July 18, 2023

Unleashing the Power of Your Mind

Discover the transformative power of mindfulness. Dive into a world of inner peace, resilience, and self-discovery as we explore practical techniques to nurture your mental well-being. Join us on this enlightening journey to unlock a calmer, more focused, and empowered version of yourself.

We dive deep into the profound journey of self-discovery and personal growth. I guide you through the intricate workings of the human mind, shedding light on the incredible power it holds. From conquering past traumas to embracing inner serenity and boundless wisdom, this episode serves as a beacon of inspiration for those ready to unleash their full potential.

Understanding the Mind's Complexity: Our exploration commences with an examination of the human mind's intricate nature. I underscore the significance of comprehending how our thoughts actively mold our daily experiences. Whether it's fostering a positive outlook or succumbing to negativity, our mindset stands as the cornerstone of our reality.

Journey into the Subconscious: Venturing further, we delve into the enigmatic realm of the subconscious mind, where a staggering 95% of our mental activity occurs. It unravels how our subconscious processes information and illuminates the enduring impact of past experiences and paradigms imprinted during our formative years. These early learnings can significantly influence our adult lives, shaping our behavior and decision-making.

Tools for Personal Transformation: I share my personal odyssey of mental fortitude, employing practices like meditation, journaling, and the establishment of healthy boundaries. These invaluable tools not only helped in calming a restless mind but also facilitated the release of pent-up emotions, leading to newfound inner peace and emotional balance.

Conclusion: Join us on this captivating journey of self-discovery as we uncover the secrets of the human mind and its profound influence on our lives. Whether you seek inner peace, personal growth, or a deeper understanding of your latent potential, this episode provides essential insights and practical techniques to guide you on the path toward a brighter, more fulfilling future.





Dancing Souls Book One - The Call

Dancing Souls Book Two - The Dark Night of the Soul

Dancing Souls Book Three - Awakened



De-Stress Meditation



Today I wanted to talk about our mindset and really understanding the mind.

Once we get a clearer picture of how our mind operates, you are going to start seeing a lot more changes. What I have a tendency to do is even though I have been doing this and studying this all of my life, since I started the show, I have been doing a lot more studying and researching, so I am more prepared for the show.

I am amazed of the things that I learned as I do this. I am pretty excited about it. I did get back from Wyoming an hour ago. I am up at 6.30 on the road by 7.30 and drove 5.5 hours straight to get here. I am pretty excited to be home and my animals are very excited for me to be home as well. It is a good thing. When we want to start understanding our mind, the first thing is that we need to know that our thoughts really do determine our everyday experiences.

If you want to have an Ejor attitude of "Oh, poor me, and life is so miserable, then that is what is going to happen."Or you are going to have a positive outlook. That is why working with your mind makes a big difference.

Many things that we study, when you look at how school is, how it trains us to dive into studying about how our mind operates in school, that is not necessarily how we think and learn. It is other ways that we do this. We pick up the patterns. That is the main thing is we pick up patterns as children. It is what I have been saying all along. We have paradigms that we learn.

We learn at an accelerated rate at a very young age and pick up everything in our environment because we are sponges. We observe. We take in. We keep pouring in. We are constantly creating that. When you have a core component of spiritual growth, that is why having a spirituality in your life, I do not care if it is Christian, Buddhism, whatever it is, That helps to bring in a different mindset.

When you are looking at spirituality or studying Eastern philosophy, when I started this in my 20s, I remember going into Eastern philosophy, what I discovered, I could not talk about it because we are conceptual people. Our minds work in concept. That is how we think, that is why we do that touchy feely thing. If we cannot touch it, feel it, smell it, taste it, then it is not real. That is how our brain operates through concepts.

When you study Eastern philosophy, I remember trying to talk to my mom one time about it, I couldn't because it was about feeling. I kept getting this feeling. I could identify with Eastern philosophy. It helped me to understand where we were as a Western culture. We were so different there.

We have a lot more goals and dreams. I think being in the United States and the philosophy of the United States when we came in to be free, independent of England, that had a lot to do with a lot of things.

It was a big vast country at that time. We were like little kids in the candy store is how I wanted to describe it. The world was our oyster at that point and we developed everything. Basically the mind is irrational, illogical and insane. Everything we do, it goes into our subconscious mind.

It constantly goes straight in there When I was reading this a couple of days ago about how dysfunctional we are, the reason and this dysfunction of our mind explains why we have racism, sexism, homophobia, political attacks, broken relationships, government spying programs, smartphone addictions, health problems and more.

The reason why we are vulnerable is because our mind is dysfunctional. What it tells us is that as a result, none of us are in the right place because we are self-absorbed into everything else. It's a me versus them.

It's you and me against each other. That is not cooperation. That is a cooperative thinking. When people have a religious practice, it is about waking up, realizing that there's more to you than your phone or keeping up with the Joneses, the big houses, the cars and all of that.

With social media, that's another illusion in my opinion. We think that we're connected with all these people, but we're really not that connected with people. We have this social network, but do they really know who you are? Do they really know how you think? Are they somebody who you would tell your deepest secrets too?

It's social consciousness is what we’re gathering. There's a lot of cool things about social media. Then there's a lot of things that aren't so good about social media. It's about working on how to make social media work for you, how to develop relationships through social media.

That's one of my biggest gripes because I really don't know how to develop relationships through social media yet. But I'm working on it. I'm learning. I'm maybe old, but I'm not over the hill and I'm willing to keep learning and growing and changing.

The mind does not know the difference between reality and imagination. 95% of our activity is subconscious. When you look at that, consciously be aware of every key you type on your computer. You don't do that.

We already know where the keys are. We type if it's one finger or if it's done properly. If you want to be conscious about it, then watch how fast your typing goes down. Everything that we have ever learned or saw or felt or experienced is in our subconscious mind. It is a giant computer.

We are bombarded with two million bits of data every second. It's the job of the subconscious mind to filter through all of it. The conscious mind remembers about five to nine pieces of information. This information is passed in the subconscious for processing to free up the conscious space.

Most of our energy expenditure goes towards the brain. That's interesting. Carl Young has always said, until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate. I know that to be very true because I remember when I first started studying this, I have listened to Bob Proctor and gone to some of his seminars.

That was probably the biggest thing that I came to the realization of was that I didn't know what was driving me. I didn't know about the paradigms to the degree that I know about them now. I did not understand them because even if I was thinking that this is what I want to have, I want my business to take off, I want love, friendship, relationships, joy, prosperity, abundance. A lot of that wasn't there yet.

I still had a big chip on my shoulder. I was still carrying a lot of anger. I started to recognize some of this stuff. I had to get rid of that top layer of garbage. When you come from an abusive home, to you, it's natural and normal when it's not natural and normal. When I think about all the years that I spent trying not to be mentally ill, because mental illness is in my family.

I knew that I had taken on some of those traits, not because I wanted to, but because it was what I had observed. When I was 18, 19 years old, I lived by myself. I started to realize that my thinking wasn't right.

Why I thought that? I just did. I remember working through this mental stuff. I found past lives about it and all sorts of things. The one thing was, is that Mother Mary was always in the corner of my bedroom every night because every night I was working through this.

I'm trying to understand about the sickness that I had in my mind. I was neurotic. I didn't like it. Other people weren't acting like I did.

I focused on that. I asked for a lot of help. Mother Mary was always in the room every night holding the space for me to process through this. At that time I thought this happened to everybody and discovered later on that didn't happen to everybody. I didn't have a support system fully yet.

I was battling this on my own, trying to find my way through all this confusion and mess. I kept processing through it. I remember when I started feeling like I was coming out of it because when you,  live by yourself, it was amazing  the garbage that came to the top of my brain. Oh my God, I had no idea I could be whatever I wanted to be when I was living with six women prior to that.

We were just whatever we were. When you live by yourself, you discover this whole element of yourself you didn't know was there.

That was why I knew there was a sickness. I didn't want to make myself crazy anymore. When you're living by yourself and you can't hide behind anybody, you're talking to nobody about what's going on in your thoughts.

All your stuff is in your face. It was six months of brutal hell as far as I was concerned of trying to find a peace about myself. In that six month period of time, I remember looking in the mirror and saying I hate you with all the venom that I could have towards myself. I was so angry and confused and scared because I didn't know who I was.

I didn't know why I was here. I didn't know why I thought the way I thought. I thought I was screwed up beyond screwed up. There was this self-loathing. Oh my God, I can't believe I mistreated myself to that degree. I realized that this was all part of the sickness that I was in with my family.

I had to move out of that place. Thank God I started meeting people that were kind, gentle, supportive and were helping me to realize that I wasn't this ugly, horrible, nasty person that I hated so much. That's when I got into meditation was right after. That's when I started to feel peace in my life. When I started meditating and talk about mind chatter.

Oh my God, it was, do you ever shut up? My brain never shut up. I worked on it and worked on it and worked on it. These are the steps that I did before Bob Proctor ever came. Before I ever understood anything about mindset. I wanted to be okay with me.

These were the steps that I did when I was 18, 19 years old. This kind of information was not readily available then. I started meditating.

I set a time every Sunday at two o'clock and I would spend two hours just sitting there meditating. I learned to quiet my mind. It finally happened. I was an incredible experience to finally feel at peace with myself and not hate myself to that degree.

I remember I had come out to Colorado because my mom had moved out here and I came out for a visit. I stopped meditating for a little bit prior to coming out. We had gone to a spiritual event. I was talking to the presenter and he said I bet you feel crazy that you stopped meditating for the last couple of weeks. I started to realize the benefit of meditation.

When I was talking about meditation and how I started to do that, that's part of how you develop mental strength. You start disciplining yourself to do things that you're not used to doing. I actually got to the point where I loved and looked forward to meditating. I had a lot of other experiences that started happening with that.

Then there was that element of I would get depressed. The peace and tranquility that I was in when I meditated, I came back to this crazy world was jarring. In order to develop the mental strength, and I didn't have any of these tools yet, I was winging everything that I was doing.

I was always fairly good at eating I did exercise not regularly like most people but I weighed 110 pounds. I was 10 to 20 pounds underweight. I wasn't neurotic that way I didn't weigh a lot and I didn't eat a lot.

I didn't realize that I had self-limiting beliefs. I was still moving and wanting to be a better person. Things would come up. I did not have a lot of knowledge of what was happening yet. I remember when I moved to Colorado, a whole new set of things started to pop up I'm constantly moving, changing, growing and shifting.

As you do that, more stuff comes up that's in your unconscious part of your mind. I remember I'll never forget this one time I was dating a guy and he had a 16 year old year old daughter at the time. Something was happening with her and sexual abuse was not in the mainstream at all.

It was starting to come out. I remember when he was telling me something that happened with her, I started crying and I said you've got a help her, you've got a help her, you've got a help her. You need to protect her. I didn't know why I did that or why I said that.

All I knew is that I was into it. I remember and it took me years before I realized what had happened to me and that was why I reacted. That's the thing is when we are confronted with things going on around us in our environment and if we have strong triggers or reactions to things sometimes there's something in your unconscious part of your mind that's coming up that's your facing.

That you need to face so you can let it go. That was the one thing that I was surprised about with that because I remember my father had wanted to take me to a porn movie. I was 16 years old. I was so grossed out and I did not know what that implied yet because I was too young and stupid but it was disgusting.

Then my mother came in and about had a cardiac arrest all over both of us. I looked at her like, I can handle this lady leave me alone but I didn't know yet what that meant. That triggered that incident when my boyfriend was telling me about his daughter. As the years progressed, I understood more and more and more of all of that and now it's handled.

It was a lot. That kind of trauma is very hard on you and you don't understand it. It's frightening. To feel safe you want to do that but what I did in that process to get to that place where I could understand what happened, I actually know what happened to my father as a result of it too, but I  worked on myself. I knew I had a lot of anger. I didn't associate with my father and I didn't know what that was.

I didn't associate that the anger was from that. It had a lot to do with that. It also had a lot to do with that I was the oldest. I was pushed aside. There were seven kids. I was selfish. I was whatever they said to me and all this stuff. I took all of that on and I wasn't about to do that anymore. I started working on how to create a different world. When they say put yourself in a different environment with people you want to be around the things that make you happy.

Those are so key, key, ke,y key to doing that I learned years and years ago I think about 20 years ago I realized I am done with commercial TV. What the media does with the me versus them, the hate the anger blowing up countries, you're wearing a turban on your head, you're like a second class citizen, you have no rights, I didn't understand any of that or people were I was a medium.

People were all the same. We want the same thing. We love our families. We love our children. We want the best for our families. iIt doesn't matter what color skin, what religion you are. I started getting very angry about our world also during that period of time because I started seeing the injustices that were going on.

I figured in order to maintain a peaceful tranquil life to the best of my ability I turned off commercial TV and stopped watching the news. Trust me I know what's going on in the world even if I don't spend hours and hours in front of the TV. Watching news, that negative stuff comes in and you start buying into it and you start believing it. I refused. When something comes on TV a show or movie because I don't really like killing up movies I hate those kind of movies, there's a reason and if I do watch one or it's on for a minute or two and you watch it and then I have a dream about it or something it's like yeah I don't need that.

If this is all about observation okay this is about paying attention, being present being here now. This is part of how you master your mind. You need to be here now. You need to create your environment the way you want. You need to pay attention.

You need to pay attention to what comes up for you being present. I get such a kick out of myself at times because people used to say, well how do you do certain things that you're doing 

I’m, I don't know I do it. I didn't realize that I could create processes out of any of this. I did what I felt that I needed to do. Journaling was another big thing that I did too. That was a great way to do a brain dumb. We don't know what's going on in our heads. There's something and you're trying to get rid of it. I ended up writing stories. I was a writer and I wrote three books to a lot of things. 

I was also a way that spirit would talk to me that's what I discovered is that I started getting into automatic writing not that it was how some people do it because I never wanted them to take control of my body. I never allow that. You should never allow that. It was different things of how to get connected with myself. I also noticed that people were really agitating me. I had this really nasty neighbor once and she was mad at my boyfriend because he would cuss all day. 

Her babies were out in the backyard and, I don't blame her, but she called the police when I would come home from work. I got so angry and frustrated because I’m, what did I do to you? Why are you doing this? She wouldn't do it to him. She do it to me. What I did at that point was to to gain control. It was a big one.

My control was I said a rosary for her. Believe me I was up to here in wanting to send this love to this woman but it wasn't about me it was about I wanted my peace and tranquility. I wanted the best for her because I didn't know. We ended up in court. I didn't go but they ended up in court and it came out that she was mad at him because he was cussing all the time and after that I was her best friend which I never trusted her.

I was cordial and friendly and all of that but I never trusted that woman after what she had done. that I was always looking for ways to keep my equilibrium. I have seven planets in water. No earth, no air so I am always emotional.

I have fire and water that's all I have. My passion, my fiery Irish heritage is there. I think about this and I feel everything. I literally feel everything. I have taken everything personally. I have done all sorts of things. I've had to learn how to stop doing that and the one thing that I always remember when I was doing the rosary is I wanted peace of mind. I didn't know what that meant because it was always a good thing.

It was always is it them, is at me, is it them? I couldn't tell if it was your crap or if it was my crap. I wanted peace of mind. I remember doing the rosary and because I'm Catholic, recovering, I believed in it. I found peace in it. I remember when I finally had peace of mind. it was, oh my god this was so easy. I knew but it was also that was the beginning of me establishing boundaries that I didn't know anything about either.

The other thing you want to do is, you want to have an exercise program as well. Whatever it is. If it's yoga or if it's dancing. Dancing was my exercise and again game changer for me. Stuff coming up all of a sudden I had a whole new world presenting itself. I'm dancing and that's another thing when you do things that are out of your comfort zone you know what you're comfortable doing.

The habitual habits that we have, if it's sitting in front of the TV or whatever. It is what we do when I started dancing. That was a whole new thing of stuff coming forward. That's when I dived in. I had done so much mindset changing and I had released and forgiven my family of a lot of things, my anger was starting to subside more and more because I was seeing what that was.

Dancing brought up a whole new set of things for me. I was starting to accelerate my growth because I had dumped all the top layer of all this crap that I was carrying around and finally getting rid of carrying the weight of the world on my shoulders.

Dancing and that exercise was different. It would take me a week to get comfortable and then I go dance with my partner again and I would be in my head. I would go crazy. I was getting messages from spirit like there was no tomorrow. I was getting answers like there was no tomorrow. My intuition was off the charts mind blowing. I trusted all of it and I knew it was what I wanted to do.

It was what I wanted. I wanted to bring that part back. When I was working on all this deep shadow work as we call it, when I was working on all that deep shadow work and really coming to terms with the abuses in my life, forgiveness.

I wanted to be a better person. I wanted to be happy, wanting to have joy in my life, wanting to feel like I deserved to have something more than this. I got tired of always having my arm out telling people leave me alone.

I know how to get rid of people. God did I know how to get rid of people. I was easy. I wanted to stop that behavior because it wasn't serving me anymore. I wanted people to stay away from me because I didn't trust people. I didn't know what their motives were. I didn't have a clear enough understanding of who I was to know that.

When I started dancing is when I started doing something to be more. I became an esthetician so I got into that touchy feely phase with people. I started to realize that I wasn't alone in the world. I was communicating with people and it was a game changer. I was, oh my God and when people said they liked me, it's why? I was suspicious of why do you like me nobody likes me. Why should you like me?

I was crazy. I realized that when I opened my heart is when boundaries came in better. I wasn't angry about it. The whole world opened up. People were nice and friendly because I was no longer shut down. We walk around with our hearts closed down because we don't want to be hurt. Well guess what?

That's part of life. When you start opening your heart the whole world opens. It starts becoming more magical because you realize not everybody's out to get you. People are nice. People are friendly. Yes, you still have those other people out there but you don't necessarily attract them because you've changed how you're operating.

It's about what you're doing and focusing on. I was doing my passion I was writing. I was dancing. I was allowing people to come in and support me. I never knew what that was like. I had people liking me. I liked people. It was, wow this is what life is supposed to be like. This isn't so bad. Also when I opened my heart, I unpacked my suitcase.

I unpacked my suitcase. I walked around this earth carrying my suitcase the whole time. I did not want to be here. I was going home no matter what. When I opened my heart, I unpacked my suitcase and decided I was going to give it a try.

I want to talk about now is the subconscious mind and some self-programming strategies that we can do. When I was in Chicago, I was paying attention to what I was saying to myself. When we pay attention to that self-limiting belief or the negative self-talk

that still runs our life, and that still has a lot of power in our life, in order to change that you need to be consciously aware. Again and I sound like I'm probably repeating myself, I can't stress enough how important all of this is. 

This has been a huge game changer as I watched how I progressed through my life. Even though I knew a lot of these strategies they didn't make the sense that they make today. I think it was because I found my path the way I needed to find my path as we all do. I listened to a lot of people, I knew Bob Proctor and Mark Victor Hanson and Mary Morrissey, I met all of those people I attended to their seminars. I have photos with all of them. 

They made it sound easy but it's not necessarily easy it takes time. This is a lifetime that we put in. It takes time to let it out. The younger you are in changing, the faster it's going to happen. The amount of light on the planet right now is night and day from when I was. It was three steps forward two steps back.

Watch what you say to yourself? I say that over and over. Say it before you go to bed at night. When you wake up in the morning, then plan to say it throughout the day because whatever is in the subconscious mind is what's going to manifest. Yes I have been working my businesses I have been perplexed state with awakening spirit of trying to understand what has gone wrong with this company. Not that anything's wrong with it. It's not making the sales that it once was. It’s, okay what's in my thinking because it has to come from me. I'm the founder of the company.

I've been working with people and I have a social media guy that we've got this plan that we're putting together to create this and bring that forward. That's where I'm at. It is what I need to do. I've been working on different affirmations for myself. What I want, how I want to proceed, not hold on too tightly  that it's not going to happen. I'm working on my vibration. It's always about the vibration. When your energy matches the vibration of your dream, it will manifest. I know that to be true.

I am learning. I am growing. There are people who say something to me and it’s, oh my god that's it that's what I need to do. Then I put the whole thing together. I'm finally understanding something that eluded me. That's what it is. Sometimes we're not there. It's clarity. It's always the questioning. It's always the asking. I'm always asking spirit to help me.

Whatever it is, I ask the great marketers on the other side to help me with this because I don't know what I'm doing when it comes to marketing. I need to understand more and people come in my way or a program shows up or something comes up that does that because I'm cooperating with spirit. That's the one thing I think a lot of people don't realize that we are working with spirit. 

We are working with God or your creator, your higher self, whatever you want to call it. It's critically important that you realize you're not alone in this world. If you don't know what to do, ask for help. If you don't ask, nothing will change. People don't know what to do unless you ask for help. Playing the victim, I don't play that game. I've learned that some people love their struggle. I learned that over the years because I used to come in and rescue.

I used to rescue people. I don't rescue anyone anymore. I don't rescue myself. When I watch people struggle and they get mad at me, why aren't you offering I say because you got a mouth and you can ask. I figure this is what you want to do and when you're ready to ask for help then you'll open your mouth. Ask for help that's my attitude. It of berates people but I don't care.

I remember when I started asking for help, people would never help me. I would ask, why and what part of I'm asking for help do you not understand? I would be angry. I got I be so angry. They would say you're so competent that you can figure it out. I don't think you need help. I said, I'm asking for help. If I'm asking for help, it is up to you to help me or guide me or steer me but you don't ignore me. 

Sometimes you have to do that for people. I have been viewed as the rock of Gibraltar and if I'm falling that means London bridge is falling, they're falling. If I'm falling then God knows what's happening to them. I hold people up and it's not that I intend to, it's what I do.I have a positive outlook. I've always had that even if I wanted to leave and didn't want to be here I've always had a positive outlook.

I've always had a very strong sense of faith that I'm taken care of. God's going to protect me even if I lose my way. I always, always, always know that. Sometimes we're here to educate people. I was told you're a teacher and people don't always know what you know. It's common sense to you but it's not common sense to other people.

That was another thing that I had to come to realize. I have to tell people what to do. Sometimes it's what you do and I learned to not beat myself up for that. What if I have employees. I'm going to have to tell them what to do. You got to look at how you present yourself to the world. How you think about things.

I sit here at times and I have no idea how to run a million dollar company right now. At this moment, I have no idea but you don't have to know. I know that I'm going to get help and support along the way. As I grow and move in that direction towards my dream of making a million dollars in sales is going to come and people will be there. The answers will come. I will be shown. All of this is happening right now.

Having no sales to go into a million dollars in sales because I finally cracked the code. I'll be doing the happy dance.

Oh God it's always about the shadow work. I'm telling you. You have no idea that the more you go inside and work on you, the more life improves. told people I said I'm going to do that. I tell people the movie what dreams may come with Robin Williams when his wife committed suicide and she was in hell and he went into retriever, I said that that's real. That wasn't a movie. 

That's reality. What was interesting is he loved her so much that he pulled her out and that's what I can do with people when I work on them. I have done so much work on myself that I can go into the depths of hell with  you. I can bring you back. I think that's a great gift to give to people. The more you work on you, the more your life gets better. More joy and happiness comes in. I've never had as much happiness as I have. Yes, I still have a basement issue going on with water.

We're getting the water out. We're going to figure out if we have a foundation issue. he whole point is that even though it's frustrating and I didn't know what to do, I kept asking people what do you do and keep asking spirit and the answers come. It doesn't run my life. I'm not in a bad mood because of it. When you work on yourself and you start remembering who you truly are, that you are a spiritual being. You are a son and daughter of God. 

When you remember that then you start remembering how big you are. We are so much bigger than we think we are. These little tiny bodies. If you had any idea how massive your spirit is and we cram that into these little tiny bodies and then you've got this amazing body that does all these things that it can do.

It does all these things for you. If you're sick, that's your fault. That is totally your fault if you're sick. I was a migraine sufferer. That was my nemesis in life, was to handle that and guess what I don't have migraines anymore. I learned about it. It was something I had to learn and understand. We all have something. We all have an health issue of some sort that we have to master. That was what I chose to do. Migraines were debilitating. I never gave up on it.

I believed that I would eventually be migraine free. I was. I learned so much about migraines. I did all the things. I changed foods. I changed diets. I got chocolate out of my life, the triple fudge kind of chocolates. dthat's a migraine waiting to happen no matter where I am in the world that would still be a migraine.

There was hormone issues that were going with it. It was spirituality that was going with it. There were so many things. The real reason for my migraines was because I asked my ego, my inner self said that I had died so many times from opening my mouth talking about spirituality, God whatever it was. I don't know what I what I did but I believed in my body.

I believed in helping people to remember who they were and I was killed many, many, many, many, many times for it. I had made a vow to myself that if I ever get this close again, I asked my inner self to stop me.  Whatever it takes and migraines were it. I guarantee you when I'm in a migraine, I am not talking. I am in the dark trying to get rid of the pain, being miserable whatever it was.

When I asked my body, that the last time I had a migraine. That's what it told me. I said thank you so very, very much for doing this. You did an amazing If you've got an illness or you're sick, you start talking to your body. Your body will talk to you.

I can tell you what's wrong with me. I could never tell you how to fix it most of the time. I understand more about thoughts and things and how the body mind connection works. If I think something's going on, what I do now is that. I'm aging okay. We're all aging. I see this at this point. 

I'm sitting there and my body is vibrating and it's doing good and everything's operating at optimal performance. I say thank you for taking such good care of me. When you say good things and you're grateful for your body, guess what? Your body is going to give it back to you. I truly believe that. I have always thanked my body for being as healthy as it was even though I did what I needed to do. I still showed gratitude for it. When it did get sick, I allowed it to do it.

We should talk about now is our imagination. Again, our mind does not know the difference between imagination and reality and everything is always created twice for us in our imagination and then in reality. Imagination is a lot like when you're meditating because you're dissolving issues but you're finding solutions at the same time.

A lot of times when people draw or paint or do anything creative, they're imagining. I remember when I was younger, dancing was the one thing that I did. I created a lot of different dance movements. How can I move the body? I would imagine trying to do things.

When we're drawing or painting, we’re pulling something out from inside of us that's allowing this creative process to develop and manifest. As we're creating that, you find solutions because it takes the weight off of you.

When we feel trouble, we feel like the world is on our shoulders. You want to get rid of that because you're never going to find the solution. Einstein said. You will never find the solution at the level that the problem is. You have to go above the I think that's the main thing is because we live in a logical world. We think that we should be logical but our imagination isn't anything remotely like that.

When I was reading over what I wanted to talk about today, they said that Steve Jobs used his imagination to create an entirely new product range that had never been seen before. Tesla is doing it now with space and the electric cars. They're creating new paradigms.

When you have thought leaders, Steve Jobs had his own thing. They said a lot of things about him and Einstein because they were in a different vibrational place. But when you come in to this earth and this planet and you have a big mission or something that you're What it's going to take to do that?

When you think about what Steve Jobs did or even Bill Gates with Microsoft, they came in and they brought in personal computing. They changed the world. Bill Gates and Steve Jobs were rivals and friends at the same time.

If you ever look at when something new has to come in, there will be people all over the world doing it and the question is who's the first one who's going to launch it. If you study history, you'll see a lot of that. I used to see that when something was to change. Obviously, paramount to change. Einstein never believed in school. It'll take him, it was actually Edward Bach.

After he finished his studies, it said it will take him five years to forget everything that he had been taught. Einstein had no faith in schools and famously stated that logic will get you from A to B but imagination will get you anywhere.

It's a very powerful tool. When I look at who do I want to be in a year's time, five years time, 20 years, whatever it is, you use your imagination. You're trying to create who is this future self and who do I want to be. When I was in Chicago, I was starting to create this whole new persona. I wanted to be a better person. What that looked like yet

I couldn't put it into words but I could see it in my mind how I wanted to be. I could see that the vision that I always saw of myself and how I acted were two different things. I have been watching my inner self and my outer self come together where I'm in total alignment.

I know that when I am in total alignment everything that I ever want in my life will manifest because it's all about bringing ourselves in alignment, coming into alignment. That's part of this whole mindset too and that's the bigger version of remembering.

That's part of remembering who you are. I remember years ago somebody said, "We come into this earth and we spend most of our lives dumping the garbage we were taught as children.” That makes a lot of sense. I know not everybody's had a rough childhood or whatever but people that I've known that have had really good childhoods, they all have stuff.

We all have issues about whatever it is. We have issues. Where they came from, we don't know. It's not necessarily that came from this personal lifetime but maybe it's a karmic thing that they're bringing forward. That's the other thing we have when we're dealing with ourselves is we have overriding issues that we're going to work through.

They're going to take a lifetime to learn. One of my biggest things for me was, I didn't know who I was. I really truly didn't know who I was.  When I wrote the book, "Dance and Souls," it told me who I was. I was remembering who I was because I didn't know who I was.

My astrological chart also said that because I have Scorpio in the first house. I think, "No, that's my ascended." If you're Scorpio in an ascended, you want to know who you are and by the time you die, you will know exactly who you are. You will never not know who you are again.

I have spent a lifetime wanting to know who I am. That was what's really cool is really coming down to making those decisions about really who is it you want to be and coming into that place of where you want to be in your life.

Who is that ideal person that you want? How do you want to live? How do you want to show up? How do you want to treat your kids? How do you want to treat yourself? How much money do you want?

It all comes from within you. You moving through all of your stuff and remembering who you are. Raising your vibration.