May 30, 2023

Embarking on a Transformative Path: Zak Lioutas' Empowering Voyage of Cancer to Spiritual Awakening

In this podcast episode, the speakers, Zak Lioutas and Kathleen Flanagan, discuss their personal experiences with spiritual awakening and finding happiness in life. Zak shares her journey of spiritual healing and the importance of reconnecting with activities she enjoyed as a child.

Kathleen talks about how humor helped her find joy in every situation and bridge the gap between different dimensions. Both speakers emphasize the need to let go of societal expectations and find happiness on one's own terms.

They also discuss the importance of self-discovery, setting boundaries, and trusting oneself. The podcast provides insights and guidance for individuals going through their own spiritual awakening journeys. It emphasizes the importance of self-reflection, being present, and making choices that bring joy. The discussion promotes the idea that happiness is subjective and can be found by pursuing one's own passions and desires, rather than conforming to societal norms.

Overall, the podcast offers personal perspectives and advice for individuals seeking happiness and fulfillment in their lives.

Zak Lioutas reflects on her spiritual journey, which began in 1997 when she faced a significant turning point in her life. She recalled how she received intuitive messages and dreams, including a dream about having cancer, which later turned out to be true. This experience triggered a profound spiritual awakening. Initially, she sought external validation and guidance from mentors and others, but eventually, she realized the importance of trusting herself and her inner guidance.

Zak described how she embarked on a journey of self-discovery and healing, working through past traumas and childhood wounds. She shared the challenges she faced when trying to establish boundaries with family members and others who didn't support her growth and transformation. Over time, she learned to prioritize her own well-being and happiness, even if it meant distancing herself from people who didn't align with her path.

The discussion highlights the evolution and continuous growth of the speaker's spiritual journey. Awakening is an ongoing process and each layer of understanding and healing brings her closer to her true self. Zak also mentions the importance of embracing both light and darkness and using them as tools for personal growth and self-realization.

In summary, Zak's story is a testament to the power of spiritual awakening and the significance of trusting your intuition and inner guidance. It also underscores the importance of self-discovery, setting boundaries, and prioritizing personal growth and well-being on the spiritual journey.

Dancing Souls Book One - The Call

Dancing Souls Book Two - The Dark Night of the Soul

Dancing Souls Book Three - Awakened

De-Stress Meditation


KATHLEEN: I have a special guest named Zak Lioutas and she is a multidimensional being that has experienced life differently.

KATHLEEN: Since the age of three. She has had many encounters with Spirit and not all pleasant ones. You may hear her say some people watch horror movies, others live them, Zack to live them.

KATHLEEN: In 1997 Zak went through thyroid cancer and her first massive spiritual awakening from going through many ups and downs in life and experiencing depression more times than she wants to admit.

KATHLEEN: Zak has always found herself going back to her truth is where the most happiness was found as a galactic elder master key holder, 12 strain activator, soul activator, and Jesus loving human. Zak has the pleasure of bringing many through a journey of inner self-discovery, conquering both past and present lives to heal the present and the future self.

KATHLEEN: Today, Zak finds pleasure in guiding women through the process of spiritual awakening, serving the truth and finding humor throughout the way, spiritual awakening shouldn't be painful, but it's about becoming mindful and cultivating the light from the darkness of life into something more pleasant for the soul.

KATHLEEN: Zak runs the bold, fierce, unstoppable women's inner circle as well as hosts messages from the other side, live events. Welcome, Zak.

ZAK: Thank you for having me such a pleasure to be here with you.

KATHLEEN: I'm just really excited because this is Zak, who I said I was going to be having on our show every month.

KATHLEEN: Today I want to have her talk about her journey, how she got here, what that entailed. Then she and I are going to talk about various things about listening to Spirit, how to connect with them the different ways as you evolve and possibly get into some little teasers about some of the other fun things we want to talk about down the road.

KATHLEEN: Zak, I'm gonna turn it over to you for now.

ZAK: It's so funny, you caught me off guard with that introduction.

ZAK: I was like, oh, we're talking about 97 and all these things.

ZAK: I was given this gift. It wasn't something I asked for since the age of three.

ZAK: I just arrived here, I guess I was meant to arrive here. I'm still trying to figure out why I came here. Well, that's not true. We know why we came here. We just don't really want to face that. But my greatest spiritual awakening was in 1997 when I went through cancer.

ZAK: I really didn't have a clue what I was going through because it was something that I was living but never had a title or reference to or understanding that anyone else was really experiencing what I was experiencing.

ZAK: When cancer struck, it was all these different things were happening to me, but I couldn't express it or speak it to anyone because I would have been known as I usually was known as One Flew off the Cuckoo's Nest with whatever was going on. When I went through that spiritual awakening, it was pretty incredible.

ZAK: I always have to write a book about it because the more I talk about it, the more I think, Holy Jesus, that was incredible to experience something like that.

ZAK: Let me start with cancer because I want to talk about for a second how the universe works and how incredible it is when we listen to our intuition, our dreams, our body, our thoughts, our emotions and everything else that comes with it. In 1997, I can't remember what year, what month it was.

ZAK: My grandfather passed away. I had a very strong bonded connection with my grandfather. Probably about years prior to that, I felt my grandfather calling me. What happened was my grandfather actually called.

ZAK: My mom said, I've seen all the other grandchildren, but the youngest one which is me. What I did, I wasn't one to be with the school system. I jumped on a plane, went right to Europe to hang out with my grandfather for three weeks.

ZAK: In that three weeks, a lot of things have shifted because when my grandfather found that I was coming to Greece, he was on his deathbed, but then he picked me up from the airport. Things didn't make sense to me. I knew that there was a special bond between me and my grandfather.

ZAK: Fast forward to a few months later, I had this dream of my grandfather coming to me in the form of a bird saying, you have to go to the doctors, you have cancer. Well, sometimes when you have dreams like that, you either are gonna panic, you're gonna think that was crazy.

ZAK: You're not gonna understand certain things. You're most likely ignore it like the way I did. But I was working in a restaurant and someone said to me, Zak, you have these lumps on your neck. Have you noticed that?

ZAK: I looked in the mirror and I'm, what is this? I never understood it. Then I remember to what my grandfather said to me in my dream, go see the doctor. You have cancer. The person in the restaurant pinpointed where the cancer was, right?

ZAK: This is the universe talking to me through other people. This is the way I basically lived my life most of the time other than living free and having my own thoughts. I always listen to other people, people, things didn't make sense.

ZAK: I would be open to understanding more and more and more so fast forward. I had this dream, everything was going on in 1997. My friend was getting married in Europe. My parents were in Europe.

ZAK: I thought at that point, I was going to go to the doctor and not tell anyone because I didn't want anyone to feel sorry for me. I didn't have time for the pity party. I needed to know. I needed to figure it out. I needed to go. But I also knew that I wasn't afraid to die.

ZAK: Because at the end of the day, that was one guarantee we have in life is death. I wasn't afraid of what the outcome would be. I prefer to die rather than live with illness. That was what was going on in my head. What happened was I ended up going to Europe and I kept on hearing on my way to Europe, I was supposed to be there for two weeks.

ZAK: On my way to Europe, I kept on hearing, I'm leaving on a jet plane, don't know I'll be back again and I kept on singing this over and over and over. Next thing, I was in Europe for literally three days, ended up extending my trip for two months. I didn't understand why I didn't ask questions like I did, I would now. I didn't do anything.

ZAK: I was going with the flow. I knew something was going on. I had to face cancer now because I knew I had cancer. I didn't tell anyone I had cancer. I knew I had to come home to a different reality. I didn't know if I was going to live or die. I didn't know anything. I was going with it, I trusted.

ZAK: This is the turning point that happened to me. Then a lot of fear had landed, but I was in a village where my friend was getting married and I was sitting at a well and I was brushing my teeth. As I was brushing my teeth, I found myself standing literally at the last supper and I was like, what am I doing at the last supper table? This is kind of weird.

ZAK: I heard, I even said, I'm ready to die if you want me to go. I heard you have a greater purpose in life and we can't have you die, we need you there. So again, nothing made sense. This is 97. Speaking about this in 97 compared to speaking about it now is a whole different world of difference, right? It's not like anyone thinks you're crazy.

ZAK: Oh my God, now I'm finding my tribe, right? But before you are one flew off the Cuckoo's Nest. All this was going on and literally when I was going through this experience, it was that I had to continuously trust. When I heard I had a greater purpose in life, I literally froze and I lived in fear for a very long time.

ZAK: That's when it was the childhood wounds came up. People are going to think that you're crazy or you have to have a priest bless you or you need this and you need that. I went through that whole cancer. But 25 years later is literally, when I found out a lot more things in my life. I had two spiritual walk-ins take over.

ZAK: My purpose is greater than I understood. The thing I had to start learning about myself. It wasn't about studying anyone else and how they became successful. I had to learn about myself and why I was having these visions of death, of getting killed, of being murdered.

ZAK: As the most compassionate, loving, caring, human being. But at the end, every saint is a sinner and every sinner is a saint, right? You have to go through that process to understand yourself. When I went through that process, to understand myself, I realized 25 years ago, I remember God telling me that my purpose was greater then I realized what it was.

ZAK: But being who I am, I had to go through the different teachings, the different levels of understanding, connecting with God, connecting with everyone. In that process, spiritual awakening became a lot of different emotions to say the least.

ZAK: The worst, I don't wanna say the worst because there's no such thing as the worst. But the hardest emotions that I had to deal with was depression because in that sense of depression was me trying to be who everyone thought I should be but me, not fully being myself in my purpose on my journey.

ZAK: Being in my own come comedian ways of just understanding and flowing, really knowing that the universe is gonna teach us something, but they're gonna bring humor with it. They're gonna bring understanding that they're gonna bring everything with that. Because we are grown and programmed to understand pain is pain, is pain, is pain and don't laugh at it, don't do anything with it.

ZAK: That's why now when I go through something, I laugh because it's that temporary teaching, but it's that everlasting joy that suffering brought you through. I went through a lot of and even last week alone, when I went into the forest, I was dealing with something and it was the energy of depression came and I was, yo, what are you doing here?

ZAK: You don't reside in me anymore. It was like this dark Spirit that was sitting inside of me that wanted to come out and we still go through it 25 years, I landed at three years old, seeing my first blue man standing in front of the TV. That's another story on its own. But we go through certain things and it's incredible what we learn.

ZAK: That is a little bit about me and going through this spiritual waking process because every step through depression, I had another awakening, another awakening, another awakening, another awakening. The thing is, the awakening is learning more and more about yourself and where you're losing yourself and where you're giving your power to other people where you may not be true.

ZAK: True to yourself. That's the hardest one. We're not being true to yourself. How you're dealing with your inner child. Are you faking it until you're making it? Right. That is the one that drives me crazy because I tell people I'm depressed, if I'm depressed, it's I can't be like, oh I'm just so happy today. No, I'm miserable today but I rarely have those misery days.

ZAK: I'm gonna talk about something that really drives me crazy is the positive vibes thing. You can't sit there and live in positive vibes because you're spiritually bypassing the truth.

ZAK: I know this because I've been there and I tried to be in this positive vibes for many years. What I was doing is I was really ignoring what the problem was and not getting down to really solving the root of it. The root cause of that emotion that was creating all this energetic, suffering from so many past lives.

ZAK: I got to learn past life, present life, future life, everything and how you see it energetically is incredible. It's incredible when you see it on others but it's even more incredible when you finally discover it within yourself.


KATHLEEN: I can totally identify with you. There's no doubt about it.

KATHLEEN: Like I said, I was on her podcast as a guest and we ended up having some of the most amazing discussions at that time. We seem to live each other's lives and there's no doubt in my mind that you are my soul sister.

KATHLEEN: When you started doing your awakening, were you trying to find other people to help and guide you along the way? I know that when I was going through it, I always got messages and I was always told.

KATHLEEN: There's that element of, you're crazy, you're a whack a doodle because you're hearing voices in your head. Even though I trusted that I had to move into trusting me and that was probably the hardest thing. I always wanted to go for validation.

KATHLEEN: We are talking with Zak right now and I did ask her a question as far as if she went out looking for other people to help her in the discovery of herself. For me when I did that people would say you're the teacher, which when I was younger it was, what do you mean?

KATHLEEN: I'm the teacher. I don't know anything. I'm waking up and trying to get a clue. What that did for me at that point was it made me look further inside of me to discover what they were seeing that I couldn't see. I started to realize the grandness of who I am as we all are is far more scary than the smallness of who we make ourselves be.

ZAK: Yeah.

ZAK: Oh my God. Yeah. Think of it 25 years ago, I was told my purpose is greater and that isn't anywhere close to me, right? That being said, I was always searching for that external validation until I was getting this intuitive hit saying, don't you trust yourself, don't you trust the higher consciousness within you to make those right decisions?

ZAK: My answer of my ego was always no. It was interesting because 2020 rolled around and I was, you know what, I obviously have some inner demons that I have to deal with and I came with them head on and I stopped looking for that external validation because for many years, I was going to other people that I knew energetically were misaligned.

ZAK: I was looking for them to give me answers to my alignment, which got me misaligned, right? Once I got into that 2020 cleaned out whatever darkness was still lingering inside of me through all this bypassing that I was doing. I stopped looking for that external validation.

ZAK: I stopped really saying, oh, am I seeing this correctly? Am I hearing this correctly? Well, if I'm seeing this correctly, then give me a sign if I'm not seeing this correctly, give me a different vision in order to understand this. I started trusting myself a lot more and I started asking myself the deeper questions.

ZAK: When I was guided through the process, at the beginning, I kept a lot of stuff to myself because, every time I would say, I think I want to go see a life coach I was being laughed at and I was, why do I get laughed at all the time?

ZAK: I'm saying this, shouldn't you be happy for someone to go to that next level in their life? So life could make sense. I stopped speaking about me wanting to see people. But at the end the day I was seeing other spiritual mentors that were telling me things you know what you need to start to get to know yourself.

ZAK: You've never really known yourself because you've tried to please everyone else around you but not please yourself. You try to please your mommy, your daddy, the teachers, you try to fit in with peers with your family members, but you weren't meant to fit in. You were made to stand out and it's uncomfortable standing out.

ZAK: It's uncomfortable speaking in ways and languages that people don't comprehend. They might say, could you repeat that again? Because you're just going way too far over my head. When I learned that, I knew that I didn't fit in, I knew that I didn't really belong into many places, but I had to belong into my own self.

ZAK: That's what I had to feel my own personal belonging. That's all that mattered at the end of the day. When I studied myself, I started to realize why I didn't fit. I started to realize what 25 years ago when God said to me that you have a greater purpose, I started to realize all these other things from my past life into this present life.

ZAK: I start being even more scared because now I'm trying to fit in shoes from a past life in this life. The different levels of fear that I had to deal with was, is this ever going to get easy or am I going to continuously go down this road of fear? But then I said, you know, this is not fear, this is excitement, this is the unknown of excitement.

ZAK: I'm going to be curious and go with it. I'm going to be curious and do with whatever feels good and, and that's what since 2020 really tapping deeper within myself and getting deeper within my truth and trusting my voice and trusting that I'm hearing all that.

ZAK: It's in that point right now where I'm back to my old self. I'm comfortable with who I am.

ZAK: If you're not, hey, there's another direction that you could go into and it's not going to be with me because now my boundaries are stronger who I allow to come into my energy frequency. If I don't feel we're vibing I don't want you around. I'm not saying this to sound like I'm better than anybody because I'm not, but I learned what I want and what I don't want and I don't want a lot of things around me.

ZAK: I'm happy in myself. I'm happy in my, not my loneliness, but my aloneness and anything beyond myself is a gift. It's a blessing. It's incredible. I will not tolerate a lot anymore. Because of the journey we've been through. Right. When I work with a lot of women and we're going through this cleansing and we're recognizing a deeper sense within themselves.

ZAK: I'm, so what are you? What are you holding on to? They're just, oh, it's like, yeah, it's that? That makes you create these boundaries of saying I don't want this in my life anymore and I am fully accepting of it. I hold no shame. I hold no guilt around it.

ZAK: I don't care if it's your mama, your sister, your brother, whoever it is when you need that time apart to grow. I found that I'm going to grow in that time apart. If that brings us back together again, that's great. If it doesn't, that's great too. No more validation necessary because I'm very comfortable knowing who I am.

KATHLEEN: I found that to be very true, especially when I started digging deeper when I went to Chicago. I wanted to be a better person. I consciously made that choice and because I never felt like I, I was always apologizing for who I was because I was never good enough. I was out on one scam after another according to my family.

KATHLEEN: I don't even know where they came up with this crazy wacky stuff that they talked about. They're the ones that were crazy. That's basically the bottom line. They were the crazy ones and I wasn't. What I had found when I consciously made that choice, it was amazing the amount of demons that came up that I didn't even know that was still there.

KATHLEEN: All that head trash that comes in. I'm finally growing up and in the process of growing up, I started to have to look at that. I was this little kid emotionally. Very crippled I also learned that I had checked out of my body when I was a young child because of abuse that was going on with me and discovered it was my mother.

KATHLEEN: Years later, it was my mother, my father was involved but not to what made me crazy that way. That was a pretty hard thing to deal with, especially when she died. I was in the process and really seeing who she was.

KATHLEEN: The whole point of wanting to do that and being better, I couldn't have anybody control me anymore. When I moved out to Chicago, I thought I was being a big girl, I put on my big girl panties and I'm, look mom, I don't need you anymore. She was so angry with me. She was so angry.

KATHLEEN: She's like, you're such a bitch and she hung up the phone on me. I'm, ok, I didn't see that one coming. I had to sit in there and be with it because it was, I don't understand what happened and then I realized it was because I did put on my big girl panties and I didn't need mommy anymore. She didn't like that because she lost total control over me.

ZAK: You're taking back your power. A lot of people don't like that. Right?

KATHLEEN: No. You don't think your mother is one of those kind of people that's gonna do that. But boy, I learned a lot about my mother from that time on. I needed to establish those boundaries.

KATHLEEN: I needed to say I was ok with you. I needed to say it's ok if you die now. I don't have to have guilt for the rest of my life because I didn't resolve my conflicts with you because that was one thing that I felt was important. I was driven by Spirit a lot on this was you got to work through your issues with your mother.

KATHLEEN: That was a lifelong thing so much so that my grandmother screamed at me who was deceased to get back in touch with my mother. I moved to Colorado to work through my stuff with her.

KATHLEEN: At that point, there was a point where I said, if you don't stop these people from torturing me and you don't stop treating me like I'm 16 years old doing drugs, then you will never ever see me again.

KATHLEEN: It was amazing how that woman stopped everything because I meant it. I don't deserve to be treated this way.

KATHLEEN: I'm a member of this so called family. I'm trying to be an adult. I'm trying to be responsible. I know you all think whatever you think about me, but I'm not that person. As long as you want to think that then that's fine because I'm quite happy being by myself. I loved living in South Florida without my family. I don't have that drama, trauma crap with them. All that made a difference.

KATHLEEN: When I'm in Chicago, I have my own little drama going on around me because I'm dealing with Spirit and dark entities and messages coming in from all over the place. It's who needs a family when you got crazy Spirit guides talking to you and mentoring you and showing you what you're doing and who you are and where you're going. Really? Wow. Really?

KATHLEEN: Oh my God. Really? You're sitting there having to embrace that hugeness that I'm somebody. I'm not this little pip squeak of a nobody that I had been lied to about my whole life. Like you said, that depression became excitement because it's, well, what else is in there that I don't know about?

KATHLEEN: Every one of us are like this.

ZAK: This is what I wanted to say. The interesting thing is in that depression when we find that happiness and we really harness, that's when you realize not everyone's happy for you, but they're happy for you when you're depressed, they're happy when they see you up shit's creek. You know what I mean?

ZAK: When you overcome it, they stop almost applauding for you. It's, OK, you have the Wolff in sheep's clothing, right? You have that sureness to you and that's what I noticed. The more that I went into this depressive state, the more I was learning about people around me and I'm, that's so true.

ZAK: Right? Then I come out of it and people leave. I'm like, OK, that's cool. Ok. That's cool. That's cool. Then you start now you have to figure out who you are because now you've changed again and you're continuously evolving and changing. Then you're old self comes out and you're, oh no, that's not me.

ZAK: OK, so who is me? This has been going on even for myself now for the last six months? You and I had a discussion six months ago about something and I've been working through something and now some like it, I'm opening up this heart thing and it's now another layer is coming up. I don't give to rats asses about anything.

ZAK: Then it's, OK, now this is another layer that's showing up and now I'm a whole different person. How do I communicate as this different person? We're always evolving, growing and communicating.

ZAK: It's those beginning stages of spiritual awakening that are most difficult ones because you feel like you're sitting in this wilderness desert by yourself and there's sand, which is the chaos and a storm, which is your mind going through it and you're by yourself and once you reach a certain elevation, you're like mom, dad, sister, brother, whoever it is, you know what?

ZAK: That's a you problem. Not a me problem that has nothing to do with anything that I'm experiencing. All I know is that the more that I see who I am, the greater my gifts from God become because now I'm able to see a different layer of energetic frequency, I'm able to see something deeper, not only just the light but the darkness.

ZAK: When you can see the darkness, you correlate that where the blockages are, get yourself into that light, you're off to the racetracks after that. That's why now we live. We could accelerate because that acceleration you're able to deal with, how you see the darkness.

ZAK: Last week, I was dealing with some dark entity that was stuck on my Spirit too. I was homie, you and I, we're going into the forest right now and we're going to go into a battlefield and we did it, of course, they lost. That's what it comes down to at the end of the day. Validation becomes nothing.

ZAK: Exactly.

ZAK: Yeah.

KATHLEEN: We are here today with Zak Lioutas. We are just talking about the spiritual awakening process that we have both gone through. Something that you said, I wanted to mention that when I started meditation was probably the thing that got me to be calm enough.

KATHLEEN: I started to understand more about the bigger picture, not that I was in that bigger picture yet, because I'm going to the council of nine. I'm working with the brotherhood of the White Light. I knew who all these beings were. Not that most people didn't know. I didn't realize how secretive of the societies that they were.

KATHLEEN: Also during that process, my hearing to Spirit developed more. I remember I was in Nevada and I was two weeks late on my rent. I had no job. My boyfriend at the time didn't have a job. I'm sitting here and I'm ranting and raving and yelling at the archangel Michael, I think you need to get your ass down here. Find out what it's like to live here.

KATHLEEN: This is absolutely insane. I can't believe. Why are you not helping me? I was ranting because I was so frustrated and you know what he did, all he did was laugh at me and I'm, you're laughing, this isn't funny. Then it hit me because it was so incredibly funny because that was the message lighten up, just lighten up.

KATHLEEN: There's this humanness when you're first waking up that you're almost erratic to me. That's how I felt because there's this moment of peace and tranquility and I'm one with the universe and life is good and then there's this crazy human side that I didn't know how to fit in both worlds at the same time at that onset.

KATHLEEN: What I did find was humor was the thing that helped to bridge that the most. I had to remember to laugh more and realize how ridiculous I was because it was, ok, I'm on a movie stage. Ok. The whole time I was in Chicago, this friend of mine kept saying, get off the stage.

KATHLEEN: What do you mean? Get off the stage? Well, you're in the drama of your life. What do you mean? I'm in the drama and it was, I'm not in the drama. It's like you have to have emotion, you have to do this if you're going to move forward and blah, blah, blah, blah blah.

KATHLEEN: I was doing this to him and then I finally got what he was saying. Yeah, be the observer and start looking at like what's going on around you and how do you weave inside and out of this? How do you find joy and sit back and observe it?

KATHLEEN: When you need to do something, you move forward, you laugh, whatever it is you do. Me at that time, dancing was what brought the joy to me to keep weaving into this new dimension that I was moving into because I was going up several layers octaves in dimensional frequency.

KATHLEEN: That was a tough thing for me to handle because I was always agitated. My nervous system was on hyper speed because I didn't realize at the moment what was going on, I later learned. I kept trying to calm down and relax and be still because that was the only way I knew how to do it.

KATHLEEN: When I was still Spirit is talking like there is no tomorrow. I felt like I could never get out of all of this.

KATHLEEN: You have to find your way in your own way. Really learning, who am I? How do I wanna be? Sometimes I actually had to tell Spirit to stop just back off for five minutes and let me catch my breath.

KATHLEEN: What I found is when they have a live one, as I used to call it, when they have a live one, they're, oh my God, we got a live one, do this, do this, do this and you're, OK, OK. Ok. Then it's like, stop, I can't do it. I had to even learn how to create boundaries with them too.

KATHLEEN: Sometimes you need to take a break because our internal circulatory system, our nervous system, we're toxic on so many levels that we're not that clear channel. We have to get through all that toxicity in our bodies from what we brought forward in past lives, from what we thought in our thinking, all of that. How did you deal with tha

ZAK: I cried a lot. I did. I remember when I went for a spiritual healing and I didn't understand anything. Nothing made sense to me, but I would cry. I remember when I first found a teacher that wouldn't put darkness on me because I found that a few spiritual people, I went to put some dark crap on me and I had to clear that crap off of me.

ZAK: I kept on saying, look how strong you are that these spiritual people are even putting crap on you. You don't see yourself and you gotta get to know yourself. I cried a lot. In that cry, I kept on feeling like I don't even know why I'm crying, but I'm crying to death. I'm crying to death.

ZAK: I'm crying to death because when I went to go see my spiritual teacher, I only have one spiritual teacher right now. If I don't see him, I talk to God because of everything that happened in the past. I remember when I first saw him and my body was doing all these things, I was driving and my head would turn, I would be driving like this and I didn't understand that.

ZAK: I called my teacher and I said to him, if my head gets spin, like all the way 360 I'm, it's gonna spin. I don't know what's going on with me, but I feel like I'm in danger right now. He's, what's happening. I told him he goes, well, just tell the Spirit to turn down the frequency. I'm, what are you talking about homie? What does that even mean?

ZAK: He was, what? You don't know what that means? I'm, no anything you tell me, I have no clue what you're talking about. I'm, I meditate and I pray and that's the only way I get the answers. He goes see. So you do know. He goes, you have to dig deeper. I thought, could you tell me what the answer is because I could save six months.

ZAK: I became that spiritual mentor that I've wanted to be, listen, I'm going to tell you this, this is what it's going to be like. I'm not going to make you suffer and try to figure out like my spiritual teacher, he didn't make me suffer. I had to, well, yeah, I'm going to put that on him.

ZAK: He made me go deep. I'm going to tell you I'm going to give it to you. I'm going to tell you what to do. You could argue it. You could not argue it, but I've been there, done it and it'll save you a year of your life. Right. I cried a lot and I questioned a lot and I went back to my old self, a lot to realize that's not who I was.

ZAK: I was having trouble stepping into my new self. Even though I was told all these great things from the universe and angels and God and everything I started comparing myself two years ago to the Bible a lot.

ZAK: Like every person in the Bible became a character in an energetic frequency. I was, oh my God, I had such a Moses moment. Oh my God, I had such a David moment. Oh my God. That's so Peter of me. Oh my God. What a Judas I was. I start comparing myself to biblical characters.

ZAK: From that point on, I was laughing through everything. Jesus being a loving human being, he does have a personality and he does love humor because he's put me through situations where he's, ha ha.

ZAK: Now, what did you learn in this situation?

ZAK: I've been there. But in the last couple of years, the way I overcame all that and stopped crying is that I start using the Bible as character references of lack and limitation. You know what they did in the Bible. If I played that role, what would be the next move for me?

ZAK: If that was my lesson of that individual, like the Mary, Martha story, Mary, sitting at the foot of Jesus listening, being attentive and Martha's trying to be the good domesticated woman to feed Jesus.

ZAK: Where did I play a lot of those roles where I tried to listen. I tried to be domesticated and try to serve to always give, to give rather than to receive. Once I start using the biblical stories as characters of elevating my Spirit, a lot of things shifted for me and that was a Neville Garter way.

ZAK: I read a lot of Neville books and things start making sense because the Bible is a very complex book, but it has so much wisdom and awareness in it and has so many amazing teachings.

ZAK: It makes you think differently. By putting myself in the shoes of the characters like Peter Paul, like anyone that's apostles and stuff like that, I learned a lot more about myself and how we have those energetic frequencies from 2000 years ago in our body today. We have to heal through that.

ZAK: When we realize it, we become mindful of it and we know how to change it. If we don't become mindful of it, we have no clue what we could shift or what we could dissolve or what we could awaken to on a deeper level. That's how I fully overcame a lot of things in the last two years.

KATHLEEN: That's what I found is, the more conscious I became and the more present I became in the now allowed me to pay attention. If something came up all of a sudden, I get this feeling of a doom and gloom and it's, well, what is this, where is this coming from? What was I thinking? Was I thinking something?

KATHLEEN: Is this a message coming in? I had to stop. I paid more attention to being that. I'm making myself a lot happier of a person by saying, I'm gonna find joy in everything. Look at the beauty around me because this is our planet, is a beautiful, amazing living organism and we take it so much for granted.

KATHLEEN: Our bodies are the same exact thing. When you think about what people do to their bodies with drugs and alcohol and crazy sporting things that they do and how they wreck their body and yet they can still pay for it in the end. The whole point is that this really is a temple and it really does need to be treated with respect.

KATHLEEN: I'm not saying you don't go out and enjoy your life but do things with moderation. I've seen things that people have done that. You wonder how they even survived it.

KATHLEEN: It's because they have a greater purpose. When I was in a drug rehab I knew people that had slit their wrists or shot themselves and they're paying for it now. Why did I not die? It was because there's something bigger for you. I think that was the biggest thing I started to realize. I didn't have all of that in my life. was suicidal.

KATHLEEN: I didn't want to live. I didn't understand this planet. I didn't feel like I belonged here at all. I was a misfit. I didn't even know who these people were. I was living with it. They were foreigners. The book, stranger in a strange land, I could identify with that. That's how I felt when I read that book.

KATHLEEN: We are here with Zak Lioutas today and we are going to start to wind down the show. I want to talk to her a little bit more about the joy and happiness. What are you doing in your life right now? What exciting things has Spirit got to going for?

ZAK: Yeah, so much is happening. I wanted to go back to the last segment you mentioned about finding that joy and happiness. As you were speaking throughout that whole segment, I kept on hearing Spirit say to me, your whole purpose in life is to be happy.

ZAK: The issue is that we lose our sense of happiness because we lose a sense of self. When we lose a sense of ourselves, we lose a sense of who we are, our purpose, our dynamics here on the earth, what really we're meant to do and to be open to receiving.

ZAK: We start instead of being in that place of happiness, we start putting all these different restrictions on ourselves of how other people maybe see us or what we think that is good for us based on someone else's opinion or conversation rather than go deep within our own self. To ask that simple question.

ZAK: Would this bring more happiness in my life? Would this bring more joy in my life? There was a question that someone asked me when I was on the bus in Costa Rica. I was by myself and I cried through this whole journey. It was the most interesting journey that I went through. He said to me, if money wasn't the issue, what would you be doing today?

ZAK: I said to him the exact same thing that I'm doing today, I'm traveling, I'm working, I'm giving back. I'm doing what I can with what I'm given. I know that because I'm doing this and I'm happy and I'm showing up the way I wanna show up.

ZAK: There is no other way but to receive more of that happiness in my life and the finances will show up and the vacation and the journey will show up and the adventure will show up and everything will show up because of that frequency that I'm coming at of happiness and joy. And yes, you're going to have the down days.

ZAK: When you have those down days, you really have that opportunity to reflect and really see what's working for you and what's not working for you and to fully eliminate, dissolve, let go, surrender whatever word you want to use to then step back into your happy place. The reason we become unhappy is because something is showing energetically and it's saying, hey, take a look at this, be the observer.

ZAK: As you said previously, Kathleen, be the observer and see where you need to adjust your life. If we're being told that our purpose in this world is to be happy, do we find happiness and stress maybe because we may be training for an event and it might be stressful because you have to wake up every day at six o'clock.

ZAK: You still are determined because now you're focusing on that end goal. But if you're like, this is too stressful for me, you're not really getting the results that you want. If you say I find happiness and the pressure of getting to where I want to go, you're going to find that simplicity and ease to go through that process.

ZAK: When I think of this whole happiness thing and I had to go through it, I kept on saying, you know, Jesus crucified himself on the cross for me, my fears, my doubts, my best and the only that he loved with happiness, he took away my fear, he took away my pain, took away.

ZAK: Now I'm using Jesus as my example. You could use Buddha, you could use Krishna, you could use love, you could use greed, can do whatever you want for me, it's Jesus at the end of the day. When I look at that, if that's my purpose in life is to be happy. Where in my life am I missing in my happy?

ZAK: The more that you dig deep into that, if you're in a relationship and you're not happy in your relationship, you could be OK. Where do we lose the happiness in this relationship? Is it fixable? Is it figure something we both want to work on or is it something I wanna do it? But they don't want to do it? Is it something that's gonna cause me more stress?

ZAK: Is it something that I need to do that I've learned from? It's time for me to grow and move on. You start seeing all these different things because now you're saying this is not causing me happiness, this me being by myself or me traveling alone right now. I don't find that happiness and enjoy that. I want a partner to do it.

ZAK: A friend may show up, a partner may show up, you may go on an adventure with a whole group. You are truly in that place of living in happiness. Whatever happiness means to you. Happiness could be many different things. It's not just one thing, happiness in your relationship, happiness with money, happiness, with your health, with your body, with your mind, happiness and how happiness with your inner child.

ZAK: One thing that I've been doing for the last few months is seeking happiness from inner child. What did I do in the past? I brought the most happiness. I used to wind surf as a child and I used to go swimming as a child and I love being in the water. This year I decided to get a paddle board. I'm in the water. That's part of my happiness and part of my joy.

ZAK: I thought I'd be a winter for that kind of De Marco because I wasn't going to hold on to anything. Our purpose really is to live happy and in that happy, everything else becomes accumulated because you cannot find happiness and fear. You cannot find fear and happiness.

ZAK: But you could find curiosity, you could find growth, you could find opportunity, you could find stability, you could find creation, you could find imagination. You could find so much happiness when you let go of the burdens of what society makes you think that life should be like and really trust within yourself, what life can be like for you and not what everyone else tells you. It should be like.

KATHLEEN: Zak, we are we have one minute. How can people get a hold of you if they want to learn more about you and your services?

ZAK: Perfect. Thank you. Oh my God. That was a perfect timing.

ZAK: You can reach me on my website bfu club dot com at bfu club club dot com. They could find me on Instagram at spiritual hustler. That's HSTLR so spiritual HSCLR on Instagram.

ZAK: Then you could find me on all major podcast outlets under be bold, fierce, unstoppable.

Zak Lioutas Profile Photo

Zak Lioutas

Zak Lioutas, is a beacon of light in the realm of spiritual awakening and empowerment.

With a profound understanding of personal energy frequency and a deep connection to the divine, Zak serves as a guide, mentor, and catalyst for transformation.

As a Spiritual Alchemist, Zak is passionate about helping individuals tap into the Frequency of God's divine presence within themselves.

With a blend of spiritual wisdom and practical insight, Zak empowers others to unlock their inner potential, overcome obstacles, and manifest their deepest desires in alignment with their Creator.

Throughout her own journey, Zak has discovered the transformative power of aligning with God's Frequency.

Now, she shares her insights and experiences with others, offering guidance on how to navigate life's challenges with faith, grace, and resilience, harnessing the frequency of God's presence and living a life of purpose, abundance, and spiritual fulfillment.