Jan. 30, 2024

Unlocking Unbreakable Resilience: Expert Insights with Laura Hoorweg

In this podcast episode, host Kathleen Flanagan interviews guest Laura Hoorweg about her spiritual awakening journey. Laura shares that her journey began in her youth as she searched for spirituality in various churches. However, she discovered that spirituality could be found in nature as well. She experienced a significant awakening in her forties after the death of her partner, which led her to explore healing modalities such as yoga and meditation. Laura also sought healing through experiences with healers at John Of God and a three-week Ayahuasca journey in Peru. These experiences helped her purge negative energies and develop her spiritual gifts. Laura's challenging childhood and traumatic experiences also contributed to her resilience and determination to stay on her spiritual path. The podcast emphasizes the importance of self-discovery, resilience, and utilizing various tools to create a fulfilling and authentic life.

They discuss Laura's physical, emotional, and mental healing journey, including her experiences with near-death situations, divorce, and other challenging events. They also talk about the role of practices such as yoga, meditation, and energy healing in raising resilience and vibration.

This podcast offers insights into Laura's personal healing journey and the importance of resilience in overcoming challenges. It highlights the role of various healing practices and mindset in improving well-being. The discussion also sheds light on Laura's experiences with near-death situations and their impact on her perspective on life. Overall, the show provides inspiration and lessons for listeners facing their own challenges.

Podcast: The Journey of an Awakening Spirit
Episode: The Journey of An Awakening Spirit #35 - How to Create Resilience In Your Life

- Hosted by Kathleen Flanagan
- Streaming on the Bold Brave TV Network
- Focuses on self-discovery and stepping into one's true self
- Features guests sharing their personal stories of overcoming obstacles and personal growth

Main Topics Discussed:
1. Laura's personal journey of awakening:
- Traveled to Brazil and Peru for spiritual experiences
- Explored various healing modalities, including yoga, meditation, energy healing, and breathwork
- Found yoga and meditation to be crucial for her own healing and resilience

2. Building resilience:
- Resilience is about deciding to stay and finding purpose in life
- Recommends practices like yoga, meditation, energy healing, and reiki
- Shares personal experiences of overcoming challenging and traumatic events
- Emphasizes the importance of staying committed to life and helping others

3. Brush with death and recommitment to life:
- Laura's experience with open heart surgery and near-death experience
- Reinforced her belief in her purpose and commitment to helping others
- Inspired her to live authentically and encourage others to do the same
- Focuses on helping people work through grief and find their missions in life

Key Takeaways:
- Resilience is about deciding to stay and finding purpose in life
- Practices like yoga and meditation can help build resilience
- Committing to living authentically and helping others can bring fulfillment
- Making conscious decisions and taking action can lead to positive change

Additional Information:
- Kathleen Flanagan is a spiritual counselor, intuitive coach, and medium
- The podcast explores various tools for self-discovery and personal growth
- Kathleen shares her personal experiences and insights to inspire listeners
- The podcast aims to help listeners find their true selves and navigate their own spiritual journeys



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Dancing Souls Book Two - The Dark Night of the Soul

Dancing Souls Book Three - Awakened



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KATHLEEN: Laura is an international spiritual counselor, intuitive coach and psychic medium. She has a laser like way of seeing relevant details in all areas of your life. She is perceptive in ways that feel like your own deepest knowing. She brings a compassionate nonsense presence, presence to her work along with a huge capacity to see and outline the most positive life affirming way forward.

KATHLEEN: She is both a seer and a counselor. A refreshing combination. Her passion is to empower people to live their lives in the most authentic and passionate way possible, aligning with their lives and with their own divine mission and discovering and developing their own spiritual gifts. Welcome, Laura.

KATHLEEN: Thank you.

KATHLEEN: I thank you for coming at such short notice. My guest today just was she's in Canada like you, but she decided to go to the cabin and it's pretty dark and she forgot her lights. So I'm, ok, what was that about?

KATHLEEN: So I thought that was rather interesting that when we had our conversation that we were going to you said we, the spirit says I'm coming on earlier and you were right 10 months earlier. I love it. It was great.

KATHLEEN: Anyways. I know that you're here and you want to talk about how to create resilience in your life. But first tell our audience what your journey of an awakening spirit has been.

LAURA: Oh, that's a long story.

LAURA: Well, ok, I'll give you the Reader's Digest version.

LAURA: Truly, I started my true awakening when I was a very young child. When I was about 10 or 11 years old. I didn't come from a religious family.

LAURA: But I was always curious, I went on a quest to find God and the angels. And since I wasn't from a church going family, I was lucky to be in a neighborhood where there was, oh, at least five or six churches within walking distance of my home. So I, and back in the day you were always supposed to dress up in your Sunday best.

LAURA: So I actually put a skirt on which I would never wear otherwise because I was a little tomboy and I was, like, 11 years old, but I put my little skirt on and my little strappy shoes and my little frilly blouse and went off every Sunday to a different church for about six, five or six weeks in a row.

LAURA: Looking for God and looking for the angels. And I will tell you, I didn't find them there. I met a lot of nice people. Some, not so nice people and had a lot of interesting experiences, but I certainly realized very quickly that God did not live in a church. Ok.

LAURA: But when I really started to have my actual spiritual awakening was when I got into my early teens and I became very, very active in the outdoors. I did a lot of hiking. I did canoe tripping and that all those kinds of things very much in the wilderness. And I found my church in the wilderness.

LAURA: I found spirit in the wilderness. I found the creator or God, whatever label you want to put on it, it's all the same energy. So that was the start of my journey. And actually when I was 15, I had a very incredible out of body experience actually on the top of a cliff when I was rock climbing.

LAURA: And then my spiritual journey kind of went up and down and up and down through the rest of my life. Up until the time, I was probably in my forties and I again, reconnected with my spirituality and my spiritual journey so to speak began again in a very real way. And then after in my early fifties, I suddenly lost my partner died.

LAURA: And that created a whole another adjunct to another intensive spiritual journey which I went on going to such places as Brazil, I went to John Of God. He's a trance channel of healer in Brazil. And I also went to Peru and I had a three week Ayahuasca experience. I decided after I came back from that, that I wanted to really dive into my yoga.

LAURA: So I went into a self healing journey of a month long yoga retreat, taking my yoga certification in Costa Rica. And then I came back and I was ready at that point to follow the wishes of my partner who had passed away and he loved Hawaii. He wasn't born there, but he lived there for about 20-25 years.

LAURA: And then I went on another journey to Hawaii to spread his ashes in the ocean of Hawaii because that was his in terms of a place that was the love of his life. So, that's the Reader's Digest version. And then I came back and I was called to my full time mission of counseling and being a medium and doing that work as a full time job and exiting my corporate job in marketing and advertising.

LAURA: So it was quite a switch. But it all kind of rolled in together and it was definitely, especially initially, it was part of my own healing journey and it was part of me gaining resilience over all the things that have happened to me in my life.

LAURA: Since the minute I had an interesting entrance from the moment I came in, I had challenges because I was actually not just a breach but a full breach, which means both hands and feet up and butt first. So it was a difficult delivery for I'm sure for my mother, but it was certainly difficult for me and I wasn't breathing actually when I was first born. So they had to do some full around, do some resuscitation with me.

LAURA: I always say that I was coming down the birth canal and I decided I looked at the agenda that I have had made out the mission that I made out for myself. And I decided I really didn't want to do this. So I turned around, I tried to crawl back up and that's how I ended up being, that's how I ended up being a breach birth. So that's the nutshell version.

LAURA: My job.

KATHLEEN: I love it. I just love it. I love the fact that I don't want to be here. I'm going back in where it's nice and safe. That's so funny.

LAURA: Nice and safe, nice and warm. I don't have to bother with the world.

KATHLEEN: We have Laura Hoorweg with us today and she was just telling us about her experience of coming through the birth canal and didn't want to come out.

KATHLEEN: But because you did come out and you've had this very interesting life. What were some of the steps that you took to be where you are today?

LAURA: It's been a constant learning process.

LAURA: Early on in my journey, probably in my not in my twenties. No, not in my twenties. In my thirties. My twenties were interesting. Didn't have a lot to do with spirituality. But in my thirties, I went through a lot of different healing modalities and energy healing courses and things like that.

LAURA: And I realized with most of them that I wasn't going into them in order to become a practitioner, I was going into them for my own healing journey. And so I did a multitude of different things, different types of energy healing, breath work.

LAURA: And what I really discovered actually was really important, two things were really important for my own healing. And I really, really recommend them to my clients is both yoga and meditation.

LAURA: I'm just going to say it right out probably yoga and meditation, especially after the sudden death of my partner. And the collapse of my career, quitting my career and the kind of my whole life actually after my partner passed away, suddenly imploded and exploded at the same time.

LAURA: And I will definitely credit my yoga practice and meditation for real, saving my life because there was a time there when I just thought because of all the things going on with me that I really didn't want to continue. It was like my second birthing experience and it was kind of that get me out of here feeling.

LAURA: And those are the two things that, really created my resilience and of the other journeys that I had too the healing I received at John Of God, both through their healers because he channels a bunch of different healers on the other side.

LAURA: He also has, there's also a full a full slate of mediums and channelers and everybody that creates what they call the current and you sit in the current and that is an energetic healing in of itself.

LAURA: And then you go back to your room and you sequester yourself for 24 hours is 24 hours. Yeah, I believe it's 24 hours and you can't have contact with anyone else because your healing process is still going on foods brought to you the whole deal. You basically can't leave your room.

LAURA: So that was one phase and then the other phase was the Ayahuasca journey, which was really incredible. Very, it's not for the faint of heart. Ok? And people think about it. Oh It's, you know, hallucinogens and you're taking drugs and all this. I don't look at it at all in that light. It's really jungle medicine.

LAURA: It's been used for thousands of years and it's definitely not recreational because it's not a pleasant process whatsoever. Because the purging which is both, I'm gonna try to keep this as clean as possible, both vomiting and diarrhea massive for hours for a lot of people. And that's purging all the negative energies out of your body energetically, both physically, mentally and emotionally.

LAURA: So, it's certainly not a recreational practice. It is a very ancient healing practice. So there's a lot of things in my life that I can credit with really building my resiliency and, my experiences myself. You know, in my life, I had a very, how shall we say? I had a very challenging and traumatic childhood.

LAURA: I had a very interesting young adulthood, like I said, my twenties were very interesting and you just have to keep on, keeping on. And I honestly, I really didn't decide to fully stay here. Until I was probably about 40. When I hit my 40th birthday, there was kind of this massive exhale and I knew that I was going to stay.

LAURA: And interestingly enough during my late late twenties and my early thirties, I had five car accidents, none of which were my fault, but I do believe they were all windows to take me off the planet if I so chose.

LAURA: So I've had a physic healing journey as well as an emotional and mental healing journey because I've had many, many car accidents, many sports injuries. And I've also had a class of adventure injuries, which is the class that takes up anything that doesn't fit into car accidents or other injuries, shall we say? Ok.

LAURA: Ok. So building resiliency is really about deciding honestly it's really about deciding that you want to stay here and you want to be here and there's a purpose for you being here. And that's where you get the motivation and the impetus to put 1 foot in front of the other through the dark times and things like yoga and meditation and energy healing and balancing, and reiki and all kinds of work, wonderful things like that.

LAURA: Really support that journey and really help you to raise your vibration as well as your resiliency and your will to live that. Actually, you know what? If I had to define resiliency, I would say it really is at its core, it's the willingness to live this life and stay here on the planet and do what you did, do what you decided to do before you came in.

KATHLEEN: I to, I wholeheartedly agree with what you said because I was suicidal up until the age of 30. Then I had an opportunity to die a couple of times.

KATHLEEN: Actually, one was with a swollen epiglottis and nobody would take me to the hospital and then I was a baby because I almost died because I couldn't breathe and they were gonna put a tube, you know, cut up a tracheotomy so I could breathe because there was so much infection in my sinuses and it took an hour for the doctor to come and as I'm in the, er, and they're prepping, the operating room and I'm trying to get out of my body because I don't want to live.

KATHLEEN: I was like, this is an opportunity to leave. So I'm going and I swear to God, Laura, the Mother Mary came in was at the foot of the bed and started yelling, oh my God, did she start yelling at me? And I stood at attention and I was like, yes ma'am, yes ma'am. Ok. Ok. Because it was like, you are not to leave. This is not your time to leave and you were going to stay here and you will figure it out.

KATHLEEN: So I did and part of the reason I wanted to dice in was because it was right before my divorce. That was totally devastating to me. It was totally devastating. And then there was a whole series of things that just started happening for like the next 10 to 15 years that were horrible.

KATHLEEN: And when I went to Chicago is when I made the decision to stay. Now I had another opportunity to leave because I was literally yanked out of my body and I'm on the phone with somebody and I'm yanked out of my body. My cats are standing at attention trying to protect me and I'm like, I don't know where I am. I was like the poor lady is freaking out because she thought I was going to die.

KATHLEEN: I got off the phone and for the next three days I didn't take a shower. I ate the biggest bag of Doritos I could find at Costco. I bought them like, two days before this event happened and I'm like, why am I buying this? I'm not going to eat these and something said, keep them in there because I didn't know how to cook. I didn't know how to do anything.

KATHLEEN: I mean, I managed to go to the bathroom, that was the extent of it for three days. And by the third day, a friend of mine called and I'm crying hysterically. I don't know what's wrong with me. I don't know what's wrong. And she's like, are you going to die? I don't know. I don't think so.

KATHLEEN: And she's trying to get over, to make sure I was ok because I didn't understand what had happened. But in that process, I was given the opportunity that I could leave because it's like you've done what you came here to do. So I was given that opportunity. But then I decided to stay for some crazy reason. I decided to stay and go through even more hell than what I had been in earlier.

KATHLEEN: Oh my God. Did I go through hell? But at that point I decided I wanted to be a better person and I wanted to be better for me. Not you, not my partner, not anybody just for me. Because I finally decided I was worth something, maybe just this little tiny bit of worthiness, but something was there.

KATHLEEN: And thank God, I mean, yes, it was hell, it was total hell going through what I went through, I wrote a book about what it's like to wake up. What the journey of an awakening spirit really is about when you do that and looking at it, self reflection and, and how do you hang on when you've got nothing to hang on to and it was just that faith and gratitude that helped me to move into that next direction.

KATHLEEN: So I totally understand about that resilience because it takes every ounce of what we have when we make that decision to step into our personal greatness. And even if you didn't, because I didn't want to come out either. I mean, in my birth, I was hanging on for dear life and the doctors are taking my head and going back and forth, he wrenched my neck something fierce.

KATHLEEN: I had a lifetime of working through my neck issues because I wasn't ready to come out. And when I did a rebirthing process, when I was at the 10th I was in the water and I'm sitting there on the side of the pool with my hands and feet on the wall like no, no, no, I'm not coming out until I'm ready.

KATHLEEN: And that was my life. Everybody knew better than I did. And I spent a lifetime saying no, I'm better than you are. I'm better for me. It's my life. So I understand, when you go through that and all the studying that you said that you did, I did the same thing just to get a better understanding of just what this Real World is, not this crazy world, but the Real World and that's what I wanted to be a part of.

KATHLEEN: So, what else went on? Because I know you've had other amazing stories besides this. I mean, you're already talking and you're surfacing, you're doing a surf right now. So I just like to go a little bit deeper.

LAURA: Well, I left out the latest of my adventures because, well, what happens to me is what happens to me is I always experience things. I'm always slightly ahead of the wave because I've been told over and over again by my guide. They want me to experience things first so that I can assist others. Ok. So this is the way my life goes.

LAURA: So 2019 comes and at the end of 2019, just before Christmas Lord gets absolutely ill. Probably the illest I have been in my entire life. I was literally in bed for two solid weeks. Like, I mean, thank God, I have a cheater ensuite because I was like crawling from the bed to the washroom like I could not even stand up.

LAURA: And finally after those two weeks, I was just on the point of saying, like I have to call an ambulance because I was absolutely certain that I had, a really super bad case of pneumonia. Ok. And then I finally started slowly feeling a little bit better. Ok.

LAURA: It basically took me another three weeks to feel human again and then guess what happened? It was January of 2020. And then all of a sudden we found out about COVID and I'm going, yeah, man, I just survived COVID in my own house and didn't end up going to the hospital.

LAURA: But then all of a sudden I started having all these weird symptoms and I started having this burning like just burning in my chest and I couldn't, it felt like somebody leaning on my chest. It wasn't a breathing problem, but I, because it was this burning and it felt like burning in my lungs.

LAURA: I figured it was some kind of because of the COVID. So of course, we're right in the middle of lockdown. I'm having problems getting in touch with my doctor. He's still recovering from concussion syndrome because he was in a car accident. So that was just craziness trying to even get in.

LAURA: So the short story is I never even got in, wasn't able to actually get in and get diagnosed until the spring of 2021 when I finally got in Oh yeah, it was crazy. It was, it was absolutely crazy. And I finally got in to see my doctor and he was also convinced that it was, there was, it was some lung problem and then he said just by, he said, you know what, we're gonna send you for a stress test just to make sure.

LAURA: Ok, so I went for the stress test and of course, I failed miserably. There was just a tech in the room and she goes, I want you to stop right now, Laura, and I'm gonna take you off the treadmill. I want you to sit down and I'm gonna go get the cardiologist. He has to look at these things. This is in the middle of the test.

LAURA: So the cardiologist comes in, he looks at it and he just looks, and he looks over at me. He goes, there is a serious problem and he said, you are either, this is the short version, you're either gonna have to have stents or you are going to have to have, bypass surgery. He says you have a serious problem with your heart.

LAURA: So, he said, well, I'm gonna try to get you in. He said I need to get you in for an angiogram where they shoot the dye through your heart and see what's going on. He says I'm gonna try to get you in in the next two weeks. And of course, that didn't happen. I had to wait around for 6 to 8 weeks to get it.

LAURA: I think it was almost eight weeks to get in for the angiogram. I'm in the angiogram and I'm lying on the table and the cardiologist who's doing the test, looking at test and he looks at, he shakes his head and he goes, oh, he says we can't stent this. And I'm like wtf OK.

LAURA: And I, and then he comes over to me with a diagram and I'm lying, I'm still lying on the table. I still got all the stents, all the angiogram stuff in me. And he's showing me the problem. And I had two major blockages on the left side, left major artery of the heart, which is called the widow maker.

LAURA: He says we're gonna have to do bypass open heart surgery. And he says you're not leaving because the angiogram is just a day test. So they bring you in, they kick you out a few hours after the test. He says you're not going home. He says we're gonna admit you and we're putting you on the surgery list.

LAURA: And I'm like freaking at this point because I had myself mentally and emotionally ready for the stenting thing. The open heart surgery part was not on the schedule. So again, here I am in a life-threatening operation.

LAURA: And, basically what I was told was I was lucky that I didn't have a heart attack in that time where I was waiting for the angiogram and the cardiologist told me that if I had had a heart attack, one of two things would happen. It would have been so severe that I would have died because of where the blockages were.

LAURA: Or I, it would have been so severe that it would have damaged my heart to the extent that I would have been basically an invalid. And I would have needed to have a heart transplant because it would have damaged my heart to that extent.

LAURA: So few months later, I had to make, this is again resilience. This is what my whole life prepared me for because I'm lying there with this shocking news, totally healthy otherwise. And, where did this come from? They were trying to convince me that I had an underlying cholesterol problem which was BS OK.

LAURA: Total BS and it was confirmed BS afterwards. But anyway, I know it was COVID but that's a whole another conversation which we're not going to get in into. But it was and they found this out over the last couple of years that so many women over the age of 50 picked, particularly women who had COVID or had this session of shots ended up with some kind of severe heart issue.

LAURA: Ok. So I had to make the decision on the fly either. I was, I had to get my mind right, because this was very serious and I had to, I just had to go with it and I said, ok, the way that I'm gonna look at this is after I have this operation, I'm gonna be 40 again.

LAURA: So I ran around telling everybody that I'm gonna be Replumbed and I'm gonna be 40 again. And I really believe that in my mind and to this day, I believe that that was two years ago, I guess now just about.

LAURA: And, that again, you have to decide we're confronted with all kinds of challenges and you have to decide how you are going to perceive those and how you're going to proceed with your life. And that's how I've gone on with my life. And, I'm healthy like I said, I was super healthy going in, I'm now super healthy coming out.

LAURA: And I'm so lucky that I never had a heart attack because most of the people who have, bypass surgery have already had one and most have had multiple heart attacks. And the problem with that is every time you have a heart attack, it damages your heart in some way.

LAURA: The more severe, the heart attack, the more severe the damage and the heart cannot, heal itself. Like the liver because it's a muscle. And so once the muscle damage is damaged forever. So, I come out of it, smiling and laughing and here we go, Laura's back up another exit point passed. Ok.

LAURA: That I decided because I made a conscious decision that I was going to get through this and not only was I going to survive, but I was going to come through it healthier and better than I went in. So that's another example. I don't know if that's where you're going with that.

KATHLEEN: But no, that's no, that's fine. I mean, so is this part of the reason why you went on all those health journeys or healing journeys with John Of God and Ayahuasca or was that just more from that?

LAURA: Was that?

LAURA: No, that was after the death of my partner? This is the next stage.

KATHLEEN: This was long before this.

LAURA: Oh, yes, yes. Yeah. Tim passed away in 2014 and I did all this traveling and these healing journeys to Peru and Brazil and all that. That was all in 2015, 2016.

KATHLEEN: Ok. So what are you doing today right now? That makes all these changes that are going on in your life? I mean, obviously this was another life altering change, course correction, whatever you want to call it. So what came out of that whole experience? Because something obviously did.

LAURA: Well, it really sharpened my belief in that I was here for a purpose and that I was here and that I still was here because I have a lot of work to do and I have a lot of people to help. I have no delusions that I'm here to help everyone.

LAURA: I know that there are people that I can help and people that I can help and the people that I can help are the people that are showing up and not only through my practice, through both my spiritual counseling practice and my intuitive coaching practice and my mediumship because my mediumship is something different. It's helping people to work through grief, helping people realize that life goes on.

LAURA: We just go on a different form and that my mediumship actually, I think has really helped me to look at death and dying in a totally different way and know that the other side is special, like I'm not afraid of dying at all. Actually, the only thing I'm afraid of would be to I'm afraid of being disabled.

LAURA: Ok. That would be to me, that would be the worst possible thing that can happen. I know a lot of people who are disabled and they live wonderful lives. But for me, I'm such a physical tactile person. I always have been since the minute I was born.

LAURA: And honestly, if I was physically seriously, physically, like if I was paralyzed or if I was an invalid, like, for example, if I had a heart attack and I was bedridden or I couldn't do anything that to me would be 10 times worse than dying because dying to me is just a transition into another form. So that wouldn't bother me at all.

LAURA: In terms of my mediumship work, I know that and I've had some, like I said, some kind of wild near death experiences too. So that's shown me the other side in many, many different ways. And I can help people in their grief, you know, and I've gone through incredible grief when my partner passed away suddenly.

LAURA: So I'm very cognizant of all the different things that happen in your life and the different emotions and things that you go through. So that really spurred me on in my mediumship practice, which is different then a lot of mediums out there are what's called evidentiary mediums. That's not my purpose.

LAURA: My purpose is to deliver healing messages from family and loved ones and to help people realize that life goes on. It's just in a different way. Evidentiary mediums are more about proving that there's life after death. And you know what, I don't care about proving that to anyone. I'm just really, I'm more concerned about helping people heal from grief.

LAURA: So that really upped that.

LAURA: And it also helped me to realize it really got me into, I didn't realize ever since my partner's passing, I was wondering what was going to happen with the last portion of my life, wondering whether I was going to, be able to find love like I had.

LAURA: And I've been very lucky. Actually, I've had several, very, wonderful partners where I've been very deeply in love with them. And I was wondering if I was ever going to be able to, you know, think that you've ran out of chances. Ok.

LAURA: So I was really wondering about that and what life, what the rest of my life was going to be like, and this experience of having the open heart surgery and having this brush with dying again, just recommitted my, I recommitted myself to life and to helping others recommit themselves and to helping people live in the most authentic and real way and to be in touch with their own missions and what they wanted out of their own lives and we spend so much time surviving.

LAURA: I think one of the big messages I got through this last episode was we spent a lot of time surviving instead of living. And, it really brought it home to me in my own personal life that I didn't wanna be just surviving. I wanted to live my life and I wanted to help other people live theirs.

LAURA: So I think that's the biggest thing that's come out of this last episode. How important it is to really live life. Not simply getting through the day. There's got to be, if I'm gonna be sticking around, for another 20 years or so, I'm gonna make darn sure that I'm actually living my life and I'm not just surviving.

LAURA: So that's really the biggest lessons that I've learned and that I've been able to take and pass along to other people. You know, that's what's important to me to show people that you can, regardless of age.

LAURA: You can live a very rewarding, fulfilling life no matter what's going on and no matter what challenges that you have to go through.

KATHLEEN: I agree with that and we're gonna go ahead and take a quick commercial break.

KATHLEEN: We are in the room with Laura Hoorweg.

KATHLEEN: Laura. Tell our audience no, that's not what I want to do. I want to ask you a question. What is one piece of advice you would offer our audience to help them move in a different direction, to achieve their dreams or become a better person?

LAURA: Just do it literally. You know, even if you just start with little baby steps, There's a universal law, OK? This is the, this is the planet of free will. So our angels and our guides can't just step in and start helping us to start changing things. Ok? We have to do something that shows them where we want to go.

LAURA: That's the equivalent of giving our permission for them to help us. So if you really truly want change your life and start something new, you need to move in that direction. Ok?

LAURA: Even if it's just starting to research something or sitting and really thinking about how and what you really want in your life and telling the universe what you really want because that is the yes to the universe. Ok? And that's when your guides, your angels, your masters, whatever you want to call them, they don't actually care. Ok?

LAURA: That's giving them permission to come in and start helping you to bring those synchronicities into your life, to bring those aha moments to bring those people that you need to do whatever you really want to do. And sometimes it's resources, sometimes it's finances, all those things start happening when you make that conscious decision to change.

LAURA: Ok? You know, we have to make a conscious decision to be happy every single day. Ok? You also have to make a conscious decision to change. You can't just say, I wish this was better. You know, I'd really like it. If I was doing that, you have to, you know, I am statements are really powerful things.

LAURA: So you wanna be careful what you put behind that statement. Ok? So you want to say, you know, I am abundant or I am loved or whatever, but that is making a statement to the universe whenever you put, I am in front of something, ok?

LAURA: Or, I am going to become a better person or I am going to become healthier or I am going to be that person who works out three times at least two or three times a week, you know, make that commitment to yourself and when you make that commitment to yourself, you're also making it to the universe and you're also inviting help to get those things done and make them a reality and manifest them in your life.

LAURA: So if you wanna manifest things in your life, you have to make a conscious decision to do that and move forward, whatever that looks like for you.

LAURA: But just sitting back and saying, I wish this and I wish that and only if there's another expression, only if this was different or only if I had more money or only if I was 30 lbs. lighter or you know, whatever that doesn't work because you're not making a conscious decision and you're not telling the universe what you want. So you're not getting any help with it.

LAURA: Why do it on your own or try to do it on your own? If you can initiate help from everything and everyone and all the energy around you because we're just surrounded by universal energy, the field, OK? You want to use that field to your advantage. You need to make a conscious decision.

LAURA: It's just like the example I just gave about, I had to make a conscious decision. How I was going to view this open heart surgery thing. I could have gone into absolute fear and loathing and I could have decided that I was gonna be an invalid and I was gonna be ugly.

LAURA: Now I got all these scars on my body that I never had before. And you know, as a woman, it's a pretty big thing. I got a four inch scar on my chest. I got an eight inch scar on my leg. I got a couple of little scars, my upper abdomen where they put the chest tubes in.

LAURA: So you gotta make a decision and it's got to be conscious and you've got to follow through with it. And like I said, even if in the beginning, it's baby steps, at least you're moving in the right direction and Spirit can go. Oh, hey, that's what she wants. Let's jump in and help her out.

KATHLEEN: Well, how can people get a hold of you?

LAURA: The best way to get a hold of me is through my website at WW Dot Spirit speaks to me 0.0 no. Spirit speaks to, to the number and then. me ok, and the best way is using my email honestly is just shoot me off an email or on Facebook. I'm all over Facebook. I have my private page Laura on your Laura Hoorweg.

LAURA: I have my group page which is under spirit speaks to me. You can direct message me or you can email me is probably the best ways to get a hold of me. If you're looking for more information on me and what I do, it's on my website or just get in contact with me directly.

KATHLEEN: Well, I wanna thank you Laura for coming on the show today. I know it was a last minute because Zak couldn't make it this morning. And I mean, I've never been that slow but I have a new plan for the next time. It happens because I started putting that new plan together. So I'm pretty excited because she delivered a message to me and I said, but I had this woman and she's kind of crazy like us and she agreed.

KATHLEEN: And so I'm bringing her on this time I said, but I feel I'll be more prepared the next time. I usually try to have a backup plan. But, you know, I just remember you and for some reason when I said, I wrote that word, if somebody cancels, call you and that's exactly what I did and you were right there. So thank you so much for doing that for me. I really truly appreciate it.

LAURA: No problem. I always believe that everything, it's timing, everything happens at the right time. So obviously this was the right time for this to happen.

KATHLEEN: Yeah, I believe so too.

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Laura Hoorweg

Spiritual Counsellor/Intuitive Coach (Psychic Medium)

Laura is an international Spiritual Counsellor/Intuitive Coach and Psychic Medium. She has a laser like way of seeing relevant details in all the areas of your life. She is perceptive in ways that feel like your own deepest knowing. She brings a compassionate, no-nonsense presence to her work along with a huge capacity to see and outline the most positive life-affirming way forward. She is both a seer and a counselor. A refreshing combination!
Her passion is to empower people to live their lives in the most authentic and passionate way possible, aligning their lives with their own divine mission and discovering and developing their own spiritual gifts.