Feb. 20, 2024

Unleashing Your Potential: The Power of Subconscious Mindset Training

The podcast features a conversation between Joey and Kathleen. They discuss Joey's journey of personal transformation and his desire to inspire and motivate others. Joey talks about the importance of understanding the difference between the conscious and subconscious mind and how our conditioning affects our thinking. He emphasizes the need to silence the subconscious and replace disempowering thoughts with empowering ones. Kathleen shares her own experiences with personal transformation and the challenges she faced in developing her business. They both stress the importance of having a clear vision and setting up systems that work for each individual. They also discuss the need to slow down and be open-minded in order to receive guidance and opportunities. Joey and Kathleen highlight the power of not knowing and being willing to learn and receive help. The conversation concludes with Kathleen expressing gratitude for Joey's insights and inviting him to return to the show in the future. Overall, the podcast emphasizes the importance of personal transformation, mindset, and aligning one's conscious and subconscious thoughts to achieve success and fulfillment.

Podcast: The Journey of an Awakening Spirit
Episode: The Journey of An Awakening Spirit #37 - Joey Drolshagen - SMT Method

- In this episode, host Kathleen interviews Joey Drolshagen, a motivational speaker and coach, about his journey of personal transformation and discovery.
- Joey shares his experiences and insights on silencing the subconscious mind, understanding the difference between the conscious and subconscious, and reprogramming conditioned beliefs.

Main Topics Discussed:
1. Joey's Journey of Personal Transformation:
   - Joey was inspired by a speaker from the Unity Church to inspire and motivate people to live better lives.
   - He embarked on a journey of self-healing and self-discovery to learn how to inspire others effectively.

2. Silencing the Subconscious Mind:
   - Joey refers to the subconscious mind as the "anti-christ" that plays back conditioned beliefs and thoughts.
   - To grow and change, he had to silence the subconscious and understand the difference between the conscious and subconscious.
   - The subconscious holds all of our programming and conditioning, including experiences and stories told by others that we took as our truth.

3. Shifting Mindset and Personal Transformation:
   - Joey emphasizes the importance of shifting mindset and personal development for both business and individual growth.
   - He helps individuals develop a dynamic vision and set up systems of accelerating habits unique to each person.
   - It's crucial to be open-minded and willing to change as we evolve, rather than sticking to fixed plans and strategies.

Key Takeaways:
- Slowing down and being open-minded are essential for personal growth and receiving guidance.
- Conditioning and subconscious beliefs can limit our potential, but we have the power to reprogram them.
- Personal transformation and mindset shifts are crucial for unlocking new opportunities and achieving accelerated results.
- Having a clear vision and aligning conscious and subconscious minds are key to living a fulfilling life.

Guest: Joey Drolshagen
- Joey is a motivational speaker and coach who aims to inspire and motivate people to live better lives.
- He helps individuals and businesses with personal transformation and mindset coaching through his SMT Method.

- Joey's journey of personal transformation and his insights on silencing the subconscious mind provide valuable lessons for anyone seeking personal growth and fulfillment.
- Host Kathleen expresses gratitude to Joey for sharing his wisdom.



Dancing Souls Book One - The Call

Dancing Souls Book Two - The Dark Night of the Soul

Dancing Souls Book Three - Awakened



De-Stress Meditation



KATHLEEN: Today I have Joey DrolsHagen with us and he is featured in FOX CBS and NBC along with being named one of the top business coaches in America for two consecutive years in the New York City Journal. The Disruptors Magazine, Joey is known for helping realtors and small business owners to unlock their pathway to success through creating accelerating systems of habit and total mindset alignment.

KATHLEEN: Aside from a very successful 28 year career up to Vice President of Sales, Joey has spent over three decades studying implementing and developing what's now known as SMT method, subconscious mindset training, which has repeatedly allowed hundreds of people to create the life they desire through retraining their subconscious mind to become unstoppable. Welcome, Joey.

KATHLEEN: Oh, it's great to be here with you, Kathleen. This is exciting.

KATHLEEN: Good. I am so excited to have you here. So Joey, tell everybody a little bit about your journey of how you became an awakening Spirit and discovered this technology.

JOEY: Absolutely. We're all conditioned based on how we were raised who we're raised by and things like that. You know, like we used to say, back in Detroit where I grew up on which side of the tracks you grew up on. I happen to be raised in a very low income blue collar family. There were five of us kids.

JOEY: My mom and dad stayed married till death do you part? But man, I watched them, my whole youth struggle financially. I watched them struggle to the point where they beat themselves up health wise. The arguments that they experienced between them, most of them were financial related and such. And I vowed at nine years old, I was not gonna live like these guys.

JOEY: And then I found myself in my twenties experiencing those exact same things happening in my life. I work full time in corporate America. I work in the automotive because being from Detroit and then I had businesses on the side and even as successful as they were, I struggled. And then back then if something came easy to me, I felt like I didn't deserve it or I didn't earn it, you know.

JOEY: So at 22 I started stepping into these things. I heard a gentleman speak Jack Boland with the unity church and he spoke and it just ignited this thing inside of me that I wanted to inspire and motivate people to live better lives. But I didn't know how to do so myself. So that began that journey for me into what I do today into my own healing, my own discovery of who I am today.

KATHLEEN: So what did that journey look like when you discovered that? What were the steps that you took to move into that discovery to change that mindset that you have?

KATHLEEN: Kathleen?

JOEY: That was 37 years ago. And I've been a consistent student. So there's a long line of things I did. I started out with the counseling and the group counseling and I started out with the Wayne Dyer and the Self-help and things like that.

JOEY: And then later on, I went into starting to get some coaching and bringing somebody else in, and opening up that way and it was a continuation of that to today. I still work with a coach today. They say best coaches have coaches and I work with one and I do so because they help me maneuver and minimize those roadblocks that I run into.

JOEY: Based on this.

JOEY: One of the biggest lessons I learned is I call this the anti-christ because this so often, we have the subconscious and that holds all of our conditioning, but it just plays it back over and over and over and that's what comes up in our thinking.

JOEY: So all the time hearing we're not enough. And all the time hearing that, we got to work harder or, we're not doing it right or all that stuff that we continue to hear there.

JOEY: In order to silence that, in order to grow, I had to silence that in order to silence that I had to understand the difference between the conscious and subconscious. And there's a lot of studies done on that to explain it.

JOEY: But what I didn't understand is in that subconscious, there's a like this motherboard of all of our programming, everything we've been told and experience and even things that we didn't firsthand experience, but somebody told us was their story and we took it as our truth.

JOEY: So our patterns, our beliefs, our habits are all within their subconscious and the subconscious is what triggers the brainwaves to the actions we take or don't take. That's why so many people out there like I was and still I'm in some ways how we want. We know what we want, we can detail, see it, a vision board it all of that stuff.

JOEY: But when you really get it, the actions we're taking are going the opposite direction from what we desire we want. And I was never able to figure that out on my own to put those connection points. So that's where coaching has been huge for me.

JOEY: I was just saying and as I started doing that, I can start lining and then as I started understanding, oh, that's not my fault. And I'm working against myself. It's that programming. And as I understood when I, once I could identify it, then I could come up with the tools to shift that, which is ultimately led to the SMT method.

KATHLEEN: Well, what I know, first of all, I agree 100% with you because this is a lifelong change too especially the core of my belief system was I'm unworthy and I wasn't allowed to speak. And so until my twenties, I had to learn how to develop my mouth.

KATHLEEN: I worked for lawyers so I could learn to communicate and then I knew how to start using my mind to where I would be like a devil's advocate, reading a pleading and saying, OK, well, here's what this guy says and here's what this says.

KATHLEEN: So tell me because I needed to know how they critically thought, how do you take this story and this story and create a case out of it because I didn't know because I wasn't taught how to critically think back then.

KATHLEEN: But the other thing was that I've discovered too is we are creatures of habit and part of it is we have to raise our vibrational energy as well. And we can't do that if we stay as a creature of habit.

KATHLEEN: So changing your paradigms, like start walking, start exercising, start doing something that shifts us because I didn't know that because I'm like, well, that's just a bunch of hogwash. And I used to think that until I changed that I'm dead serious. You know, you think you got a clue and then you find out you really don't have a clue.

JOEY: I was the exact same way, like I want to stay and that's ultimately what happens without us consciously knowing it is we want to stay in our comfort zone, but we want different results, right? So, I'm going to walk through this quickly.

JOEY: So the only way, Bob, late Bob Proctor, who was one of my mentors has taught me this, the only way I can ever get uncommon results or different results is I have to take uncommon or different actions, that goes back to Einstein theory, doing the same thing expecting different results thinking that got me into a situation to get me out of it.

JOEY: And later on, I understood like Michael Singer talks about, the purpose of the mind is to help us solve complex problems. But so many of us and I for years, decades have used that to run my life to tell me I wasn't good enough to tell me this or tell me that.

JOEY: And now you take a kid who's 32 years old or a guy who's 32 years old and you put him in his first coaching program that was tens of thousands of dollars and he comes out of it with no results.

JOEY: And guess what that kid, that guy tells himself is there must be something wrong with me but there isn't, and I talked to a lot of people who have been through coaching programs who walked away with that or similar things and it's not, it's the program that the problem is not the person applying it.

JOEY: We talk about that, we talk about the uncommon actions, we talk about that. We all have desires for unrealistic lives. We wanna have the kids and we want, the best kids and we want to have this and we want to have the money and we want to have the house and we want to have all the dream vacation.

JOEY: We want all that stuff, but we go up here to live realistically because up here, we cannot live realistically. So we have unrealistic expectations and we're trying to use a logical mind to get us there. That's based on realistic results.

JOEY: So when I help somebody go from 300,000 to $3 million in business in 12 calendar months or 7.5 million to 23 or some anything, any of those numbers like that, people will hear that and go well, that's unrealistic. Now. It's what they desire, but their conscious mind will automatically shut down and say that can't be true.

JOEY: So we want an unrealistic life, but we're going about it from a realistic design of using the logical mind with our strategies and our structure and our to dos and all we're really doing is creating more effort. That's gonna give us less results at the end.

KATHLEEN: Totally agree. Part of this, I was telling you a little bit about that. I'm gonna be going to this, seminar this weekend and part of it is, it's David Bayer and it's a mindset coaching.

KATHLEEN: Get your mindset before you start moving into the direction you want your new life to go. And I'm sitting here going, I need strategies. I need this. There are certain things that I know I can't do. I know that it's not up here. It's just not in my consciousness. I have an overall view of what it is, but I need help to get there. So I'm going to go here to learn what I need to learn.

KATHLEEN: And I'm probably coming home with a coach in my back pocket because this girl needs a little more help and I can do it on my own. I'm not a Lone Ranger anymore, but we're going to come back in just a few minutes. We're gonna take a quick commercial break because I want to keep going because this is like, really cool and I wanted to talk about your your technology.

KATHLEEN: Welcome back, everyone to the journey of an awakening Spirit. This is Kathleen Flanagan, your host. And we have Joey Drolshagen in the room with us today and we were talking about coaching and I'm going to the seminar because it doesn't matter how old we are, we're still learning and growing and evolving.

KATHLEEN: I still have dreams and I know people look at people getting up there in their golden years and think they've already done it all. And it's like, no, some of us want to keep on growing because I came here to experience life, enjoy life and learn things and sitting in on the couch isn't going to be part of it.

KATHLEEN: Maybe I shouldn't be working as hard, but I still have big dreams that I haven't accomplished. I've accomplished almost everything in my life except for this one dream. I'm going after now and it's a big one, Joey. So why don't you tell us a little bit more about what you were gonna say about coaching and your method that you created as well.

JOEY: Absolutely. So, one thing I'll say on that, the the eldest client I've ever worked with was 84 years old and I did a workshop and she came up to me afterwards and I mean, Kathleen, she had tears in her eyes and she said, Joseph, before I met you, I thought I was too old to dream.

JOEY: And man, the doctor and in the time I worked with her, she ended up going to four of her bucket list items that she had always wanted to go to on this planet. And she had to take somebody along with her and stuff like that. But she was able to view, to go to four of those places and stuff.

JOEY: And man, I'm telling you that the no matter what our age is, our best years are ahead of us, no matter what, the best years are ahead of us. But we have to believe that for that to be true. And that's where so much of this stuff starts. You asked me about the SMT methods of subconscious mindset training.

JOEY: And I'll tell you in my last, I don't know, half a decade or eight years in corporate America, I helped multiple facilities that were in bankruptcy, get back into profitability.

JOEY: And my whole life has been like a lesson learned, but in fact, I wrote a book, lessons learned, but it's been a lesson learned throughout and in that bankruptcy, the way we change that around is I got this idea of developing a vision instead of getting together and we all focus on that squeaky wheel, right. The squeaky wheel gets the grease and the squeaky wheel is always the things that aren't going.

JOEY: Right. So, we spend our whole life focusing on what's not going. Right. And a company that with 370 employees that's going into bankruptcy and there's a lot of weight on that, for being part of the team that's supposed to turn that around.

JOEY: And so when I first started talking about, let's instead of focusing on everything wrong, let's put a little focus on what we want this to be like. What's this place look like when it's thriving? And, we're doing the barbecues out in the lot and stuff like that for employee appreciate. What does that look like?

JOEY: Once we started defining that within six months, we had new owners come in and dump $12 million overnight in the organization and went from a three day a month, organization to a five day week. And I've done that at multiple organizations. I do that with anybody.

JOEY: I'm coaching, whether it's personal transformation, whether business, whatever it is we develop what I call a dynamic vision as a starting point, we start looking at what is that unrealistic life look like? And we start defining that and then as we do that, we start moving into setting up systems of accelerating habits where we're doing things that's unique to that individual. I'm working with that work for them.

JOEY: It ignites them which lights up their attraction. Me and all of a sudden, like realtors, for instance, will start attracting leads without purchasing the list and doing all the other things. I had a client who hired me for business coaching and found out the third week he was in a 27 no, 37 year marriage and they just coexisted.

JOEY: The fifth week, I did a workshop and he came up and did a testimonial and said just in that short period of time that he and his wife were now like newlyweds again. And I asked him in front of the crowd. What did she do? Different? He said she didn't do nothing when we change, when we elevate the level at which we're living our entire world around us, changes with us or it fades away.

JOEY: It can't stay the way it was. So it's really about getting into that place. Like you talked about that personal development, getting, whether I'm doing business or individual, it's about personal transformation. And as we shift that within ourselves, our whole world will start to explode and unlock into avenues that we couldn't even imagine could happen.

JOEY: But I wasn't able 37 years to do it alone.

KATHLEEN: No. And I don't think it's possible. I'm a Lone Ranger, I've always been a Lone Ranger and I'm discovering Lone Ranger doesn't serve me anymore now.

KATHLEEN: But I had to get really dialed into what I wanted, where I wanted to go and give everything that I knew that I had to get to that point because I've done a lot of my own personal transformation and my thoughts. But when I'm walking into a business and trying to develop something that I have been struggling with for years, all of a sudden, it's like, you know, girl, you really don't have the tools for this.

KATHLEEN: You really don't, you're not quite sure what to do. You need somebody that is either a business coach or a mindset, business coach or someone who makes sure that this is going first because this is number one, always, it's not the money, it's not the dream, it's this.

KATHLEEN: And once this is right, then they can help steer you create a strategy, whatever it is that you need to do because I have a big picture, but I don't have the details and sometimes we have to get into that, that little detailed part. So we understand because I'm aware, I see my thoughts.

KATHLEEN: I understand when something comes up and I research it and look at it and oh, where did this come from? And what were you doing? That triggered this? That's all easy. But when it comes to business and it's like, oh, you want me to do what? Oh I am not getting on that phone to talk to that. No, no, no.

KATHLEEN: You know, because that's what this is getting on. A sales call was like, terrifying to me.

KATHLEEN: But what did I have to do? I had to change my mindset again. Put that smile on, stand up. Act like this is the best thing in the world because the worst they can say is no.

KATHLEEN: And most of the time they never said no.

JOEY: Yeah.

KATHLEEN: And when we get it, when we get rid of the fear, you're absolutely right.

JOEY: You know, the first time I ran off of a 2000 ft mountain top with me in a hang glider, there was a lot of fear attached to that. I run into one of the only because I've learned that there's nothing, they're paper thin, there's nothing really to them other than unknown, that's all it is, false evidence appearing real.

JOEY: There's all kinds of acronyms for it and stuff. But with what you're talking about with that, when we get, again, we talk about the unrealistic life that we desire doesn't come through here. Right?

JOEY: The other thing I tell a lot of people is forget about the how, because when you get your mindset into alignment, things are gonna show up so easily. I call them out of the blue or coincidences, and people think they have a coincidence every now and again, but we can actually design to experience coincidences over and over and over and over.

JOEY: We got to be in that mindset for allowing what happens a lot of times even the things like, you talk about the strategies and everything else. I don't work off strategies. I don't work off of A plans and B plans. I don't work off of things like that.

JOEY: Where I differ from a lot of coaching programs is I don't have anybody's A B and C action they take to get to D because there really is no such thing. If you look at the programs like that, less than 1% of the people following that plan ever achieved the same results as the person who came up with it.

JOEY: The reason being a simple, the person who came up with it from their unique pathway based on their conditioning, based on their life, based on their desires based on what they're good at and what they're not based on all that stuff and they did it and it worked out very successfully.

JOEY: Nobody else is that person. It's unique to them. So what I do is I help every client I work with to develop that systems of accelerating habits for them, which lays out that road map, which then once they become successful in whatever business I'm helping them, they can take that to any endeavor or any adventure or anything else they decide to do and they have that for themselves to do.

JOEY: But our conditioning tells us if you see someone who has something you want, figure out how they did it and go do it and get the same thing, but it never works that way.

JOEY: Our conditioning tells us if something isn't working. Right. Try harder, do more. And so we're spinning our wheels even faster, burning ourselves out, getting less traction to the whole process of what we're trying to develop or design or whatever it is we want to create.

JOEY: And one of the things I work with many people I work with is that we have to start, once we have that vision, we have to start by slowing down.

JOEY: We can't run 100 and 50 miles an hour.

JOEY: We can't get our vision on fast food type of menus and things like that. We have to slow down and slowing down. We start getting into alignment. We start bringing alignment to the conscious and subconscious rather than being disconnected.

JOEY: And in doing so is how we can start experiencing coincidences.

JOEY: Almost 1000 clients I've worked with over the past decade. Every single one of them will tell you they started experiencing more and more coincidences or out of the blue or however they describe it as to the how to get to that vision.

KATHLEEN: Well, we're never supposed to. That's the cursed how's. I learned that many, many, many years ago. It's not how to get there. It's just be there. Be. Do have. And, and I remember the first time it was like, oh no, it's do have be that was how I was living when I first heard be do have.

KATHLEEN: But it made perfect sense of just shifting and I noticed not anything like you're talking about, but it was enough for me to start seeing the changes in me when I started being. And then what's my message?

KATHLEEN: Because as much as I think I've refined my message, it's like, no, it's not refined enough yet because if I got it fine tuned where I think I know what that is, then I'm going to get more in alignment like what you're saying. And I didn't know somebody could actually go out there and help you find that part of yourself because we are all unique and what my system is going to be is so much different than yours.

KATHLEEN: But if you have some way to show me how to get to my, instead of me spending another 10 years trying to figure it out. Well, what the hell, let's just go do that because I didn't know it's everything is unique to us and most people when they create programs, this is because this is what works for them.

KATHLEEN: It doesn't mean it's gonna work for everyone else. It might work for some people, but it may not work fully.

KATHLEEN: And then again, you got the alignment of another person, it's all, where are you on your personal journey and growth that when you finally find a coach that's gonna help you, how much did you do before you found him? And all they did was they just kicked you in the butt a little bit that you didn't know how to do to yourself to be coaches to kick in the butt.

JOEY: Yeah, absolutely. And thank God, I failed as much as I did in coaching programs because no, really, I know it's funny but a lot of time effort and a lot of beating on myself too for the results I didn't get and thought I was supposed to and thought there was something wrong with me.

JOEY: But thank God that happened because when I developed the SMT method, I developed a method that's a unique journey for every person who steps into it. So your experience with it is going to be different than mine or anybody else's and everybody who goes into it has a unique experience.

JOEY: So it's not based on doing A B and C, it's based on laying out the pathway and then what you experience through that pathway is unique to you. And that's the only way I was able to identify this stuff and change and live the life I live today.

KATHLEEN: God I love, I love what you're saying. It's just, I love it because it's a personal program to you. Well, we're gonna take a quick commercial break and we will continue this as soon as we get back.

KATHLEEN: Welcome back, everyone. This is Kathleen Flanagan, your host with the journey of an awakening Spirit. And I have Joey Drolshagen in the room with us. And we are talking about coaching and his method that he's created.

KATHLEEN: And during the break, he and I were talking a little bit about what that's gonna look like because as we get older, we know our paradigms, we love our paradigms as much as we hate our paradigms.

KATHLEEN: We love them and we will defend them no matter what because that fear that we have of that unknown is so strong and so uncomfortable that we're willing to do whatever it takes to make the other guy look bad, even though we're paying him or her to say, get me over the cliff.

KATHLEEN: So help me jump, so that's the one thing that when I because I'm really good, I'm a master at my paradigms. I really am a master and I know that a lot of times people don't see through my paradigm, even though I see it and they say yes. Yes, I see.

KATHLEEN: Yes, I see. Yes, I see. And then they don't because when I put them up there I test them and I'm a really good tester and that's, I think we have to do is discern the people that we want to work with as well.

KATHLEEN: So, even though I'm talking about, I need a coach and I do, I've got two people that are out there that I'm looking at, but that doesn't mean I'm in alignment because part of it needs to be in alignment and who knows Joey, maybe you're the guy that's going to be the one that I hire because your philosophy sticks more with me in my heart and, and creating that because I can do the work.

KATHLEEN: I just need whatever that is. Like, what is that little thing that's missing inside of me that I can't pinpoint?

KATHLEEN: And that's what this is about with you? So you can show me what that is because I think that's what's fascinating about your SMT is that you design it for the individual. So if you can elaborate just a little bit more, what did that look like when you created that to make that so unique for everyone?

JOEY: Absolutely. And, like I said to you already, it's funny we were talking about with that, with paradigms, what I, the way I describe life today? Is, man. It's more fulfilling. It's more rewarding. It's more impactful. It's more like, exciting than it's ever been.

JOEY: But there's more fear I live with on a regular basis. It's like I had to get used to fear, because there's that unknown, like what, about the tomorrows and things like that and there are things we do to minimize those and stuff. But it's a thrill.

JOEY: Its kind of a little bit like a roller coaster ride. It's got all the excitement and thrill and the height and everything else to it, but it's got that fear of not knowing it's going up. But how far up before it goes down and how straight down does it go and things like that?

JOEY: But it's really the only way I found to truly live, and truly achieve my desires and stuff. And yeah, you would ask about what it looks like with the program.

JOEY: So I talked about, we start with a dynamic vision and when I say a dynamic vision, I don't mean, I wanna, you know, get 15% growth on my business over the next three years and things like that. It's like I wanna freaking quadruple that son of a gun, I wanna blow my business out of the water, whether the economy is good or bad.

JOEY: I wanna blow that business. I wanna open up three more businesses. I wanna do this. I want, it's so unrealistic things we get into and then what we do is we start looking at based on the uniqueness of the individual, what things excite you to do.

JOEY: You talked about the 10,000 pound phone and I work with a lot of sales people on that and I help them, get over that and stuff. But if somebody like builders, if they can't see, I'm picking up the phone, there's so many other things you can be doing.

JOEY: So we start identifying those things that light up them up the action of doing and then which automatically turn on the attraction factor and we start doing those and as we start seeing things start showing up all of a sudden, we start bumping into things, which is the conditioning and so I help them identify what's going on at those times, and it could be a complete different conditioning than what we're experiencing in our feeling tone.

JOEY: But when we can identify what that conditioning is, then I have, we have tools that we can shift that and start putting more empowering thoughts and really realigning everything goes back to aligning the mindset, conscious and subconscious. And so as we do that, all of a sudden, people will start experiencing accelerated results and things like I, we talked about the out of the blues or coincidences continue to show up.

JOEY: And such, I can't control what happens with my clients as far as those coincidences, but I can help them get into alignment where all of a sudden they start experiencing and I'll have somebody who's, got like I said, $7.5 million in sales has been their high over 13 years in business.

JOEY: And the 12 months we work together, they almost toppled over $23 million and sustain that for the next five years. You know, companies that have been at $300,000 within 12 calendar months go to 3 million. And then the guy comes back to me and he says, man, I'm frustrated. I couldn't even get him to go to 3 million.

JOEY: He was like, all I is to get to three quarters of a million and I'll be able to pay my bills and chisel down the line of credit. So he gets a 3 million a year later. He comes back to me. He goes, man, I'm frustrated and I go, why? And he goes because I want to get the 5 million and I can't seem to do it.

JOEY: Now, here was a guy at 300,000 that got the 3 million, and that's part of the humanness as we achieve one of our our visions, then it continues to go as long as we live, we have visions, you know.

JOEY: And so it's really about getting that, getting the vision and then setting up systems that work for the individual, for that uniqueness of that individual and then start moving forward and those things can change as we evolve, they'll change as well.

JOEY: So we got to be willing to change with them. We can't live in this world like we're conditioned to where you find the system, you lock it down and you just stamp it and that's what you do the rest of your life. We don't live in that world anymore.

JOEY: People don't get one job and live there until they retire anymore. And I do not wanna live my life how I was conditioned that a man gets a job and supports a family and hopefully lives long enough to enjoy some retirement. I wanna live today for my joys.

JOEY: I wanna have freedom today to go play pickleball, to go work out to go handling whatever it may be. I wanna have the freedom to be able to do that and not have to wait for some certain age when social security or something like that kicks in.

KATHLEEN: But that's the nature of our Spirit. That's who we are.

KATHLEEN: That's the innate of us is constant evolution. I'm reading this book and Spirit actually said part of who we are is we create, we're constantly creating. But somehow we got into this little tiny itty bitty body and we got programmed for fear, poverty, pain, suffering, all of that.

KATHLEEN: We got programmed into that part of it by our governments with the wars with the assassinations of some of our better leaders, things like that. And what was that? That's all a control factor. Well, that's not who we are. We never were that. And I know that. And again, as you keep saying, like here's this guy who couldn't get past 300,000, then he got to 3 million.

KATHLEEN: Now he's like, I can't get past the 5 million. Again, it's a mindset. It's still a mindset. And we have to take that energy and we have to bring more of us to the picture to bring that energy up because money is an energy, everything is energy.

KATHLEEN: If we can bring our frequency up, we can hold more. And like you said, it's that constant living on the edge. And if you ever listen, I think I did Garth Brooks or somebody, I watched his documentary and he said that when his life started taking off when he was in front of millions of people, he said it was the pressure, it was constant, constant pressure.

KATHLEEN: And he said I had to learn to make that my friend and that's going to be with fear or whatever it is, you're doing, you have to make that you have to make change your friend. Because if you want the big dream, you have to be big.

JOEY: You said that earlier about evolution, we evolve and we continue to evolve.

JOEY: Part of the big problem we experience, especially here in the United States is somehow it got confused that evolving requires laboring or work.

JOEY: Yeah. And that's one of the big exceptions. If you want something, you got to take massive actions and exhaustive efforts and you got to be willing to trade off your life for. And how long have we heard that for? And that is all, I'll clean it up BS. It's 100% BS. It's 100% against.

JOEY: We are human beings but we live like we're human doings and we labor ourselves to where we have sicknesses, to where we have health issues to where we're burned out to where we can no longer even stand what we're doing. I can't tell you how many medical people real estate business owners I talked to that are just like, you know what?

JOEY: I wish I could just give this whole thing away. I wish I could just be dumb once abroad and they've lost their passion. But it's only because they've confused that in order to get that passion, they have to work or they have to labor and that is 100 and 80 degrees opposite from the direction I go.

JOEY: And that's why I tell people the SMT method is designed scientifically designed to help you identify those blocks so that you can experience greater results. And at the same time, do it at a pace where you can enjoy more of your life.

KATHLEEN: Well, then it doesn't feel like you're working because that's the whole point is you don't want to feel like you're working. That's why I'm still doing what I'm doing because I'm doing things that I love. They may frustrate me.

KATHLEEN: right now because I'm not sure what to do next, but I'm still doing whatever I get a message to do or what I think I should do. It's like, well, let's try this because I want success in a way. I mean, I want big success. Ok, I already know I'm way off the charts of where I want to be with success. And that's ok. I'm allowed to have that.

JOEY: Let me ask you something really quick because you said something really, really important there, Kathleen, you said when you get messages or things like that, how often do you find yourself doing 100 and 50 miles an hour with that? Go, go, go. How often do you get messages during that time.

KATHLEEN: When I'm go, go going, I'm not getting messages. So I slow down a lot and I take my time, I give myself that quiet time in the morning. I have that morning routine thing going so I can listen. And then I do my gratitude in the morning. I do gratitude at night. I take the time to be with me.

KATHLEEN: That's why I know that my message is getting clearer. It's not refined enough yet. I know that. But it's, those are the things. It's like, what is it that I want? How do I want to be? And it's not, what do I want people to do for me? It's how do I want to be? How do I want to show up in the world?

KATHLEEN: Because if I can become that attractive force in the universe because that's what I want to be because if I'm an attractive force in the universe, guess what's coming towards me? I tell myself I'm a lighthouse for people to find me to find the show. I'm a lighthouse. What do lighthouses do they bring the sailors home that are lost at sea?

JOEY: That's when you just showed evidence of that is so people will say, well, that doesn't happen for me. Well, no, it can't happen for you when you're doing 100 and 20 or 100 and 50 miles an hour with the go, go, go and constantly beating yourself up, and so it's there, it's available.

JOEY: It's right there for you, but we don't see it when we are in that go, go, go, we got to slow down to a pace where we can open our receptors to receiving those directions. And all of a sudden we receive this little direction. We go earlier, I went and got a coffee and I met somebody and I just said hello, we got to talk and now I have another client that came from that.

JOEY: And if I were rushing through life, if I go to get coffee is to a driver, I know every time I go get coffee now I walk inside and say hi and get to talk to people and like it's that slowing down. So if anybody is listening to this and you're at a point where you're struggling and stuff like that, the first thing to do is slow down. And then the other requirement that I look for because I only work with 12 coaches.

JOEY: There are 12 clients at a time and the reason I do that is because my clients have my personal number. So if something comes up, they don't have to wait until our next scheduled call, they can just reach out right. Then I want them to get the most out of our time as possible.

JOEY: So, when we're going through that, when we start slowing down, the other thing I look for is an open mind and we all say I got an open mind, but I can't tell you, Kathleen how many people I talk to that have that I know disease the whole time I'm talking. They go, I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I work with people in recovery for alcohol and stuff like that and it will start out going.

JOEY: I know. I know. I know. So, what I tell people is a beginner mindset. Open mind isn't about what I know today in this life with all the studies and everything I've done. I don't live that way. I live like I listened for. What can I add to what I already know? Or maybe what have I forgotten that I need to pick back up on. That's a beginner mindset.

KATHLEEN: I love that. And we're gonna go ahead and take a quick commercial break. Ok?

KATHLEEN: Welcome back, everyone. This is Kathleen Flanagan, your host and we are streaming on the bold Brave TV Network and this is the journey of an awakening Spirit. I have Joey Drolshagen in the room with us and on commercial break again, we decided because we only have eight minutes left, we're going to talk real quickly about the I know because I used to say, I know, I know I know all the time as well.

KATHLEEN: And then somebody said, well, if you knew, then why are you doing what you're doing instead of being where you want to be. And that was a real eye opening experience. And then it was like two ears, one mouth shut up and listen. And the most important thing was that was the most liberating is I'm a blue in the churches of Joe Crane and all that. I'm a blue which means I'm a teacher. So I know everything.

KATHLEEN: So I thought, and I remember the day that I realized I didn't know everything. And I told a fellow blue person and the look of horror on her face when I said, I don't know, was to her was traumatizing because as a blue, you know everything and you don't know everything.

KATHLEEN: And that was the most liberating time in my life when I said, I don't know. And I walk around today and say, I don't know, teach me, I don't know. because as long as I knew everything, nobody can help me.

KATHLEEN: As soon as I open myself to say, I need help, I need to receive and learn how to receive. That's when things change. That's when coincidence changes because I'm allowing instead of stopping a process. So Joey, I know you wanted to talk about it because you were saying you were a big I know person too.

JOEY: Absolutely. I was, I told you, I mean, just really quick as, yeah, I didn't realize I did it but I'd say I know, when I was talking to somebody, it always be. I know. I know. I know and I had somebody tell me one time they go Joseph, you know of and you know about, but you don't know it until you know it. And that helped me break that.

JOEY: Then I started looking at that is, it's not our fault that we're like that because we're conditioned to be in the world when we were in school and things like that, or like even as a kid, like Joey, why do you take that extra cookie? I don't know, Joey. You're in school. Why didn't you do your homework? I don't know. Why are you looking out the window? I don't know.

JOEY: You know, and we would get in trouble for that. We had to have the answer, we have to know the answer. We got to be able to figure it out on our own. So it's not our fault that we're like that we're conditioned to be that way in our culture.

JOEY: But the greatest things happen when I can look outside of what I know all of a sudden, I can start gaining new knowledge and I can start gaining new experiences and I can start and it starts opening the doorway to things, new things happening in my life. As long as I'm knowing, I'm trapped in what I already know.

KATHLEEN: It's childlike wonder.

KATHLEEN: Yeah. Exactly.

KATHLEEN: Like wonder back. Yes. Yeah.

JOEY: Play and we're all meant to. So, we all have different ways of doing it and things like that and everything. But we're all meant to soar in this life. We're not meant to struggle. It's the conditioning causing it. And, like I said, for a lot of people, I'll say right now, it's not your fault.

JOEY: If you're struggling with something, it's not your fault, your conditioning, and even the people who gave us our conditioning were doing the best they could do for it so we can let them off the hook as well. But it's that conditioning that traps us to struggle, that traps us to lack, that traps us to living on mediocre scraps of what our life could be.

JOEY: And one of my all time favorite quotes is, and I never say it the right way. By Marianne Williamson, and she said, we're not afraid of being powerless, what our real fear is of how powerful we really are. But I can't get to that power while I'm living from here and doing 100 and 50 miles an hour.

KATHLEEN: I say that a lot. It's not our smallness that we're afraid of. We're afraid of our greatness.

KATHLEEN: It's the same thing. It's very much the same thing. Greatness. Power, stepping into the true essence of who we are accepting us loving ourselves for who we are and not being whatever, all the lies that were perpetuated on us as children and through school and work and whatever else.

KATHLEEN: Welcome back, everyone. I'm not sure what just happened there, but somehow I just got checked out. So Spirit sometimes likes to play games, Joey.

KATHLEEN: What is one piece of advice you would offer our audience to help them move in a different direction to achieve their dreams or become a better person.

JOEY: Open up your mind, practice living with an open mind with a beginner mindset.

KATHLEEN: I love it.

KATHLEEN: How can people get a hold of you?

JOEY: The easiest way is anybody can reach out. I have my personal calendar up on a drive at coach with Joey.com. Anybody can schedule 15 minutes of my time. We'll just jump on the phone and just talk about the things we're talking about here. If somebody has something going on or questions we'll talk, allow that 15 minutes to talk about it.

KATHLEEN: Perfect. I love you. I love it. So I want to say thank I know right. Where is this coming from? But I do, I love you.

KATHLEEN: You know that you are fun. You're just fun. I mean that picture of you on that I have of you without your arms up in the air. That is so you, I love it. You're so dynamic.

KATHLEEN: So I want to thank you so much for coming on the show today.

KATHLEEN: I think I would definitely would love to have you come back sometime. Well, it's gonna be a while, but have you come back? Because I think this is very powerful and you're just full of life and lots of great information came out to help people. And so again, thank you so much for coming on the show for me today.

JOEY: Thank you. This is awesome to talk to you.

KATHLEEN: Oh, I will definitely get on.

KATHLEEN: So I have the appointment when I get back. So as you know, but I want to thank everyone for being on the show with us today. I really do appreciate it. If you like the show, please like or subscribe to the channel and if you found any value, please send, you know, let your friends know about the show.

KATHLEEN: And again, you can check us out at Kathleen M Flanagan for the list of services and products that I have. I do have the destress meditation there that's absolutely free and the role, Brave TV, and awakening Spirit and grandma's natural remedies.

KATHLEEN: Next week, we have Zak Lioutas coming on the show and because we couldn't get her on last week or the last month, we're going to carry on that conversation about spirituality using scripture to move into that. And next week, I will see you next week at Tuesday at 4 p. m. and from my heart to yours, I hope you have a fabulous week.

Joseph Drolshagen Profile Photo

Joseph Drolshagen

Professional Development/Personal Transformation Coach

Featured in FOX, CBS, and NBC along with being named one of the top business Coaches in America for two consecutive years, in The NYC Journal and Disruptors Magazine, Joey is known for helping realtors and small business owners to unlock their pathway to success through creating accelerating systems of habits and total mindset alignment!

Aside from a very successful 28-year career, up to VP of Sales, Joey has spent over 3 decades studying, implementing, and developing what's now known as the SMT Method (Subconscious Mindset Training), which has repeatedly allowed hundreds of people to create the life they desire, through retraining their subconscious mind...