July 11, 2023

Revealing the Secrets: Mastering the Law of Attraction for Abundance and Success

In this podcast transcript, Kathleen Flanagan discusses the law of attraction and its effective use. She emphasizes that it requires active participation and a positive mindset, debunking the misconception that it is simply about wishing and hoping.

Kathleen outlines four elements of the law of attraction: knowing what you want, believing and asking for it, visualizing already having it, and maintaining unwavering faith and determination.

She shares her personal experiences with manifesting her dreams and highlights the importance of changing one's mindset and vibration to attract positive outcomes. Kathleen also discusses the role of subjective and objective thinking in the law of attraction and the need to rewire the brain and break old habits for change. She advises surrounding oneself with supportive people who believe in one's goals.

The podcast offers insights and strategies for personal growth and manifestation, emphasizing the power of mindset, belief, and taking action to create the desired life. The conversation also touches on manifesting wealth and success through the law of attraction, emphasizing the importance of gratitude, positive thinking, and taking relevant action towards goals. The speaker encourage listeners to be open to opportunities and to stay persistent in their manifestation journey.

We delve deep into the fascinating world of the Law of Attraction. We explore the intricacies of this powerful universal principle, shedding light on how it goes beyond mere wishful thinking and transforms lives. Join us on this transformative journey as we learn how to harness the Law of Attraction to manifest our desires and achieve our dreams.

Unlocking the Law of Attraction We begin by demystifying the Law of Attraction, dispelling common misconceptions. It's not just about wishing and hoping; it's a cooperative relationship with the universe. Discover why understanding what you truly want is the first crucial step. The episode emphasizes the importance of aligning your mindset with your goals and shares practical techniques to help you participate actively in this powerful cosmic process.

Visualizing and Believing Visualization is a key element in the Law of Attraction. Learn how to create vision boards and immerse yourself in the reality of your dreams. We delve into the significance of unwavering belief and determination. Find out why faith is just the tip of the iceberg and why being tenacious and focused are equally vital to your journey.

Vibrations and Shifting Mindsets Your vibration matters more than you think. Explore how your thoughts, both conscious and subconscious, influence your reality. Discover the importance of maintaining a high vibration by embracing positivity, gratitude, and self-confidence. Learn how to shift from a low vibration to attract more positivity and abundance into your life.

Asking, Receiving, and Setting Goals We encourage you to start by asking for what you want, eliminate negative language from your vocabulary, and replace it with positive affirmations. Embrace the power of saying 'yes' to opportunities, even if they seem out of reach. The Law of Attraction operates on the principle of giving and receiving, so be open to receiving abundance in your life. Finally, we conclude by stressing the significance of setting and working towards your goals, creating a roadmap for your dreams to become your reality.

Tune in and embark on this transformative journey toward a life of abundance, fulfillment, and success using the Law of Attraction. Don't miss out on the valuable insights shared in this episode.



Dancing Souls Book One - The Call

Dancing Souls Book Two - The Dark Night of the Soul

Dancing Souls Book Three - Awakened



De-Stress Meditation



KATHLEEN: Today we were going to talk about the law of attraction. I want to apologize. I'm on the road. I'm in Riverton Wyoming for the next couple of weeks and I'll be coming back and forth for the next couple of months.

KATHLEEN: We're actually bringing the school building down because I do environmental consulting. That's why everything is a little different and we were having technical issues on top of it. I get to live what I talk about every single week with you as far as, it's life, it's just life. I'm making the best of what I have and here we go.

KATHLEEN: The law of attraction. Most people don't actually know how to use it properly and it's way beyond wishing and hoping and praying that something's going to happen. It's not magic, even though sometimes we think it's magic, but it's really not magic.

KATHLEEN: This is something that's been going around since the beginning of time. There's so much information about the law of attraction and what we have dealt with and how we have managed to manifest it.

KATHLEEN: I've always looked at the law of attraction that I was thinking, wish and hope and it's gonna work, but it doesn't work that way. What happens is we actually have to participate in the law of attraction.

KATHLEEN: We have to do it like the movie, the secret talks about it, but it doesn't bring everything out that needs to be done. They made it look like it was really simple and I bought into it back then as well. But there's much more involved in creating that. When I look at it, it is your mindset.

KATHLEEN: It truly is about your mindset. When you get your mindset right, you move into pursuing where you wanna go with your life. You have your goals set up because there is an element of goal setting.

KATHLEEN: I think what happens with a lot of people, myself included, if you did a goal and it didn't happen in the time frame that you think it should have happened, you gave up on it or you thought well, it works for everyone else, but it doesn't work for me. It wasn't that I was participating well enough.

KATHLEEN: It's really getting all that emotion, having that die hard determination that you're gonna have what you want. It's about constantly believing, having faith and it's way more than faith.

KATHLEEN: It's about being tenacious in what you are doing. Being determined, staying focused, having it always in your forefront. I'm gonna give you some elements. I'm trying to just calm down a little bit more and get more focus because I really did review this and study it.

KATHLEEN: When things start going a little weird sometimes you get a little discombobulated. There are four elements in the law of attraction. The first one is that you have to know exactly what it is that you want.

KATHLEEN: Most people, and I've said this before, most people know what they don't want, but nobody knows what they actually want. I was guilty of that as well until somebody asked me one time, what is it that you want?

KATHLEEN: I actually had to step back and think about what I wanted because I have never been asked that question. That's the first thing you need to know is what is it that you do want? That's part of what's going to drive the law of attraction towards you.

KATHLEEN: The next thing you want to do is you want to think about it and you want to ask for it to happen. It's about believing and knowing inside of you that it's gonna work. You're in co-operative with Spirit. When you're working with Spirit and you know what you want, then they work in a co-operative relationship.

KATHLEEN: A lot of people don't realize that when we're working on something that's a dream or something that we want. A lot of times we can go so far and then we stop because we don't know what to do next. That's when Spirit comes in and helps you.

KATHLEEN: The next element is you want to visualize that you already have it. I talk about this a lot and I think this was probably the biggest key that I didn't do when I was manifesting. I could put pictures up, I could do storyboards.

KATHLEEN: I could put posters up, I could sit there and say I want this and I want that. But the one thing that I didn't do is that it didn't always live in the dream. I didn't see myself living in this house or driving the car or having the relationship or what my bank account would look like if I had $500,000 in it, so to speak.

KATHLEEN: Visualizing is a key element. When you stay focused and that's why vision boards can be really good because some people are very visual. When you have your vision board, you can actually see that sitting there all the time and that keeps reminding you that you're in the middle of something. You have to believe without a shadow of a doubt that it's going to happen.

KATHLEEN: I have a dream that I have been working with my whole life. It is Awakening Spirit. It's anything that could go wrong. I feel like I'm Thomas Edison all over again. I try 10,000 things, I try to get this company moving and it's moved, it's up and down. It's not where I want it. But I believe with all of my heart that it's gonna work and I'm in that process.

KATHLEEN: I have tried many different things that work but didn't work. I'm doing all of that and and I'm doing this now. I'm constantly working my life to keep moving forward. Awakening Spirit is one thing, this is a big, big, big dream for me.

KATHLEEN: Then the next big thing that I'm doing is I'm actually on the show, which is part of wanting to get out there in the world in the speaker series and getting on stage and all of that. This is something else. These are all stepping stones. As I'm growing and building and developing, it's also incorporating all of this because this is all of who I am.

KATHLEEN: I am Awakening Spirit. I have the books that I've written that tells you how to get there, what it's like and what you're gonna have to face and deal with. It's a monumental project. I think that's what's exciting about it because in this process, I'm learning more about who I am.

KATHLEEN: Most people don't realize with the law of attraction, again, that was similar to me as well, is first of all likes attract like. If you're saying or thinking, I want XYZ in my life, but you have ABC in your life and ABC is negative and destructive, you want to go into more of a positive place where you actually have to change your mindset because what you're thinking consciously is one thing.

KATHLEEN: What you're thinking subconsciously or unconsciously is another thing. That was probably the biggest thing that I had to learn and understand back then. I had a lot of unconscious thoughts that were running my life that I didn't know. Until you know what they are, you can't change them.

KATHLEEN: As you move through your life and you progress, you change, and you grow, you evolve, you start seeing that. The more I saw what was running my life, I could change that and bring more of what I wanted into my life. That's when I saw a big difference. It's all about your vibration. Everything in life has a vibration, everything, everything vibrates.

KATHLEEN: I always say when you match the vibration of your dream, it will manifest. There is a lot of truth in that. I've had some glimmers of that.

KATHLEEN: What I found was when we're working on vibration, sometimes we can actually be higher than what we think the vibration is. Sometimes we need to change who we are, which shifts our vibration. The more light you bring into you, the more understanding of who you are and what you think and how you feel that actually increases your vibration.

KATHLEEN: When I brought my partner in, was when I was in Chicago. He was somebody that I had never, ever, ever, ever, ever would have ever brought into my life. I was after the crazy dysfunctional men in my life. That was what I was raised with. That's what I had for a father.

KATHLEEN: It was my image of men was very bad. When I met this man, I instantly knew that this was a really good guy. I also knew that I would be the one to send him on his way because I didn't think I deserved it. What I chose to do at that point was I wanted to be a better person. I never wanted to be that better of a person for anybody, especially a man.

KATHLEEN: When I decided to do that, that's when all this stuff started coming up, all of my demons, all of the darkness, all of the bad thoughts that were still running my life, all of the negative attitudes that I had about men. I had to look at it. I stepped back from that because I knew if this relationship was gonna fail, it was gonna be because of me.

KATHLEEN: If it was going to succeed, I wanted it to be because of me. What was really interesting is that a couple of days ago, Sal and I were talking about this and I told him that the main thing is that I knew that I would destroy this relationship if I didn't stop how I operated.

KATHLEEN: He said he was the same way because it took us eight years to come together because I was out there in Chicago for a year. I came back to Colorado and we both had a lot of growing to do. We stayed in touch and all of that. But as far as really developing the relationship, it wasn't there because we both had a lot of growth to do.

KATHLEEN: We were both in destructive relationships at times and we had to fix ourselves so to speak and then move on into that next, decision making process. We have a great relationship because of it. We took the time to work on ourselves. We both increased our vibrations so we could bring in a better relationship.

KATHLEEN: When you're doing that, you're focused more on positiveness, positive vibrations of the universe, which would be being joyful, being passionate, being excited, having an abundant mindset, being proud, being self-confident and showing affection to others. Those are all positive mindsets. Those are all positive vibrations. When you're doing that or showing gratitude, you bring your vibration up.

KATHLEEN: Things come towards you that are more positive. When you let disappointment come in or live in solitude or you think about lack or you're sad or tense or disorganized mind or you're angry or you're in pain, that's a very, very low vibration and nothing's going to come in but more pain and loneliness and desperation. That's how the universe operates.

KATHLEEN: You need to tune your mind to change in order to change your destiny. I I did when I moved to Chicago. I wanted a totally different life than what I was living before. This was the opportunity to do that.

KATHLEEN: I let the universe know. I wrote every single day because I was writing the books. I did not know that the books would come out the way that they came out. I knew that I had books that I wanted to write. I kept letting the universe know that I wanted to be a better person. There's so much of that kind of dialogue in my books about what I want.

KATHLEEN: This is what I want. This is what I want and this is what I'm seeing. That meant I had to keep moving and changing and thinking. I kept holding on to the ideal of being a better person. I knew at that moment I was never alone. I knew I was cooperating with Spirit. I knew there was magic happening.

KATHLEEN: There was a magic to this. It was because I was participating. I wasn't sitting here going do me. I walked around if there was a magic wand, I promise you, I would have found it, but there was no magic wand. The do me was never gonna happen and it's never gonna happen for you either. You have to participate and change in your life.

KATHLEEN: I wanted to talk about our thinking. We have subjective thinking and we have objective thinking. The difference is that objective thinking is you believe in something real because you can see it, touch it, feel it, smell it. With objective thinking. You see it in your mind first.

KATHLEEN: I've said in the past that everything that we have in our world, someone saw it in their mind first. Our computers, our desks, houses. food. It all came in somebody's mind. When you think about somebody created a pen in their mind first and look at how much we use pens today.

KATHLEEN: That's the one other thing that makes the law of attraction work very strongly is that you have to see it in your mind first. I've been doing a lot of that. I do that a lot where I'm visualizing, what would my future self do in this situation? How would my future self be if I had this much money in the bank or if I was standing on stage, what does my future self look like?

KATHLEEN: How am I presenting myself? I use my future self to drive me to keep moving in that direction. It's becoming an experience because when you think about if you wanna have a lot of money, there's an attitude that goes with it and it's not a bad thing.

KATHLEEN: There's an attitude that's with this. If you want a big house. If you look at people that have houses or money or whatever, watch their behavior, watch how they handle their life, watch how they are.

KATHLEEN: I used to do that a lot. I've been around millionaires my whole life and I used to watch them, especially the ones that were, down to earth. You never knew that they had that kind of money because they were down to earth. That's the kind of person that I wanted to be that if I had that kind of money. I wanted to be down to earth.

KATHLEEN: I didn't want to be the wannabes that were snotty. A lot of times people that are faking it to make it stay down to earth, other people that are wannabes are mean and rotten. Not nice people, they're very abusive a lot of times.

KATHLEEN: I wanted to dial in about how I wanted to show up in the world. How are you showing up in the world? Because how you show up is what the universe gives back to you.

KATHLEEN: The other thing too is that when we start getting bored or we think it's not happening, we go back into the default process where it's, well, I don't believe it's gonna happen unless I touch, see it, feel it or experience it. You gotta stop the default processes.

KATHLEEN: You got to rewire your brain. Rewiring is doing things differently, not going back into the same rut of watching TV, or going back into your old patterns of how you do things or how you think. You have to stay conscious all the time. That's the only way things are going to start moving forward. You get out of the default because we are creatures of habit.

KATHLEEN: Everything we do is a habit and the only way to change a habit is to change and do something different.

KATHLEEN: You wanna make sure that you believe with all of your heart that this is gonna happen because when you believe in something, read books, write your vision down, write whatever it is you want and read this over and over and believe in it. Really come to that. You want to bring people around you that are going to support you. A lot of times your friends and family love you and they're going to stop you from doing it because you're making changes and they don't want to see you hurt. They're not necessarily the right people for you.

KATHLEEN: You want to surround yourself with people who can get behind you and believe in you. That's why I'm in this mastermind. There are times when both of us are God, is it ever gonna happen? We both know it will. I can see the progress she's making, she can see the progress I'm making.

KATHLEEN: When you're in the middle of your own progress, you don't always see it. That's why it's always good to have people outside of you that believe in you that support you. You can move into that and keep moving forward. We all deserve to have everything we want in life. That is our divine right.

KATHLEEN: When you've got those people that are there helping you and supporting you, it gives you that extra. What I found when I have somebody that's holding me accountable, guess what it does, it makes me want to do it because the last thing I want to do is show up on the call and say, well, I had this really bad week because I decided I was going to be depressed and I stayed there.

KATHLEEN: II don't want to say that at all. I want to be able to be, ok, I'm going to give myself 24 hours to be in my own pity party if that's what I want to do.

KATHLEEN: I'm going to dive into the pity party. I'm going to stay there and I tell that to my mastermind people too. Give yourself 24 hours. Really dive into it, own it, whatever because something's coming up, there's a message coming in.

KATHLEEN: You want to dive into it and then when it's done, you wake up the next day and you start picking up where you left off and you keep moving forward. When you start going into a default process and you're not moving forward, you start going backwards.

KATHLEEN: You don't ever make up that time. You never want to go back into that default process because then you start losing momentum and you will never catch that momentum again. That's why I say give yourself 24 hours because you can't do too much damage in 24 hours.

KATHLEEN: If you start doing this on a daily basis, then you're going to start losing everything and you wanna keep your dreams and your goals to the forefront. Intensify it. Really get into what is it gonna feel like, how am I gonna be and get excited about it?

KATHLEEN: When you're in this grumpy depressed state, dance, take a walk, do yoga, do something. You're shifting that vibration and you constantly want to keep your vibration high. It's up to you to do that.

KATHLEEN: It's totally up to you. You stop the process when you stop moving forward in that direction. Then you stop the process altogether. I know that's not a lot.

KATHLEEN: I don't wanna do that. Another really good piece of advice and I found this to be very accurate is if an opportunity presents itself to you, say yes, don't say no, say yes. Take your time to look at it, to review it, to study it, to see if it's something that's worthy of your time.

KATHLEEN: A lot of times when opportunities present themselves, it could be spirits way of bringing people towards you. You don't see it if you say no. You'll never get that opportunity again.

KATHLEEN: But if you say yes, then you can at least look at it, see it, see what starts coming towards you because saying yes is also about bringing up vibration. It's letting the universe know that you are open to receiving. We don't receive and part of the law of attraction is the giving and receiving and you have to learn to receive.

KATHLEEN: People don't receive very well. They say no to opportunities or it won't work or I'm this or whatever. It's not that it's, it's not, it's you gotta learn to say yes to a lot of things, learn to ask for what you want.

KATHLEEN: The only thing somebody can do is say no. So what if they say no, you wouldn't expect it to begin with. But what if they say yes? What if you ask for first class

KATHLEEN: if an opening comes up? If you can get on first class, what happens? Go to a hotel and ask if you can get a room upgrade. A lot of times they want to fill up the rooms and they can say yes. They may not charge you more for it. All you have to do is ask. I've learned that's a key factor - learning to ask.

KATHLEEN: A lot of times people think it's about money. I can't do this because I don't have the money. I can't do that because I won't be able to pay my rent or whatever. A lot of times it's not about the money. Yes. Sometimes money can hold you back and you don't want to not pay your rent and all of that.

KATHLEEN: What I have found over the years is that if I think something's going to move me into the direction of my dream or it's gonna help me to learn something that I need to learn because I can't quite get it. I decide to pay for a course and maybe I don't have the money, but that doesn't mean I don't have the money.

KATHLEEN: If I really want to do it and I think it's really going to benefit me, the money shows up. It does.

KATHLEEN: Bob Proctor used to say that all the time. It's never about the money. It's never, if people want something, they will find the money for whatever it is that they want. It's a guarantee. It's they don't want it bad enough and they use money as an excuse.

KATHLEEN: I think that's funny because these are all the things I used to do over the years. I did all this as I was learning to attract what I want in my life.

KATHLEEN: Then people say, well, they're just lucky. Well, no, they're not lucky. This is a lifetime of what I'm doing to get where I am. It'll look like I'm lucky to somebody because to them all of a sudden I have whatever it is I'm looking for or wanting.

KATHLEEN: But that's not how it works. This is a lifetime of getting where I am. A lot of times I think people when they think it's lucky, it's because I have a good attitude about life.

KATHLEEN: I don't think life is out to get me. I do my best to be positive. I try to be very constructive when I need to be constructive about things. I think when you turn and try to become a nicer person and more conscientious and empathetic towards people

KATHLEEN: makes a big difference because the universe is bringing that much more because those are the kind of people that start coming to you. When you start becoming nicer and more giving, then those kind of people come into your life as well. I know that to be a fact.

KATHLEEN: When you're applying the laws of attraction, you must be clear about what you want.

KATHLEEN: I would say the best way to start this process is take out a piece of paper and draw a line right down the middle vertically. On the left side, write down what you want and that may be hard because a lot of times we don't know what we want. Here's a trick to do that is on the left hand side, write what you don't want because we all know what we don't want.

KATHLEEN: If you write everything you don't want on the right side, on the left side, change it to what you want. If you say I, I don't want to be hungry anymore. On the right side, I want to be feel healthy, that kind of thing.

KATHLEEN: I don't want my kids to be sick. I want my kids healthy, that kind of thing. What you're doing is you're taking the word o, not and don't out because a lot of people don't realize that the universe doesn't hear those words.

KATHLEEN: Every time you say I don't want this or I don't want that, guess what the universe is hearing, I want this, I want that. If I don't want to be miserable and you keep saying I don't want to be miserable. Well, the universe is gonna keep bringing things to you because it hears, I want to be miserable.

KATHLEEN: When you say I want to be happy, then the universe hears that and it's going to help you to find ways to be happy, whatever that is.

KATHLEEN: Discover new talents about yourself. Try new things. Something you've always wanted to do but you were afraid to do it. Try it. You might find out you love it. It's a whole new level of happiness. Again, everything is about bringing everything into a higher vibration because the higher you go in your vibration, the higher you get.

KATHLEEN: If you want a lot of money, well, there's a huge vibration behind a lot of money. If you're used to only having $100 in your wallet and you want to have $1,000 in your wallet. That's a night and day difference. Do you know know how to handle that vibration? No, you have to bring yourself to that.

KATHLEEN: One trick that I did and it's also suggested, I'm doing this right now. I thought this was cool when I heard this. Always carry $100 in your wallet, which I do. I've done that for years and years and years. That way you always have money and you see that $100 bill.

KATHLEEN: You never think that you don't have any money because you always do. If you have to use it for an emergency, always put it back. You always want to put that money back. Years ago, there were three of us and we were playing this game of carrying a $100 bill.

KATHLEEN: If somebody asked you, let me see your $100 bill, if you didn't have it, you have to put $20 in this kitty jar. We were trying to help each other to get into more of a money mindset, abundant thinking.

KATHLEEN: One day, I went up to one of the guys and I said, let me see your $100 bill. He just shook his head and it was, damn. He had to put money in the jar. Then the other guy that I was playing this game with, went up to the same guy and said, let me see your $100. He got nailed two times in the same day by each of us.

KATHLEEN: When he said, let me see your $100, my thing was, I will never not be without $100 bill in my wallet. I have never been without that again in my life because it was a positive experience.

KATHLEEN: When you're doing something like that, it pushes you into getting out and thinking about something else and doing things differently. That's really important is helping yourself.

KATHLEEN: These are good tools. You want to create goals. Even though goals can shift and change. Trust me, I understand about goals. You want to have at least a goal. Work on the smaller things that you can get you higher and higher up the ladder as far as the bigger part of your goals.

KATHLEEN: I found that when I write things down and I read them out loud because a lot of times you need to hear this out loud when you're writing things down, it helps you to stay focused.

KATHLEEN: Welcome back, everyone. This is Kathleen Flanagan. I'm your host on the Bold Breath TV Network.

KATHLEEN: So when I was talking about putting a time on your goals and so say you want to be out of debt and we'll just put this, make this realistic. So you're not going to be out of debt next Thursday. So give yourself depending on what your debt load is.

KATHLEEN: Give yourself six months to a year and then just keep doodling away because then you're going to see progress being made. So you want to be very realistic and also open because sometimes our goals can shift and change and move us in a totally different direction and that, that's not necessarily a bad thing either.

KATHLEEN: You wanna use positive affirmations. This is key. I do this a lot - I and the father are one. I am happy. I am joyful. I am grateful. I am abundant. I say these things throughout my day because it's important. Sometimes your days can get a little crazy and stressful. That doesn't mean you have to be that way. It doesn't mean you have to stay there. I always do my best to say positive affirmations. I want to lose a few pounds, which I'm working on, it's not losing it then it's gonna come back and find me. I'm releasing weight to the universe or I decide what I want my size to be.

KATHLEEN: I don't feel like I'm never making progress. You want to be realistic. You want to adjust the times because sometimes our dreams are bigger than we realize, or things aren't lined up, or something's coming up and things come along in a way that we need to adjust, be flexible.

KATHLEEN: That's the main thing is be flexible as long as you're taking baby steps and moving in the direction of your dream every single day. That's perfect because you're moving and that's the main thing is you're moving forward. When you move forward, you start learning more about the limiting beliefs that you have about yourself.

KATHLEEN: I wanted to know what am I thinking without knowing what I'm thinking in that unconscious part of the mind. That's what drives you. When you have a goal, you face those limiting beliefs. Changing them is when everything starts to change and gets easier along the way.

KATHLEEN: That's why it's important that you're grounded. Another way to ground yourself because that's really important that you stay grounded and you're not living in the clouds. I have a tendency not to necessarily live in the clouds.

KATHLEEN: I'm grounded. Sometimes you get into these lofty dreams and you decide what you want for the clarity on the law of attraction, that starts sending the universe is, oh, ok, she's got an idea of what she wants.

KATHLEEN: If you say, I want to have $500,000 or a million dollars in sales. That's good. The question is, it's not so much that you want a million dollars. It's how is the money going to serve you? We're not dialing in enough.

KATHLEEN: When we say that I'm looking for a million dollars or $500,000 in sales, you gotta give yourself time to get there. That's the first thing. What is this money going to do? How is it gonna benefit? Is it just to buy all these fancy things for yourself?

KATHLEEN: Do you want to do humanitarian work? Is it to help your aging parents? When you put a purpose on what you want that drives in more clarity for you. It drives in more excitement for you.

KATHLEEN: It raises your vibration. You're going more into an altruistic way. I'd love to have a million dollars in sales? What does that really look like? I'm dialing in on what does a million dollars in sales look like? I have to have a team of people to work with on this because I can't do a million dollars worth of work by myself.

KATHLEEN: You have to look at that because when you want something, there's going to be other things that have to come in with it to help you get there. You get very realistic in your thinking. When you write everything down on paper that actually helps to ground it in. People would rather type and that's a good thing.

KATHLEEN: That's ok. Writing does something because there's this brain and hand thing and the synapsis does something to your psyche.

KATHLEEN: When I wrote my book, I journaled every single day. I wrote about what happened, what Spirit was saying what I was observing, what I was noticing. Sometimes it can be frustrating because our hand can't write as fast as our brain. I can type as fast as I think. I can do 100 words a minute.

KATHLEEN: But that writing did something. It pulled it in, it grounded, it, it helped me to own this. Here's a saying that you can write down.

KATHLEEN: I'm so happy and grateful now that by June 30, 2023, I will have $500,000 in my possession. This will be an easy sum of money for me to earn. I will earn this money by providing a lot of value to people on the internet. I will teach them how to be successful online. The more people that I am able to help, the more money I see myself with the money in my hands. I can see all the money with my eyes. I can smell the money with my nose. I have total belief that I possess $500,000 and I am extremely grateful. Thank you Universe. Thank you Universe. Thank you Universe. This or something better.

KATHLEEN: When you do that and you read that every day, it's keeps sending out those messages to the universe.

KATHLEEN: I've done this. When I was doing this last year when I was wanting to get on the speaking circuit, I stopped doing it when I broke my hand. I was fighting depression walking. I was doing other things and I wasn't writing it down every day. I was thinking about this and something better because what if I don't want to go to the airport all the time?

KATHLEEN: What if I don't want to do that? What else? What is this something better? When this show showed up, this was that something better?

KATHLEEN: I'm still in the confines of what I set down to do. Everything takes time and you got to be patient. The cool part is that I was very, very, very specific.

KATHLEEN: I created something better. By adjusting, other things started happening and moving making things better and easier. There's this domino effect when you actually do that and then if you want to think and act as if you're already wealthy.

KATHLEEN: You already want to be there. You already want to be in that mindset. You see something that you want, don't say, I don't have the money to buy it. If you have a few extra bucks, buy it because you're sending that message to the universe that I have money. I am wealthy.

KATHLEEN: When you're in a restaurant instead of giving a waitress a 15% tip, give her 20%. That's telling the universe that you have money. You're valuing your server, you're sending a message out there that you are wealthy.

KATHLEEN: They see you as wealthy because you want people to see you wealthy too. It's not a one-sided street. You want people to think that you're wealthy too. If you're demonstrating to the universe that you're wealthy, guess what's going to start coming in, wealth beyond wealth, beyond wealth because it starts compounding.

KATHLEEN: I'm sure most of you have heard the story that when the dam breaks, money is flowing in like crazy. I've had this in my life where you could feel the money's right there and you're waiting for the dam to break and then bam it breaks and you're, whoa. You're riding the wave and it's exciting.

KATHLEEN: What was I doing when that was happening? I was doing everything to get us into that. My ex husband and I, our construction company finally landed that huge contract.

KATHLEEN: The biggest check I ever held in my life, I held it. I'm going to pick it up. Personally. I want to hold what this check is going to feel like.

KATHLEEN: I already was feeling that and I knew what it felt like before I had it because I visualized it. It was exciting to have it. Then all of a sudden all this money is coming from every direction because I had broken the dam. I believed and walked through it with money. You really have to do a lot more work with it because of the energy of money.

KATHLEEN: There is so much darkness and negativity around money. It's the root of all evil. People steal from you when you have money.

KATHLEEN: All this kind of stuff and you have to look at your mindset around money. Money is nothing more than an exchange of energy. In our world today, we exchange money for goods. Before money came around, we used cattle or sheep or food or whatever we bartered.

KATHLEEN: Money is the means of exchange right now. When you look at that, this is nothing more than a means to get where you want to be.

KATHLEEN: You value somebody by paying them. I would rather give my money to small business owners than anyone else because I know they're trying to support their family, they're trying to do other things. Big corporations, it's all about the stakeholders.

KATHLEEN: Look at your mindset around money. When you're helping a small business owner, you're helping them to feed their family. They're teaching their kids that there's a better way of life and they don't have to work for someone else.

KATHLEEN: Look at what your attitudes are about money. I've done a lot of money work on myself over the years. You want to create a plan. When you're creating the plan, it's not like a business plan. Where do you want to be 12 months from now?

KATHLEEN: If you can't figure out where you want to be in 12 months, where do you want to be in a month? What do you need to do to get to where you want to be in one month or six months or a year and then go five years. It's about the baby steps.

KATHLEEN: It really is about the baby steps. What can you do today with what you have to move in the direction of your dream? If you have the bigger picture, start bringing it down to bite-size pieces.

KATHLEEN: Bob Proctor used to say bring it down to the ridiculous. If something cost $500,000 or if you want to make $500,000 a year, you start breaking it down to the ridiculous. You take $500,000 divided by 12, divided by four, divided by seven, divided by days and then by hours. Can you make $50 an hour to get to 500,000, so to speak?

KATHLEEN: Yes. What is it that you can do that's going to get people to want to do it because it's all about people too. If you want people to work, they got to know who you are. It's not going to happen if you're invisible. I do know because I used to be invisible and I'm coming out.

KATHLEEN: Gratitude is huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, you've got to be grateful all the time. It's really, really important to be grateful.

KATHLEEN: All of these things will keep that vibration up so you can become that magnet. You're trying to be a magnet of positiveness and attract what you want, your wealth, your good opinion, the love of your life, whatever it is, that's what you're wanting to do.

KATHLEEN: Another thing that's gonna come up that you need to pay attention to is handling failure. It's not always gonna go your way. How are you gonna handle failure when it's there? Failure is what you think it is.

KATHLEEN: It's a learning step. You got to change your mindset around that as well. If something didn't work the way you wanted to doesn't mean it's a failure. It's a learning experience.

KATHLEEN: Sometimes our so called failures are leading us into the right direction - a course correction. You need to dial in on how you're looking at how you observe things in your life. It's important not to sit there and beat yourself up.

KATHLEEN: You got to be flexible and you want to use repetition. You constantly want to remind yourself, look at yourself, be grateful for what you have, live as if. Constantly stay in that mindset where you're doing that.

KATHLEEN: Walt Disney was rejected by over 300 banks when he was looking for financing for Disneyland. Everybody told him they thought it was stupid and it would never work by most of the banks. He carried on the meetings with the banks and the rest is history.

KATHLEEN: Just because somebody thinks your dream is stupid, doesn't mean it's stupid. You gotta take the source and look at where he's at today because of it. He never stopped believing and he didn't take no for an answer. Make sure you do not succumb to your comfort zone because that is the biggest destruction you will ever do.

KATHLEEN: You will never move forward if you succumb to your comfort zone. Don't let life get in your way. Life does have a way of getting in the way and stopping you. A lot of times we use that as an excuse. Deal with whatever it is that life is doing and then get back on track.

KATHLEEN: That's what I would recommend. Try to make some effort in the movement of your dream while you're dealing with life because life does happen and there are tragedies. We need to deal with that. That doesn't mean you have to stop your life for the tragedy.

KATHLEEN: You want to balance your inner and outer self. The inner self is your consciousness. This is about your thoughts and the way that you behave and respond to those thoughts. When you start using the law of attraction, it starts to work with you.

KATHLEEN: You want to manifest your desires through that. You have to start creating a new way of thinking. The outer self is how you act and how you show up in the world.

KATHLEEN: If you're showing up a mean, grumpy person all the time, you're that way more than being kind, gentle and nice, then you're out of balance. What you want to do is you want to have balance. We are going to have emotions, we are going to get frustrated and angry and depressed and all that.

KATHLEEN: How are you managing it? How fast can you get back into balance? You want to stay in the middle of the road as much as you can because that's how the universe works - staying in balance.

KATHLEEN: We all go through various things. I'm gonna sum up real quickly because our time is coming to an end. You want to make sure that you're using the four elements of the law of attraction.

KATHLEEN: You want to know precisely what you want to manifest. You're going to focus your thoughts on this and ask the universe to make it happen for you. You're going to visualize what you actually want to manifest and you're going to keep believing that you will get what you want.

KATHLEEN: You want to understand how the law of attraction works and that means you need to use its power - likes attracts likes. That's the main thing. You want to be in the vibration of what your dream is.

KATHLEEN: When you're doing that and you don't want to say the words, never, don't know, that kind of thing because the universe doesn't hear negative. You always want to stay in positive thinking and speaking positively.

KATHLEEN: You want to avoid the default process which means you're tired today, I'm gonna watch TV. Then you binge watch TV for the next six months. You don't want to do the default process because any forward movement you had is now gone.

KATHLEEN: You start from square one again. You always want to say yes to opportunities, even if you don't take the opportunity, say yes and listen to the opportunity and see how it feels with you. The yes is another attracting force to the universe that you are open for growth.

KATHLEEN: You want to apply the laws of attraction by being clear on what you want and set your goals. You add a time to your goals that is realistic. You want to create and use positive affirmations. You're gonna take the relevant action and you're gonna identify and eliminate limiting beliefs.

KATHLEEN: You can use the law of attraction for money and wealth. But you have to remember, you're going to write it down, you're gonna write a statement around it and then how are you going to use the money? It's a little bit more than I want $100,000 in my bank account.

KATHLEEN: You need to know why do you want this. What's the purpose? What do you want to get with it? That gets more clarity into your vision and the universe can can provide that for you and then handle your challenges properly.

KATHLEEN: Don't go off the deep end and stay in the deep end when something comes up. Deal with it and then get back. Keep plowing through it. Keep moving in that direction.

KATHLEEN: If you hear the word no or things aren't working in your face, wait, look at it, go inside, find out what's going on because there's probably some limiting belief inside of you. Look at it. Bring light to it and then move or shift your direction a little bit, get advice, talk to people that are supporting you not someone who is going to say, give it up because it's too big for you. Don't do that.

KATHLEEN: When you do the steps, you're gonna start turning your thoughts into actions and those actions start bringing everything towards the universe.