:03:06.852
Like we didn't go into health tech or education tech, we stuck to the knitting.

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And so it's a single venture.

00:03:08.907 --> 00:03:16.147
We think of it as a single venture to disrupt real estate and but within that there's 10 separate technology companies that we've.

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We had the idea, we incubated it.

00:03:18.092 --> 00:03:31.385
We to begin with, we self-funded, we did take on some outside capital, but so these 10 tech companies were launched and many of them are around the space of maintenance or vendors, and I can go into a couple other ones.

00:03:31.507 --> 00:03:34.656
But these folks don't have a lot of technology built for them.

00:03:34.656 --> 00:03:35.780
You know what I mean.

00:03:35.780 --> 00:03:42.046
They're kind of like the forgotten element of real estate, because in real estate it's so much about the top line, the revenue.

00:03:42.046 --> 00:03:48.106
So you know, leasing gets a lot of attention, All these different like point solutions around driving revenue.

00:03:48.106 --> 00:03:57.610
That gets a lot more attention than building technology for the people who are the backbone of real estate, which is your operator, you know, especially multifamily.

00:03:57.610 --> 00:04:00.548
It takes a lot of people to run a site and your vendors.

00:04:00.548 --> 00:04:04.870
Vendors are in every single asset of real estate asset class.

00:04:04.870 --> 00:04:06.907
They're the ones that keep the buildings going.

00:04:06.907 --> 00:04:16.028
So we're building technology to help them get insurance, get paid, get verified that they can work on site, become compliant and then build their business.

00:04:16.550 --> 00:04:17.593
It's a really cool portfolio.

00:04:17.593 --> 00:04:23.392
I mean, I'm just looking at the website again, but you've got a mix of like AI and tokenization stuff here.

00:04:23.392 --> 00:04:26.809
You've got Job Call, which is like AI assistant for property management.

00:04:26.809 --> 00:04:31.190
You have Get Done the operating system for maintenance.

00:04:31.190 --> 00:04:36.091
I'm sure that that sounds like managing, like what tasks need to be done, like for larger property owners.

00:04:36.091 --> 00:04:46.108
And then you have OwnProp, which is like a platform for buying and selling tokenized real estate, and this is one that people are pretty interested in and I've seen happening on Solana at least with like Homebase and a few others.

00:04:46.108 --> 00:04:58.805
That's pretty cool and I think it's interesting like the market's so huge for that that it's easy to have multiple platforms and players that are doing that and still have like pretty big businesses, it would see, at least on paper.

00:04:58.805 --> 00:05:03.872
And then there's like ID course Protect your Business for Risk with AI-powered vendor compliance.

00:05:03.872 --> 00:05:11.612
There's so many different niches and it's like I guess, like which thing are you most excited about out of the portfolio that you guys have built?

00:05:12.120 --> 00:05:13.447
It's kind of like having 10 babies.

00:05:13.447 --> 00:05:15.922
You know it's hard to choose like well, who's your favorite child?

00:05:15.922 --> 00:05:16.625
I have four kids.

00:05:16.625 --> 00:05:19.598
You know it's like I would say I'm marginally more excited.

00:05:19.598 --> 00:05:29.673
I'm excited by them all, but I'm marginally more excited by own prop will be probably one of my tops because you know I'm very mission focused in my business mindset.

00:05:29.673 --> 00:05:35.267
We're all working so damn hard, you know, if there's no mission behind it, like what keeps you going.

00:05:35.487 --> 00:05:45.024
You know own prop is a platform that its intention is to democratize real estate investment, the access to great, you know high quality real estate investment offerings.

00:05:45.024 --> 00:05:48.091
That should be not just the playground of the rich.

00:05:48.091 --> 00:05:49.021
You know what I mean.

00:05:49.021 --> 00:05:53.372
That should be offered to people who are actually doing the work at a hotel.

00:05:53.372 --> 00:05:59.665
Or a vendor who is working at a you know multifamily site might say, hey, you know what this property looks like.

00:05:59.665 --> 00:06:01.555
A winner, I want to invest in this.

00:06:01.555 --> 00:06:08.723
You know they should have that opportunity, just like if they're using Amazon every day, they can go on Robinhood and go buy a piece of that of that business.

00:06:08.723 --> 00:06:13.781
It should be the same way for real estate investments and tokenization.

00:06:13.781 --> 00:06:22.610
I just read somewhere some person on I think it was on Twitter, or Axe was saying it's growing as fast as the internet was in, like the early 90s.

00:06:22.610 --> 00:06:23.572
You know so.

00:06:23.901 --> 00:06:26.572
Yeah, I mean, wasn't it the CEO of BlackRock or something?

00:06:26.572 --> 00:06:33.232
The other day was like talking about the Bitcoin ETF and he said you know, the next thing is tokenization of everything.

00:06:33.620 --> 00:06:44.964
And he called that out, which I thought was pretty cool, Really cool, and that's probably one of the biggest AUM firms in the world right Like 9 trillion or something crazy.

00:06:44.964 --> 00:06:52.168
The Bitcoin ETF I've heard it's outpacing Silver now in terms of being the second biggest ETF.

00:06:52.168 --> 00:06:53.894
It's just, things are moving really fast.

00:06:53.894 --> 00:07:11.237
You know we're part of the mix and we want to make sure that this is it's going to happen and it's going to unfold over, I think, three to five years We'll see more adoption, but then 10 and 20 years, like we even have that long range vision where we want to be part of this democratization of real estate.

00:07:11.237 --> 00:07:16.434
We want to be right at the center of it and evangelize it, get people on the platform.

00:07:16.434 --> 00:07:20.826
Hopefully, as investors, they make a lot of money and that's what we're about.

00:07:22.149 --> 00:07:27.372
It's kind of cool to see the product Like so this is the own prop product and it's a sub company of Rex.

00:07:27.372 --> 00:07:34.074
When the URL for people who are curious is rexcom, rexcom, we can get into the background of Rex briefly.

00:07:34.074 --> 00:07:34.961
And I know you're a partner.

00:07:34.961 --> 00:07:36.725
You're a partner at Rex, right?

00:07:37.307 --> 00:07:38.028
Yes, correct.

00:07:38.149 --> 00:07:43.637
So you're a partner at Rex and you like kind of help manage some of these portfolio companies, that sort of your role.

00:07:44.017 --> 00:07:52.406
Yeah, we have a team that runs each company basically and they're incentivized as basically hopefully like earning to becoming a founder at each company.

00:07:52.406 --> 00:07:57.487
But, yeah, so Pete Rex is the force behind, he's the founder and chairman.

00:07:57.487 --> 00:08:01.884
I've been his business partner for 18 years, so I've been part of all this from inception stage.

00:08:01.884 --> 00:08:05.273
So really think of myself as like a co-founder or a partner.

00:08:05.273 --> 00:08:07.644
I'm involved generally.

00:08:07.644 --> 00:08:07.904

00:08:08.526 --> 00:08:15.550
Like I went to the listings here, like if you're wanting to invest in some of these properties, it looks like everything is fully funded.

00:08:15.550 --> 00:08:16.673
You've done some tests here.

00:08:16.673 --> 00:08:17.375
How does it work?

00:08:17.375 --> 00:08:25.173
Like if this campaign for, like, the iconic hotel Ella near the University of Texas was live, I click on it and I got to probably sign in.

00:08:25.173 --> 00:08:26.738
But how does it work from here?

00:08:26.738 --> 00:08:28.725
If I want to invest, am I paying in cash?

00:08:29.607 --> 00:08:36.086
Just walk me through the process here On ownpropcom, which is the web version, or there's an app.

00:08:36.086 --> 00:08:36.870
It's in the app store.

00:08:36.870 --> 00:08:38.197
You can get on there.

00:08:38.197 --> 00:08:50.493
We want it to be a very clean user experience, almost like a retail type of experience, because over time, we want the ability for people to just get a $100 piece of an investment, a high quality real estate investment.

00:08:50.493 --> 00:09:05.125
That just doesn't exist, right, because the stated minimums on almost every site you're going to see is like $25,000 would be the lowest, and it's because there's so many moving pieces to transacting in real estate and fractionalizing it.

00:09:05.346 --> 00:09:11.836
Real estate already is very fractionalized because every large deal is going to have like probably a lot of investors, right?

00:09:11.836 --> 00:09:13.461
So in a way, it's already fractionalized.

00:09:13.461 --> 00:09:25.894
What we're doing is using blockchain to ease the transaction costs and increase the liquidity of you, whoever buys this token, and I can explain a little bit how you get that token.

00:09:25.894 --> 00:09:44.500
If you buy that token and you want to trade out of the asset in two years, well, we want to have like a very liquid kind of secondary offering site where you can sell that Instead of waiting for the sponsor the real estate sponsor who owns that deal to trade out of that asset and fully get you liquid.

00:09:44.500 --> 00:09:52.089
We want to have almost like a stock exchange, where there's buyers and sellers, they're mixing it up and they're trading.

00:09:52.791 --> 00:09:56.043
I like how you had the percentages right here and you can say that.

00:09:56.043 --> 00:09:56.583

00:09:56.583 --> 00:09:59.955
So this one says 19.7 projected IRR.

00:09:59.955 --> 00:10:08.607
And if I don't really know what IRR is although you probably should, if you're on this site you can read that and figure that out, because you've got the educational materials right there.

00:10:08.607 --> 00:10:15.850
And then you've got this 2.21x equity multiple, which I actually is total cash distributed received from an investment.

00:10:15.850 --> 00:10:23.139
So this is like hey, over time, if you hold it for five years, I'll earn 2.21, the value of what I put in.

00:10:23.139 --> 00:10:25.166
And that's where, down at the bottom you scroll down here.

00:10:25.166 --> 00:10:30.610
It's like hey, if I put in 25k, it's projected I'll get 55k, based on two things.

00:10:30.610 --> 00:10:43.322
One is this 7.8% cash yield, which is like it's going to throw off cash flow from just the business making money and paying you guys as investors, including whoever bought this token.

00:10:43.322 --> 00:10:49.057
And then, if you sold it in five years, that's where the rest of that 2.21X comes from, cause you're gonna sell it.

00:10:49.077 --> 00:10:52.501
I think it says down here there's a thousand tokens being sold.

00:10:52.501 --> 00:10:55.977
So token economics we're looking down here at the bottom of the financials.

00:10:55.977 --> 00:10:57.780
So the assets were 26 million.

00:10:57.780 --> 00:10:59.801
It makes 1.8 million a year.

00:10:59.801 --> 00:11:12.028
You're gonna sell a token called PLA, and then you're gonna sell a thousand of them, or 1,070, which, at $100 per token, is $107,000.

00:11:12.028 --> 00:11:13.902
So you weren't like taking a ton of cash here.

00:11:13.902 --> 00:11:15.961
This is like just an early example, I'm guessing.

00:11:15.961 --> 00:11:21.504
But yeah, so doing that, that's kind of how you calculate the return.

00:11:23.054 --> 00:11:23.597

00:11:23.597 --> 00:11:29.524
Yeah, you know, you know that all of that was spot on and our ecosystem wrecks probably.

00:11:29.524 --> 00:11:32.123
Speaking, the way I think about it is like there's three pieces of it.

00:11:32.123 --> 00:11:41.081
We're talking about the tech side today, so there's a real estate tech, but then we have a real estate investment platform and, like I said in the past, we bought about $2 billion in assets.

00:11:41.081 --> 00:11:44.881
Now we're in a new entity because we see new buying opportunity.

00:11:44.881 --> 00:11:46.259
We're buying deals again.

00:11:46.259 --> 00:11:50.265
This was the first deal we bought as ATX acquisition.

00:11:50.265 --> 00:11:55.339
So Pete Rex, this one, yeah, this one called Ella, yes, iconic hotels.

00:11:55.339 --> 00:11:58.501
It's near UT Austin and so this is a proof of concept.

00:11:58.501 --> 00:12:00.221
We only did raise 107,000.

00:12:00.221 --> 00:12:02.961
This way, Total equity raise was over 10 million.

00:12:03.674 --> 00:12:09.624
So you just see this as a test and it's kind of interesting because you have your own portfolio that you can then add as the supply.

00:12:09.624 --> 00:12:19.139
So you solve like one half of the problems like getting supply of properties to tokenize, and then for ATX you're kind of getting some liquidity here right Cause you're selling off pieces of it.

00:12:20.604 --> 00:12:24.664
Yeah, exactly so it's synergistic for both teams kind of benefit.

00:12:24.664 --> 00:12:28.736
But this is part of a broader mission and right now.

00:12:28.736 --> 00:12:32.018
So you had to be accredited to be and the way we did this.

00:12:32.018 --> 00:12:40.321
Offering is a Reg D5 to 6C and that means to come into it even if you're just buying a thousand dollar token or a hundred dollar token, whatever we offered.

00:12:40.321 --> 00:12:44.144
I think we went down to a hundred dollars at Ella, which is awesome.

00:12:44.144 --> 00:12:45.006
It's incredible.

00:12:45.355 --> 00:12:46.961
So this was already totally compliant.

00:12:46.961 --> 00:12:53.039
It's totally compliant, I mean, I guess the only thing there is like you know how do you think about this?

00:12:53.039 --> 00:12:57.442
So if you, if I tokenize the asset, it's sitting in my wallet technically because it's on our arbitram.

00:12:57.442 --> 00:12:59.403
I saw that and noticed that in looking through.

00:12:59.403 --> 00:13:02.381
But it doesn't really matter what chain you're on unless it's a permission to change.

00:13:02.381 --> 00:13:09.619
So if you're on arbitram or Solana or Ethereum, like wherever you're tokenizing it, that asset is once it's in my wallet, I can take it off platform.

00:13:09.619 --> 00:13:14.241
I don't know how you guys had thought through that or not, but you know technically I could trade that.

00:13:14.241 --> 00:13:17.403
You wouldn't want the exchange to be totally permissionless.

00:13:17.403 --> 00:13:21.942
If it has to be accredited investors, right, like it needs to be accredited investors to do that.

00:13:22.695 --> 00:13:39.320
There's a bunch of things we have to work around there, but the perfect world is that the SEC opens it up because, for the benefit of the audience, an accredited investor in the US is someone who has to make $200,000 if they're single, right, and $300,000 if you're married, and that's a pretty high bar.

00:13:39.320 --> 00:13:43.200
You know A lot of people that have investable cash are not gonna meet that requirement.

00:13:43.200 --> 00:13:47.918
And then there's a net worth threshold you can hit too, but even that's very high.

00:13:48.955 --> 00:13:50.400
And you did these all as reg A's.

00:13:50.400 --> 00:13:54.538
You did each one of these examples I think there were like four or five in there you did all as reg A.

00:13:54.538 --> 00:13:55.642
That's how you structured it.

00:13:56.815 --> 00:14:04.903
No, we have done a lot of legal work and we've gone down that kind of rabbit hole that requires SEC approval doing a reg A offering.

00:14:04.903 --> 00:14:15.763
These are reg D 506C, so that's why you need to have accredited folks are the only ones able to come in Right, right sorry yeah, yeah, a reg A, I believe, is open to anyone.

00:14:16.394 --> 00:14:19.826
We're gonna redevelop Ella and it's a 47 hotel room.

00:14:19.826 --> 00:14:21.179
They call it keys 47 keys.

00:14:21.179 --> 00:14:22.879
Today it's gonna be 215.

00:14:22.879 --> 00:14:24.681
We have already approved us to do that.

00:14:24.681 --> 00:14:28.379
So once the debt markets kind of change, we'll redevelop that hotel.

00:14:28.815 --> 00:14:31.075
You'll refinance it and then use the cash to build out.

00:14:31.095 --> 00:14:42.743
Recap it we'll leave it and that might be a great opportunity for us to do a reg A offering, because it'll need a lot of capital and then you can open that up to non-accredited folks.

00:14:43.595 --> 00:14:45.883
This is in the kind of still the it works.

00:14:45.883 --> 00:14:52.635
You were able to actually use the platform to sell that 100K, even if you guys were your own buyer, you like.

00:14:52.635 --> 00:14:54.221
Logistically it was able to work.

00:14:54.221 --> 00:14:55.720
I mean, did other people buy it?

00:14:55.720 --> 00:15:00.143
Was it people non-affiliated with ATX that actually went in and bought the for this test run?

00:15:00.143 --> 00:15:03.937
Was it like other random people that, like, bought these tokens?

00:15:04.721 --> 00:15:05.975
Yeah, totally, we did.

00:15:05.975 --> 00:15:08.664
Seven, I think are on the website that were fully funded.

00:15:08.664 --> 00:15:12.181
It's about a million dollars we raised, which is not a lot of money, right, guys?

00:15:12.181 --> 00:15:17.121
It's in the real private equity world that's like a drop in the bucket.

00:15:17.121 --> 00:15:31.484
And so many of those deals I think three of them or two or three of them are ATX, like the ones that our team sponsors, we know it and then some of them are other sponsors that just got vetted and got onto the platform.

00:15:31.484 --> 00:15:35.998
So, yes, those folks that are invested in those deals are not just people.

00:15:35.998 --> 00:15:36.318
We know.

00:15:36.318 --> 00:15:50.006
We did a lot of marketing, we did a lot of outreach, went to events and people just found it and they were like, yeah, you know, great, I want to be an early adopter or a blockchain technology applied to real estate, or I like that particular asset, let me get into it.

00:15:50.006 --> 00:15:51.764
I think it's a great investment.

00:15:52.399 --> 00:15:57.605
One thing I've always liked about blockchain technology with real world assets in general, but especially real estate.

00:15:57.605 --> 00:16:01.788
Like I think I told you about this before, I had this whole idea of how to tokenize mortgages.

00:16:01.788 --> 00:16:05.700
I don't know if I shared the link with you, but I wrote something up about it, Like I think I told them more about research.

00:16:05.720 --> 00:16:06.442
Yeah, I read your wich paper.

00:16:07.822 --> 00:16:08.988
I did, I did like a ton of rat.

00:16:08.988 --> 00:16:14.571
I wouldn't call it quite a white paper but yeah, I wrote a pretty long research paper on it.

00:16:14.759 --> 00:16:17.087
A great paper, yeah, A great paper.

00:16:17.087 --> 00:16:19.984
For me, the automation of the payments is just really interesting.

00:16:19.984 --> 00:16:26.524
That and the tracking of the actual paper, because these are physical assets, right, Even a mortgage.

00:16:26.524 --> 00:16:28.028
The paper is held somewhere.

00:16:28.028 --> 00:16:36.028
I didn't know that until I started researching the mortgage industry, but the whole secondary market for mortgages everything about mortgages is physical paper.

00:16:36.028 --> 00:16:39.149
It's actually custodied somewhere, which is insane.

00:16:39.149 --> 00:16:40.985
These are physical assets.

00:16:40.985 --> 00:16:43.148
I own like one key by buying.

00:16:43.148 --> 00:16:47.562
That's actually kind of fun if you sell them as like unique keys, which would be more like an NFT than a fungible token.

00:16:47.562 --> 00:16:51.441
But I digress Are you guys actually paying out those Cause?

00:16:51.441 --> 00:16:55.349
I don't know how long ago this was, but it's like six, seven percent cash flow from this property.

00:16:55.349 --> 00:16:59.291
So if I put in 100K, I should make 100K.

00:16:59.291 --> 00:17:03.991
I should make like seven grand a year on that 100K, right, that's seven percent.

00:17:03.991 --> 00:17:06.407
So are you guys paying that out on chain right now?

00:17:06.407 --> 00:17:12.048
Or are you just like mailing the token holder a check or like handling that manually that way?

00:17:12.048 --> 00:17:13.305
Like how are you doing that right now?

00:17:13.799 --> 00:17:14.884
The vision is to be able to.

00:17:14.884 --> 00:17:17.230
The person can select any way they want.

00:17:17.230 --> 00:17:20.710
Right, they can get paid in Bitcoin or Solana or whatever.

00:17:20.710 --> 00:17:25.987
But right now, it's all ACH that we have your bank account and we'll just like a regular real estate.

00:17:27.009 --> 00:17:27.210

00:17:27.210 --> 00:17:32.587
So the MVP here was like can we tokenize this asset and will anyone spend any money on it?

00:17:32.587 --> 00:17:38.288
And the answer was yes, we can tokenize it and yes, we got like a million dollars in sales volume.

00:17:38.288 --> 00:17:47.903
What's next Like and what do you need to do to get to the next level here, where you have sort of the full vision of like a marketplace and like multiple payment options for the cash flows?

00:17:47.903 --> 00:17:49.384
What do you need to do next?

00:17:50.319 --> 00:18:10.625
I think we have to keep listing very high quality opportunities, investment offerings onto the platform and then just keep evangelizing so you get, you know, we get actual customers and we are kind of unique, like you said, in terms of we can, we can seed the platform with deals that we know and I'm personally investing in all those deals, so I know they're good deals.

00:18:11.279 --> 00:18:25.647
And then it's about, you know, getting people to ownpropcom and checking it out and making sure that they start transacting there and then, over time, having this kind of secondary, the liquidity to be able to trade in and out of.

00:18:25.647 --> 00:18:29.284
Let's say, alex, who bought a coin for $1,000 and you know it's worth.

00:18:29.284 --> 00:18:37.728
Our projections were said it was going to be worth 2005 years, maybe it's 2002 years and you want to take your gains off the table and someone else comes along.

00:18:37.728 --> 00:18:40.586
We need someone else to come along and say, how about that token for 2000?

00:18:40.586 --> 00:18:41.681
You know.

00:18:41.681 --> 00:18:49.646
So this is going to be a long build out, but there's groups that are that are proving it and I applaud all those groups because it's just getting more people into.

00:18:50.440 --> 00:18:56.886
If you found a team that was like farther along I mean, given your size, like you have to have the capital to just buy a team if you wanted to.

00:18:56.886 --> 00:19:05.622
You know early stage or something, or invest in a couple of teams that do it like is that something that the parent company would be interested in or that people should reach out to you about?

00:19:06.324 --> 00:19:07.106
We're opportunistic.

00:19:07.106 --> 00:19:10.545
We love to talk to people just to create relationships and see what's out there.

00:19:10.545 --> 00:19:11.865
Yes, we could do something like that.

00:19:11.865 --> 00:19:14.805
You know, I think, much like you, you have a lot of things going on.

00:19:14.805 --> 00:19:25.087
We just had so many things that we had launched at one time that only probably kind of got a pause, especially when, like crypto winter happened, there was a little bit less activity and interest.

00:19:25.087 --> 00:19:27.445
Even going to conferences became different.

00:19:27.445 --> 00:19:30.709
Right, it was like more quiet, more everyone was a little bit.

00:19:30.709 --> 00:19:35.007
Plus, the tech world got the biggest shock it had got since 2001.

00:19:35.007 --> 00:19:51.367
So it was this patchy area where we kind of just decided to pause not deprecate, but pause own prop a little bit and focus on some of the other ones that were that were getting a more immediate market fit, because own prop takes a lot of you got to generate attention to get onto the site.

00:19:51.720 --> 00:19:53.025
I love the idea for own prop.

00:19:53.025 --> 00:19:56.605
I do think it's a little bit early because there's just a couple of.

00:19:56.605 --> 00:19:58.205
I think the technology's finally there.

00:19:58.205 --> 00:20:01.085
Like, the technology is where you need it to be to make own prop work.

00:20:01.085 --> 00:20:02.021
I do.

00:20:02.021 --> 00:20:03.750
I really think, especially on Solana.

00:20:03.750 --> 00:20:13.944
I think and I'm biased because you know I work in that ecosystem pretty heavily but I do think, like you know, if you look at something like cube exchange I don't know if you've heard of cube, but they're like a new exchange.

00:20:13.944 --> 00:20:16.528
I'm an investor in cube, full transparency.

00:20:16.660 --> 00:20:25.180
But they have built out a new multi-party computational wallet which is a mouthful, but the TLDR and what that is is.

00:20:25.180 --> 00:20:44.330
It allows you to just like sign up for an account anywhere with like a Google Gmail account or Twitter or Facebook or whatever, like a normal user would and creates your wallet for you and it does that in a way that's sort of like the user doesn't even really need to know about crypto to use that product.

00:20:44.330 --> 00:20:47.173
But it still gives you the benefit of self custody.

00:20:47.173 --> 00:20:50.228
And I could get into, like the technical a little bit more technical.

00:20:50.228 --> 00:20:53.710
I'm not that technical but I could get into more technical details about how that actually works.

00:20:53.710 --> 00:21:06.334
But the big innovation there is I can have self custody, so like they're in exchange and something like what happened with FTX, where all of a sudden there was a run on the bank and FTX misused a bunch of investor capital.

00:21:06.334 --> 00:21:13.990
That's not possible with CUBE and with MPC wallets, because you actually hold the keys to your crypto and so you're protected that way.

00:21:13.990 --> 00:21:19.654
So that is something that really needs to exist in order for people to use something like own prop.

00:21:20.286 --> 00:21:31.932
In my opinion, because the real estate market is huge and, yes, there is a niche of probably people who overlap with crypto, where they're used to like, hey, I gotta go set up a seed phrase and have a wallet with Phantom or something.

00:21:31.932 --> 00:21:38.353
But there's also like to really get to that scale where there's like a ton of volume and a lot of interest, you need the user interface to just be super, super easy.

00:21:38.353 --> 00:21:44.208
Mpc wallets have been around for a while, but I think like they haven't been at the point yet where they're good enough.

00:21:44.208 --> 00:21:47.028
Now maybe they are, but it's still even in the market.

00:21:47.028 --> 00:22:07.969
It's like, yeah, anytime there's a downturn in a market and that causes the opportunity to kind of evaporate, the market's not ready yet it needs to be big enough and enough long-term interest to sustain a new business like what you guys are talking about with own prop and I experienced that with the NFT space personally with one of my companies.

00:22:08.726 --> 00:22:14.290
Of the portfolio of companies, which ones are getting traction and you feel like have product market fit?

00:22:14.290 --> 00:22:19.949
And especially interesting if any of those are the AI ones, because I wanna understand, like, how AI is benefiting those customers.

00:22:19.949 --> 00:22:24.394
But like, out of the handful, which ones are actually getting product market fit, you feel?

00:22:25.005 --> 00:22:30.249
So I would call out Job Call and Insure Pro Just to explain that briefly.

00:22:30.249 --> 00:22:35.234
Insure Pro it's a platform where mostly it's targeted vendors, right.

00:22:35.234 --> 00:22:56.734
So it's insurance lines that generate or that are around the space of if I'm a vendor, I need liability insurance, commercial vehicle insurance, cybersecurity, if I'm doing that kind of work, anything you need for being on a site to do a job, or if you're a caterer or a wedding plan, whatever.

00:22:56.734 --> 00:22:58.471
That's kind of where we found market fit.

00:22:58.471 --> 00:23:00.310
So we've done $10 million in premiums.

00:23:00.310 --> 00:23:06.734
We have the top 20 insurance carriers, like all the big names, like all estate travelers, whatever.

00:23:06.845 --> 00:23:11.089
So if you're a vendor, you go into the flow and you describe what you do.

00:23:11.089 --> 00:23:15.292
You have a bunch of prompts, questions, and that's where machine learning and AI comes in.

00:23:15.292 --> 00:23:25.391
So it'll kind of take all your information and shoot it out to all the different insurance providers and it'll show you your best options, not just simply your cheapest, but your best coverage based on.

00:23:25.391 --> 00:23:37.107
Hey, I'm a painter and I do exterior work and I have five people on my job, so we've done a lot of work with all the knowledge, graphs and AI has been applied in that business from the very beginning.

00:23:38.285 --> 00:23:38.707
Very cool.

00:23:38.707 --> 00:23:43.349
The other one you mentioned was Job Call that uses AI, so the property maintenance made easier.

00:23:44.365 --> 00:23:50.230
Yeah, job Call starts off the initial use case that we found there and does have really strong product market fit.

00:23:50.230 --> 00:24:01.431
Always, if you have any kind of size in your site really even if you're a single family home, you're maintaining this there needs to be a line that people can call if an emergency happens.

00:24:01.431 --> 00:24:06.553
So your roof caves in or your heat goes out, your air condition goes out to summer, whatever.

00:24:06.553 --> 00:24:10.874
So you have to call someone and in the past it's been very clunky.

00:24:10.874 --> 00:24:15.630
They use like IVR so it'll just go through a call chain and it's terrible.

00:24:15.630 --> 00:24:22.590
It's a real bad experience for both people the resident calling and the maintenance person that actually has the on-call phone.

00:24:22.590 --> 00:24:25.090
So Job Call handles all this.

00:24:25.090 --> 00:24:35.230
It uses NLP to get all the info that the person's calling in about, but it'll also use machine learning to splash it out to the right people.

00:24:35.230 --> 00:24:40.009
If it's a vendor and the maintenance person can't handle it, it'll splash it to a vendor.

00:24:40.009 --> 00:24:44.213
If it's a maintenance person, it'll use this routing system.

00:24:44.384 --> 00:24:47.275
It's amazing how far the speech to text stuff has come too.

00:24:47.275 --> 00:24:59.391
You could literally have AI ask all the questions and receive the speech to text and then use the natural language processing the NLP stuff to route it to the right thing and do all sorts of stuff.

00:24:59.391 --> 00:25:00.147
So that's pretty cool.

00:25:00.147 --> 00:25:03.596
There's some music cases that are so powerful that are really simple.

00:25:03.596 --> 00:25:05.502
You know really simple tasks.

00:25:05.502 --> 00:25:09.471
That is pretty good about handling and like, what is the impact of that?

00:25:09.471 --> 00:25:14.104
Like, are you drastically like Increasing the time, response times?

00:25:14.104 --> 00:25:16.588
And also like making so they don't have to have a huge call center?

00:25:16.588 --> 00:25:19.233
Or something you know to handle is these requests?

00:25:19.233 --> 00:25:22.528
What's the benefit to the property owners?

00:25:23.820 --> 00:25:30.742
Well, it's cheaper than the current solution because everyone basically has something that they're using and so it is cheaper.

00:25:30.742 --> 00:25:37.654
But but I would say, like resident happiness is way higher, you know, because the ease of it is is great.

00:25:37.654 --> 00:25:51.464
And also, by the way, if you have like a property management software system, like a PMS is called, it's integrated with all that, so it'll it'll take the maintenance call route or work order right into that system, so it's also recorded there.

00:25:51.464 --> 00:25:53.145
It just saves so many hours.

00:25:53.145 --> 00:26:00.451
I think there's some study we've done here how many hours it saves of both the operator, the maintenance person's time, the residents happier.

00:26:00.451 --> 00:26:04.228
It's lower cost, so and there's no human in the loop here.

00:26:04.228 --> 00:26:09.491
We've done a full year of this on over 10,000 units and no human intervention at all.

00:26:09.491 --> 00:26:12.128
So the AI is pretty robust, yeah.

00:26:13.721 --> 00:26:14.685
So we're good to the top of the show.

00:26:14.685 --> 00:26:18.931
Here I always ask the same question, like what if I not asked you that I should have asked that you wanted to talk about?

00:26:19.662 --> 00:26:22.691
You know we didn't talk about too much about mission, but we're very mission focused.

00:26:22.691 --> 00:26:23.762
But I did want to mention that.

00:26:23.762 --> 00:26:25.789
You know your, your white paper had awesome ideas.

00:26:25.789 --> 00:26:28.743
Some of them, I think, are going to happen.

00:26:28.743 --> 00:26:36.255
That mortgage, breaking up that industry and applying like blockchain ideas to that will be huge for people.

00:26:36.255 --> 00:26:49.509
And also your idea about you know you call the payday, but we had a similar idea where people vendors get paid and they have to wait like 45 days for a payment and they're working like day to day.

00:26:49.509 --> 00:26:51.720
You know they're trying to pay their workers and stuff like that.

00:26:51.720 --> 00:26:54.839
So pay up was one of our other companies.

00:26:54.839 --> 00:26:57.140
Oh, cool, yeah, that was like another.

00:26:57.381 --> 00:27:12.680
So back then just to give people context, like it was before I joined Solana I was like thinking about starting a company and I was looking into the mortgage space and I did like a really deep dive and I ended up really landing on tokenizing mortgages for secondary markets.

00:27:12.680 --> 00:27:21.575
So the instant you get a mortgage, the broker that sold you that mortgage is on the phone or somebody who works with them is on the phone reselling that mortgage to somebody else.

00:27:21.575 --> 00:27:27.546
I mean, they keep some of them, but typically it gets sold and sometimes it gets sold multiple times and it's really hard to track.

00:27:27.546 --> 00:27:33.686
Like you just randomly get in the mail a notice like saying your mortgage has been transferred over here, and sometimes it's super seamless.

00:27:33.686 --> 00:27:41.073
Sometimes it is just like into the bank that you happen to bank with and it just shows up on your account.

00:27:41.073 --> 00:27:44.242
That's happened to me and so the mortgage payments keep kind of going through.

00:27:44.242 --> 00:27:54.900
Other times it goes to some vendor that has like a terrible interface for like paying your mortgage and you have to like figure out how to sign up and pay it and like re register and stuff.

00:27:54.900 --> 00:27:58.029
So you have to be really on it for when these notices come in as a consumer.

00:27:58.662 --> 00:28:05.200
What's happening on the back end is people are trading paper assets like physical paper, and it's really inefficient.

00:28:05.200 --> 00:28:10.559
And so there's this thing called mortgage backed securities, which are bundles of mortgages.

00:28:10.559 --> 00:28:24.119
They take not just your mortgage, but like thousands of mortgages and they like kind of, look at the risk profile, how much cash it's generating all that the value of the mortgage and they bundle a bunch of them together and they sell that and that's a mortgage backed securities.

00:28:24.119 --> 00:28:26.006
They'll send instead of one mortgage.

00:28:26.006 --> 00:28:27.529
They sell like a thousand mortgages at once.

00:28:27.529 --> 00:28:28.904
That is a security.

00:28:28.904 --> 00:28:40.500
Individual mortgages are not a security, and I think part of the reason they bundle them is they're there, it's a risk management thing, but it's also probably just easier to sell, you know, a thousand mortgages to a big bank than it is to sell just one.

00:28:41.080 --> 00:28:45.633
And this is where I think blockchain technology, especially on something like Solana, can make a big difference.

00:28:45.633 --> 00:29:05.156
You tokenize the individual mortgages and then allows people to buy lots of them very quickly and very cheaply on an exchange that could be permissioned, to make sure it only like accepts accredited investors or if, since they're individuals and they're not securities, maybe you could just do that on you know something that's a little more open.

00:29:05.156 --> 00:29:15.469
I don't know, I'm not a lawyer, a consultant lawyer, but where I landed was is the best opportunities to tokenize them for secondary sales and then you can manage cash flows on chain automatically.

00:29:15.469 --> 00:29:21.440
Whoever is the servicer of that loan doesn't need to know exactly who the owner is.

00:29:21.440 --> 00:29:32.846
They can just look at the on chain data and use a really easy interface to like automatically pay out all the monthly premiums that they're supposed to pay and look, there's like a lot of complications there in edge cases.

00:29:32.846 --> 00:29:34.270
But that was the basic idea.

00:29:34.339 --> 00:29:45.752
And then the payday thing was payday loans like a vulture industry, super terrible and I had a bunch of ideas on like how to fix that for people, but I won't take up too much time for that.

00:29:45.920 --> 00:30:01.279
But yeah, we don't have time, but the original idea of pay up was very much trying to make that a better system for the people who are underbanked or unbanked and create a wallet for them, much like you said, and have them get better pricing and better you know, much better treatment than they get with payday loans.

00:30:01.279 --> 00:30:04.369
So that company is pivoted, is doing really good now but but anyway.

00:30:04.881 --> 00:30:07.048
How can people reach you if they want to talk about this stuff?

00:30:07.048 --> 00:30:09.920
Are you on Twitter or you have an email or something they can shoot you an email?

00:30:09.980 --> 00:30:14.146
Yeah, for sure, yeah, dfrench at rexcom.

00:30:14.146 --> 00:30:15.631
That's the shortest one.

00:30:15.631 --> 00:30:19.079
My number is 845-629-1808.

00:30:19.079 --> 00:30:20.384
Oh, you're about to get spam calls.

00:30:21.000 --> 00:30:21.807
Give me some spam?

00:30:22.128 --> 00:30:23.619
No, just hit me up.

00:30:23.619 --> 00:30:29.173
I love to exchange ideas and maybe, you know, provide you some value, and I'm on LinkedIn as well.

00:30:29.173 --> 00:30:37.054
So I think what we have is fairly unique and we're we're very long term focused, very mission focused, and you know, it was a pleasure to be on.

00:30:37.861 --> 00:30:39.267
All right, everybody, you're here for us.

00:30:39.267 --> 00:30:41.045
Dfrench at rexcom.

00:30:41.045 --> 00:30:43.342
Thanks for being on the show, Dan Thanks so much.

00:30:45.500 --> 00:30:49.490
You just heard the index podcast with your host, Alex Kahaya.

00:30:49.490 --> 00:30:57.653
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00:30:57.653 --> 00:31:00.508
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00:31:00.508 --> 00:31:02.021
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