March 26, 2024

Living From Your Soul Vision

The podcast featured speakers Kathleen and Zak discussing the importance of walking by faith, not by sight, and embracing spiritual growth and personal transformation. Zak shared his journey of self-discovery and finding his true identity beyond religious constructs. They emphasized the significance of connecting with one's inner self, elevating frequency, and trusting intuition to manifest positive changes in life. The conversation highlighted the power of interpreting scripture in a personal and meaningful way, focusing on love, abundance, and spiritual enlightenment. The speakers encouraged listeners to seek spiritual guidance, embrace their true essence, and trust in the divine plan for their lives. The discussion took place recently, focusing on the present moment and the ongoing journey of self-discovery and spiritual awakening.

Hosted by Kathleen, the podcast explores insights and experiences on navigating life's challenges with faith, grace, and resilience.
- Guest Zak Lioutas shares her journey of spiritual awakening and living a life of purpose, abundance, and spiritual fulfillment.

Main Topics Discussed:
- Embracing faith and surrendering to the process of self-discovery and transformation.
- Stepping into one's true self and connecting with the divine essence within.
- Overcoming limiting beliefs and rebuilding a stronger sense of self.
- Exploring the role of religion and spirituality in personal growth and understanding of God.
- Interpreting biblical teachings and parables to find personal meaning and guidance.
- Harnessing the power of frequency and energy to navigate life's challenges and make intuitive decisions.

Key Takeaways:
- Walking by faith, not by sight, allows for personal growth and transformation.
- Embracing one's true self and connecting with the divine essence leads to spiritual fulfillment.
- Religion is a manmade construct, while spirituality is a personal journey of connection with the divine.
- Interpreting scripture and parables can provide guidance and insight into life's challenges.
- Understanding frequency and energy can help in making intuitive decisions and navigating life's path.

- Zak Lioutas shares her personal journey of spiritual awakening and living a life guided by faith and intuition.
- Emphasizes the importance of connecting with one's soul vision and embracing one's true self.

- The podcast encourages listeners to explore their own spiritual journey, connect with their inner essence, and embrace faith and intuition in navigating life's challenges.

How to Connect:
- For more information on Zak's workbooks and teachings, listeners can reach out to her through

Dancing Souls Book One - The Call

Dancing Souls Book Two - The Dark Night of the Soul

Dancing Souls Book Three - Awakened

De-Stress Meditation


KATHLEEN: Zak Lioutas is a beacon of light in the realm of spiritual awakening and empowerment with a profound understanding of personal energy frequency and a deep connection to the divine. Zak serves as a guide mentor and catalyst for transformation.

KATHLEEN: As a spiritual alchemist, Zak is passionate about helping individuals tap into the frequency of God's divine presence within themselves with a blend of spiritual wisdom and practical insight.

KATHLEEN: Zak empowers others to unlock their inner potential, overcome obstacles and manifest their deepest desires in alignment with their creator. Throughout her own journey, Zak has discovered the transformative power of aligning with God's frequency.

KATHLEEN: Now she shares her insights and experiences with others, offering guidance on how to navigate life's challenges with faith, grace and resilience. Harnessing the frequency of God's presence and living a life of purpose, abundance and spiritual fulfillment. Welcome, Zak.

ZAK: Hello, Kathleen. Hello, everyone.

KATHLEEN: How are you woman?

ZAK: I'm doing fantastic.

KATHLEEN: I saw your photos of connecting with your girlfriends last night and you know, one of these days we're gonna see your face again because we need to see that bright beaming face of yours with that big, beautiful smile to let everybody see the transformation that has happened to you by stepping into your soul vision.

ZAK: Yeah. Sometimes God has a plan of his own and wants to leave the mystery up to the people's imagination, I guess. And it's just like, hey, you do because this is the way the cookie is gonna crumble right now and I'm good with it. I'm not gonna fight it.

ZAK: I'm just gonna allow it to be. And here we are today and eventually the bright blue eyes will show up on screen again and we could get rocking and rolling and feeling the vibration from a different way.

ZAK: But sometimes you know what God says is that it's not what you see, it's what you feel. And this is about really tapping into the feeling of life rather than the vision of life is what I'm getting. So, here we are today doing the same thing that we've been doing for the last two weeks a month.

KATHLEEN: I know and to me it's ok because I understand that because when they see how much you change, because when you showed me that video a couple of weeks ago and how you stepped into that higher self of you, that Godlike being of who you are was so amazing. It's like, oh my God, she did it.

KATHLEEN: She stepped into it and then it was like a day or two later, I stepped into mine and it was such a powerful experience to really embrace that higher self of who I am of being able to go to that next level. Yes. Is it an energy change? Oh Yeah. But the excitement and the being on fire with stepping into knowing who you truly are is incredible.

KATHLEEN: And I would love for you to share with everyone because you're actually out there starting to deliver your new program. And so I'd like to learn a little bit more about how that's going for you. And if you want to describe the program to our guests, I would love for that as well because I'm right behind you. I'm dialing in on my message so I can come out in the world as well. So take it away Zak.

ZAK: Yeah. Thanks Kathleen. I know it's funny because as you were speaking at the beginning of the show, I heard Spirit say she's changing things up. And I said, I could feel that see when we walk by faith and not by sight, we're surrendering to the old self and allowing for the new self to be emerging into something we may not know and fear, self doubt, all these emotions will come to the forefront.

ZAK: But when you realize that God has created you to be exactly who you are, but you've allowed another in to get in the way of your truth and now you're just surrendering to it. Something beautiful just happen. And is everyone gonna be on your side? No.

ZAK: And that's OK because not everyone liked Jesus and you could see it now in the world that we're living in, we still have those that don't like Jesus and that's fine. Jesus says, OK, great. Move on, right? So you have to trust your abilities to be who you are. God created you knowing exactly who you are God creating, knowing exactly the struggle that you're gonna go through in life.

ZAK: So going through these struggles that I went through of being authentically who I am today was me trying to please everyone else around me, but forgetting who I was, me being there for everyone else, not in my truth, but in this false identity I created for myself. And it took a huge toll on my body.

ZAK: It took a huge toll on my spiritual being, my emotional being and just who I was as a human being because I was wearing all these different masks. And when I came home and into my safe place as I call it and remove that mask and start connecting with Jesus. It was like I can't do this anymore. I was like, well then don't do it.

ZAK: But then you have, you know Sarah speaking like this and Johnny talking like that and mom saying this and just saying this and brother saying that and because in that and friends saying that and media says this and it's like you care what's happening outside of you or do you care what's happening inside of you?

ZAK: And that's when you know, when you look within you and then seek the kingdom inside of yourself, which we like to call it the queen dumb because you know, being that female, you start to move differently, you start to see things differently. You start start to shape yourself differently. And that's exactly the journey that I've been on for many, many years.

ZAK: The last three years mostly. But I would say since I turned 50 almost a year ago now, something just changed inside of me. And I said, you know what, what I did 49 years ago is my teaching to what I'm not gonna do 49 years after I do wanna live past 100. So I decided, what I'm gonna be who I am.

ZAK: And if people don't like it, that's their problem. Not my problem. If people think I'm too direct, that's their problem. Not my problem, people think I talk about Jesus too much. That's their problem. Not my problem. I didn't take other people's problems and make it mine anymore because I have enough problems of my own.

ZAK: However, I surrender my problems to the cross because God carried that cross for my sins. Jesus did all things for me to live free in this world that I'm living in right now. So when I looked at it, when I kept on hearing Jesus saying to me, put that on the cross, put that on the cross, put that on the cross for like 3 to 6 months.

ZAK: I just kept on putting things on the cross, putting things my fear, put it on the cross, fear of what fear of finance put on the cross, fear of relation, put it on the cross, fear of lack, put it on the cross. I put everything on the cross. And when I put it on the cross, I freed myself from the cross and freeing myself from the cross.

ZAK: Gave me a internal freedom to say, I allow myself to be who I am in the eyes of the creator. And it's not an easy journey to be on boy. Is it worth it? Because now people would say, oh, if they were to say anything, oh, Zak, so straightforward and then be like, yep, that is Zak.

ZAK: I love who I am because I love how God created me to be. I'm not cut for everyone. I'm not cut for the fake it until you make it people. I'm not cut for a lot of people out there. And I'm OK with that. Not everyone's gonna like you. Like I said at the beginning of this speech, not everyone likes Jesus and that's cool.

ZAK: But as long as you love yourself, and as long as you know that you're doing the work of the almighty master creator, then nothing else matters. And I'm there today. And this is why I say walk by faith, not by sight. And this is why I feel that I've been on this journey with you so that this is a huge teaching.

ZAK: If you watch these podcasts, listen to this podcast, come on here and I'm on here and you're probably wondering what does this chick me look like? I listen to the voice, listen to the wisdom, listen to the awareness. It doesn't matter what she looks like, what matters is what she's saying, what matters is what you're feeling and so what matters is what you're shifting inside of you.

ZAK: Her look is not gonna do that for you. What's gonna do it for you is the words. What's gonna do it for you is allowing for the words to be imprinted into your body. What's gonna do it for you is the actions you take on a weekly basis.

ZAK: What's gonna do it for you is believing in yourself. What's gonna do it for you is trusting and having faith within yourself because God is inside of you. He's not outside of you. So walk by faith, not by sight is really the message here because I had to do that for the last four years of putting everything on the cross, walking by faith, not by sight.

ZAK: And that brought me to creating a couple of workbooks right now. One called the 30 day Invocation to Spiritual Renewal, where you get scripture every day, you get a meditation every day, you get to write your prayer and your journey with God every day.

ZAK: And I've heard great success from people that have done the book and how their life changed within the first sec the 1st 20 days, not even 20 days, the 1st 10 days. And they're messaging me and they're like, what did you do in this book? My life's changed. And I said, you're only getting started, sweetheart, keep going.

ZAK: So if, when you allow yourself to surrender and trust and give yourself that grace and you keep on moving forward. I wrote another book called 21 Days of Manifesting with Scripture.

ZAK: And that's really about looking towards the kingdom and understanding that whatever you put into the kingdom, all else follows because when, when you ask God for the things that you desire, his response is yes and amen. So be careful what you ask for, be careful what you ask for because He will give it to you.

ZAK: You feel like, why do I get all this pain? Why do I feel this suffering? Why do I feel this? Well, if you're only focusing on that, you're gonna receive more of that. So focus on the things that you desire in your life. Focus on the things that bring joy in your life.

ZAK: Focus on the things that bring you to a place of sheer happiness and inner peace because inner peace is the most, I'd say it's your biggest exchange out there. It's the highest currency is your inner peace. So careful what you ask for.

KATHLEEN: We have Zak Lioutas in the room with us today. Well, actually on the phone because we can't see your beautiful face.

KATHLEEN: So Zak, I know you were getting ready to talk about your book a little bit more and I had to go to commercial break and if I interrupted you, I truly apologize for that because I thought you breathed long enough so I could get something in.

KATHLEEN: But yeah, go ahead.

ZAK: I don't know where we left off. So I have no idea what you heard because.

KATHLEEN: I think you were just starting to talk about your second book that was coming out that you've got together and people were talking about how within 10 days they were already seeing major changes in their life. So we were somewhere in that general vicinity.

ZAK: Oh, so that's the first workbook called Pray meditate Journal.

ZAK: So that book right there is, is a 30 day location to Spiritual Renewal. And then we have the second workbook that's called 21 Days to Manifesting with her.

KATHLEEN: Ok. And has that launched yet?

ZAK: Yeah, they're both launched.


KATHLEEN: So how's that going for people on the second book? I know that the first book, you're getting some really positive feedback. So, any word on the second book yet?

ZAK: Well, the second workbook, it's out there. I don't know everyone that purchases the books. I know when my friends purchase the books, they'll tell me certain things I've done. I've done my own book as well because what I teach I do. So I've noticed a lot of changes just in my own self.

ZAK: During the 21 days of manifesting with scripture, a lot of things have shifted for me in many different ways that have helped me grow and evolve and bring me the things that I want in life and remove things that don't serve my soul, even when I think they do serve my soul. But God has a different plan. Right.

KATHLEEN: Yeah. No, that's phenomenal. That's really cool because I think also when we step into, because this is part of the soul vision that I'm talking about right now because I think that's what drives us.

KATHLEEN: And part of that soul vision is stepping back into who we truly are, remembering who we are going through that darkness of ourselves and finding our own personal light and remembering that we are so much grander than this physical being. And when we step into that, what I've noticed is that we become a master.

KATHLEEN: We're way showers, we're not light workers, we're way showers, we're so much more than that. We're like what Jesus was and Gandhi and all of the great masters out there because this is exactly what they went through. They had to find themselves through their darkness because they weren't above being human.

KATHLEEN: They remember who they were, they went through the trials. I think it was Buddha is the one who walked away from immense wealth and was in poverty. You don't think that did a head screw on him at times when he could have this. And here he is, following God.

KATHLEEN: But the rewards, the benefits, the joys that come from, that is immense. I mean, when I came through the other side of my darkness, everything changed and then it was, well, who am I now? How do I rebuild? So I'm not carrying those limiting beliefs that we have. Who am I? What can I do? And how do I rebuild myself where I'm stronger?

KATHLEEN: And I think that's one of the things that I've been realizing a lot lately is how much I had to rebuild myself. So if this is way beyond the Phoenix rising, this was a total reinvention of what we, as what Haley said last week on the show was that they stripped away everything inside of me. That wasn't me. That was a lie.

KATHLEEN: That was a mistruth and I had to come back and remember who I was and it ties in with my books as well that this was the journey of an awakening spirit. And I've watched you for the last several years. You and I have been going through so many similar things. And then when you dialed in on this book, I just got such a good feeling about it.

KATHLEEN: And then listening to you talk about it is like, wow, she's on fire. I think that is what's so exciting because, we want to judge our journey and we want to think that God didn't love us or whatever garbage we say to ourselves when all he's doing is refining and building and creating a diamond out of the coal. You know what I mean?

KATHLEEN: And that's what I'm seeing with you. And I'm starting to see that with more and more people that have gone through that darkness and came out on the other side and who is connecting to spirit and who is trying to help this planet wake up and ascend and I think it's, I love it. I'm excited about it.

KATHLEEN: I know that there's always going to be more stuff, but it's our mindset and when we're dialed into that new being and really embracing that new person within us, I think everything changes. I don't think the hardships that we once endured are going to be there again because we have so many more tools and we're that much more connected with spirit and we are trusting our intuition and I've watched you do that.

ZAK: That's the only thing we can do, right? We could only trust. But what does that even mean to us at the end of the day? How important is it for you to evolve and grow and let go of the things that don't serve you. There's a lot of people that are afraid to move on because they don't know what's on the other side.

ZAK: So when you're afraid to move on and you're not giving yourself that trust and knowing that all things are gonna be glorious, even on the other side, because I'm trusting that the creator has my back then you'll be stuck. And people say I feel stuck. Yeah. Well, you're stuck because you're holding on to fear with your life.

KATHLEEN: Right? And the way I look at it because when I was going through the darkness, I really wondered if I was ever going to find the light again. I mean, because there was so much muck inside and so much I had to get rid of the past lives of this lifetime of paradigms of generational garbage.

KATHLEEN: All of that had to go and we all have to go through that whatever that's going to look like for us.

KATHLEEN: And I've talked to so many women and reading some of their books that have talked about what it was like and it was hell, it's pure hell to go through that but the trust is there, you have to have something holding you on because I just could not stop believing that there wasn't a God and that he would allow this to continue to happen.

KATHLEEN: But it was a total trust because it is on the other side, you have to believe that there is something better because nothing could be worse than being in your own personal hell. So that was part of the reason why I kept moving forward because I wanted to get out of this muck that I couldn't stand. That was frightening. I was scared. I was terrified.

KATHLEEN: I was lonely but people are doing this more and more all the time. So it's finding those people that you resonate with that can help you get through that because you don't have to do this alone anymore. I mean, you and I help each other move through some of our stuff.

KATHLEEN: We were pretty involved in where to begin with, but we still had traces of garbage and we worked through that and I think because we did work and we connected and talked a lot. I think that helped with this acceleration that I think we both felt that when it finally clicked, it clicked.

ZAK: Yeah, I mean, you could talk to so many people over and over, but when you're not ready, you're just not ready. And that's one thing that I learned a lot of the times.

ZAK: You totally have to be ready to surrender. But I want, I just wanna correct something that you said. This is not a book that I've written. It's actually a workbook that you work on a daily basis. It's not just a book of my stories or anything like that. It has 30 days of scripture.

ZAK: It has meditation where you write your own prayers where you write what you want to surrender where you want to bring God into your life more and the things that you want to manifest. So this is more of a workbook that allows you to step into your truth as you surrender and put things on the cross.

KATHLEEN: Well, that's empowering, that would be empowering for the person on top of it because they find what their innermost desires are when they're doing that kind of work.

ZAK: Yeah, it takes work and dedication to get you to where you are today. I mean, I just didn't get here by accident.

ZAK: I got here because I had to go through hell in a handbag to really see where the light was and even where the darkness is in the world, when we recognize where the darkness is held in the world, regardless if it's in a church or in a school or in your government or in the banking system or even in your own family.

ZAK: When you're able to differentiate the darkness. When the light and you're old, inner light, then you start to move differently, you start to see differently and you start to speak differently.

ZAK: But it's all a process. We're not gonna wake up one day and be like, oh, I'm healed because what does that even mean?

KATHLEEN: Well, I don't think we're ever gonna be totally healed because we're an evolving being. We're gonna keep evolving even after we pass on, we're gonna keep evolving. We're not stagnant. There's nothing about us that's stagnant. We're spiritual beings.

KATHLEEN: We're just having a human experience and trying to understand how to remember who we are and how to deal with this three dimensional world that we're living in or fourth dimensional because I think we're in the fourth, moving into the fifth. So I think that's part of it too is, really having to remember.

KATHLEEN: And I mean, if people say they don't believe in God, then how come our churches are overflowing with people going in there looking and seeking for help and security and peace because they don't have it in their life. But we're gonna take a quick commercial break and I'm gonna turn it over to you, Zak.

KATHLEEN: We have Zak Lioutas in the room and I pretty much left this for Zak to open up with her thoughts on what I had said prior to commercial break. So Zak, I'm turning it over to you.

ZAK: What was your question again? Sorry.

KATHLEEN: It was just an observation about how people talk about.

KATHLEEN: You and I have had this discussion about, saying Jesus and God and there's almost like the shame or guilt or cringe or whatever it is and that they believe in something because our churches are full of people that are looking for answers that are searching, trying to find their faith, trying to make sense of this craziness in this world.

KATHLEEN: And so when I think about that, because we need a power higher than us. And I don't believe that there's an atheist on the planet because if their life was in danger, they would be praying to something and I don't care if it's a tree, they would be praying, praying to something.

KATHLEEN: I know that you and I have had that conversation about not feeling like shame or allowing evil to take over the craziness of our world because people need hope. They need light.

KATHLEEN: They need to know that there's like calmness and serenity somewhere on the planet. And people are actually living from their truth. And I believe that you are doing that. I believe that what you created with your workbooks is a tool for people to come back and find that peace within themselves.

KATHLEEN: Yeah. If you can maybe talk a little bit about how that came up because I remember when you said that this inspiration came to do this and we talked about like how Eckhart Tolle and, all the great people back in the twenties and thirties actually use God.

KATHLEEN: Neville was one of them, how we talked about that? They had a spiritual practice and even they said God, it wasn't necessarily a bad thing. It wasn't a bad thing, but they use the Bible as a tool, but it wasn't about being religious. It was that spiritual connection.

KATHLEEN: And I think when you discovered that is when everything changed for you and how you presented. I think I'd love to have our audience learn a little bit more about how that came to be with you because it was so powerful when you told me it.

ZAK: Yes. Yes. Well, I was sent on a spiritual journey. When I turned 40 years old, I was sent to monasteries. I was sent to churches. I was sent to nunneries. I was sent to Buddhist temples and everything.

ZAK: And what I realized is a lot of different religions were speaking about God differently. I went, if you look at d like, if you're looking at the seven day advents, if you're looking at Protestants, a lot of things didn't make sense to me.

ZAK: And what I quickly realized is that God wasn't religious, religion is a manmade construct so that they could bring people in that congregation. And bring the teachings of man basically. And yet you're still using biblical scripture at the same time, but you're also using man's belief system and doctrinated in those constructs of the Bible.

ZAK: So I started going to a nondenominational church where we just speak about the Bible. And the pastor would speak about his journey through life.

ZAK: And that happened in the last three years, but going through this 10 year journey with God, so I could see all these different religious structures and how I was treated in them. I was denied the blood and body of Christ in one of them. I was denied the body of blood of Christ in another church.

ZAK: I was told I was a sinner. I was told all these different things. I got kicked out of a nunnery because of whatever their situation was there. And I thought to myself, Jesus would never kick anyone out.

ZAK: He would bring everyone closer. So this is when I sat with myself for many years and wrote and cried and wrote. And I said, I don't understand how your monks and your priests and those that are preaching, the word of God are so corrupt in their minds and how these people go there to get some sort of a relief.

ZAK: But what they're getting is man's belief system more than God's help at the end of the day. And the more that I sat with this and then the last, I would say again, year and a half when I was just really allowing Jesus to talk to me.

ZAK: And it was like, I'm not religious, I'm an energy frequency and that changed me because I got rid of the religious title off of on my 40th birthday when the monks told me that I was a sinner and I shouldn't be taking the blood and body of Christ after 16 years of fasting and praying and asking for forgiveness.

ZAK: And they said that wasn't enough. And I thought to myself, who is this enough for? Is it not enough for God or it's not enough for you?

ZAK: And so this really turned my eye on religion on such a different way. I mean, look at the Catholic church, everyone bows down to the Pope, I guarantee. But Jesus beside the Pope, they wouldn't even know who Jesus is because they're so focused on the Pope being a God. The Pope has his own demons inside of him. I mean, you could hear it in his voice. You could see it in his eyes.

ZAK: I don't care what anyone says to me. Argue it all. You want, you see it. I mean, I won't get into that. Needless to say when I got into energy frequency more than anything because God is spiritual. Jesus is spiritual. That's when life changed because Jesus kept on saying to me, I want you to see spiritual principles through what the Bible teaches and what the Bible is saying. The Bible as your GPS.

ZAK: That's exactly what I did and that's exactly what strengthened my spine and my voice to speak up because when I look at the Bible, it's actually telling me what's going on in the world, it's a blueprint of life.

ZAK: And the more that you recognize it and the more that you recognize what's going on within you and how this world has molded you and how God wants you to be. You start realizing that the Bible is here to teach us about life. It's here to teach us about abundance. It's here to teach us about love. It's here to teach us about marriage. It's here to teach us about relationships, so many different things.

ZAK: And I just kept on getting deeper and deeper into the Bible. Like, I mean, through depression, I would open the Bible read a passage and I felt like this weight got it off of me. How could four paragraphs out of the Bible lift this weight off of me.

ZAK: But sitting on the pillow praying and meditating and when I say praying, it's just about me going please God help me through this, and breathing, nothing like that helped. But it was when I was reading scripture, I allowed myself to be in that script. I allowed myself to receive the message. The healing is right there.

ZAK: And that's how these books got birth these works got birth because it took scripture to get me out of the dark and to see the light because the scripture does talk about depression too. I mean, it talks about 365 ways of depression and anxiety. So every day you could read scripture on feeling better about yourself.

ZAK: And to this day, I read scripture every day, I get some sort of scripture sent to me through apps every day. I read my own books that I've written for of my own workbook. And I say I've written for myself, but I'm sharing with others because what I put out into the world, I am a student of, I just don't put things out to put things, but I am a student of my own work because God is my teacher, Jesus is my teacher.

ZAK: He tells me to write these things. I write them. You know, he tells me to do it, see how it feels, see how it's gonna for your body. See, the change is putting you through and that's exactly what I do. So when people do these workbooks, they send me a message, I'd be like, yes, that's exactly what it's like. Yes, that's exactly how you feel. Yes, because I'm the student of the word and the word is God.

KATHLEEN: Well, the one thing that when I watched that one podcast that you were on that just blew me away.

KATHLEEN: You talked about a story that was in the Bible, I've never heard the story before. What I discovered about you and this is what's so profound. And I think this is part of where you're gonna go as well. On the next phase of your journey is you have a way of taking these parables and these stories that don't necessarily make sense to some of us.

KATHLEEN: And you put it in such an a language that makes perfect sense about where we are or what we're suffering from at that particular moment. And I think that was what amazed me because the Bible always eluded me.

KATHLEEN: And yes, I did some Bible study on a metaphysical and trying to understand what they were really trying to say and look at it at a metaphysical perspective and not take it literal. And you are a master at that because every time you talk about a, a parable or a reading, your take is just so down to earth into today's times that is not in this, what the hell are they saying?

KATHLEEN: What do they mean by that? You have it? And I think that's what's so powerful about what you're doing. And I believe if I recall that when you do bring a parable or scripture verse in, you're talking about what it actually means, like you're interpreting what it's saying. Am I correct about that?

ZAK: Yeah, you're speaking about Max 25 when you had the 10 versions that were looking for the groom and stuff like that. So that was the message that came down to me. And the day of the podcast that I recorded, God told me how to look at that parable and how to break it down. So people could understand it.

ZAK: And the way I explained it actually shocked me too because when I read a lot of the scripture, it's not my interpretation of the scripture. It's allowing the spirit to speak the interpretation through me. So for them to be understanding. I don't know what happened. I always say, I'm not a theologian and I'm not a pastor by any means.

ZAK: But when you allow God to be in your life and he tells you to read scripture, he'll also give you the way through the scripture for you to make it a different understanding that works best for you. And when I read that scripture, I remember reading it a week or two before that podcast and I started laughing and I said, how do you want me to represent this?

ZAK: And that's something that you have to have faith. And to say, I know God's doing this for my higher good and won't make me look like a fool when I get on the podcast. And that morning, it was four o'clock in the morning. He says, you know that lamp and when they go to the store, the oil lamp is your soul. That oil is your anointing. And the storehouse is God and that's how you get.

ZAK: But that's great. That's exactly how I'm gonna get. Because some verses that you read in the Bible, you almost have to know the story pre and post that verse. But when I look at some verses, sometimes it's like, no, this verse is telling me a lot to begin with. I don't need to know what was before this verse or after this verse, I just need to know this verse.

ZAK: And that was exactly what it was. I think people are forgetting how anointed they are and they're going, they're not going to God for their anointing, they're going to man, the flesh, they're going to man in flesh for their to become validated.

ZAK: They're going to man in flesh to find love and you, it's only a temporary relief on that side. But when you go to God, the storehouse of your truth and receive your oil, which is your anointing, your lamp will shine, which is your soul.

ZAK: And, that's what I think everyone needs to hear. These days go within, you, go to God, light up your soul because when you light up your soul, nothing else matters. And, that was I for reading that parable for that week and just sitting with it and just praying on it and be like God, this is I'm just a vessel that's gonna bring the message.

ZAK: So explain this parallel to me and that's exactly what it is. You have to make it relatable to people, for people to understand. Or else people get lost in that. And they're just like, I don't wanna do this anymore.

ZAK: They give up before they give themselves an opportunity or a chance. And I'm not about giving up, I'm about breaking things down to the most simplest terms for you to grasp it and run with it, strengthen your wing fly because that's what you're meant to do.

ZAK: When I say fly, I look at the eagles out there, I look at all birds out there like they, don't have any expectations. They just know they're being taken care of and when you have no expectations to know that you're being taken care of, you move differently.

KATHLEEN: And that's right. And we're gonna go ahead and take a quick commercial break.

KATHLEEN: We have Zak Lioutas in the room with us today, Zak, this is something that I have been thinking about based on what you just said.

KATHLEEN: And this is more of the fool in the Tarot and I've always thought the Tarot with the fool was a very powerful card. Even though in the 3d world, the fool is just that he's trusting. But I think that the fool, the way I look at the fool and I'm seeing it more now is that's the person I want to come because that's total trust that you're being taken care of.

KATHLEEN: It's total trust that God is with you standing by your side, making sure that everything is going to be taken care of and provided for you. Like the birds don't have to worry about where they're going to get their next meal because they just know it's there for them.

KATHLEEN: And it's very similar to what you said prior to commercial break. And, I think that's where I think we all ultimately want to be is that we want to get rid of that scarcity or maybe they don't think they are scarcity thinking, but they don't want to feel financial insecurity or they don't want to feel insecure within their skin or whatever that is.

KATHLEEN: And I think when we allow that type of energy, that energetic energy because the fool is a frequency, God is a frequency, the universe operates at a frequency.

KATHLEEN: And when we can elevate our frequency higher, we have that opportunity to be able to walk in and step into that to where it doesn't take days or years or decades to manifest something because we have access to it because we are out of our way, we're not resisting anymore. We are at peace.

KATHLEEN: We are in the flow, so to speak. So I just wanted to give a different perspective based on what you said because everybody can interpret this the way they want to. But it comes back to ultimately what you said in the beginning. It's a frequency and we are frequencies.

KATHLEEN: That's why I open the show with frequencies because it elevates our vibration as the show opens. So that way we're bringing in that higher vibration. So that way you and I or whoever my guest is, we're bringing the best of ourselves out to bring the best to our guests and our audience.

ZAK: And the thing is, is that when you understand frequency and you understand the different emotions and the frequency things carry within yourself, that's when you will realize certain aspects of yourself. That's when you will realize and be able to read people differently.

ZAK: That's when you realize I could walk down this lane and not feel fear or I could walk down that lane. But I don't feel very good about it. So many situations, I've been in life that my energetic knowledge saved me many times and knowing that I had someone watch over me regardless if I was walking down a dark alley by myself at midnight and you might think that's crazy.

ZAK: But when you're connected and you listen to that voice, there's nothing about it. I always say those, that kind of, it's sad. Those, that sexually abused and murdered in these parts. I guarantee you they felt something but didn't listen to their intuition and they went out and that happened to them.

ZAK: I believe that we're always protected but we're always resting. I think of 911, how many people had situations happened to them that missed those buildings from collapsing on them. But they listened to their intuition.

ZAK: Yeah. So many different situations. Even when I'm in a rush to go to an appointment and I'm like, oh, I forgot my keys or I forgot this and I go back to get it on that same road. When I'm driving down the road, there's a car accident. I'm like, that could have probably been me right there if I didn't go pick up whatever I needed.

ZAK: And I probably saved myself from a car accident. But when we listen and know that we're being watched over and protected by whatever you wanna call it, I call it God, you could call it Creator. You could call it a universe.

ZAK: I just don't like calling it universe because universe are calling everything in there. It's like a tossed salad of all different frequencies. But when you start to realize and understand energetic frequencies and listen to your intuition because that's a frequency too.

ZAK: You understand life differently. And that's one thing I love teaching women is to tap into that intuition. Listen to intuition become one with that intuition because that's your direct connection to God, the higher power. So even your higher self.

KATHLEEN: So, what would be the one piece of advice that you would give the audience at this point to move into a different direction, to achieve their dreams or to become a better person?

ZAK: Listen to that quiet voice.

KATHLEEN: That's what I figured you would say. I think it was a beautiful way to end the show. So how can people get a hold of you and learn more about what you're doing and your workbooks and all of that.

ZAK: They could find me on BF U That's B as in bold, F as in fable

ZAK: And the workbooks will be up there within the next 2 to 3 days as we revamp that whole web.

KATHLEEN: I wanna thank you very much for coming on the show today with us, ZaK. I love your knowledge and your inspiration and the messages that come in through you. And I want to thank everyone else for joining us today. If you found value in the show, I would appreciate it if you would forward the link to your friends and family. And I would also appreciate it if you would like and subscribe to the show.

KATHLEEN: And I want to thank all of you for joining us today. Next week, I'm gonna have Clint Callahan on about talking about micro and macro stress. I just want to wish all of you a very happy, joyous and prosperous week. I believe this is Easter weekend or is it next weekend?

KATHLEEN: I think it's Easter weekend. So if you're Christian, happy Easter, happy holidays, happy, everything and from my heart to yours, I hope you have a fabulous week.

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Zak Lioutas

Zak Lioutas, is a beacon of light in the realm of spiritual awakening and empowerment.

With a profound understanding of personal energy frequency and a deep connection to the divine, Zak serves as a guide, mentor, and catalyst for transformation.

As a Spiritual Alchemist, Zak is passionate about helping individuals tap into the Frequency of God's divine presence within themselves.

With a blend of spiritual wisdom and practical insight, Zak empowers others to unlock their inner potential, overcome obstacles, and manifest their deepest desires in alignment with their Creator.

Throughout her own journey, Zak has discovered the transformative power of aligning with God's Frequency.

Now, she shares her insights and experiences with others, offering guidance on how to navigate life's challenges with faith, grace, and resilience, harnessing the frequency of God's presence and living a life of purpose, abundance, and spiritual fulfillment.