Sept. 26, 2023

From Cancer Survivor to Spiritual Awakening: The Unbelievable Message Hidden in a Couch

In a podcast, Zak and Kathleen discuss various topics including the importance of taking action and tapping into higher consciousness. They also talk about embracing feminine energy, self-love, and self-expression. The conversation touches on the comfort of depression and the need for tough love to break free from negative patterns. Zak emphasizes the importance of thinking for oneself and listening to one's body. 

The discussion is important as it encourages listeners to take control of their lives, embrace their true selves, and seek personal growth and empowerment. It also highlights the significance of connecting with higher consciousness and nurturing relationships.

Zak discusses tuning into life, spirituality, and personal growth. She emphasizes the importance of disconnecting from technology, reconnecting with nature, and being mindful of the media consumed. Zak encourages listeners to prioritize self-care, develop a strong support system, and challenge societal norms regarding gender roles and emotions. She believes that personal growth comes from within and individuals should pursue their passions and live purposefully. 

The discussion is important as it emphasizes the need for individuals to prioritize their mental and emotional well-being, disconnect from technology, and embrace their authentic selves in order to live fulfilling lives.

Zak Lioutas begins by reflecting on her personal journey and the incredible milestone of being cancer-free for 26 years. She attributes her survival and transformation to God, acknowledging her past lifestyle choices and how she evolved into a different person. She expresses gratitude and a deep faith in God's role in her life, believing that cancer served as a wake-up call.

The discussion then takes an intriguing turn as she mentions receiving a message from her couch, which initially sounds unusual. She describes hearing her couch warning her not to sit on it and feeling a sense that something significant is associated with it. As she cleans the couch, she draws parallels between the surface dirt and the hidden struggles in her life, suggesting that meditation is like the soap that cleanses the soul, and prayer is the water that runs through it.

The conversation emphasizes the importance of self-reflection, meditation, and prayer in finding inner truth and cleansing one's soul. The couch serves as a metaphor for this process, with Zak noting the transformation and beauty that result from inner cleansing and spiritual connection. She stresses the need for patience in allowing positive changes to manifest.

Amidst technical difficulties in the conversation, the speakers maintain a lighthearted attitude, embracing the unpredictability of life and technology. They find humor in the situation and remind each other that sometimes, you just have to laugh and go with the flow, accepting the quirks and challenges that life throws your way.

Dancing Souls Book One - The Call

Dancing Souls Book Two - The Dark Night of the Soul

Dancing Souls Book Three - Awakened

De-Stress Meditation


ZAK: Oh, the only thing to do really at the end, it's the only thing to do. You can't get mad. You can't, you know, feel embarrassed. There's not really, there's nothing embarrassing about it. When life throws you lemons, make lemonade, you can't make orange juice with them. So it is what it is.

ZAK: It feels like there's nothing new these days really. At the end of the day, this is beyond the coach conversation, but this is part of a couch conversation at the end of the day, you gotta get off your ass and keep on going. You can't let anything pull you down and that's something that when we feel down, when we feel that we, you're defeated, when we feel like there's no more steam in us.

ZAK: We land on a couch and then I, I had this or I've had the couch say to me, get your ass off of here and go do what you love to do. This isn't my first time having couch conversations.

ZAK: I've had many conversations with my couch before and, and the thing is, is that like I was saying earlier, while we were being put sideways upside down and inside out, when you actually tune into all the energies, you start to realize that everything is watching out for you, for your greater, good for your higher consciousness for the best you can be yet.

ZAK: We are so afraid to tap into that energy and this is something that we have to start teaching people how to do this. This is not woohoo. People say, oh you're so woohoo. I'm like, no, it's woohoo, you're not even tapping into this energy. There's nothing wooho about this is life.

ZAK: If you think life is sitting on your couch and watching TV, and being so manipulated in your mind while you're eating all this junk crap and making yourself fat in your mind and feeling sick in your body, then you continue being that woohoo you are, but I'll continue flying the friendly skies with my homeboy Jesus and, and I'll get there a little faster than you.

ZAK: It doesn't matter where you are, it doesn't matter, your race doesn't matter your religion. It doesn't matter. How much money you have, your financials, nothing matters anymore. It's really about connectivity and connecting with your higher consciousness.

ZAK: Once you get to that point of connecting to your higher consciousness, allow someone to try to piss you off, it won't happen because you're so comfortable with yourself. You're so in tune with yourself and what someone says and thinks about you has nothing to do with you. You're, OK, yeah, whatever.

ZAK: Move on, right? Whatever move on and that's something that this is the time to get off your ass off the couch and do something more empowering within yourself. The more that you trust this process, the more that you grow through this process and spiritual growth isn't easy. It's worth it.

ZAK: That's why I like to add humor into things. I have people crying on me Zak this and I'm, listen, I've been there, cry all you want, scream all you want, yell all you want, do what you want but laugh through it at the same time. Dance with it.

ZAK: Move with it, allow it to come up because the more energy that you give it in a negative connotation, the more negative that's gonna come to you and you'll hear me say there's no such thing as negative. It's all same thing negative. I'm putting that in quotes is really you to take a time out to take that step back to reflect what's going on with your life.

ZAK: Because if you're constantly in that same hamster cycle of the same life and you're wondering, are things gonna change from it? Yeah. Change your mind, change your energy, change the way you think about yourself, change maybe your environment. We could all be in the same environment but different outcomes for everyone.

ZAK: It's how you see yourself. It's how you see yourself work. It's how you give yourself that self esteem, that confidence and empowerment to move forward in life. A lot of people are so afraid of doing that because everyone's so emotionally weak these days, virtually weak these days.

ZAK: Everyone has these titles. Now, you're trans, this and trans that and trans this and say, you know what? You're sleeping, you're sleeping human being that needs to be woken up and you're so programmed with all this bullshit that they're putting in your body.

ZAK: Oops, I'm sorry, I don't know if I could say that, but it is what it is came out of my mouth. However, start waking up and start being your own voice of reason. You don't have to listen to everyone else around you, listen to yourself, listen to yourself because yourself knows that. This is what I love teaching people listen to yourself.

ZAK: You don't have to even listen to me. I'm gonna encourage you. I'm gonna move you. I'm gonna love you and I'm gonna have a shoulder for you to cry on a, an ear for you to yell at. I'll be here and I'll see you and I'll tell you where your spirit is guiding you through the whole process.

ZAK: I'm gonna lift you up when you're down, I'm gonna lift you up when you feel like you have no gas, I'm gonna give you my gas. I'm gonna lend you my eyes so you could see how powerful you are, how beautiful you are and how you're wasting your time in BS in this world that just came out of me just like so.

ZAK: A lot of these angels are coming to us, Mary Magdalene, Mother Mary, the sacred Mother Mary Saint Sophia. I mean all of them are coming because the rise of the feminine energy and there's a lot of masculine energy that can't handle that right now. We won't get into that because I feel so sad for the masculine energy right now.

ZAK: We're losing our men to something just so incredible and again, I won't move into that because right now, it's really about the feminine energy that's coming up and it's really about nurturing and loving and caring for yourself and caring for your partner and being submissive to your partner.

ZAK: It's not like when you're submissive to your partner, it's not like you're giving yourself away. It's really about him being submissive to you as well and you guys working together through this and working through the tough times and that's what it's really all about. When you love yourself, you're gonna love yourself to the core of your existence. A lot of things that you thought were good for you.

ZAK: You'll realize why God cut them off on you because they weren't there to uplift your spirits. They weren't there to bring you that salvation and that peace, we find happiness and peace, we find happiness and joy. We find abundance in that you can't find happiness or peace and anger and resentment and guilt and shame and betrayal.

ZAK: You're gonna get more of that, the more you tap into that nurturing caring, loving, feminine energy and you have that divine masculine that's there that is there to support you and protect you and provide you.

ZAK: I'm not only to find what financial, providing a lot of women there is that, but there's so many ways for as a team that you can make money and finances and grow together as a man, he's there to really ground you as a female. You're the intuition. You're that sound, you're that, hey, how about, you know, dropping ideas off one another and that's why we have to work with one another.

ZAK: It's this new thing of oh, it just passed my mind that it's just selfish. I'm gonna be selfish. I'm gonna be selfish. Well, why are you selfish? Why are you not sharing what's going on with you? Why are you not awakening that part of you? Why are you not allowing yourself to grow?

ZAK: It's nice to be selfish when you have to, but let's be selfless at times and really connect with what brings this vibrational frequency up with the divine masculine and feminine Jesus and Mary Magdalene did it very well. The more we're able to connect with that, the more we're able to open up our hearts and the more we are able to attract in our life and the more happiness and joy and great sex.

ZAK: I know a lot of people are so afraid to talk about sex and sensuality. But come on, it's a natural thing to have sex. It's, oh my God. Women are so afraid to be expressive when it comes to that. Where else are you afraid to show up in your life?

ZAK: Where else are you afraid to come into this world with your full divinity. That's the thing that we're talking about right now on so many different levels. When I'm talking about my couch, it's about cleaning that dirt deep down within the core of our existence, not only in this lifetime, but in our childhood, in our past life, our past life isn't past life anymore.

ZAK: It's here in this present time, it's recycled energy over and over and over. If it's recycled energy over and over over, you're gonna have the same outcome over and over and over. You have choices to make and it's not like, well, I'm not gonna do this because I don't know what's gonna happen or I'm afraid to be single and habit of this and habit of that.

ZAK: Well, stop with all that mind manipulation and tyranny that you're giving yourself. How about things are gonna turn out wonderful. I can't wait for this change. I can't wait to thrive differently and, and things will start changing the way that you want to see change happen. But we're such creatures of habit.

ZAK: That's why I remember God saying to me, when are you gonna come out of depression? Like when I'm ready? He's, aren't you ready right now? I'm, I don't think so. It was, when I think back to those days, I'm, what was wrong with me? Like I knew how to pull out of depression really quick.

ZAK: If I knew how to pull out of depression really quick, what was really holding me back there? Let me tell you what was holding me back there. The comfort of depression, the comfort of depression was holding you there. Just a comfort of guilt, shame, anger, resentment, lack limitation holds you there.

ZAK: When you're, you know what, I'm gonna show up in my truth, I'm gonna show up in who I am. And I'm not gonna care what anyone says about me because I know who I am to the core of my existence. You show up differently and I see it with women all the time. That's why bold fear, unstoppable was born. I saw these women come to me all broken feeling like life was over.

ZAK: Their sex, life was over. They never had orgasms. I'm, what do you mean? I'm, let's bring life back into your body. Let's bring your spirit back to life. I'm, wow, girl, look at you. Where did you come from? Then people like back, you did this. I'm like, no, no, no, don't give me the credit. Give yourself the credit. I was your guide.

ZAK: I was the the person that spoke life to you. Yes, I will receive the credit. I'm grateful for the credit. But I give all credit to God because I'm the best. I'm not gonna say I'm just the best. I am the best song. I am the vessel that brings wisdom and knowledge and healing to what's in front of me. We have a lot of changing to do. We have to get out of the old and into the new.

ZAK: We have to awaken new spirit within us. This is what is so beautiful. Even about this, the awakening spirit. Are you ready to wake up? Or you're gonna continue sleeping in comfort your depression and your anxiety and your panic? I know I was there. I'm speaking from my own experience but also being tuned in since the age of three, I know I knew how to come out of it.

ZAK: It wasn't my first rodeo but because the comfort was in my knowingness, I said, you know what, I'll spend a couple more months here. One of my friends got a hold of me and he's like, what is wrong with you kid? Sometimes we need those friends that are tough love. We can't have these piddly friends that are, it's ok, it's gonna get better.

ZAK: Don't worry. No, wake up, snap out of it. What's wrong with you? My friend said, my friend cussed me out one day and he literally cussed me out to the point where we were driving back home for an hour and a half and I was crying and he was holding faith. He didn't say one word to me until we got home. He looked at me and he said you good kid?

ZAK: When I have to say anything until we got home, are you good kid? I was, yeah, I'm good. I'm good. It took me three days to process everything that we went through and then boom, I was a brand new person. I had to get spoken to the way he spoke to me because my spirit understood that tough love. That's why being an Aries, I'm gonna give you tough love.

ZAK: I'm gonna let you cry on my shoulders. I'm gonna let you cuss me out. I'm gonna let you do all these things to get rid of those spirits that are digging deep inside of you because I'm gonna love you. I know you're not doing it to me. You're not angry at me, but what's coming out of you hates me and I'm OK with that, that's what I call your inner demons.

KATHLEEN: It's not gonna just happen.

ZAK: Fear is the unknown at the end of it. If, when you wanna cross that bridge, you don't know what's across that bridge. Underneath that bridge is a lot of water. It's a lot of cleansing, right? What do they say? It's all that dirt. You have to put that soap and water to get that dirt out. So, fear is fear is what you're crossing over onto the other side.

ZAK: What we put on the other side is fear. How about you put faith on the other side? How about the belief on the other side? How about you put courage on the other side? How about you put bravery on the other side? It's what we've been programmed all our life, right? Oh If you don't take this pill, you'll be sick. That's who?

ZAK: Tattoo.

ZAK: Oh If you don't eat this, you're gonna have this. Oh If you don't drink this, this is gonna happen to you. Who says these things? People need to start thinking for themselves, you got that.

ZAK: When you said that, yeah. Well doctors learn medicine, they don't learn you, they don't learn nutrition. I remember I went to the doctor and I said to him I have cancer and he goes, why would you think you have cancer? I'm, cause my body told me and he's, oh whatever, I'm, would you just run some tests?

ZAK: That's what you're here for is to run some tests. When he saw me, he's, you have cancer. I'm, really? Einstein. Are you telling me something I don't know? How did you know I'm gonna say cause my body told me when you tune into your body, your body tells you things.

ZAK: When I tuned into my couch, my couch told me things. When you tune into life, life tells you things. The problem is, is that people are not tuning in. Everyone looks like a walking zombie looking down at their phone, they're gonna be hunch back to Notre Dame coming in the next 10-15 years with everyone looking down, no one's gonna be able to look up anymore.

ZAK: Dear Jesus. Put those damn phones away. Stop being so programmed. Turn your TVs off, get rid of your microwave. Stop eating junk crap from these fast food places and tune in with nature. If you don't have life, go to nature.

ZAK: Connect with nature, eat natural food, grow your food. I wish I had a plot that I could grow my food. This is the way we were brought up. My parents never really went to the grocery store. We raised all our stuff, we grew our food. My dad would go to the farm to get his animals.

ZAK: This is what they did back in the villages. We ate with the seasons and we always gave glory to the guy upstairs for feeding our bellies. Now people are wolfing down their food without even bringing gratitude to their food, to the farmer, to the chicken, to the, to the cow or if you're having couch, the pig, whatever it is, you're not even saying thank you for putting food on my plate and sacrificing your life.

ZAK: Everyone's lost. They have to keep on looking at what's on TikTok. What's on Instagram? What's here? Who's doing this? I got FOMO. I got, it's, yo, you need to breathe, chill out, relax, bring peace within yourself.

ZAK: The world is lost and yet we, we're a world of knowledge. There's so much knowledge out there. There's so much wisdom out there, but there's so many lost souls out there. Why? Because it's a little device that's in your hand. What's the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning? I guarantee everyone grabs their phone, maybe don't grab your phone, maybe grab some water, drink water.

ZAK: First thing in the morning, say a prayer. First thing in the morning, bring gratitude. First thing in the morning, stretch your body. First thing in the morning, your phones can always be there. Do you really believe what everyone says on social media? I remember going through the depths of darkness and writing all these beautiful things that were coming down to me.

ZAK: I used to call them universal messages. People like your life must be amazing. I'm, you're delusional homie, you're delusional. No, my life sucks right now. I'm writing these messages to give myself strength. I'm writing these messages to empower myself and you all think my life is good. Keep on believing what social lies are saying to you and you're gonna end up down that same path.

ZAK: This is another thing. It's so interesting. We're having this conversation because I did on Instagram stories on this. It's stop listening to this crap music that really has all these demonic tones into it. I can't even listen to main stream music anymore. It's dark and demonic and everyone's, they're also imprinting their kids with these.

ZAK: I was, yo, are you kidding me? You're allowing your kid to listen to this music.

ZAK: Are you for real? Do you realize what you're implanting your child's spirit with? Do you understand what portals you're opening up? People don't understand the portals. People don't understand this whole world because it's foreign. This spirituality should have been taught in school. But what did they do? They held it back from you because they don't want you to be powerful.

ZAK: They're creating worker ants. Everyone's an ant in this world, everyone's an ant. If you don't wanna become the king and then continue doing what you're doing, go and live that zombie life of looking down and you're gonna get, I'm telling you everyone's gonna have a hutch back because of looking down at your phone.

ZAK: You're wondering why am I so depressed? Because you're only doing one thing. Looking at your damn phone, wake up you're wondering why everyone else's life is perfect. No one's life is perfect. Everyone has a story. Everyone has a struggle but they're gonna post their happy travels on there.

ZAK: I know people that put, I love my husband and then you talk to them. They're, oh, I can't wait to get rid of this guy. It's, well, didn't you just post so much? You love your husband? They're, yeah, I do that every so often.

ZAK: Why are you lying to yourself? Why are you lying to stop lying to yourself? You're not lying to anyone else. You're lying to yourself. That's all you're doing. I want people to realize that no one cares about anybody. This is one thing I had to tell myself that no one cares and I'm, that's true.

ZAK: No one really cares. We think people care but no one cares. Everyone's got their own problems and if you got your own problems, you solve your problems. No one's gonna come and solve your problems and you're gonna have a good support system.

ZAK: You better have good friends around you that are gonna tell it to you the way you need to be told. Not the piddly friends are gonna be, it's OK sweetie, you'll be fine and then behind your back, they're, oh Zak's going through some shit and this and that and they're talking shit about you, right?

ZAK: Those are the friends you want? You want real friends. You want real friends that are gonna be honest with you that are gonna hurt your feelings and then they're gonna cheer you on and they're gonna celebrate you because life isn't always easy.

ZAK: Life is not always easy. We have duality in this world and we're living it right now. We're in spiritual warfare right now. And what they're going for is your mind? Why is mental health on the rise? Why is depression on the rise? Why is suicide on the rise? Why is drug addiction on the rise?

ZAK: You ever ask yourself those questions? You ever look into the statistics of life?

ZAK: Why is mental health more prominent for women? We as women, we all gather together and talk. Yet we get stuck in a bottle of wine thinking the wine is gonna solve our problems. Honey, get down on your knees, look up in the sky and talk to God. That's what's gonna solve your problem. That's gonna build your spirit, that's gonna build your spine.

ZAK: Stop listening to this garbage music, stop watching these reality TV shows that are garbage thinking that you're live, they're living their best life. They're not. No one on TV is living their best life. They're making you believe a false illusion of what their life looks like. Everyone's got problems to solve your problem. Talking about other people. Stop complaining.

ZAK: Oh man, be you. What does that feel like to be you? What does that feel like to be you? Who are you? A lot of people don't even know who they are another problem. Let me ask someone. I know. What do you do for fun? I don't know.

ZAK: My kids. Your kids are not around anymore. They have their own family. What do you do for fun? My grandkid. No, no, no. Your grandkids are not around either. You're by yourself. You're on an island by yourself. What do you do for fun?

ZAK: I don't know. I've lost myself and my family. I don't even know who I am anymore. Get to know yourself.

ZAK: This goes for men too. I talk more about women that work with a lot of women. This goes for men too. Men have emotions. Men have anger, men have shame, men have guilt, but a man needs to be strong and a man shouldn't cry. Why should a man cry?

ZAK: Why shouldn't a man cry when I used to work with men as my client? I look at them you gotta cry that out and they're, yeah, I'm, let it go, man and they cried out and they're, oh, I feel so much better. Thanks for holding that space for my back.

ZAK: I'm, absolutely don't think because your guy is crying, he's weak. Here's our strength, tears are strength. If you think your man is weak because he's shedding a tear because he's clearing some shit out of his leg, then you're just not the person for him.

ZAK: If you can hold that space for him, go into your corner and do what you gotta do because that man is a stronger woman. When I think about men, I think of a man and a woman being together and going at war together and I'm not saying going to war with each other. But if something happened out there, who do you want to go to war with? There's a lot of people that I go to war with and that's a beautiful perk.

ZAK: Pick your partner because he helps you evolve. He helps you grow. He may say things that don't feel comfortable, take your job because it's expanding you, it's awakening you, it's shifting. You live on purpose because you want to wake up every morning and do what you love to do. It doesn't feel like a job. We get lost in this whole 9 to 5 or whatever we're doing.

ZAK: At the end of the day, it comes down to you because when you clear the dirt deep with soap and water, you start to shine differently, you start to show up differently, you start to awaken differently, but it all really comes down to you. No one else could be good for you.

ZAK: You could reach me on Instagram at spiritual hustler. That's spiritual and hustlers. HSTLR. You could join me on the in the inner circle bfu club dot com. So those are a couple of ways that you could get a hold of me and or you could find me on Facebook Zalis. That's Lioutas.

Zak Lioutas Profile Photo

Zak Lioutas

Zak Lioutas, is a beacon of light in the realm of spiritual awakening and empowerment.

With a profound understanding of personal energy frequency and a deep connection to the divine, Zak serves as a guide, mentor, and catalyst for transformation.

As a Spiritual Alchemist, Zak is passionate about helping individuals tap into the Frequency of God's divine presence within themselves.

With a blend of spiritual wisdom and practical insight, Zak empowers others to unlock their inner potential, overcome obstacles, and manifest their deepest desires in alignment with their Creator.

Throughout her own journey, Zak has discovered the transformative power of aligning with God's Frequency.

Now, she shares her insights and experiences with others, offering guidance on how to navigate life's challenges with faith, grace, and resilience, harnessing the frequency of God's presence and living a life of purpose, abundance, and spiritual fulfillment.