Nov. 28, 2023

The Power of Nature: Finding Wisdom and Resilience in the Natural World

In a recent podcast conversation, Kathleen and Zak discussed various topics related to personal growth and self-care. Kathleen shared her personal journey of awakening and how she is revisiting her book, "Awakened," which she wrote in 2008. She realized that the themes and events in the book are still relevant to the current state of the world. Kathleen also reflected on her healing work and the challenges faced by women, emphasizing the importance of women reclaiming their power. She also discussed her connection with nature and the role of trees in transmuting negative energy.

Zak joined the conversation and shared her own challenges and the importance of finding strength in oneself and in God. She emphasized the need to let go of false beliefs and embrace personal growth. Kathleen mentioned her search for guests on her show who have found fulfillment beyond material wealth and expressed her readiness for change and the importance of self-reflection.

The podcast also touched on the importance of being present, finding happiness, and embracing authenticity. The speakers highlighted the significance of playfulness, curiosity, and community connection. They emphasized the power of love and self-love as a healing force.

The discussion is important as it encourages listeners to reflect on their own happiness, authenticity, and self-worth, and to embrace a more joyful and fulfilling life. It provides insights and advice for individuals seeking personal growth and fulfillment in their lives and relationships, emphasizing the importance of self-awareness, self-worth, and healthy boundaries.

Introduction: Join us for a riveting conversation as Kathleen and Zak unravel the layers of personal awakening in this transformative episode. Delve into the depths of resilience, authenticity, and the profound connection between humanity and nature.

Key Highlights:

  1. Journey of Healing: Kathleen reflects on her personal healing journey, exploring the intersections of past trauma and present-day realities. A powerful narrative unfolds, showcasing the resilience needed to navigate life's challenges.

  2. Nature's Wisdom: Discover the reciprocal relationship between humans and nature, as Kathleen shares insights from her connection with ancient trees, Barbara and Harvey. Uncover the mystical exchange of energies and the vital role nature plays in personal and planetary well-being.

  3. Authenticity as the Highest Vibration: Zak emphasizes the transformative power of authenticity, highlighting its significance in personal growth. The duo discusses the importance of staying true to oneself, even in the face of adversity.

  4. Navigating Chaos with Joy: Both Kathleen and Zak share personal experiences of navigating chaotic times. The conversation underscores the choice of happiness as an internal compass, irrespective of external circumstances.

  5. Synchronicity and Awakening: Explore the synchronicity between Kathleen's book, "Awakened," written in 2008, and the present global landscape. Gain insights into the timeless nature of spiritual awakening and its relevance in today's world.

Conclusion: As the episode concludes, listeners are invited to embark on their own awakening journey, embracing resilience, authenticity, and the transformative power of personal growth. This episode serves as a beacon for those seeking inspiration and guidance on their path to self-discovery.

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Dancing Souls Book One - The Call

Dancing Souls Book Two - The Dark Night of the Soul

Dancing Souls Book Three - Awakened

De-Stress Meditation


KATHLEEN: Hello. ZAK: Well, hello. ZAK: Oh, why? It seems like something off my camera. KATHLEEN: We're gonna talk Zak has been going through quite a bit of stuff right now personally in her life. It's about filtering through messages. KATHLEEN: I started rereading my third book of Dancing Souls which is called Awakened. The cover is done and it is absolutely beautiful. As I'm rereading this book, I noticed that I have been teleported back into my past, remembering things and getting a bigger picture of what's going on. KATHLEEN: Throughout the book, this is about the journey of an Awakening Spirit. This is my personal journey that I have. It's time to bring the trilogy in full circle to bring it all out. KATHLEEN: My editor asked me to give a summary of this book and in order to give a summary because it's been a long time since I wrote the book and actually reviewed it, I'm rereading it. I find where I was in 2008 when this book was being written is actually what's happening on the planet today. KATHLEEN: Now, I knew that I was moving forward and that I was a way shower and I was preparing the way for what was coming. But I don't think I understood fully to that degree what I was doing and fulfilling until I read it now and see where our world is today. KATHLEEN: There was a lot of confusion going on. I'm getting to the part where my mother died where that massive change really occurred where the hopelessness came in. But prior to that, I was doing a lot of healing work for the planet. I was releasing many, many abuses on women on what we did to ourselves. KATHLEEN: What men did to us with rape, with miscarriages, with self abortions, all of the things that went on and reliving some of this, with some of the men that I was with at that time, that were brought in for me to move in this direction that were enlightened enough to help me to transmute this energy. KATHLEEN: I was also discovering during that period of learning to find my voice to say no more of abuse of men because some of these men were still abusive. It doesn't matter if they're spiritually enlightened or not. They're, in my opinion, not really spiritually enlightened. KATHLEEN: If you're abusing women and demeaning them or shaming them or feeling insecure because women are stronger or more awake or their hearts open or they're holding more energy or whatever it is that goes on in a man's mind. KATHLEEN: What was the most interesting about when I was reading what I read so far was there was a point that I was on the table and this gentleman was working on me and I was guiding him through this healing process because I knew what I needed to do. I had an opportunity to leave my body again and I was asked not to leave. So I didn't, but I wanted to leave. KATHLEEN: I remember there were points where he was touching my body in this healing and I felt nothing. There was deadness and what triggered was what happened to me. It said four years old with my father. Now, I don't have any recall on any of that I really, really don't. It's fine that I don't, I know that something happened because I actually left my body at that point. KATHLEEN: When we were doing this session, I was actually coming back into my body. I was remembering, I was also being reminded of why I was here and the anger that was going on because I, who I was in the books, I was erased. I became a Draconian a reptilian creature in the book. I was here to create a covert plan. That's what the journey of the awakening spirit is. KATHLEEN: This is my personal journey of my awakening that I was sent to Chicago to write about. All of this unfolded as I was there when I realized what was going on with this. There was a point that this gentleman, his name was Ken in the book and we'll keep it as Ken. He and I went to this park in Wheat Ridge to work on a couple of these old ancient trees. KATHLEEN: They were, I think Barbara and Harvey were their names. There was a lot of insight that comes in because there's a lot of messages that were delivered in this book. A lot of dreams and I'm reading it and I'm, oh my God, this this actually happened. These dreams actually came to pass. I didn't know that then, but they actually did. KATHLEEN: There was a point that I had to remind the trees because the trees are ancient. Part of what the trees do and nature does for us is they take in the carbon dioxide and then they transmute it and give us oxygen. KATHLEEN: I was watching Seth Deitlin. He has a little video that he produced that came out that I watched this morning and he talked about the purpose of our trees and part of the trees. This is a meditation he gave as well. The trees are about when you touch them or hold them. I love hugging trees and holding trees and all that. I do that all the time. KATHLEEN: What I didn't realize is they were taking all the dark negative entities, dark thoughts, anger, frustration, fears, whatever it is, they actually take that away from us and they take it in and they take it all the way down to their root system and then they build beautiful trees, the leaves come out and grow. KATHLEEN: What we receive from the tree is vitality and health and vibrancy and peace that there it's all fine. All is well with the world. KATHLEEN: Even though the trees are doing the carbon dioxide and making oxygen for us, they're also taking the darkness within us and transmuting that into us becoming by design, who we truly are. When I was working with these two trees in Wheat Ridge that day, they were angry at me because they know who I am. They were very angry at me because they thought I abandoned them. KATHLEEN: I was the one that was abandoned, in my opinion. I had to remind them. But the part that was the most fascinating about this was that women, we take on pain. That's part of our job is we know how to take on pain, to transmute pain, to move through pain. Part of that pain is that when we do that, we're also here to take and teach people men, children, doesn't matter how to still love through our pain. KATHLEEN: It's part of our design. Unfortunately, that's part of it. We have this open heart and we are connected to Spirit in a way that we generally don't know. But part of that is what our design is and us women coming back into our true magnificence is part of what we have to do. KATHLEEN: Zak is back in the room. She will join us as soon as the engineering team gets her all situated. KATHLEEN: When I was talking about relating to the trees and nature. There's a lot of people that will talk to you that you find peace and tranquility in nature. I've always found that going to an ocean, going to a lake, that type of thing as we're going through these transitions, staying focused and centered and calm is what we need to keep doing for ourselves. KATHLEEN: We are living in crazy hectic times and now with the holidays upon us and we know that creates a lot of stress in our lives. I know that Zak has been having her own personal issues. We all seem to be having issues about something or another. KATHLEEN: This is all part of the contrast where we're constricting for the expansion. That's what's happening in our world. We are, our planet is evolving. We are rising, we are shifting up and the only way to make this easier is to stay present here and now and do the self-care for you. Zak, I hear that you're back on. ZAK: Oh my God. I don't know what happens all the time. You and I get on the phone. Something goes crazy. KATHLEEN: I'm telling you with Spirit. I think our energy is a little too much for technology. ZAK: I'm literally talking to you and I'm moving and I was, oh now it froze and now it kicked me out and I have her lipstick on. I think I look good, but maybe I'm supposed to be on camera, but you have to go with the punches. ZAK: I was listening to what you were speaking about earlier and what you're saying today about being in the forest and being in nature. That's where I truly find myself. As yo know Kathleen this week has been a very, well from last week. This week has been a very challenging seven days for me. ZAK: Literally, I think I'm finding myself all over again, not in nature, not in the desert or not in the trees, but really in my breath. Because that's the only thing I had energy to do was to sit still and get into my breath just before the show. ZAK: I said to you, Kathleen, I'm having a good cry, something's coming through and it was crazy because as I'm sitting here and calling God into my body because I'm like God, this is not mine. This is yours, this is your duty, this is your response. This has nothing to do with me. Whatever I'm going through, you have to have your hands in this. You have to have your Spirit in this because I can't do this without you. ZAK: I never claimed I could do it without you. You need to catch the reigns on it, my friend. And it's so interesting a few breaths later and I feel like a brand new person. I wasn't even going through my ugly crying face or anything like that. ZAK: It blows my brain because five minutes later I try to get on the show with you and all of technology goes crazy and I'm sitting here, I'm, God, that's you cause it's so powerful that technology can't even withstand you. That's how powerful you are. But we have to realize at the same time as you know, I'm channeling right now. ZAK: Kathleen is that we have to realize that power is within each and every one of us. It's what you call in, the energies that you call in. If you're calling all these energies of defeat and, and shame and guilt and fear, you're gonna be stuck in that anger. But I couldn't stand this place of defeat. ZAK: Like I felt the last week I just, every day, every day. I'm like God, there's no heat in the house. There's no hot water. I have a situation with my mother's house. I don't know. I'm gonna get through this. But with you, God, I could, I could move mountains with you. ZAK: It gets to that point where I think today was because we're getting the heat. We're getting the hot water today. I think today was my body thing you got through that you overcame it. You learned some lessons, you faced some demons, you got your own emotions. ZAK: You took down roadblocks and I'm gonna say this because I feel like it has to be said, every time we go to change something, every time we go on upgrading ourselves or I'd like to say, activating ourselves, something will always try to get in the way because here I was, I was taking a financial literacy course and literally hiring a business coach. ZAK: Two days later, I have no heat and it was like, I gotta put this stuff aside right now because the most important thing right now is to get heat and hot water in this cold weather. I gotta deal with that part first, but I'm coming back to the other thing and the reason that things like this always seem to happen and I say always and I rebuke that because I hate what happens. ZAK: It's like the enemy knows the power you have within you and it wants to take you down and it takes you down by going through your mind and telling you you're not good enough, you have imposter syndrome. Other people are better than you. ZAK: Do you think you are? I'm like, I'll show you who I am. Just let me get this out of the way and let me show you who I am and that's really about standing in your conviction with confidence and knowing that. Just that little snippet that you said there about being in a forest and hugging a tree or being around trees. ZAK: It triggered everything inside of me right now and what I said to you, and of course, the big guy upstairs is speaking through my body, but everyone needs to start believing within themselves and start getting rid of these false beliefs that they're carrying. The enemy likes to plant those seeds and create roots and those roots. ZAK: I mean, you have to dig deep and when you're digging deep that it, it gets uncomfortable, but you have to get uncomfortable in order to grow, you have to get uncomfortable in order to see why you're carrying the same patterns, beliefs and systems in your body. ZAK: Get naked with yourself. If you don't like the way that looks and you gotta change some things around, if you gotta really get clear in this understanding of what you want, because the magic is truly inside of you. KATHLEEN: Very true. Very true. I know that rereading the books and all the stuff that I went through during my process of this awakening and writing about what the awakening process is and the ascension process is. I have been connecting with a lot of different people to be guests on the show. KATHLEEN: It's mind blowing to me the amount of people that are out there that have changed their ways that have every single person talks about feeling unfulfilled somewhere as in that discontent of feeling unfulfilled that there's something bigger than chasing the almighty dollar. Money is just, it's ludicrous. KATHLEEN: It doesn't bring happiness. I know yesterday I said I'm getting tired of feeling like I'm in limbo, but I'm also not tired of being in limbo because I know that everything's gonna change and it's gonna change very quickly when that time comes. KATHLEEN: I'm at a point where I'm enjoying it. But there's this part of me that's I'm ready to move. I feel like I'm getting more settled in myself. I have a direction and the only reason that direction is showing up for me is because I'm not moving. I'm in a limbo state. I'm, what do I want? Where do I wanna go? What makes me happy? KATHLEEN: I'm back into this entire place and then rereading the book and some of the stuff I went through because I'm thinking when I sent that link over to you, I thought I did this in 1990 all this stuff he's talking about. I was bringing forward in the nineties. KATHLEEN: I was talking to somebody today about Awakening Spirit and I was telling her, I have been on this path since 1990. Ok, honey, I am not behind the leader board. I'm in front of the leader board. I'm the one taking the arrows in the chest. I'm the one who's talked about transparency and taking care of the planet and all of that. KATHLEEN: When I was a whack doodle, they all thought I was crazy because I talked about organic foods and recycling when none of that was really out there yet. I'm doing all of this. So here I am now, 30 years later, pretty much and all of a sudden the world is caught up to me, but I'm still probably 20 years ahead. Don't even know I'm there yet. KATHLEEN: But it's because I take that time to look inside to be still to be quiet. Look at what's coming up if I don't like it, change it because I don't want this crap anymore. I carried a lot of garbage for a long time and I carried a lot of hurt and then also reading when I came back and then getting more insight of what transpired during that particular event in my life. KATHLEEN: I saw more and I didn't know there could be more to see. And yet there's more, always more to see. But you don't think like that after you make something 20 years ago and you think, oh my God. Here we are. Well, 15 years. But it's still, I know where you're at because that's what I'm doing. KATHLEEN: I'm constantly paying attention to where I'm at. I'm asking God help me to feel worthy and deserving. I know that this is a core belief that I have that I think I'm unworthy. But what I do know is I do matter and every person matters because we are matter. We are in matter. That means we're here for a reason. KATHLEEN: We're here for the ascension. That means we have to wake up people, we have to deal with ourselves. We need to bring that. There's this beautiful world because Seph was talking. I remember the 11:11, the doorway of the 11:11, my birth time is 11:11. Ok. If that wasn't a message, I don't know what it was. KATHLEEN: I remember because he's talking about the two worlds are coming together, we're together right now. I'm, oh my God, everything in the nineties that I was part of with bringing the two worlds together is here, but they're gonna separate, they will separate and we get to jump ship from the 3d world and move into a new world and that new earth is way better than this earth. KATHLEEN: This is our opportunity for all of us, all of us, light workers to come together to open up and share and bring these people along with us because I know most people want something better than this crazy chaotic world. KATHLEEN: I know that the craziness that's in your life right now, you and I go through this off and on, thank God that they're one going through it. The other one's there to help support and bring insight that we might see that you can't see each other, can't see kind of thing. KATHLEEN: I get it. Yeah. Trust God because that was the one thing I talked about was trusting God the whole time I was in my chaos in Chicago. ZAK: Yeah. You know, it's funny when you're saying about the chaos in this world because I heard you're not from this world but you're in this world. ZAK: It really matters where you are standing within yourself because you could be stuck in the 3d world or you could bring yourself to whatever dimension you wanna bring yourself into the 5, 10, 15, 20 you could, once you're grounded in the earth, you're here to have awareness, but you're not to be part of it. ZAK: Being part of it is about being part of how we were speaking earlier about being part of something bigger and something different. We're not gonna be able to change everyone's trajectory of their life or what they wanna do because they're not seeing themselves in the eyes of the divine. ZAK: They see themselves more on this 3d earth plane on how they create this life. But at the end of that happiness is what everyone's gonna be losing and money can't buy you happiness, it buys you convenience and that's one thing I've always said. ZAK: The more that you realize that it's a deep core issue, happiness is ultimate choice. What I was working on a few months ago, someone contacted me and they said that, you know what the highest vibrational frequency is? ZAK: I was like, I think it's joy. They said no, it's authenticity. I said, well, I guess I live in that higher vibrational frequency because I don't care what you think about me. I don't care what you say about me. ZAK: I will say whatever comes out of my mouth. If you are offended by what comes out of my mouth that has nothing to do with you, then that is a you problem. Not a me problem. ZAK: The more authentic I become within myself is because I become confident and because I've been through hell, the handbag as you've been and a lot of people have been, you build this resilience inside of you. You build this confident inside of you. ZAK: You build this, I get this warrior inside of you that it could be soft, it could be fluffy, but it can also be hard and those hard times and not the hard times, but in that hard place where it comes, it's like, oh I know this feeling, this feeling is an understanding. ZAK: So it's just a matter of us, all of us wherever you are on the journey because it's easier for me to overcome things because I've been doing it for the last 50 years. Ok. It's 45 years. But it was hard at the beginning when you first get your tools and you have your toolbox, you don't know what you're pulling out and you almost feel like nothing's working and I feel lonely. ZAK: I might as well go back to the bottle. I might as well go back to the cannabis. I might as well go back to the partying. I might as well back to the sack. I might as well be a mischief rather than being someone that's a higher power and a purpose in this world. I've been down that path. ZAK: That's why I'm speaking about it. However, once I've built that confidence and start becoming confident in myself and start building my self esteem. When she said the authenticity, I was literally jumping in joy. She goes to me, you're probably the most authentic person I've met. She goes to the things that come out of your mouth. ZAK: She goes, I cracked up and go go, girl, I can never say that. But one day I aspired to say that and really that's all it is. Everyone lost their backbone, everyone's afraid of offending someone, everyone's afraid of speaking. It's like I'm not gonna be worried about if you get triggered by what I say, I'm gonna be true to myself. ZAK: Then I have Jesus in my head going remember, they hated me before they even knew you. I was like, that's true. They didn't believe me before. They believe you. Jesus was to me the most authentic person out there. So if I wanna be an image of Jesus, which I can never because damn diggity man, I still got issues. ZAK: I have to work through that, but I'm gonna try to be my best authentic self because I can't control your emotions. I could only control my own. I think that's the big message that we get through this whole process. ZAK: We listen to everyone to read all the books, you could hear all the steps, you could do all the breathing in the kumbaya. But at the end of the day when you are put in a situation, how are you gonna deal with that? Because that's where the real lesson comes in. KATHLEEN: You're right. I agree with that. We're gonna take a quick commercial break. KATHLEEN: We have Zak Lioutas on the phone line because Spirit loves to play games with us when it comes to technology. KATHLEEN: I think it wants us to play a lot. We get strong messages that come out and we play. I have to, yeah, I have to say that what you were saying, definitely resonated with me. KATHLEEN: The being happy is that's a choice. We make that decision every single day to be happy. What I had to do to start becoming happier was I had to acknowledge when things were happening, start making a point. Look for things that made me happy or feel laugh or whatever. I have four cats in this house. Ok. They're always doing something and I'd look at them go, ok while they're playing, that's really cool. KATHLEEN: Instead of really paying attention to how they're playing and what they're doing and then it's like, get him Grace, get him Sam, kind of thing. I try to participate in the play with them or they'll bring me a toy, they'll walk around with a toy in their mouth and they'll go with the toy in their mouth and it's, do you have your baby? Are you bringing me a present? KATHLEEN: When they do that, then they drop it and then it's, ok, you want me to throw the ball to you, you want me to take the, the fishing line and throw it and they do. All four cats will come out and participate because Mommy's playing. I laugh because they jump over each other and they do all that kind of stuff and that's what Spirit wants of us. KATHLEEN: Yes, chaos is gonna happen. Life is gonna happen. But Spirit wants us to play is about being childlike and remembering that because that's where the fun is. If we can stay in that higher frequency then the drama that's occurring outside in our 3d world doesn't have to be so intense because we're laughing through it. That's probably the biggest thing. KATHLEEN: One of the biggest things that I decided, I would see people that always looked happy and smiley, like these spiritually evolved and awakened people that seem to have a handle on themselves. It was, I want that, I want to look like that. I wanna feel like that. I've listened to what they said and I followed some of the suggestions they gave me. KATHLEEN: I thought, oh my God. That makes perfect sense. That's really easy to do. Why was this so hard for me to do? Why was I walking around with a big chip on my shoulder? Oh, I don't know because I was angry because I was mistreated in my life. Well, get over it. Who cares? It's what are you doing today? Let the past go back. ZAK: Yeah. Kathleen, a lot of people don't even know what makes them happy. Everyone is. Well, my children make me happy. Ok. So your children are now grown adults and they're out of the house now. Are you still happy? And that's what I tell a lot of women. I'm like, eliminate your children, eliminate your husband and eliminate all that and really go with what makes you happy? ZAK: What is it? All I often hear is I don't even know. It's, well, you have to know that part of you because that's gonna bring the last news, reading a book makes you happy is going for long drives to make you happy pedicure, manicure, whatever it is. Is it sitting that makes you happy? ZAK: Is it sleeping that makes you happy? Is it being adventurous, going shopping, connecting with your girlfriends or going on dates with with yourself or going on dates with friends? You really need to understand what makes you happy because the more that you get into that happy place, the more that you start having that child like curiosity. ZAK: That's one thing that we lose as up as a child. I spend a lot of time in playground with my niece and I used to see them. I'm, oh God, look at her. She's literally go up to the strange kids and going hi. Can I play with you? What adult does that these days? I feel like I can't go talk to those people. It's, why not? ZAK: Look at the kids in the playground they go up to anybody and everybody. We're losing a sense of community within an adult or adulthood and we're losing that sense of connection in the adulthood eras because we all have this vision of what it should be like rather than just allowing it to be what it is. ZAK: That's why I feel that, when I had to go through this thing, looking for my happiness, I remember coming out of an event, whose event was it? I had some spiritual event and I came out of the auditorium and I looked down the street and I remember the street brought back so many teenage memories of partying there. ZAK: I was, I remember the days I used to run these streets as a club promoter and I don't even know what makes me happy anymore. I left that event. I got in my car and I cried so hard and I thought to myself, you lost the happiness because you gave whatever you gave to so many people that you totally forgot about yourself. ZAK: When I drove down those streets after that event and I was, clubbing definitely does not make me happy. Drinking, definitely does not make me happy. So that's the old stuff. I understand that. But what truly lights me up and it was going on those long road trips, country road trips, antique shopping, shopping. I know my girlfriend cooking a good meal, being creative, being in the kitchen. ZAK: Even walking around my house naked thinking like this is fun. I could be naked in my own damn house. It's just a matter of allowing yourself to be free. That freedom becomes happiness and that happiness becomes joy and you build more confidence in so many different ways. But there's no right or wrong answer to happiness. ZAK: There's just no right or wrong answer. What makes me happy doesn't necessarily need to make you happy. I hear Spirit saying to me like eating foie gras to some people could be happiness. And to me, I'm going. Thank you. I'm good. You know, that's not my happiness. You cannot calculate your happiness based on anyone else. ZAK: The way that healing happens in your body, if you tell me we're going in the cottage, I will start preparing a month in advance for the cottage. That's my happy place going up north, going into nature, jumping in water, cooking all day, having a bonfire, all these things are my happy place. ZAK: We really have to understand where a happy place is. If you don't know that that's step one in creating a spiritual warrior life because then through that, you'll start to dive into different parts of yourself and when you dive into those different parts of yourself, you're gonna feel uncomfortable, but who cares? Get naked and I don't literally mean get naked. ZAK: If you wanna literally get naked, go ahead but get naked with your emotion. Get naked with your truth. That's the only way that you'll get that higher vibrational frequency of authenticity. That's all it is. It sounds so easy as I'm saying that I'm like that just sounds so easy. But man, it's work. ZAK: It's tears, it's yelling, it's crying like it's every emotion in your body that is now coming out of you and the expressive about it. I remember driving and yelling ah and and I'm sure I thought I look crazy but I was fine with looking crazy. You gotta be OK with looking crazy sometimes because they're pulling crazy out of you and releasing crazy. ZAK: That's the sheer joy of happiness now like what did I go through? This whole week? I remember Spirit saying to me find the beauty of what you're going through. I'm like freezing my ass off and not having hot water. It's gorgeous. Thank God I don't live on the street. That's the beauty of it. Thank God. ZAK: I don't live in a third world country where I have a tin roof over my head, but at least I have a roof over my head. So there is beauty in everything that we're experiencing or have experienced. And that's what we have to look at is that beauty of everything and all the women that I've worked through everything going on in the last little while they now laugh so hard. ZAK: In fact, I never thought I could get out of it. I'm like you just needed to borrow my eyes, sister. That's all you just needed to borrow my eyes to see the truth of who you are. It's about showing it. It about showing love. It's about showing self-love because love. This is so cliche but love is the healer of all things. When you put everything into love, it's, oh damn. ZAK: Now I see why that happened. Now, I understand why that shows up. Now I understand why I'm in this marriage or this situation of what I created in my life. Find your happiness. That's step number one in anything you do. If you don't know what makes you happy, start going out there and figure out what makes you happy. KATHLEEN: I know what makes me happy. I remember when I first did ballroom dancing, I knew I was a dancer. I love dancing. That was always something that made me happy. But when I started ballroom dancing, there was a big shift and I was more childlike. It was very stressful learning to dance with a partner. KATHLEEN: I had to learn to trust my dance partner. I had to learn how to dance in his energy field, plus my energy field and create another energy field because that's what we did because you dance for yourself, you dance for him and then you have to create the couple dance. When I was going through all of that, I was also receiving information from Spirit and all this is in the books that this is the dance of life. KATHLEEN: It doesn't matter if you've got a ballroom dancer or if you've got a partner or a girlfriend or your kids or animals, it's a dance of life. It's about you maintaining your energy, you are in an energy of another person and then that union, whatever that is creates a different energy vibration. KATHLEEN: I don't think any of us realize to the extent of what that is because we're either people saying, oh I want to make you happy and I'm not worthy to be happy or whatever. But what I found when I started taking back my power and say no, I'm worthy, I'm deserving. You don't get to treat me like this. You don't get to talk to me like this. KATHLEEN: This is your shit. This is not mine. Like the things you say, Zak, this is a you problem, not a me problem. When I started doing that, in the first book, I started doing that a lot, especially with men because I never could stand up to a man. I started saying, oh no, this is a you problem. KATHLEEN: You need to get over it. Well, you bring out this and this and this. Well, that's your problem. That's not my problem. You don't get to treat me that way. I walked away from a lot of men during that period of time, which was fine. I needed to, this was Spirit bringing to me to, what is it that you want? KATHLEEN: What do you want? How do you want to be treated? The whole time here's Sal out in the background in Chicago somewhere and I'm still pining for him and I'm watching this and I keep going back here. KATHLEEN: I still see his flaws, but there's something about him that kept bringing us back together and it was the stability of who he was. He was an authentic person. He didn't shame or belittle me. He was authentic with where he was at that time. KATHLEEN: That authenticity is powerful because when he came out here, he's authentic, I'm authentic. Now we've created a totally different relationship around that, but we don't take anything personal with each other. We do what we need to do. If we need to say back off, we say that and we respect each other for that. KATHLEEN: That's a powerful place to be because that brings self-confidence and joy and happiness because you're heard and you're respected and you're loved and you're comfortable in your skin and nobody's going to shame or belittle you. We're gonna take a quick break and wind up the show. KATHLEEN: I have Zak Lioutas with us on the phone. KATHLEEN: Zak, what is one piece of advice you would offer our audience to help them to move into a different direction, to achieve their dream or to become a bigger version of themselves? ZAK: Oh, wow. ZAK: Only one piece of it though. KATHLEEN: Only one. ZAK: Oh I know your past and I'll give you one because as you were saying that I heard the word breathe because if we don't have slow in our body through our breath, we will never find slow in the world outside of us. ZAK: If we're not finding flow in the world outside of us, we're gonna feel stagnant and we're not gonna know which way to move. The breath within us is literally creating the path outside of us. If you could breathe all the way down to your root Chakra, which is your tempo, you're creating that beautiful go in your body, in and out, inhaling. ZAK: Exhaling, which will give you that same path of understanding where you're going. I would say one piece of advice I give is bring awareness to your breath and where your stuck is that your throat, is your heart, is your solar, your sacral, your root. Because then from there, you'll know how to reverse engineer what you may be experiencing in your life. Breath is what I say. That's my final answer. KATHLEEN: I love it because that is the truth, the breath of life. KATHLEEN: When people are hyperventilating or they're stressed? What do people around them say? Breathe, breathe, take in the deep breath, not the short shallow breaths because that just exasberbates the intensity of the stress that you're under. But breathing and calming yourself down, calms the whole nervous system down. KATHLEEN: Then you can start seeing things differently and clearly. When I go out of the house, what do I do? I'm breathing, I'm hugging a tree. It's that type of thing. KATHLEEN: I pay attention to my breath a lot. KATHLEEN: But when you said that it was like, yeah, that's it. Like there was a whole new revelation that came in about the breath and I focus in because the breath brings in the healing that our bodies need. KATHLEEN: It brings or it calms our mind down. It starts recircuiting us. It does a lot of things. People don't even realize how breath is powerful and key for us in today's society. Most of us are breathing from the top of our stomach instead of from the bottom of our stomachs where we really need to bring that diaphragm in and out to really contract and expand. KATHLEEN: That's what our universe is doing, contracting and expanding right now. ZAK: Yeah. Yes. So important. I noticed that even with myself today, I sat still and I'm, breathe, honey, breathe. I'm telling myself that, at times I like to take an awareness to my body and say, how are you breathing right now? ZAK: Oh yeah, I'm stuck in brow right now, ok, let's move through that. So if we bring awareness to our breath, we start to bring awareness to our body, we start to bring awareness to how we feel. It's like breath and water. ZAK: Think of the first thing when we're born, your water breaks, right? So we need, we're 70% water. But then the first thing that they slap your bum with is to get that breath in. Breath and water are the most important things for survival. KATHLEEN: I believe that too. How can people get a hold of you? ZAK: They can connect with me at Instagram at spiritual hustler. That's HSTLR spiritual is regular spiritual and hustler again. HSTLR. They could connect with me on That is the inner circle. So there you could see everything that I do, you could read about me there. ZAK: Or you could connect with me on Facebook at the Empress Hangout and that's where I do my live. I give a lot of weekly what's happening with your week for energy forecast and yeah, let's connect. Let's start working through whatever is coming up for us. KATHLEEN: I'm on her Empress Facebook and she does bring really great advice every Monday morning. It's wonderful, a great way to start your week out and get an idea of where you are and set the tone for your week because you ultimately have all the control. I wanna thank you Zak for joining us. ZAK: And so thank you for having me despite our, our child like tat. KATHLEEN: That's ok. I love having you on the show. I missed you last month. I'm really excited that you got to be on even if it was a little crazy in the beginning. But that's part of what we go through on this show. ZAK: Exactly. Exactly. Thank you.

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Zak Lioutas

Zak Lioutas, is a beacon of light in the realm of spiritual awakening and empowerment.

With a profound understanding of personal energy frequency and a deep connection to the divine, Zak serves as a guide, mentor, and catalyst for transformation.

As a Spiritual Alchemist, Zak is passionate about helping individuals tap into the Frequency of God's divine presence within themselves.

With a blend of spiritual wisdom and practical insight, Zak empowers others to unlock their inner potential, overcome obstacles, and manifest their deepest desires in alignment with their Creator.

Throughout her own journey, Zak has discovered the transformative power of aligning with God's Frequency.

Now, she shares her insights and experiences with others, offering guidance on how to navigate life's challenges with faith, grace, and resilience, harnessing the frequency of God's presence and living a life of purpose, abundance, and spiritual fulfillment.