Feb. 27, 2024

Embrace God, Release Trauma, And Find Self-love In Your Spiritual Awakening

In this podcast, Kathleen Flanagan hosts a conversation with Zak Lioutas on the topic of spiritual awakening and embracing spiritual scripture for renewal and awakening. They discuss the importance of incorporating God or a higher power into one's life to live a fulfilling and purposeful life. Zak shares personal experiences and insights on aligning with God's frequency and overcoming obstacles. They emphasize healing past traumas and embracing the spirit rather than the flesh. The power of scripture as a source of frequency and awareness is also discussed, along with the importance of self-worth and positive thinking. The conversation touches on limiting beliefs and paradigms, and the need to challenge and overcome them. Overall, the podcast explores the transformative power of spirituality in personal growth and fulfillment.

The conversation also covers topics such as self-love, healing, breathwork, and spirituality. Kathleen emphasizes the importance of healing emotional wounds and releasing limiting beliefs, while Zak discusses the role of breath in breaking up stagnant energy and releasing emotional blockages. They both emphasize the importance of authenticity, trusting oneself, and taking steps towards personal growth and higher consciousness.

The podcast is part of the "Journey of an Awakening Spirit" podcast on the Bold Brave TV network. It encourages listeners to seek support, redefine success, and find fulfillment in their lives.

The Journey of An Awakening Spirit - How to Use Scripture for Spiritual Awakening and Renewal**

- Hosted by Kathleen, the podcast focuses on spiritual awakening, embracing scripture for renewal, and navigating life's challenges with faith and resilience.
- Guest Zak shares insights on finding God within, healing childhood traumas, and embracing love and abundance.

**Main Topics Discussed:**
- Importance of healing childhood traumas and past life pain to evolve and grow spiritually.
- Finding love internally through God's love and self-fulfillment rather than seeking external validation.
- The role of breathwork in connecting with the divine and quieting the mind to discover one's true self and potential.
- Trusting in the process of releasing struggles, embracing truth, and believing in the greater good for spiritual growth.
- Redefining success and riches as spiritual fulfillment and abundance, not just material wealth.
- The spiritual significance of money and using riches to help others and make a positive impact in the world.
- Zak's 30-day invocation to spiritual renewal, involving prayer, meditation, and journaling for manifestation and spiritual growth.

**Key Takeaways:**
- Healing childhood traumas and past pain is essential for spiritual growth and evolution.
- Finding love internally through God's love leads to self-fulfillment and empowerment.
- Trusting in the process of releasing struggles and embracing truth leads to spiritual growth and abundance.
- Redefining success and riches as spiritual fulfillment and using wealth to help others is a key aspect of spiritual awakening.
- Zak's 30-day invocation to spiritual renewal offers a structured approach to manifestation and spiritual growth.

- Zak, a spiritual teacher and healer, shares insights on spiritual awakening, healing, and embracing abundance through God's love.

- The episode delves into the importance of healing, self-love, trust, and redefining success in the journey of spiritual awakening and renewal.
- Listeners are encouraged to subscribe to the podcast and share the valuable insights with friends and family.



Dancing Souls Book One - The Call

Dancing Souls Book Two - The Dark Night of the Soul

Dancing Souls Book Three - Awakened



De-Stress Meditation



KATHLEEN: Hello everyone and welcome to the journey of an awakening spirit. This is Kathleen Flanagan, your host and we are streaming on the Bold Brave TV Network.

KATHLEEN: I'm not gonna talk about the openers only because we're starting a little late because we're having some technical issues. I have Zak Lioutas with us. But first, I'm going to do the sound session or therapy session and then I will introduce Zak and we will start from there.


KATHLEEN: Zak Lioutas is a beacon of light in the realm of spiritual awakening and empowerment with a profound understanding of personal energy frequency and a deep connection to the divine.

KATHLEEN: Zak serves as a guide mentor and catalyst for transformation as a spiritual alchemist, Zak is passionate about helping individuals tap into the frequency of God's divine presence within themselves with a blend of spiritual wisdom and practical insight.

KATHLEEN: Zak empowers others to unlock their potential, overcome obstacles and manifest their deep desires in alignment with their creator. Throughout her own journey, Zach has discovered the transformative power of aligning with God's frequency.

KATHLEEN: Now she shares her insights and experiences with others, offering guidance on how to navigate life's challenges with faith, grace and resilience, harnessing the frequency of God's presence and living a life of purpose, abundance and spiritual fulfillment. Welcome, Zak.

ZAK: Well, hello.

KATHLEEN: Wow. One of these days we're gonna actually see what you look like on camera.

ZAK: I even put my lipstick on me and I'm thinking it's all gonna work out today. Everything's gonna work out and here we are.

KATHLEEN: I know what do you do?

KATHLEEN: I know we're gonna talk about spiritual awakening, embracing the spiritual scripture for renewal and awakening. And I have to tell you that I've been really working on moving further into that because I think this is very critical for us to do.

KATHLEEN: The one thing that I got the most out of this weekend, and I talked to a coach this morning also. The one thing that he talked about was until we embrace God into our dream, into our vision into our life. We're never gonna live the way we want to. We're gonna stay small and we have to really trust that inner voice and bring God or whatever you wanna call it.

KATHLEEN: I don't care if it's Krishna, if it's Buddha if it's a tree, I don't care as long as there's something higher than you because you can't achieve anything until you dream bigger than you. I have this amazing dream that is starting to formulate even though I'm gonna start where I am. But I'm going to start re expanding it and develop a whole new person.

KATHLEEN: I have to tell you, Zak, because I want to tell you this and I want the listeners to know too is in this seminar. The first thing I did was a genesis frequency and in this frequency, it was about releasing trauma and once the trauma is gone, it's gone forever. All of our cells hold trauma, which I've always known.

KATHLEEN: But what we ended up doing is. This intense emotion came up and the visualization that I saw as I went back into the womb, that was an experience I have never ever thought I would ever experience again being in the womb in that tight confined space when the original thought form came in of, I don't deserve love.

KATHLEEN: That was pretty profound. I cried and cried and cried. We did some breath work on it. Then I went back in and then I also saw I was embraced by the Archangel Michael because I've been asking that I want to have that connection where all you guys are talking at once in my head again.

KATHLEEN: Michael embraced me in his wings and it was like a welcome home from everyone because they've been waiting for me to get back so I could take my spirituality to that next level, which is part of it. I had to learn to stand on my own.

KATHLEEN: I get that. But I wanted to come back to the fold and I did and then on Sunday morning, what she did and this is so bizarre is we released some more trauma, but she increased my capacity to receive and give love.

KATHLEEN: I've noticed in my breathing that I keep noticing that I feel like I'm expanding out, contracting in back contracting out because it's like three times what I was able to do before. I noticed it in my sleep and I'm walking when I'm awake. I notice it everywhere that I've never seen.

KATHLEEN: I just wanted to share that because that really is the message and I know that you're moving more in that direction. I want you to share with our audience what you are doing with that in your life right now because you're moving into some profound places as well.

ZAK: Yeah, everything you said is just so beautiful because God is fulfillment, right? We find the fulfillment in God through our creator. You call it universe, you could call it grace. You could call it love, but it's peace and fulfillment. When we reach that place of inner peace and fulfillment, we are whole once again.

ZAK: When we look at the spirit and not the flesh and grow at the spirit, the flesh starts to dissolve, which is the ego. You're not here to please the world. You're not here to live in the world. You're not here to live in the confines of your mind. But you're here to live in the confines of the spirit because the spirit is free, it's fulfilled, it's love, it's care, it's protected, it's abundant.

ZAK: When you start to realize and understand that God is fulfillment and that the traumas and pains and suffering were the flesh, you start to grow in a different direction. I came into this world from the age of three, having these conversations with angels.

ZAK: Later about 15 years ago, actually, it was 21 years ago, 21. No, sorry, 26 years ago when cancer struck. I had that vision sitting at the well in Macedonia and Macedonia and Jesus coming to me. I say, I'm not ready to die. And he says, well, we're not ready to take you. You have a mission and big purpose in the world and the fears start kicking in because I start looking at the flesh.

ZAK: What are people gonna say? What are people gonna think? How am I gonna fit in? It's not about fitting in when you live in the spirit. It's not about what are people gonna say. Who cares? It's not what are people gonna do? Who cares? It's not about fitting in. God didn't make people to fit in.

ZAK: God made people to stand out. So until you're ready to stand out and having that breath of light, because typically people are stuck in their throat or in their heart and their solar plexus and they're not even breathing in their lower chakras, which is your sacral and your root, your root is your foundation to life.

ZAK: Your root is your childhood, your womb. When you do that womb work, that's what you're healing is the traumas and pains from childhood, from birth, from past life. Even if you don't believe in past life, it doesn't matter what you believe in. At the end of the day, we are recycled beings constantly being recycled with their same traumas, the same pain.

ZAK: Until we learn from that and energetically, we are learning to evolve and grow. When you find that God within you, the creator within you, you really have to ask yourself the bigger question. How did the creator create me? Did he create me with pain and suffering. No man created that within me.

ZAK: God creates me with love, abundance, peace, knowingness, unification and whatever else you feel like God created. Our unique thumbprint is what I say. No, two thumbprints are the same. So why do you wanna have this imposter syndrome? Oh They're doing better than me. I want what they have. You could have more than whatever anyone else has because God has a plan for you.

ZAK: When you start to read scripture and start to look at scripture, you start to realize that scripture is not religion. Scripture is frequency. When you tap into that God frequency, you're tapping into your creator. When you ask, how did you create me? What do you think of me? I could guarantee you when you ask God, what do you think of me?

ZAK: You might be shocked. I remember I asked God to. So I'm like, what do you think about me? And I heard you're remarkable, but you're stubborn and I started laughing because there's no other way. God's not gonna say you're a child of this or that he's gonna be childlike with you and tell you straight.

ZAK: When I heard you were stubborn, I'd say that's how you created me. And that's when I was like, no, that's how you turned out. You gotta change that about yourself. There's no need to be stubborn. I had to work through that and I looked at that and I recognize that and I have to open up my heart even more to let go. Because fulfillment is not in stubbornness.

ZAK: Stubbornness allows you to lose sight of really what's out there and opening your doors. So when we become thickheaded and stubborn and totally out of alignment with ourselves, we start to chase the flesh rather than the spirit. We start to look around the world rather than look within our own soul.

ZAK: When you look at scripture, you want to really dig deep within scripture and get into that God frequency through your breath, because you wanna breathe all the way to your root, you have to look at it as an energetic frequency of awareness of hope, of connection, of gratitude, of abundance of unification of marriage.

ZAK: The feminine and the masculine. There's two genders. Don't worry about what the flesh says. The spirit created two genders. When Noah created the Ark, he had to bring a masculine and a feminine into the Ark because when all the storm passed through, they had to procreate and that's how we create this world.

ZAK: At the end of it all, when you realize that God is true flesh, man is false, then you start seeing life with different perspective, a different view and a different understanding. So say when you're playing small, it's because you're working with the flesh and not the spirit because God doesn't know. Small God is abundant. God is unlimited.

ZAK: God is warranted that you're gonna have whatever you want when you recognize how worthy you are of receiving it. That's what you went through this week. It's clearing the traumas of past pain, suffering lower vibrational frequencies. We all go through that.

ZAK: I've been through that. We all go through it just different levels of clearing and awareness and moving forward with knowing that, that our creator then create us in a place of love limitation. Our creator has given us life fulfillment, finances, love.

ZAK: You just have to feel that I'm worthy of receiving all this and be open to receiving it and stop talking negative to you because the tongue is sharp, the tongue is very sharp. So watch your words, watch your thinking about yourself and others, right?

KATHLEEN: The one thing that I have done a lot of work on myself and I've done a rebirthing process where I actually went into the hot tub and experienced my birth. But it was a different experience of feeling because I wasn't working on whatever limiting belief I might have had that I formed because I was walking around thinking my greatest limiting belief was that I was unworthy.

KATHLEEN: No, that was another by product. And so when I was in the womb and I discovered that whole love thing because we did this perfect day scenario which brought that I don't have as much love in my life as I want. And I'm the one stopping it.

KATHLEEN: So we have to be patient with ourselves because we're not a 7-Eleven society. We have to be patient. So even though I have done that, I even work through the, I'm unlovable and I know all these different things that happened, then my mother died and then there's a whole new level of unlovable of how much she didn't love me that came out of the situation.

KATHLEEN: But this became something different.

KATHLEEN: To actually watch a thought form come in that you took because our mind tells the stories, but our mind, our brain isn't developed yet. So this is an emotion that she was having at that time, which I learned at 29 years old, the psychic, my mother was in the room with me with a psychic and the psychic had told her she doesn't feel like you love her.

KATHLEEN: What do you mean? She doesn't feel that? Well, she doesn't, well, what was going on when you were carrying her? Well, I was worried about money. I was worried about this. I was worried about this. Well, this is how she took. What your worries were is you didn't love her.

KATHLEEN: And so to feel, and I've known that ok, you forget these things. I mean, that was a long time ago, 29 years old, but it didn't stop the growth and it didn't stop what it felt like to be because I felt. I just remember in that moment how safe and secure I felt inside the womb.

KATHLEEN: It was the most safest feeling I think I had ever felt in my life was at that moment and then that thought came in and then I didn't want to be here. I didn't want to be born, they forced me out of the womb. I mean, it was one trauma after another, after another, after another.

KATHLEEN: But what I learned and realized during that as well is we all think we don't have that God doesn't love us. We have this. But within whatever our life story is, is who our potential is.

KATHLEEN: I know how to go through trauma. I know how to come out of trauma. I know how to do all of that because my whole life was about coming back from trauma and stepping into the true magnificence and we're more afraid of our greatness than our shallowness. I've always had spirit there to guide me, to help me to take me to the next level.

KATHLEEN: And yes, we have to be ready. But we also have to understand how this mind is working that it tells stories. We have to understand our limiting beliefs, which is also our paradigms. We have to understand all those things. I have tools now that when this limiting belief comes in of you're not lovable. It's like, well, that's not true.

KATHLEEN: But what makes it not true is like, because I have this amazing man in my life, I have amazing friends in my life. We see these lies that we have to stop doing. owever that is, and of course, the one thing I've always wanted was I wanted to have my gaggle of angels around me again, talking 100 miles an hour. They said, you're going to live to regret that.

KATHLEEN: I said, I will never live to regret that. Now, they did wake me up at 4:30 in the morning and give David Bayer a message. I thought that was funny. But then I also looked at the last 20 years of my life of where I got to here and I'm just so at peace, I finally settled into myself and it's because I'm choosing to do the hard work because it's not easy to live through trauma.

KATHLEEN: It's not easy to remember and feel the pain that you've walked your whole life and thinking nobody loved you and thinking that you're a horrible person and undeserving. And that is so far from the truth because God's always been there. I've always been provided for regardless of whatever this was telling me I was always provided for.

KATHLEEN: I've always had money. I've always had food. I've always had clothing, I've had everything that I need. Do I have as much as I want or the big, no, but what I am now, I'm going for it because whatever that fear was that I also created at the time of in the birth, in the womb that's gone too.

KATHLEEN: I'm so on fire right now. I was talking to people at the seminar and they're doing this because I'm blasting them with my energy. I'm standing here and they're moving back like this. I feel like I'm doing this to them, but it was my energy. It was my passion. I was lit up. I was on fire. That's how we're all supposed to live is be lit up. Yes, life will still happen.

KATHLEEN: But if you're lit up living from your passion and your dream, like what you said this outside is outside because God is taking care of me. He's protecting me. He's sheltering me, he's bringing whatever it is. All I have to do is when the belief comes up, a limiting belief, a paradigm work through it and say, OK, I got through this one. Let's go to the next one because our ego will always stop us always.

ZAK: Yeah. The one thing I learned about love is love can be given from anybody and our parents. We felt that sense of not feeling loved because they were in survival mode.

ZAK: Because they were also damaged goods and didn't even know how to love. I had to go through that deep clean of love. But when I realized I don't need love from one, I receive love from all and that fulfills me. But God's love is something that no one else could replace. When I tap into that God love, which is self-love really, you start to look at things differently and you start to move differently.

ZAK: It gets really interesting because when I've looked at love before I had to go through all my healing and say, where can I find the love and judgment? Where can I find the love and anger? Where can I find the love and hatred? Where can I love, find the love and hurt?

ZAK: I had to see the love there because I did love myself. I was seeking external love because I was trying to fill in a void. When I looked at the external to receive love regardless, if it came from friends or a lover or my parents or my siblings or my relatives, it always came back to me void.

ZAK: But when I looked for love internally through God's love and knowing that all is giving me love, the trauma, pain, suffering and all that stuff that we hold on to that, the flesh gives us, it literally got dissolved so quick. That's where when I see love, I just feel this sense of enlightenment. I feel empowered because I'm not seeking from the external because my love is internal, because God is internal.

ZAK: That's what really changed me when it came to love. I had to open my heart. I fueled myself with so much love that I remember. I mean, you were part of this journey with me last year, Kathleen where I kept on hearing, open up your heart to love. I'm like, I love, I'm good. I was like, no, no, no, no, you're not even feeling the love right now.

ZAK: I had to go through that journey of accepting love, more love in my life. But because I self-fulfilled myself with love, it didn't matter if it was coming from anyone else. That was another interesting journey that I had to go through because I was full of that. Then here was something else Jesus said to me. Now you have a lot of love to give. Now it's about receiving most of that. So it was interesting.

KATHLEEN: Welcome back everyone to the journey of an awakening spirit This is Kathleen Flanagan, your host. And we are streaming on the Bold Brave TV network and I have Zak Lioutas in the room with us right now while she's actually on the phone. Because again, technical difficulties. One day, we are going to get this figured out and we will someday, we will.

KATHLEEN: When you were talking Zak about that self-love coming from within the one thing that I do know. And the one thing that I observed a lot over this weekend was that David Bayer is trying to create legends, which is people who are really stepping into their greatness and changing the world because our world is in desperate need of change, desperate need of change. I was talking to a variety of people.

KATHLEEN: And the one thing, I met some really cool, spiritually awakened people, which was wonderful. And those are the people that I only pretty much talk to. But every now and then when you had to do something with your partner next to you, those are the people that were a little bit more on the shallow side. They were all about money, they were all about whatever their bullshit.

KATHLEEN: Sorry paradigm was. They're not moving through it. I think I'll hold on to it a little while longer. Then they pay David all this money and they're, oh, I'm going through it again because I didn't get it the first time. And you're sitting here going, wow. You know, I don't even wanna go down the world of what I think about that.

KATHLEEN: But the one thing that I told a lot of people is if you don't open your heart and heal from your heart, you're not gonna have what you want because what I discovered years ago and it's in my books and I keep experiencing this over and over again until you heal that emotional part or release the emotional ties that you have to, whatever that belief is that you have, you're never gonna change.

KATHLEEN: You can change everything up here. You can gain the understanding, you can gain the insight, but that doesn't change your life.

KATHLEEN: What changes is when you're in your heart, you feel it because there's a whole new set of dynamics around the emotional part that we created in that. This is a biological thing that happens to us anyway. It's not something that we did. It's just what we feel because when we had a breath worker come in and she talked about so much about the body and how this is at 25 is when this finally is completely settled.

KATHLEEN: So we have 25 years of garbage up here of feeling because we have no logic. We have no reason, we're learning it, but we don't have the full thing.

KATHLEEN: And so all that trauma comes in and we have to feel it and the best way to release it is through your breath work. Breath work will take you in. That's why we were, when I was doing it, it was breathe in through your nose, out through your mouth or in through your nose, out through your mouth, breathe in, through your mouth, out through your mouth and breathe in through your nose or out through your nose.

KATHLEEN: Which one is the one that works the best for you. And of course mine was open my mouth in and out of my mouth because that's where I was gaining the most expansion for me to release what I needed to release for me.

KATHLEEN: You don't necessarily have to feel the pain of that emotional sometimes you do because what did I do after I got off that table? I cried all Friday night. I cried all Friday morning or Saturday morning. And then I thought I was going to go into a panic attack or pass out or something because my entire insides were shaking.

KATHLEEN: Now, I wasn't reliving anything. I was releasing everything in this body like my body just shook to say, let's go, let's go, get away, get away. Then I was calm, then I was grounded and I didn't have to relive any of that other stuff. I just had to be with it. And how did I handle it?

KATHLEEN: I breathed, I just breathed through whatever was coming up. It's like you have a panic. What's the first thing you're doing your shallow breath? So, breathe in and breathe out and take that time to settle and that's how you start finding who you are and your love as well. Because God is breath.

KATHLEEN: You want to connect with the I AM breathing of what's the first thing we all do? We have to slow down. We have to quiet the mind and it's through our breath. So I'm gonna let you continue on where you were. I just wanted to bring that in to give some people an idea that you don't always have to relive a trauma.

KATHLEEN: Sometimes you just have to breathe through the trauma or if the tears are coming, let the tears come, trust that process of release because it'll be the greatest thing you ever did because you shed tons and tons off your shoulders and you feel lighter and that's what you're trying to go back to is being that light being.

KATHLEEN: I know you're developing, you've developed more tools for this. If you want to share about that, you can, whatever you want to talk about. Zck the floor is yours.

ZAK: Yeah. Breath is life. I remember 20 0 my God right now, 30 years ago when I ended up in a Kundalini class and went doing breathwork and the floor stuck me and I ended up in Galaxies. I had no idea what was going on. And the Kundalini teacher said you're not breathing properly. I said, but it's natural breath. And he says, no, it's not.

ZAK: He says, if you watch a child breathe, you'll realize they're breathing life. When you watch an adult breathe, they're breathing in death. And why is that? Because children breathe all the way to their root chakra, they breathe all the way to their tail bone. If you bring awareness to your breath right now, you could be breathing into your throat or into your heart, you might get down to your solar plexus.

ZAK: But the low extremities of your body are dead because there's no life there. And you're wondering why you are constipated or you're wondering why you feel bloated or you feel out of alignment. You're wondering why you're always in your head because you have no life force in your roots and in your sacred chakra.

ZAK: When you go through that and start doing those deep breathing, what you're doing is that you're breaking up that stagnant energy, which then in turn, because it's all in the spine, the nervous system starts to seize up. So you might shake and as you're shaking, something has to happen, an electrical current goes through your body and tears start coming down. So that's why you have to cry it out or shake it out.

ZAK: Some people may purge it out regardless of what side it's gonna come out of because it needs to be released. It's stagnant, dense energy that you've been holding on to. And sometimes since the age of 10, 11, 12. So it doesn't necessarily mean it's 15 or 20 years, it could be 40 years that you're holding on to this crap. But until you bring that life, which is breath, which is Yahweh.

ZAK: You know another name of Christ. Yahweh is our breath. So when we're breathing in and out, we're breathing in Christ consciousness. And if you're not breathing Christ consciousness all the way to your root, to your foundation, to the pillars of who created you he knew you before you even got to meet yourself.

ZAK: So when you're going through this process, it's really about feeling enlightened throughout your whole body and releasing. Then as your nervous system starts to take place, your nervous system will calm itself down. But until you fully release a lot of things and let go surrender, I say let go and let God, that's the famous thing.

ZAK: But you have to trust believe and have faith and those sound easy. But a lot of people don't have that trust within themselves because they're afraid of what's on the other side. I don't know what to do. I don't know what to say. I don't know where to show up. So it all kind of plays a huge role. Again, I'll talk about scripture because I've always been into scripture even the depths of my darkness.

ZAK: I would pick up the Bible and say, tell me where I need to read and I would read a piece of scripture and all of a sudden I felt like this energy force just leave me. It was like I'm fighting demons and not even realizing it. Psalm 23 was one of my favorite Psalms that I read just right through all of my depression.

ZAK: Now that I walk the valley of shadow of death, I fear no evil for you are with me. You're brought and staff come for me, right? So if you have that inside of you, that I could walk through the shadows of darkness, I will go through the depths of my soul, but I'm not afraid to come out on the other side because you God are with me.

ZAK: I know it. I feel it. The surge is going through my body. So when you start saying the scripture, what you're doing is that you're reaching that vibration of frequency with inside of you, seek first the kingdom and all else shall follow. When you look at that, you look at God and everything else falls into place because that's what it's meant to do.

ZAK: That's what you're meant to do when you look towards the north. And I would say God's the northern star. When you look towards the north, it doesn't matter what you're going through all of a sudden, you might feel like you're alone. I remember when I was going through dark and I said, Jesus, am I by myself?

ZAK: He says, no, you can't see me because I'm carrying you. And it was just that thing saying holy Jesus, like I do feel like someone's carrying me. I wish I was in the knowingness of how I could carry myself, but I didn't need to know how to carry myself because God got me. You know, the shortest verse in the Bible is Jesus sweat. Jesus cries with us.

ZAK: He sees our pain, he sees our suffering. He goes through the tears with us and then he wipes up and says, OK, like become empowered, recognize the power that you have within you and all these depths of darkness that you're going through confusion, through anger, through guilt, through shame, resentment, what the flesh has put upon you, the spirit to take away from you.

ZAK: So when I want you to look at the Bible, not as a religious book, but as an energetic frequency. Religion is man made. God is one, but there's so many different religions out there. How could that be?

ZAK: When you look at the Bible as an energetic frequency, when you look at God as an energetic frequency, you start to change your perspective and start to see the truth of who you are. Everyone lives in this fake world. Look at everyone out there, a lot of people are living a fake life looking for realness in others. How can that even be possible?

ZAK: So when you start to remove your mask and start to let go of what you think was and what should be and allow for the truth to come through your life will change. Because now you have to believe that what's on the other side of the bridge is for your greater good, for your higher consciousness. So trust within yourself that you're taking those right steps.

ZAK: If you don't know how to take those right steps or if you don't know how to even begin or where to begin, that's where you reach out for help. Sometimes people say, oh, contact your friends and family and they'll help you, that's the worst to contact because they just give you their opinion.

ZAK: It doesn't mean it's always good for you.

ZAK: So contact someone that you could actually work with, contact someone that could see the light for you, not just speak their opinion for you.

ZAK: You could take someone's opinion and run with it and now you're going in their direction or you could take someone's opinion and dissect it and create your own path.

ZAK: Then this is the thing. When you work with the flesh, you could get lost. But when you work with the spirit you awaken, you're literally awakened within yourself, but you have to go through those changes and change could be very scary at times. But again, when you seek first, the kingdom, all else shall follow.

ZAK: That's what you have to recognize. That's what you have to look within yourself and say, OK, I trust every move I make is gonna be for my greater good. I believe what's on the other side of this bridge is for me to grow, to evolve and to receive God's abundance.

KATHLEEN: Sometimes we need that other person to get us through that. Because when I was in the darkest moment of my life, and it's in the third book Awakened when I was in that darkest place of my life. I didn't think I was gonna live and I was so close to death and I didn't even realize how close to death I was.

KATHLEEN: I had a reading done and I hadn't had a reading done in forever. But I was told, this woman is really, really remarkable, let her do that. So I did. What she did is she brought out even more trauma because of what she was seeing of what happened that because I still had lots of questions.

KATHLEEN: The one thing she did because she knew I was hanging on by my fingernails and already one hand was already down and she said, hang on because I think it was done in March and she said, hang on another two weeks is going to lighten up. And in six months you're going to have a totally different life.

KATHLEEN: I couldn't see that. I couldn't see it at all. But because she said it's gonna change, stick around for the party because the party is here, you can't to see it yet because you're still in this final stage of just going deeper and finding that.

KATHLEEN: What I did is I took her belief in me that I was gonna survive the other side to get there because I didn't have it in me because I was ready to say I'm done and I'm gonna die and I'm OK with dying. But that wasn't where I was supposed to go. Her belief gave me the strength to go another two weeks. When April came, she was right.

KATHLEEN: That intense pressure, I was under lifted and it kept getting lighter and lighter and lighter. Within eight months, I was a totally different person, but I couldn't see it because I was in the trenches. When you say reach out to somebody other than friends and family, whatever that looks like to you do it because sometimes you just need that person believing in you because you can't even see it anymore.

KATHLEEN: That's why we have suicide. That's why our youth is killing themselves because there's nobody there for them. Nobody is showing them love and compassion and that's what we need sometimes when we're in the trenches because everybody has this wonderful life and there's no freaking way.

KATHLEEN: They have a wonderful life because if you're having such a wonderful life, why are you miserable? Why are you a bully? Why do you not have money if you have such a wonderful life? No, you don't. You're putting an act on because that's what everybody else is doing. But be real.

ZAK: It depends what you define a wonderful life too. I could go to third world countries. They have no money but they have more life than multi-millionaires that I know. So that really is a huge thing. I know when I was traveling to a lot of places in the south and they're living in 10 roofs and they have community and they have love and then they have unity, they have dinner together, they share everything.

ZAK: So that to me is riches, money is not riches. Money is conveniences. When you find those riches, you start to grow from that place there and you could have your conveniences like we said before, God is always providing and when you are finding that place of what is what feels rich to me.

ZAK: My girlfriends are my richness. My happiness is my richness, sharing, love, sharing. The word is my richness and is finance is my richest. It isn't because it's my convenience. It does bring happiness cause I'm not struggling.

ZAK: When you find that within you and that you release the struggle, that's when you start feeling that richness come out of you and then you get into this alignment. So there's a lot to be said with, what you find? I know Bob Marley says, do you think money brings you happiness?

ZAK: I can't remember how he said it, but it was really true because what brought me happiness once upon a time was me just being able to get out of bed and not feeling depressed for the day. That was success for me. I was broke, but success was getting out of bed and feeling happy.

ZAK: Then as I was getting out of bed every day, I reached five and six figures and then it became convenient again. Now the struggle is gone. Then you realize I had to work on my happiness because with happiness you start to get into manifestation. But there are a lot of wealthy, miserable people out there.

ZAK: Absolutely. You can't deny that. There's a lot of people that could be wealthy and depressed because they don't know what fulfillment is because they're chasing something that doesn't give them fulfillment. You chase God, you'll have fulfillment, you have riches.

ZAK: I think we have to change the perspective of what success means and what riches means and you know what is important to you. Yes, money is important. And it's spiritual at the end of the day, when people say money is not spiritual, it is spiritual because the more money you make, God says now go out and help people.

ZAK: God wants to give you riches because now he's gonna say, hey, there's a man on the street down there and go buy him dinner or go buy that person's shoes or give to that charity. That's what the riches are in spirituality. It's not about being poor. I remember when I first started doing this work, he was saying you're charging for what you're doing.

ZAK: Like, yeah, because God has a different mission for me. I gotta help the homeless. I gotta help the children. I gotta pay my bills too. And if you don't see it as money being spiritual, then you're not the person I wanna work with because your life changes. When you start to realize that money is just an energetic frequency, life is an energetic frequency.

ZAK: God is an energetic frequency. So when we get into that energetic frequency and start growing and recognizing and evolving and putting our own meaning into words, when you put your own meaning into words and find that fulfillment once again, right through Christ fulfillment, then you start to grow and move different.

ZAK: I remember when I was going through my lessons of judgment and it was like, you sit there and you're judging someone and be like, so in that judgment that you just judge that person, was it that you're lacking? And that's why now I might look at someone and be like, ok, what am I lacking?

ZAK: Because if I'm judging that person, I'm lacking something inside of me, which was the greatest lesson of judgment. I rarely judge people because I'm not better than anyone. My judgment came from a place of lack came from a place of lack of self love too.

ZAK: So when we go and grow and I said, go and grow because it is work. It's not easy to step into the shoes of God because you'll lose friends, you'll lose followers, people will start talking about you. I always say, who cares? I remember when I was going through this, Jesus approached me in one of my meditations and I said, you know, I lose a lot of friends when I talk about you. He says, imagine how I feel.

ZAK: I was, it was done. It was game over when you said that or I say to him, how do I heal through imposter syndrome? He says, you have to look at me, do you think I have imposter syndrome?

ZAK: That's the whole premise. When you're tapping into Christ consciousness, you need to clear up the flesh, you need to clear out the ego to really recognize your own personal truth. I have written a workbook called Premeditate Journal, a 30 day invocation to spiritual renewal. Every day you go through scripture, you feel into the scripture.

ZAK: You do a me, you write your own prayer. Then by day 20 to 30 we get into the manifestation mode because now the 1st 10 days, you're clearing the 2nd 10 days, you're calling in God to guide you through the process. Then the last 10 days you're now working with God to bring you in manifestation zone. So pray meditate journal, a 30 day invocation to spiritual renewal.

KATHLEEN: Where can they find that Zak? I think that's great that you've got this to help everyone. But where can they find that?

ZAK: They could go on to my website. It's courses, courses dot B as bold, F as Fierce, U as Unstoppable club.com and they could find the workbook there and it's for purchase there 30 days.

KATHLEEN: I've been watching her make this. So it's been really pretty awesome to watch the process unfold for Zak on this and I can't believe that the time is up already. It's mind blowing to me.

KATHLEEN: if you guys really liked the show and thank you so much Zak for coming on the show and maybe next time next month, we will be able to see your face.

KATHLEEN: If you like the show, feel free to subscribe or give the link to somebody. If you found some value in this, to give it to your friends and family.

KATHLEEN: Again, this is Kathleen Flanagan. I do have a distress meditation which will actually help you to bring in a higher vibration. It will help to release some of the traumas that you're feeling. And if you wanna do that, there is a free three minute destress meditation. It's a great thing to either wake up to in the morning or go to sleep with at night to just reset and recalibrate.

Zak Lioutas Profile Photo

Zak Lioutas

Zak Lioutas, is a beacon of light in the realm of spiritual awakening and empowerment.

With a profound understanding of personal energy frequency and a deep connection to the divine, Zak serves as a guide, mentor, and catalyst for transformation.

As a Spiritual Alchemist, Zak is passionate about helping individuals tap into the Frequency of God's divine presence within themselves.

With a blend of spiritual wisdom and practical insight, Zak empowers others to unlock their inner potential, overcome obstacles, and manifest their deepest desires in alignment with their Creator.

Throughout her own journey, Zak has discovered the transformative power of aligning with God's Frequency.

Now, she shares her insights and experiences with others, offering guidance on how to navigate life's challenges with faith, grace, and resilience, harnessing the frequency of God's presence and living a life of purpose, abundance, and spiritual fulfillment.