Sept. 19, 2023

Mindful Morning Routine: The Key to Personal Development

In a recent podcast, Kathleen and members of her mastermind group discuss the significance of morning rituals and their impact on one's life. Kathleen shares her personal experience and how it has helped her become more focused, productive, and happy. Kathleen emphasize the need for quiet reflection, gratitude, and physical activity in the morning to set a positive tone for the day.

She also mentions the benefits of a nighttime routine for reflection, gratitude, and prayer. The podcast highlights the importance of prioritizing self-care and creating a morning and evening routine that works for each individual's schedule.

Kathleen mentions a new program she is participating in to overcome resistance and reprogram the brain. The conversation emphasizes the power of positive thinking, self-reflection, and personal growth. It is mentioned that many studies have shown the positive effects of morning rituals on one's life.

Kathleen encourage listeners to start their own rituals and focus on personal goals. Overall, the podcast emphasizes the importance of morning and evening rituals for personal growth, self-care, and maintaining a sense of control and peace in one's life.

I reflect on the profound impact of a morning ritual in my life journey. I initially struggled with starting the day in a rush, constantly working without pause. However, advice from my Mastermind group led me to pause, reflect, and incorporate a morning ritual into my life. This transformation wasn't easy, and resistance was met with violent reactions. Still, I persevered, realizing the value of a morning ritual.

TI adapted and evolved my morning ritual over the years. When traveling or facing a busy schedule, I prioritized quiet time in the morning for reflection. I always took time to be grateful in setting a positive tone for my day and how it helps to maintain a higher vibration.

There are numerous benefits of a morning ritual, including increased productivity and boosted energy levels. When I added a morning walk to my routine, it significantly improved my overall well-being, attitude, and productivity. A morning ritual can positively affect one's self-image, happiness, and stress levels.

Studies and anecdotal evidence supporting the benefits of a morning ritual are mentioned, and the importance of crafting a personalized morning routine that aligns with your individual goals and schedules is important. Keeping a morning journal and tracking time spent on various activities in the morning you to gain insights and make positive changes.

The key to a successful morning ritual lies in prioritizing what's important to achieve personal growth and happiness. By shifting my self-image and attitude, led to enhanced happiness and a more positive outlook on life.

Embracing change and managing resistance can lead to personal growth and transformation. I'm taking a course to address resistance and I am discovering new aspects of myself through self-reflection and personal development.

My personal journey serves as a testament to the power of a morning ritual in fostering positive change, productivity, and happiness in one's life. I encourage you to explore your own morning rituals to enhance your well-being and achieve your goals.

Dancing Souls Book One - The Call

Dancing Souls Book Two - The Dark Night of the Soul

Dancing Souls Book Three - Awakened

De-Stress Meditation


KATHLEEN: One of the reasons we want to start a morning ritual and this is something that I started years ago. I was in a mastermind group at that time and my group was saying, you know, because I would get up and start working. It didn't matter what time it was. I got up and went to the computer and checked emails and what have you.

KATHLEEN: That made me more of the crazier side of life doing that. They recommended that I stop and reflect, be quiet, change how I'm operating, probably not be as stressed doing that. That was not an easy thing to do. That was very difficult and very challenging when I set out to do that.

KATHLEEN: Believe me, my reaction was pretty violent. I was pretty upset by that, but I did it because I figured they knew more than what I did. I chose to do that and it really did make a difference for me. I've noticed throughout the years that I modify and tweak my morning ritual because that's what you do as we grow and evolve.

KATHLEEN: The one thing that I noticed that I do that if I have to be on the road or I have to go and be out in the field working, I will get up earlier or do things the night before. That way I can still have that time because that quiet time is really, really important for me to get settled, get focused. Where do I want to go?

KATHLEEN: how do I wanna feel throughout the day? My happiness is the first thing that I want to do, then I want to do that. A lot of times I'll start with gratitude because gratitude sets a tone, gets me into a higher vibration.

KATHLEEN: A lot of times we don't always look at that and I know that there are people out there that have kids and it's crazy hectic in the morning and then their whole day is crazy hectic. What I want to talk about here is how you can start creating those times for yourself.

KATHLEEN: One of the most beneficial aspects of a morning ritual is that it's going to boost your productivity for the rest of the day. Whenever you wake up and you jump out of bed and you start your morning ritual, you're gonna maximize your time and you get started in the right way.

KATHLEEN: Since your morning ritual adds something to your life, it helps you to be more productive from the moment you wake up.

KATHLEEN: If you're willing to be productive, the second you get out of bed, you will more likely be more productive throughout your day.

KATHLEEN: It also helps to boost your energy levels.

KATHLEEN: This is allowing you that where you can tackle the day and enjoy the mornings even more. Whether you read in the morning or take a shower, work out or your routine helps you to wake up abruptly. This will cut through the morning grogginess and helps you to feel more energized alert capable during your morning and day.

KATHLEEN: I remember last year, I decided I was going to start walking in the morning. I would have my morning coffee. At seven o'clock, I was out the door so I could walk about a mile and a half. I think it was every day. I'd come home eat and take a shower.

KATHLEEN: I couldn't believe within a probably a couple of weeks how my energy level really shifted because this was something really new and different for me instead of just having coffee and being quiet and reflecting or looking at inspirational videos, adding that one thing to my routine. It seemed to enhance my attitude.

KATHLEEN: I felt happier. I felt more productive. I felt more creative and work was, it flowed much easier.] I was really stunned by how that felt. Besides that, I was doing good things for myself and the endorphins were leasing and probably losing a couple of pounds here and there along the way.

KATHLEEN: It really did make a big difference in increasing your happiness. That is one of the things a morning ritual is supposed to do is to help increase your happiness. When I discovered that it was amazing because then my stress levels went down as well because I felt happy. I felt in control more.

KATHLEEN: When winter came and I got sick, I stopped doing it for a while. I was still in a good place because I was still doing all the other morning rituals. It was not the walking. I noticed that the walking really made a big difference all the way around.

KATHLEEN: It's something that I go in and out of. I need to work on being more consistent. I'm human just like the rest of you. I still do all the rest of the things that I've said that my intentions of doing in a morning ritual.

KATHLEEN: I felt that when I was happier, I felt like my world was happier around me as well. I felt like people were responding to me differently because I was different and showing in that happiness and it was infectious to me. It's something that this is my own personal journey that I felt and it felt really good to do that.

KATHLEEN: When we start seeing these benefits, it has a tendency to want you to keep doing more. Many studies have been conducted that show how much a morning ritual can change and impact somebody's life. It shows that having a good morning ritual will benefit your life for the reasons listed above. Plus more.

KATHLEEN: Not to mention that there are plenty of anecdotal stories out there that supplement all these studies.

KATHLEEN: When you start to have a morning ritual and you understand the benefits, it's now crafting what that's gonna look like for you to work with your schedule. One of the easiest steps that you can do is you don't have to change anything. The only thing you need to do is roll out of bed like you normally would and then reflect on what you do and how you feel after you wake up. It is really as simple as that.

KATHLEEN: Another good thing is keeping a morning journal. If you get out of bed before you have to deal with the kids and you have a morning journal, which is gonna start setting the stage and you get to see your progress. That's what I'm trying to say. It is another way of having that time where you're looking at yourself, you're reflecting on what you want and how you want things to go.

KATHLEEN: It's a good way to log your feelings and emotions too because sometimes I know people that said they wake up and the first feeling they have is doom and gloom. I've never understood that because I've never felt that way in doom and gloom. Other than when I went through grief with my mother's death and you can't get out of bed.

KATHLEEN: I was still doing a morning ritual but during a grieving process, it was a lot different as far as my mental state.

KATHLEEN: I still kept working on it and I still did that and I still reflected and acknowledged the feelings that I was having. I did that and people were like, just get out of bed, make the bed. I mean, it was, take one step at a time to get back into the swing of life because the death of your mother is pretty intense and I certainly had no

KATHLEEN: concept that this would bother me to the degree that it did.

KATHLEEN: The other thing you want to do to personalize it more. Track how long it takes you to do things in the morning. If you know how long it takes to make breakfast for the kids. That kind of thing.

KATHLEEN: What is it that you're repeating over and over. This gives you an idea of what you're doing every morning. You can start to find more time in changing where you're taking care of you first.

KATHLEEN: Once you know what your mornings look like, you can start looking at how you perceive them. Your perception is always about how you're going to want to move and manage into it.

KATHLEEN: If it's important to physically write down what you need to do in your morning to get through the morning, then observe after the observation period is compare how your perception matched, what was different in your reality.

KATHLEEN: If you write down your perceptions, it will be hard to know what you initially thought about the morning. If you didn't write down what you thought it was and then what it was, it's hard, but that's how you start to tweak how to make those changes in your life.

KATHLEEN: Then go about your morning as usual and then at the end of the day, when you reflect on the period of what happened and how you can modify and change and tweak your mornings to where it's not as chaotic because nobody wants to start their mornings in chaos.

KATHLEEN: It sets the tone for the rest of the day and, and believe me, I think my mother, when when we were all little, I think she must have gone crazy with 5-6 kids trying to get us ready for school and I'm sure she was insane, but she was also a stay home mom and that was a totally different generation than what we have now.

KATHLEEN: That was the whole thing is wanting to take control of your life where you stay calm and reflective.

KATHLEEN: When you look at from the get go, when you understand what your morning routine is, it's not going to change your entire life.

KATHLEEN: What it do will do is it'll probably help start curving some of the bad habits that you may have that you start out in the morning where you're crazy or you're angry or you're not feeling good and you take it out because it's another day and you're crazy, insane that way. Your morning routine is actually supposed to be easy.

KATHLEEN: What is the main objective that you want? When I started doing my morning routine, when I changed it and modified it a lot last year because the one thing that when I was in this mastermind, Bob Proctor had passed away and I got an email about a free mastermind thing that he was doing on Facebook.

KATHLEEN: I decided, ok, well, I'm gonna listen to it because Why not? I like Bob Proctor. I met him, I have a photo with Bob Proctor. I was very well aware of Bob Proctor and had understood him and bought programs from him years ago.

KATHLEEN: The one thing that came up that I didn't think about was my self-image. It was one of the things they talked about, what's your future self want? A morning practice for Bob Proctor was very, very important. When I was in this program for that five day challenge, I really honed in on that was a big missing component in my life was not really looking at what my self-image was.

KATHLEEN: When I started walking, part of it was that I had this idea of what my future self was going to look like and how I wanted to feel in that future self. That was not where I was today. I wasn't doing bad and I wasn't hurting myself or anything like that.

KATHLEEN: I wanted to be happier because the one thing that I noticed that when people are working, really working on themselves and growing and changing, the one thing that they always look so happy, they are always happy. I want to be that happy because I never feel that happy.

KATHLEEN: What I did is I started to learn techniques about being happy. Like when my cats do crazy things, I started laughing and started enjoying it. That was something that I had to do is I actually had to learn how to be happy and to start laughing.

KATHLEEN: When I was talking about wanting to be happy, that was one of the big things of really wanting to change that persona, which was a priority goal. When you're creating your morning ritual, part of it is you want to prioritize what's really important for you to start achieving, to move you to that next level and moving closer to the dream that you're looking at and what you want.

KATHLEEN: When I did that, the walking emphasized it and I felt energized and life seemed like nothing could go wrong. That, of course, is the furthest from the truth. But my whole attitude and disposition changed in ways that I was really surprised by because, I no longer looked at that the world was doing to me.

KATHLEEN: It was showing me where I'm at today. What's my thinking? Where am I going? It was a total perception change for me looking into life differently by being happy and maintaining the happiness and wanting to stay in that place because I found life was so much more enjoyable and having that ejor attitude wasn't working for me anymore.

KATHLEEN: My future self was so far from that person. I think that's what was the coolest part of having that. I found activities that actually enhanced that because the other thing that I started doing that I wasn't doing was I started looking at more inspirational videos and Earl Nightingale was probably one of the ones.

KATHLEEN: I think the one that I kept looking at was about the self-image and how he talked about that and how your self-image and, and being happy takes you to places you're not used to going or you wouldn't go.

KATHLEEN: It's not always about your skill set, it's about your attitude. I wanted to develop a better attitude. When I started focusing on having more of a winner's attitude and building my attitude differently, I noticed everything changed even more.

KATHLEEN: I know what it's like to be a grumpy person who's frustrated with life who's been miserable because I have been traumatized in my life. I have suffered so many different things and I didn't want that person running my life anymore because it was my past and my past was not going to live in my future. That was pretty much what I decided on.

KATHLEEN: When I made that change, of course, all your paradigms start coming up also because you're making those changes in your mindset. This comfort zone that we get into was showing up in my face. But as long as I was walking and getting those endorphins, it was smoother sailing.

KATHLEEN: I was really surprised that having making that one tweak in my morning ritual. Well, actually was a couple but the walking I think was the biggest part and then having that self-image going on which then enhance that.

KATHLEEN: In the morning if you have to get up and you have to take care of the kids, get up a half an hour earlier and have that time for yourself and be quiet and have a cup of coffee or whatever it is and reflect on what that's gonna look like.

KATHLEEN: If you're calm, then your kids are gonna calm down. That's the one thing that I've noticed that the calmer we remain, the more our world changes. I'm in this new program, it's the whole human framework that David Bayer puts on.

KATHLEEN: I started taking this course and again, it was another one of those mastermind challenge courses that was free for five days. I had kind of met him a year ago or so. What was interesting about this one is that as we grow and evolve, there is a point where we start feeling like we're stuck.

KATHLEEN: I started feeling like all the tools that I had, there was something missing and I couldn't find it. Well, I found it in this program with David Bayer. I signed up for it. The biggest thing that I found is resistance. Resistance stops us.

KATHLEEN: It's not our limiting beliefs, but we have this resistance factor and it's paying attention a little bit more about changing the dialogue in my own head and then reprogramming my brain for that. That's what I'm working on now.

KATHLEEN: This is a whole new morning ritual that I'm doing is when I say, I don't know how it's, well, but you do know how. You need to find the answers and research how to do this or you need to talk to somebody about it.

KATHLEEN: It's another form of getting rid of that victimization that we go into. Because of that, I started moving into a different place. There's a lot of stuff coming up. There's a lot of traumas coming up. When I told you that a friend of mine, my best friend from 40 years ago passed away I was ok with that, but it wormed its way into a place.

KATHLEEN: When I started this program, it was all these new things were coming up. Where I thought I had worked on a lot of different things in my life. I thought I dealt with the abuses and unworthiness and undeserving and abandonment and unlovable. No, this week, it's all in my face.

KATHLEEN: Instead of going, wow, this is really sucks to be in this place. What I've discovered is I'm actually contracting. My morning practice now I'm diving in and being quiet and still and looking at something new and realizing that there's this big expansion coming up and in that big expansion, I'm also feeling gripping fear like I can't get out the front door.

KATHLEEN: I was talking to Dee in my mastermind about it and I said, I always thought it was that I was going to be afraid of being killed because in past lifetimes, I have been killed for opening my mouth and I said, but that's not it this time.

KATHLEEN: I'm afraid that I'm going to see this magnificent person. Even though I've seen that person, I haven't really brought it out to the world the way I feel that's coming out.

KATHLEEN: She said, well, why don't you open the door and see all these people who love you outside your door, holding their hands and inviting you to come out and be who you are. I was able to do that.

KATHLEEN: The next thing that came up was there was this gripping fear and it was like I was being held back and then it was the little girl inside the inner child again, work that I had done and worked on and here she comes out and I can't move forward because she's, no, we can't do that.

KATHLEEN: No, we can't. Do you know what's going to happen? Do you know what happened when we did this before? I'm listening to this inner child and I'm doing all this as I'm on the phone with Dee talking to her.

KATHLEEN: Then it was I started to sense that I needed to nurture her because as part of the inner child work we have to do is we have to protect that little girl who was not protected when she was little, just like the little boys, that kind of thing. I took her hand and said it's going to be ok, but we're not off the front porch yet, but we see the people.

KATHLEEN: Now I'm doing that. I've incorporated that a little bit more in my morning ritual about really stepping into this bigger person. Like I said, our morning rituals are designed for us. What is it that we want? Where do we want to go? How do we want to feel what's coming up that we need to change or modify or tweak?

KATHLEEN: I'm visualizing more about this little girl who is terrified of coming out in the world and what do I do? I keep taking those baby steps to keep coming out into the world. If I didn't stop and journal and pay attention to where I'm at or what I'm doing, I would be missing all of this.

KATHLEEN: If we want to be magnificent people and if we want to be who we see in our minds to be, then it's up to us to do all that work. That quiet, reflective time in the morning, depending on what time it is, or how much time you have. Take advantage of that to the best of your ability.

KATHLEEN: Reflecting on your day is another thing when I was in Chicago. My morning routine was because it was, oh, God, Chicago was a, that was a trip when I was out there. What I did is every morning I would wake up and I would journal and I would relive yesterday. I would write about what I observed what I saw, what I felt that day because that was how the books Dancing Souls came out.

KATHLEEN: Two of the books are up on Amazon and on my website that you can find them. This was the journey of the awakening spirit. This was my personal journey. I didn't understand what was going on because I was in this elevated space of energy frequencies, there was so much going on and changing.

KATHLEEN: The only way I knew how to stay in control was to just write it down. A lot of times messages came in from the Archangel Ariel. As I was writing, I was observing things. I was realizing that I was closer to being like one with the universe. This is all from writing.

KATHLEEN: I don't write every morning anymore like I did because Chicago, there was so much going on and I didn't have a lot of people to talk to. I was emotionally distraught so much of the time because so much was coming upAgain, it's a morning ritual that was modified and adapted and changed to where I was.

KATHLEEN: That's exactly what you do. It's basically to help you to slow down a little bit to catch up with your thoughts because if you're feeling something on the inside, but you can't pinpoint what it isl you have to slow down and do it and sometimes our days don't let us do it. You create that space for yourself.

KATHLEEN: You create that morning where it's peaceful and tranquil and you get centered and you get focused and you tie into where you want your life to go because this is going to improve all of your relationships with your children because now you're going to teach your children that they need to be quiet and still in the morning and to be reflective, they start developing good tools, your communication with your spouse will start improving because maybe you sit down and you have coffee together and have your quiet moments together if you can. Who's to say how this is gonna look or work for you?

KATHLEEN: It's your schedule. It's your life. You are the one in power, you're the one in control of your life. The only way to be in control of your life is to take control of your life. I find that the morning ritual is one of the best ways to get there. Another thing that I said, I used to get up and get straight on my computer.

KATHLEEN: That was the first thing I did and it was the best thing I ever did to get off and I don't do that anymore. It's recommended depending on how much time you have. Try to stay off your devices for at least an hour because all that EMF start getting into your brain and then there's so much noise with people on Facebook or Instagram or Twitter or whatever, you're on TikTok, whatever it is.

KATHLEEN: There's so much noise and you can get wrapped up into that, that you lose yourself in that process. It's always recommended to stay off the devices for a while as long as you can because I think I go on my devices probably two hours. I think I'm off.

KATHLEEN: I stay off because nothing is that important in my life anymore? My email is not that important. I don't do a lot of social media. I troll as they call it because I really don't really like social media very much. It's very challenging for me, even though I try to use it, I try to understand it.

KATHLEEN: The one thing I don't like is I find so many people die on social media. That's the one thing I definitely have learned about social media is what's going on with your friends through that.

KATHLEEN: Staying off of the device really can help get your power back because nothing is that important to disrupt your morning. I wouldn't want to wake up first thing in the morning and then find out somebody died that I cared about first thing like at six o'clock in the morning or 5:30 or whatever time it is I get up and that's the first thing I see.

KATHLEEN: No, thank you. I would rather be a little bit more at peace so I can be more grounding so I can be there for my friend who might be the survivor, that kind of thing. Another way that's a really good way to gain back some of your time is to stay off your devices as well.

KATHLEEN: Again the nighttime routine is another big thing. I've developed that probably in the last three years.

KATHLEEN: I think since COVID. I started in 2020 a nighttime routine because there was so much going on during 2020 with the shutdown and my own thought processes and my own fears that were coming up and the revelations of realizing things that were happening back at that time that I started to create an evening routine.

KATHLEEN: When I started my night time routine, part of it was to start reflecting and being grateful and pray. I was doing a lot of praying for the world because it was so different back then and even though I didn't want to get caught up in the fear, there was a part of me that was caught up in the fear and I needed to gain control of that.

KATHLEEN: I'm a very private person and I don't have a problem being alone and spending time alone. But what I did discover then is I didn't like being told I wasn't allowed to go out and I really had a serious issue with that.

KATHLEEN: I had to really work on changing my attitude and going into that. I did. I shifted my perception and realized that the whole COVID thing wasn't about, what I believe it was on a spiritual side is where I chose to put my focus.

KATHLEEN: As far as how people were changing, the world was changing, the world was healing, our waters were healing, the skies were healing, everything was starting to heal. When you look at the numbers of 2020 that was vision, we were changing our vision. We were getting more in a line and that's how I looked at it and that's what got me through that.

KATHLEEN: I did a lot of processing at night and looking at that and then being grateful we're here, that I'm still here. How do I want my world to look and change once this thing lifts and that was for a lot of people and a lot of things did change for me, for them because I actually got into podcasting right then.

KATHLEEN: It was all of a sudden, I wasn't afraid. I went out and started being a guest to get out there. As things progressed and here I am today doing what I'm doing now. I'm also still guessing and, and moving and changing.

KATHLEEN: When it was finally lifted, the one thing that I noticed that was really challenging for me, there was this mental thing that happened during that whole year of being shut down that there was this mental thing. I got really lax or something and even though I was paying attention to it, I decided I was coming back in the world with a vengeance and that was challenging.

KATHLEEN: I had to really work on my thinking and no, no, no, this is what you're going to do. I had to really rewire my brain is what it felt like at that point. The morning rituals of really dialing in on who am I?

KATHLEEN: Where am I? What do I want to do? Where do I want to go? What's my mission? What's my purpose and focusing in on that? Then at night, reflecting is this working for me? Did this work? What could I have improved on? That started to make even more momentum happening.

KATHLEEN: Like I said, when I had to go out in the field and if I had to get up early and go out in the field, I wanted to make sure I still gave that time to myself. What did I do? I figured out what I was going to wear the night before I took my shower at night. I did all these things so I could still have at least 30 minutes.

KATHLEEN: I want an hour minimum to at least have an hour to get centered, to get focused, to get my mind dialed in. The other good thing about some of the places that I go, I'm driving for an hour to get there or longer. I get to extend my morning ritual, but it's getting out the door. I don't want to be chaotic and crazy because if I've gotten up where I overslept and I wasn't prepared.

KATHLEEN: I get up and then I'm crazy and grumpy the rest of the day. I don't like that place because I feel like I wasn't in control. That's another thing when you start doing that. You start realizing that your peace of mind, your tranquility, your centeredness starts becoming really, really important.

KATHLEEN: That's why when I say I don't let anything interfere in my happiness now, yes, life still does its thing for me and I'll give you that. I have a totally different mindset because of this. It's, ok, so all this stuff is coming up, this abandonment and not feeling lovable of what's stopping me from really stepping out into my true essence of who I am.

KATHLEEN: Well, ok, fine. I'm contracting only for the expansion to happen, but I'm giving myself the time and I'm still happy. That's the thing. I'm still happy. I'm still moving forward and that is what a routine morning and evening can do for you is that I'm in control of my life.

KATHLEEN: It doesn't control me anymore. People can sit there and say things or do things and they can irritate me and whatever I sit there and, it's what it is, it's just what it is and I can let it go. I don't have to get emotionally charged up anymore. I don't have to be frustrated. I'm taking a totally different approach.

KATHLEEN: I'm getting off the stage, I'm not getting into the drama of whatever is happening in the world. If there's drama and they're trying to suck me in I'm, no. I'm taking that much control over where I am because I've gotten centered in my morning of what I want to do, how I want to feel, how I want to be.

KATHLEEN: If I'm doing all of that, then very little can really ruffle my feathers. That's what I love because I have a tendency to be a very emotional person because I have seven planets and water and I'm emotional that there's no getting around.

KATHLEEN: This girl is an emotional basket case some days and I lived my life as an emotional basket case because I didn't understand what I was feeling or experiencing or anything for the longest time.

KATHLEEN: I was forced in my own mind to go in and dig deep and dive and put words to whatever it was that I was feeling because I was out of control for so long and I couldn't speak and I just didn't want to be that person. So thank God, thank God, I cared enough about myself to make these changes.

KATHLEEN: I find now because I thought at that time it was a curse. But now it's a gift because I do have a handle. I do have a pulse. I do know where I'm going and I'm in control. Yes, there are still people who can push my buttons but not like they used to. I'm not as charged up as I used to be because the more I work on me, the less anybody else can control me.

KATHLEEN: That's the main thing of having that empowering feeling because we're all empowered beings. We don't think we have that power, but we do. It always comes back to our thinking and what we're doing. If you're thinking something that's not right because what's the biggest thing that I'm telling myself right now is I don't know how, well, yes, you do.

KATHLEEN: If you don't know how go find the answer. Why would I put myself in this very limiting belief if I don't know how to do what I'm doing and go figure it out and quit saying that because you do know. Then I start looking for things and, well, look at this. You didn't know how to do this but you did this, you didn't know how to do this but you're doing it.

KATHLEEN: Start looking for the evidence of as you're doing this and you start noticing what you're thinking and if it's not how, if it's not empowering, then you're in fear and then start looking at, ok, well, what's the thought then? Say, well, no, I'm not worthless. I am worthy and then start looking for the reasons why you're worthy because believe it or not, we look at all the negative in our lives.

KATHLEEN: That's what we do as humans. 90% of the time. It's, well, this happened and then this will happen and this will happen because it happened in the past. What about all the times when it didn't happen? What about all the times when you took control of your life? There's evidence about that. That was, wow, what's with this negative thinking?

KATHLEEN: I think it's the way this planet is and the craziness that's happening that people are dialing in more on what's the dark side of things instead of what's positive. When I started in this morning ritual, it added to opening my heart. It added to me feeling that I was, I don't know what's the word I'm looking for?

KATHLEEN: I don't know the word I can't think of it.

KATHLEEN: I think the biggest thing that I keep coming back with this is the empowerment that you feel the self-respect. You start the love you start feeling for yourself because how many people don't really love themselves. They really don't like themselves. That was something I wanted to change about myself as well.

KATHLEEN: I was talking to a friend of mine, this is something that I did last week too, which I think probably brought in this little girl was when I was talking to Dee the week before, we both had very traumatic lives and things were coming up and not that I was upset or anything, it was what they were.

KATHLEEN: She came up with this suggestion that I thought was amazingly beautiful. She said, why don't you write letters, 1 letter a day to the people that are really strong and meaningful in your life that have helped you that have been there that love you for who you are.

KATHLEEN: I did and it was, wow. Then I read it to my friends, As I did this and it was such an empowering feeling and it made me feel much better. That's why I think this lovable little girl showed up, unlovable little girl showed up was because I took this what she was suggesting and I took it and the power that went behind it. I told Dee, I said, you got to read your letters to your people.

KATHLEEN: I said, talk about a total game changer. I was reading to one of my friends and we laughed and we cried because we went down memory lane and it was, during a fun time that we had and it was such a cool thing. Then she said, you know, the one thing you haven't done is you haven't embraced truly who you are yet.

KATHLEEN: I was, well, ok, I think you're right about that. Of course, that led to something else. Again, what did I do? I started changing my morning routine. I started writing the letters and now I'm visualizing and it's tweak it pay attention. I still get up every morning at the same time.

KATHLEEN: I still drink my coffee. I'm still quiet. I still play with the cats, but then I add a little bit here and there and that's probably the most empowering place I can go because, as you all very well know about my basement, I've been getting more insight on my basement too that there are holes in my foundation because we discovered there was holes on the north side of the house.

KATHLEEN: Literally holes. I wouldn't put my hand down there because I don't know what was down there. I filled it with rocks. But the whole point was is that I have been being warned and told that my foundation needs work. My foundation has holes in it.

KATHLEEN: Ok. Fine. But what I think the real message about that was the holes aren't necessarily bad. It's that the old stuff is leaving. Now I need to refill it with good positive things. That's how I'm taking this and looking at what's happening in my basement is that I'm just getting stronger, I'm building a stronger foundation for myself.

KATHLEEN: I'm building something that's solid and not what I built it on of all my limiting beliefs, of all the trauma that was in my life, of all the ill will that people have said about me. It's leaving and I think it was leaving naturally because I was shifting and changing and growing and elevating my personal vibration, moving up into a higher octave, becoming a bigger person than I ever could be.

KATHLEEN: It was all because I started doing a morning ritual. Who would have thought, I took it for granted for the longest time. As I was reflecting on doing this show. As I'm talking now I'm sitting here going my God, this was a game changer for me on many, many, many levels. I highly encourage that because who wants to start the day? Icky? I don't, I certainly don't.

KATHLEEN: I like growing and my philosophy has always been, we're here to grow and to learn and to change. We're here to evolve. That's what I say all the time.

KATHLEEN: When people can't keep up with all these things I have going on in my life and they're, I don't know how you do it. I said, because I'm here to learn, I'm not here to be in a rut and not move forward. I'm here to learn to grow and to evolve. When I do that, then I'm living the life that I want to live.

KATHLEEN: I'm in control of my life. I'm not letting anyone else control me. That's what you are supposed to do too. You're supposed to take the bull by the horns and let's go live some life.

KATHLEEN: To wind everything up, I think the best thing for you to do as I had done is what is it that you really want? Really, truly sit down and look at what is it that you want and create that goal list around what it is and then what you think you might need to do with it and then focus in on that.

KATHLEEN: When I decided I was going to change a lot of things, that morning ritual was that I wrote down what I was grateful for, I wrote down what I was going to do for that day. I wrote down my observations of things and listen to inspiration and what was coming up. That quiet time really helped me to dial in and focus in on where I wanted to go and it helped to maneuver the direction that I was going in.

KATHLEEN: Even though I may not have had an idea of what I was going to do that day sometimes by doing what I did, it allowed me to hear that quiet, still voice in my head of what I should do that day. That was what I did. That's where that empowerment started to come in.

KATHLEEN: That's where my growth I felt was accelerated because I was doing things that were not normal for me. They were, this was a little bit out of the norm. But the excitement and the fulfillment and the joy that was coming was way beyond my expectation where I can laugh more now than I used to. It used to be, something had to make me laugh.

KATHLEEN: Now I started looking for things to laugh at. Like if the cat does something an antic instead of looking at it and just smiling, it's now I laugh because they're entertaining me. Why not let them do that?

KATHLEEN: Then they do more antics when they entertain me. I started looking for little things to start laughing at because my partner, he's always laughing. I observe him all the time in his laughter and there's this joy about him and the littlest things can make him laugh and I'm starting to do that myself.

KATHLEEN: He's been teaching me a little bit more how to lighten up and laugh more. I'm really excited about this and I really hope that you find your value and the worth of starting a morning ritual and doing what feels right to you because it's you and it's gonna be right for you and what feels right for you. You're worth it.

KATHLEEN: You're worth every bit of having everything you deserve in life. You deserve the happiness and the love and the prosperity and abundance, you deserve all of that as I do. I had to learn that I deserve that just like you do. Little steps like this can go miles and we don't know that until we keep moving forward and reflecting.