Aug. 29, 2022

The Keys to Making Progress with Your Goals - Stop Complaining

The Keys to Making Progress with Your Goals - Stop Complaining

“There are times in life when, instead of complaining, you do something about your complaints.” - Rita Dove -- Learn more about Rita Dove here.  


What have you been complaining about lately and, of those complaints, what can you control?

For some, the list is long as we start the new school year with new professors, new classes, and in-person learning. 

Are you complaining about your inability to schedule time with your assigned guidance counselor?

Are you complaining about your tighter schedule as you try to squeeze in a few work hours each week for income to cover the cost of your books and course fees?

Are you complaining about your inability to secure employment after your recent graduation? 

There’s a list and I could go on and on. 

Now let’s shift our energy... 

What can you control? What is within your power to tackle? Grab a sticky note and write one thing you can tackle tomorrow. What one thing can you do tomorrow to ease the weight just a bit? Now post that sticky note on your mirror for reference as you prepare for the day. Major mindset shift!

I’ll go first…

Tomorrow I’m going to meet with my assistant for a 1:1 where the floor will be hers to share her feedback and thoughts on process improvement. 

What’s your one thing?

If you haven't already done so, be sure you check out the podcast and like, share, and subscribe. 


About The Keys to the Office 

The mission of The Keys to the Office, LLC is to empower Black and Latinx students by teaching them everything we know as professionals to help them gain valuable work experience, build a solid resume, and chart their individual career paths. In doing so, we impact generational wealth by giving our children the tools to success and supporting them every step of the way. 

In addition to our new and exciting podcast featuring guests from multiple industries, we offer high school and college students individual and group coaching, networking opportunities, and assistance with all aspects of their job search including resume writing, LinkedIn profile creation, and interview role plays as needed. 


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