April 23, 2024

Unlocking Cosmic Insights: Navigating Life with Vibrational Astrology

The podcast featured Michael Spremulli, an astrologer, discussing his journey with astrology, his expertise in interpreting planetary influences on birth charts, and his scientific approach to astrology. Michael explained how different planets like Mercury, Venus, Saturn, and Pluto impact individuals and their actions. He emphasized the importance of understanding aspects and vibrations in astrology rather than just focusing on signs. Michael also analyzed the speaker's birth chart, highlighting key vibrations and planetary connections that influence their actions and goals. He discussed upcoming planetary transits and how they could affect the speaker's career and passion projects. Overall, the podcast provided a deeper understanding of astrology beyond the generalized versions found online, offering insights into how astrology can help individuals understand themselves better and navigate daily life. The discussion was informative, analytical, and focused on practical applications of astrology.

- In this episode, guest Michael Spremulli delves into the world of astrology and how recent research is validating ancient theories.
- Michael shares his expertise in astrology and discusses how planetary movements impact individuals' birth charts.
- Listeners will gain a deeper understanding of astrology beyond the surface-level interpretations found in popular media.

- Michael's journey with astrology and how a reading from a professional astrologer changed his life.
- The scientific approach to astrology in vibrational astrology research.
- The significance of planets like Mercury, Venus, Saturn, and Pluto in astrology.
- How aspects and vibrations in a birth chart can reveal individual opportunities and challenges.
- The importance of empathy and viewing the world from different perspectives in astrology.

- Planetary movements can impact individuals' emotions, actions, and focus.
- Understanding the vibrations and aspects in a birth chart can provide insights into one's life path and purpose.
- Recent research in astrology is helping to validate ancient theories and practices.
- Astrology can be a tool for self-discovery, personal growth, and understanding relationships.

- Michael Spremulli, an expert in astrology and vibrational astrology research.

- Michael Spremulli provides personalized interpretations of birth charts and discusses how planetary transits can influence individuals' lives.
- The episode highlights the importance of self-awareness, focus, and empathy in astrology.
- Listeners are encouraged to explore astrology as a way to deepen their understanding of themselves and the world around them.



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Dancing Souls Book Two - The Dark Night of the Soul

Dancing Souls Book Three - Awakened



De-Stress Meditation



KATHLEEN: Hello everyone and welcome to the journey of an awakening Spirit. This is Kathleen Flanagan, your host and we are streaming on the Bold Brave TV Network and we had a little bit of a delay because Mercury seems to be retrograde and we have an astrologer with us today.

KATHLEEN: So this should be an interesting day with Mercury and an astrologer in the room. So I'm gonna go ahead and do the sound where I bring in the love balance and happiness to set the tone for me and my guests and then I will introduce Michael and we will move forward.

KATHLEEN: So let's begin Michael Spremulli is a data driven workplace personality expert who also happens to be a professional astrologer with almost 30 years of interpreting astrology charts, how you ask keep reading Michael's perspective on this fascinating subject.

KATHLEEN: Could be valuable for any podcast audience who is curious, open-minded, analytical and even skeptical Michael's journey with astrology began with a reading from a professional astrologer before he started grad school. The experience changed his life.

KATHLEEN: Michael's expertise lies in uncovering individual opportunity trends for people by interpreting how transiting planets impact their birth chart. With his specialized knowledge in astrology, Michael can offer podcast audience a deeper understanding of his ancient subject in a modern way that goes beyond the generalized and pop version found in magazines and online.

KATHLEEN: What sets Michael apart from other astrologers in his scientific approach to the subject, he reviews and participates in current vibrational astrology research which is happening at a brisk pace.

KATHLEEN: This research is shedding new light on the underlying principles of astrology along with the math and geometry used in its calculations. The recent scientific validation of some of astrology's theories through research is helping to bridge the gap between the traditional astrology and modern scientific understanding in a podcast.

KATHLEEN: Michael could share his expertise and expertise in experience and expertise in astrology as well as discuss the recent research on astrology that is helping to validate some of its theories.

KATHLEEN: He could also talk about how astrology can be a tool to help people understand themselves better and how it can be applied in daily life. Michael's unique perspective on astrology could offer any podcast audience a fun and alighting way to learn more about his ancient subject in a modern format. Welcome, Michael.

MICHAEL: Thank you so much, Kathleen. Pleasure to be here.

KATHLEEN: Well, it's great to see you and of course we start out with, you know, I'm not showing up even though I've been here waiting.

KATHLEEN: I know that we had to talk, what, six months ago now, I think it was and I learned so much more about what you do as an astrologer. And so we're deviating off the normal format of how you got in here because I think this is, that's very fascinating subject.

KATHLEEN: And I want you to talk to people a little bit about what you do and then if we want to go ahead and read my chart, it's up to you or your chart, whatever you want to do. But I want people to understand what you're doing because it is so different and it's even more in depth than what you said of what's in magazines and online.

MICHAEL: Oh, a absolutely. Well, again, thanks for having me and, and that's kind of what attracted me to vibrational astrology. A lot of people are unaware that there are different systems of astrology out there somewhere close to 80. And you know, of course, you've got the traditional Western astrology vedic is very popular in India, Siberia.

MICHAEL: ASR is another form a whole bunch of different systems. But what sets vibrational astrology apart is it's the only system of astrology that is an evidence based approach.

MICHAEL: Meaning there are models in place with very strict rules and guidelines, all derived from data that enable us to really hone in on a particular question or theme or whatever an individual has to explore and do so in a way that is much more exacting than just these general whitewash type statements such as well.

MICHAEL: The next six, these following six signs are gonna experience abundance over the next month. No, they're not, they're not. It sounds good, but that's not how it works. So it really is a way of blending the spiritual, the esoteric, the metaphysical with science and data.

MICHAEL: You don't have to pick a side and say, well, I'm all spiritual. So science goes out the window and vice versa. Well, I'm a scientist, I can't possibly look at astrology as being something real. The two actually can coexist quite beautifully.

KATHLEEN: Ok. So do you have a chart that you want to look at? So you can explain a little bit more or how you would do a reading? Because I'm sure a lot of people are wondering what does that exactly mean of what it says here?

MICHAEL: Let me give a little background information specifically as far as how VA is different. I think it will be helpful to just put a foundation in place. So with traditional astrology and I'm not knocking traditional astrology. You do you. That's what I always tell people, this is what resonates with me.

MICHAEL: But in traditional astrology, we have basically a system that's been around since, the early, over 2000 years ago, maybe longer. And some arguments as to when it actually got started, but it's rooted in old language. They use things like planetary rulers and and language that really doesn't encapsulate what's going on. And a lot of archetypes are used in astrology and that's fine.

MICHAEL: Well and good. But what VA does is we're not interested in archetypes as much. Or planetary rulers, even the signs tend to take a back seat. VA is all about energy. And I know that's what you do. You work with energy and vibrations and trying to reach higher levels of vibration, which brings conscious awareness to everyone.

MICHAEL: So in VA, the planets are front and center because each planet regulates a particular process. So you won't hear me use phrases like, well, we got to see who's ruling that house doesn't work that way. And the reason why is because when the research was done, it showed that those type of approaches, they really didn't hold up, not more than chance.

MICHAEL: So I think it might be helpful and I'll do this very quickly. Can I run through the 10 planets and basically just give a one liner of what each of those planets regulates because that'll help get people thinking along these lines, which is a little different, especially if you're familiar with astrology for many years.

MICHAEL: So again, the planets are like ingredients in a recipe depending on how many planets you have aspecting or connecting in different parts of your chart that changes the recipe. But we have to know what each ingredient or planet does. So I'm just gonna run through them from sun to Pluto real quick. The sun is very simple.

MICHAEL: All the sun does is shine a light on something and makes it front and center in our life. So when the sun's aspecting, that's what we're dealing with, whatever it's connecting with, it's put in its center stage. The moon regulates our feelings and emotions and often reflects the past like our habits, our patterns, ways of doing things, our culture history into the current moment.

MICHAEL: And you'll notice as I go through some of these, some of these align with traditional definitions of planets. Others do not realize that where the difference is, that's been borne out by research. So now we have Mercury something we're all familiar with. By the way, Mercury went retrograde April 1st, it's coming out on the 25th.

MICHAEL: So a couple more days of this craziness and then that'll be done. Mercury connects thoughts and ideas and it does so very quickly. So where Mercury is placed in your chart. It basically enables you to connect ideas quickly and depending on what it's aspecting with that could create some wonderful opportunities.

MICHAEL: Then we have Venus. Now everyone knows about Venus. Venus is the planet of your love. And yeah, it's that, but it's much more than that. Venus regulates what we are attracted to. And I like to say that could be people, places and things, Venus is involving beauty and things that we get attracted to.

MICHAEL: Mars is not the warrior, it can be the warrior from time to time, but that's not the de facto definition. Mars is the planet of action and drive. Mars makes us want to get things done.

MICHAEL: If we didn't have Mars, we'd stay in bed all day because Mars is what gets us up out of bed. Sorry. Well, here's what I gotta do today. I got to go to the store, I gotta do laundry. I gotta go to work. So Mars brings this drive and intensity to move things forward.

MICHAEL: Then we have Jupiter. Jupiter is the planet of expansion quite similar in definition there compared to traditional astrology. The way that you remember, Jupiter, Jupiter is big, it's a big planet and whatever it aspects, it makes really, really big most of the time. That is positive but not always because if it's affecting with something a little challenging, it can make that time a little bit destabilizing Uranus.

MICHAEL: Oh, excuse me, Saturn is next and everybody gives Saturn a bad rap. Saturn's like, oh, Saturn, my Saturn returns coming, I'm gonna get knocked around and oh, Saturn is so mean. It's the big bad Mali.

MICHAEL: That's another phrase that we don't use in VA Malis and Benefis meaning a planet that's gonna be harsh to us versus what that's gonna bring us gifts. All Saturn does is take out the non-essential things and it helps us focus on the core. We'll speak more about Saturn as we progress throughout this chat today. But Saturn helps you strip away distractions and focus on what is really, really important.

MICHAEL: Uranus breaks us out of the norm. The energy is vibrant, exciting and it challenges the status quo. If someone likes to party and socialize a lot, they probably have a lot of Uranus aspects in their chart because that's the type of energy that Uranus is all about.

MICHAEL: Yes, it could be a little disruptive. Yes, it can knock us for a little bit of a loop. But when you look at the core energy, it brings change liveliness and focuses us on the here and now then we have Neptune. Neptune is what is magical to us, to you, to me and that's gonna be different for everyone.

MICHAEL: Some people magic is wanting to go to the Super Bowl or see Taylor Swift live in concert or have a house in the country so they can watch the cows mosey in the pasture, whatever that is for you, that's what Neptune regulates.

MICHAEL: So, depending on what planets are connected. So we'll just do a quick teaching here. Let's say Mars, which is the planet of action happens to be connected to your Neptune. Then that's gonna fuel your desire to pursue the dream rather than just dream about it.

MICHAEL: And then last but not least we have Pluto and Pluto by itself doesn't do much. Pluto is this raw compulsive energy that's basically a modifier to whatever planet it connects with. So it adds intensity drive compulsion, even a little possessive and obsessiveness, which can be helpful if managed correctly.

MICHAEL: If left unchecked, we can get knocked around quite a bit because Pluto tends to pull out hidden information, reveals things from our depths. But the way it does, it is it amplifies or magnifies whatever planet it happens to be connecting with. So those are the building blocks of VA right there because with those not, and obviously I'm giving you like a thimble full of what each of those planets represent.

MICHAEL: But the theme is gonna be consistent throughout. So when we start to look at someone's chart, I'm not looking at signs and you know, well, they're in this house. We do a little bit of that, but that's not the meat and potatoes of vibrational astrology. The meat and potatoes are, where are the aspects, where are these circuits that are connected?

MICHAEL: And then from that, we're able to kind of tell the story of an individual as things unfold with regards to what personal circuitry you have from the cosmos in this lifetime here on earth. So hopefully, I didn't go too much into the weeds there. But I think that's essential just to kind of set the stage for how VA functions differently. And, I always like to give some practical takeaways.

KATHLEEN: Now, that's perfect. And we're gonna go ahead and take a quick commercial break.

KATHLEEN: Welcome back, everyone to the journey of an awakening Spirit. This is Kathleen Flanagan, your host and we are streaming on the Bold Brave TV Network and we have Michael Spremulli in the room with us today and we are talking about vibrational astrology and Michael just gave us a real quick rundown of what the planets actually mean.

KATHLEEN: And I actually like your interpretation of the planets better than how I experienced the planets from traditional astrology. So know what Saturn returns never bothered me. Pluto kicked my butt, but that was it the question would have been, what was it affecting at that point to make it feel the way it did. So that would have been a really good piece of information to know, 20-30 years ago.

MICHAEL: And, let me just jump in on that because that's where I think a lot of people have a disconnect, someone could be experiencing, you know, we're in this Mercury retrograde now, which is just wrapping up. And I was doing another interview recently and someone was asking how it was going for me.

MICHAEL: I said this one was easy for me and they said they were getting clobbered. And the reason of the difference in perception of that is it all has to do with what's going on in your natal chart. That's the chart that we create, that starts everything, the moment that you emerge on earth, the date time and location creates your natal chart.

MICHAEL: And the theory is, and we always say theory because as good researchers do, you never really prove anything, you always either add to the theory or modify it or adjust it is that when we're born, we got the position of the planet stamped into our cosmic DNA and that never changes. We have our birth chart with us throughout our entire life. What does change are what's going on in the sky, the affecting planets.

MICHAEL: So it could be quite feasible for someone to be going through a Mercury retrograde or a Saturn return or a Pluto or whatever. And one person sails right on through and someone else gets knocked around because it depends on what's happening in the sky and how that is connecting with different circuits in your own chart.

MICHAEL: Which is pretty cool stuff. Why don't we talk about your chart? Ok. How about, what I'm gonna do and if you're watching, don't worry about it, you're not gonna see this, but I'll explain what's going on.

MICHAEL: One of the things that we thrive on, I guess you could say, or our stock and trade in vibrational strategy is looking at what we refer to as harmonic or vibrational charts and these are all calculated off of the natal chart. Now, there are 360 vibrations, at least at the base level. We're certainly not going to get into all those today.

MICHAEL: But what I do when someone comes to me and we did this for you and I'm gonna touch on this now is I always look to see where the most action is in these different vibrations because each vibration brings with it, its own theme.

MICHAEL: And then we look to see what planets are aspecting. So for you, the first thing that jumped out to me was your seventh vibration. Now, the seventh vibration has to do with a deep quiet, calm, internal focus. So it's a stillness. So when the seventh vibration is strong in an individual.

MICHAEL: It means they need alone time, they need time to be able to sit, think process, cogitate. Come up with ideas before we even look at the planets. We know that that's gonna be the case. Would you say that that's pretty much how you operate? Especially when working on major projects.

KATHLEEN: Oh, I totally operate that way. I have always been that way. Coming out into the world is the hardest thing in the world. I'm doing right now.

MICHAEL: Yeah. Yeah. So let's look at what's going on there. So you've got a bunch of planets connecting. Now, when I say aspecting, if those of you who are unfamiliar with astrology aspect is just think of it as a connection or a circuit, it's when these planets are within a certain range where the energies blend together. So you've got five planets that are affecting inside of the fifth vibration.

MICHAEL: And that's another differentiator of vibrational astrology. We generally don't focus too much on two planet aspects like oppositions and Trines, we certainly incorporate those. But to get to the core of an issue, quickly we go to see where the power is. So you've got the moon Mars, Sun Pluto and Neptune all connected in the seventh vibration.

MICHAEL: Now, we know the seventh vibration is about needing a deep quiet, internal focus. So what do these planets represent? Well, the moon regulates our emotions. So your feelings and emotions need to be involved with whatever it is you're working with or you're out, you're just not interested. Mars brings energy and drive for you to pursue something. Well, what are you gonna pursue?

MICHAEL: Well, Neptune happens to be in there. So, Neptune is what is magical to you. So if I was doing a one on one consultation, this would be the point where I would say to the person what is magical to you? I mean, I have some ideas here from looking at your chart. But what is your dream, your mission in life. What would you say that would be if you had to distill it down to a sentence or two?

KATHLEEN: My mission in life is to help people wake up and remember who they are and send them back into the remembrance of source type of thing to tap their vibration.

MICHAEL: Yep. There's your magic, that's what you have been put on this earth to do and you do a lot of that work. I would imagine. I don't want to put words in your mouth. And by the way, unlike most astrologers, if I say something that doesn't resonate, tell me not to get off. This is how we refine our model.

MICHAEL: So Moon Mars Neptune is about, you wake up every day. You want me to connect these feelings and emotions to help the greater good. We've got two others that we've got Pluto, which is looking into this planetary configuration and Pluto is that compulsion, that dog with a bone like energy?

MICHAEL: So, I would imagine that once you get into something, your nuts and it's like I'm overturning every rock I possibly can in order to meet the needs of the people or pulling something together. And it's like I'll go until I figure it out and I'm gonna figure it out or I'm gonna go out.

MICHAEL: Is that encapsulate the way.

KATHLEEN: People comment about how deep I go into research when I'm in something and how I just dive in and I get it done very quickly.

MICHAEL: Now there's one other piece here, the sun, the sun and all because I don't really care the sun doesn't do much, but it does something very important. So how that dichotomy in duality for you, the sun by itself isn't all that powerful other than the fact that it focuses its energy on whatever else it may be affecting with and it makes it front and center.

MICHAEL: So how do we pull this interpretation together? Now, in the 7th for you, with these five planets, you're focused constantly on pursuing this magic which is making people more conscious you're putting in the work.

MICHAEL: Mars, you're making sure that it keeps you engaged at an emotional level moon. And then you've got the Pluto compulsive dog with like energy that is just driving, driving, driving, you probably overwork yourself and have to schedule breaks and all that sort of stuff.

MICHAEL: And that's how we put it all together inside of the 7th in order for you to hit this goal and to be on this path, you have to, it's not, hey, I'd like to, or it would be nice to, you have to carve out downtime, meaning that you're isolated and you can focus because if we put you in a distracted environment and expect you to do all this, you're gonna be pulling your hair out.

KATHLEEN: Most likely, I agree with that. That, is actually true because when I have because right now I'm in the process of transitioning. So like Saturday, I went out and did my first book signing and it wasn't hard, it wasn't challenging. I wasn't emotionally messed up. I was dead for two days. I mean, I was totally drained.

KATHLEEN: I never even got out of my sweats. I didn't even take a shower. I got up, I ate and that was the extent of what I did that day. And then yesterday I was still drained even after exercising thinking that it should get me moving and it didn't today, I'm better, but I'm still, it's yeah, I have to really carve out that time.

MICHAEL: So let's talk about that for a second because VA is an energy based model. This is a prime example. We couldn't have planned this any better to explain how energy works. And you obviously are quite familiar with energy and how things work.

MICHAEL: And this will probably just add a different reinforcement on that when we are doing things in our charts, regardless of which vibration and where the aspect is we're in that flow state. Think of energy flowing through those circuits easily and effortlessly. Life is good. We're excited, we're energized, we're engaged when we have to step back outside of that energy. And we all have to do it.

MICHAEL: There's no such thing as just getting into an environment where you never have to deviate from where the energy is gonna flow the most easily for you when we have to do something like a book signing and you prefer to be at home researching and meditating and contemplating.

MICHAEL: Now we're having to siphon this energy away from what we normally like to do, which is the quiet, still internal focus and bring it out to the world. Well, that just pulled the energy right out of us because that's not our preferred way of operating. So, not surprising you went through that experience and now it's like, hey, I need a couple of days to recover.

MICHAEL: Versus the flip side of that is, let's say you're in an environment that is very quiet and still. And you're able to do all the things that you do in that situation that can actually energize you to then go and do that for multiple days on end because you're working with the energy as opposed to working against it.

KATHLEEN: Very true. Very true.

MICHAEL: Let me take a peek at one other vibration here just because, I pulled a bunch. One or two more. So the other vibration that you have very active for you is the 11th vibration and the 11th vibration has to do with a restlessness. Meaning that we tend to get restless if we're not doing the things that are important to us inside of our vibration of the 11th vibration.

MICHAEL: So we then go look at the planets. Well, you've got two things that are two planetary configurations here. The first you have is Mars Saturn and Uranus all together. So Mars is action. So you see, you can already see how in some ways VA if you know nothing about astrology in some ways, it's a lot simpler because you start building on these planetary definitions and Mars will always be the planet of action.

MICHAEL: There's not a time when it won't be. So, Mars is bringing action, but then Saturn comes in and takes out all the crud and the things that we don't need. And what does that do? That helps you focus on what is in important. So cutting away those distractions, we say in the VA world, Saturn, cuts it to the bone. So you're not having a good time working on something if you're having to deal with superfluous nonsense.

MICHAEL: Like, well, how do I get this file to upload correctly? I gotta get the format. It's like, oh, just let someone else do it. I just want to get my message out there and then you have Uranus jumping in there as well and that breaks us out of the norm. So, Saturn and Uranus when they interact together, that could be a little disruptive.

MICHAEL: So, yeah, I know a little bit about you just from when we touched base. But I don't know your whole history. I would imagine looking at the Mars Saturn Uranus, conjunction that I'm seeing here in the 11Th Vibe is that you are probably not one to fit in much along the way growing up to your life that you probably bucked the norms, the system and everything else to be unique.

KATHLEEN: I did, I did I have paid dearly dearly for this because I didn't do the corporate 9 to 5 and coming back with my story, everybody's got their plan for their future and all I saw was nothing because I didn't understand me yet. And then I just followed a totally different path than everybody else. Yeah.

MICHAEL: Yeah. And here, now let me ask you this whenever you entertain the idea of following the traditional path. What does that feel like for you? Well, your laughter kind of just summed it up there. But what does it feel like for you?

KATHLEEN: Usually it's cruddy feeling like it's like, ew, what is this and get it off? Like there's like a slime or something icky on me that just constricts me. It makes me crazy.

MICHAEL: That's an example of, again trying to tap into energy. That is not ideal for you. Some people, they love the corporate 9 to 5. They, it gets them up out of bed in the morning, but that's not you, you've got to carve your own path.

MICHAEL: And remember because this is in the 11th vibration. The overall theme that all these planets are functioning within is you get restless if you're not moving toward the goal or direction that you want to move in which if channeled correctly helps keep you moving instead of getting frustrated.

MICHAEL: So, oh, I get what's going on. I'm not making progress here. I got to put in some time, make some progress. Carve my own path and life is good as soon as you go down that path that others have laid out for you.

MICHAEL: But some people are wired to do that and that's not a judgment. That's just it is what it is in. VA we look at what we see the facts, the data and some people are meant to be a nine to fiver great. Nothing wrong with that. Other people are not.

MICHAEL: Now, you've got something else going on here in your 11th vibration. So that theme of restlessness still holds true. And that is you've got Mercury Pluto and Jupiter. So to say that you are one to come up with radical or novel ideas is probably the understatement of the millennia because Mercury connects thoughts and ideas.

MICHAEL: Jupiter makes them really, really big still using our planetary definitions and Pluto is the intensity compulsive dog with a bone. So you probably have, you've probably forgotten more ideas than the average person will ever have in a lifetime.

MICHAEL: Very true because you know, not every idea is gonna have action behind it, but ideas just come to you at a quick and rapid pace and big ideas and big plans. It's like, well, I don't just want to impact the community. I wanna make an impact for the world. I wanna get my message out there for everyone who needs to hear it to hear it.

MICHAEL: So this is all very positive stuff in the 11th vibration. If I was meeting with you one on one, I would say the thing is because of your seventh, you need to make sure you carve out a balance so that things end up getting recharged because you can't run wide open the entire time.

MICHAEL: So those are just two vibrations that that came up. I will mention one last thing I think we have a break coming up here. The 17th vibration is also pretty strong for you. What is the 17th vibration about empathy viewing? The world from someone else's perspective.

MICHAEL: And you're able to do that with ease because you can see the other side of the coin. You don't have to think about it. You step into their shoes. It's almost as if it just happens automatically. And what do you have going on there? Moon, Jupiter and Venus moon is feelings.

MICHAEL: Jupiter is expansion, expansiveness and welcoming type of energy. So you probably welcome others into your world and you got Venus there. So you're attracted to wanting to make a difference and help people get to where they wanna go. And that's from the 17th vibration.

MICHAEL: It's pretty fascinating stuff. This is why I love this stuff so much because you can get to where you need to go very quickly.

KATHLEEN: And that every bit of that is so true. I remember I have to tell you about the big idea when I was, I know I have 30 seconds, but I'll talk fast when I was six. I think it was like six years old and we were in a bad storm, a bad rainstorm and I was looking out the back window when, we were driving.

KATHLEEN: And I'm like, well, why don't we have a windshield wiper on the back window? Could you imagine how rich I'd be today if I knew how to do that at six years old? Talk about a big idea at six. Ok. That just puts a little bit of that to make sense of what you said about those kind of ideas. So we're gonna go ahead and take a quick commercial break and we'll be right back.

KATHLEEN: Welcome back everyone to the journey of an awakening Spirit. This is Kathleen Flanagan, your host and we are streaming on the Bold Brave TV Network and I have Michael Spremulli in the room with us today and we are going over things about my chart and who I am.

KATHLEEN: So you guys have got a little bit deeper insight into who I am and why I'm doing what I'm doing. So Michael, I'm gonna go ahead and turn it back over to you on what else you would like to talk about.

MICHAEL: Sure. I think this is a good place to bring up the point. We spoke about your chart so far for, I don't know, 8, 10 minutes or so, if that, but you see how quickly we're able to get to the core of who you are and again. I always get hate mail from other astrologers.

MICHAEL: I'm not knocking other systems of astrology, but I'm showing you why this resonates with me. I'm a data guy who needs to get to the bottom line quickly. I don't have three hours to dig through a chart to see what's going on and look for. Well, who's the ruler here?

MICHAEL: And where's the final depositor and what we got? All these planets kinda hanging around this. But it gets right to it with eerie accuracy. Because when I go and look at your other vibrational charts, not all of them have well, not just for you, but for all of us, not every chart is going to have a lot of placements in it.

MICHAEL: That's OK. We look at where the energy is wired specifically for you and it just shows up when I run the calculations because we see the most activity happening in there and something else that I didn't touch on before with your 11th vibration, you have something and we rely on these a lot in VA called a, a midpoint structure and think of it as like a reinforcer.

MICHAEL: It amplifies what's going on inside of that chart and the particular aspects. And in your 11th vibration, you have a midpoint structure that is Mercury.

MICHAEL: Jupiter Uranus. Ok. So we spoke about those planets a second ago with, Mercury bringing ideas, Jupiter makes them really big and then Pluto is that dog with a bone where they just boom, boom, boom, one after another, not only do you have the planetary configuration, but you have this thing called the midpoint where it's sort of like the focal point, the equal distance between two other planets.

MICHAEL: So you've got Pluto is that main planet. So you've got this raw, intense energy and a midpoint is formed between Mercury and Jupiter, which is very, very strong due to the nature of where it's placed, which adds even another layer of ideas and information and stuff. I'm gonna say that you probably have a lot of chatter going on in your mind at any given point in time.

KATHLEEN: Oh That is the understatement of the century.

MICHAEL: The astrology confirms it because all those three planets, Jupiter, Mercury and Pluto, that's just rapid fire. Boom. Oh I gotta do this now. I gotta do that. Oh Let me go here. Oh Here's an idea. But I mean, that's kind of what it might sound like in your mind. A cacophony of stuff.

MICHAEL: So obviously nobody wants to have constant chatter in their brains. What we do is we got to figure out how to best work with that energy so that we can use it and have it serve us but not have it distract us so that we're trying to fall asleep at night. You get 800 ideas coming in and you end up not getting any sleep.

KATHLEEN: I live for that one.

MICHAEL: Yeah. Exactly. So, one of the things that I often like to do in VA is, and I'll do this and, I hadn't even looked at what we call transits and transits are looking at what's going on in the sky with regards to how that is impacting you right now because the planets in the sky ultimately activate different parts of our birth chart.

MICHAEL: So I'm gonna take a quick peek. And again, I'm doing this without Annette as we speak and realize that transits indicate what can happen, not what's going to happen. Not at all. It's sort of like a weather report where you can make a decision to go to the beach on Saturday.

MICHAEL: Even if it's raining, the weather is not going to say no, you can't go, you can go, you can get soaking wet, probably not the optimal time to go, but you at least know what the conditions are gonna be like. So I just ran your transit as we're speaking here and you got a cycle that looks like it started early in May of Uranus, Pluto and Jupiter. So let me break this.

MICHAEL: No, no excuse me, started early April of this year and it peaks on May on April 30th and it goes all the way to the end of June. So when we're talking about transits and forecasting. It's important to know that energy doesn't get flipped on and off like a switch. At least planetary energy maybe in the electric in your house, it comes on and off like a switch.

MICHAEL: But there's a ramp up period as these planets get closer and closer together and form these angular relationships. The intensity increases. So it started early April and you've got Jupiter Uranus and Pluto all connecting. Well, Jupiter's expansion. Uranus is breaking out of the norm and Pluto is this intensity.

MICHAEL: Now, the energy peaks on the 30th and everyone always wants dates for me. So that the dates I give you are when the energy is at its strongest. Don't get hung up on the date because stuff can happen on either side of it because this is a longer cycle.

MICHAEL: Well, this tells me that since April all the way through the first week of June, it's like breaking out of the norm on steroids, breaking out of routine, looking for something bigger because Uranus and Jupiter are there that's very lively and energetic and a lot of activity going on. Pluto amplifies that even more. So this could be a very chaotic time.

MICHAEL: But at the same time, positive, sometimes chaos is not bad because there's good things happening here with Jupiter and expanding whatever it is you're dealing with. And that tenacity comes in from Pluto. Have you been digging in even more intensely than you normally would starting early April and, still happening concurrently now.

KATHLEEN: It hasn't stopped since April, I've gone, a lot of things have changed, but April, there was a big shift where my higher self emerged with me and it's just been one thing after another. I'm in this coaching program I'm developing. Well, I'm on a, yeah, I'm developing my business. I'm developing, more of the coaching.

KATHLEEN: How do I want my messaging all of that is being dialed in and my coaches are like, wow, and then my books are finally coming out. I finally did. The signing. The launch is next, May 2nd is when I'm having my first launch finally. So everything is like coming together and I'm like, ok, just hang on, just hang on and so I'll do that so I can keep moving forward.

MICHAEL: Definitely hang on because this energy that I'm describing right now, it hasn't even peaked yet. It peaks on the third. So May 2nd is shortly thereafter. It's still very intense from what I'm looking at over here. That's an excellent day for a book signing because Jupiter's expansion, reaching the public, getting out in front of people.

MICHAEL: Uranus is being lively, focusing on the moment, not worried about the past or the future. And unbeknownst to you, you timed this perfectly from an astrological standpoint, which is pretty cool.

KATHLEEN: I didn't plan anything. I'm just following what Spirit tells me to do there.

MICHAEL: You go and this energy it starts to weaken around the second or third week of May. But still, what ends up happening is it's there and you can end up still seeing a lot of these type of things occur over time until this transit kind of wraps itself up. Another one that's been going on here. And this is an even slower moving transit, which means it's around for a longer period.

MICHAEL: It started well before April it peaks on the 17th is how Mercury Pluto and Saturn. So what does this mean? Mercury and Saturn? It's Mercury's thoughts. Saturn's calling out things that are not important. Pluto's cutting things. Pluto is intensifying things. So this suggests to me that starting in April, it's like, all right, what do I need to get rid of?

MICHAEL: What do I chop out of here? What can I let go of whether it's all messaging ideas could be old junk in the garage. I have no idea what that looks like for you, but that's something that's been probably rum around continuously since April and it peaks June 17th and it kind of backs off. So have you been doing a lot of internal or external editing?

KATHLEEN: Internal, lot of internal, very much so internal. It's like anything that's no longer serving me, why stepping into who I truly am accepting myself, knowing I'm worthy and deserving, all that garbage that I was told to all those years ago, I've just, it's gone. It's, it's just gone.

KATHLEEN: I'm leaving, it's leaving and it's intense and it's not always easy. I mean, there's almost like a depression sometimes because you're like, getting rid of something familiar, but it doesn't serve me and I don't like it and I feel so much lighter and better and happier when I get rid of it. So, it's this weird emotional thing that's going on right now.

MICHAEL: But even things that we tend to get attracted to and keep with us that no longer serve us. There is that emotional component. It's like, well, this has helped me so much, but I don't like this anymore. It's the wrong color. It doesn't fit, it's this and we kind of have that internal angst. That's when Saturn comes in and says, do you really need that still?

MICHAEL: If not, maybe you should throw it away and, metaphorically speaking, but that's Saturn's function. I got one more date that popped out here that I just want to share with you because I think it's important. You've got Pluto forming a, Quincunx with your mid heaven. Don't worry about what Quincunx means. That's just Fancy astrology terms.

MICHAEL: Mid Heaven is our career and what we put out into the world. Well, this energy is starting to simmer. This is a slow moving transit as well because Pluto is the slowest moving planet of them all but it hits your mid heaven, mid heaven. Exact on June 22nd. Now, remember Pluto is this dog with a bone type of energy? A K A passion. So I don't know what you've got scheduled and happening toward the middle of the end of June.

MICHAEL: But if it happens to coincide with something you are passionate and strong about that is a golden opportunity to push it to the world. Why? Because Pluto is activating that career section the 10th house of your chart. See we do use houses a little bit and you notice we've been talking for almost an hour and I haven't mentioned a sign one time.

MICHAEL: That's on purpose. It's not that we're anti sign. But I think a lot of folks get it wrong and all they focus on is sign, sign, sign, sign, sign, signs are part of it. They give another layer of coloring but they don't produce the action, the planets produce the action and I'll die on that hill because you know, let's face it.

MICHAEL: I was doing astrology before VA became a thing. I mean, the VA has been in research and development since the early seventies by David Cut and you can Google him on YouTube and see all the work that he's done and he's still continuing to produce research. And in fact, I'm studying with him in a in a very two in an extensive twoyear mentor program.

MICHAEL: So I'm getting this straight from the horse's mouth. But signs only get you so far and there's only so much that you can get from them and you really don't want to overgeneralize because that's when the system breaks down and that's when people say, oh, astrology is a bunch of nonsense. Well, if you're only relying on signs, it can be.

MICHAEL: So it's not uncommon for me to do a full consultation with someone and barely mention a sign. I don't discuss the rising sign, the ascendant, the big tree, all that stuff. I mean, that's fun for pop astrology, I suppose, but we don't need it.

MICHAEL: We can get there a lot more quickly and a lot more exact. And that's important to me due to my, research and data background, I want to get to the gold, you know, let's let's not dance around unnecessarily, but that's just me.

KATHLEEN: I'm really sorry to interrupt you, but we're pretty much out of time an hour and you have to come back and go down to.

KATHLEEN: This was just so cool. So how can people get a hold of you if they're really interested in wanting to have their, a whole different level of their chart being read.

MICHAEL: The easiest place to find me. And thank you for that, by the way, is at Blue Ridge Astrology.com. That's Blue Ridge Astrology.com. Easy way to remember it is I live in the Blue Ridge Mountains. And no one can spell my last name. So Blue Ridge Astrology.com, tons of information there. I encourage people to sign up for my free weekly astro alerts.

MICHAEL: I send them out every Sunday. I don't spam you and I give you the week ahead forecast and you can follow me on all the socials, TikTok, Instagram, Facebook under the same moniker Blue Ridge Astrology. I actually do daily forecasts for the collective there and would love for folks to join me.

KATHLEEN: Well, thank you so much Michael for coming on the show today. I really appreciate it. It was, it was just Too Short of a time.

MICHAEL: My pleasure, that just means we have to come back because I haven't even scratched the surface yet.

KATHLEEN: I know. So I wanna thank everyone for tuning in today. If you really like the show today, please feel free to like and subscribe to the channel and send the link to your friends and family because this was such an enlightening thing and from my heart to yours, I hope you all have a fabulous week. Bye for now.

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Michael Spremulli

Professional Astrologer

Michael Spremulli's approach to astrology is both unique and practical. He combines his expertise as a therapist and workplace personality expert with modern, cutting-edge, scientifically validated astrology interpretation techniques.