Oct. 4, 2022

Nursing Career Chat with Legal Nurse Consultant/Nurse Practitioner, Tina Baxter

We had an opportunity to chat with Tina Baxter, Legal Nurse Consultant and Nurse Practitioner, about her path into nursing. She walked us through her early start supporting her mom who was a church nurse to her in-depth exposure to the industry prior to high school graduation. She shared her thoughts around starting as a CNA and the importance of gaining volunteer experience. Tina shared countless gems, so be sure to check out the full episode for more!

Today's focus is: The Nursing Career

00:00 - 00:32 | The Keys to the Office Podcast Introduction
00:33 - 03:53 | Welcome Tina Baxter
03:54 - 07:03 | Gaining experience from junior high
07:04 - 14:18 | High school journey
14:19 - 15:51 | Internship
15:52 - 22:31 | The difference between a CNA and other nurses 
22:32 - 29:14 | Legal Nurse Consultant addition
29:15 - 39:43 | Finding a legit CNA program
39:44 - 40:38 | The Earning Potential for a CNA
40:39 – 46:11 | Mentorship and Advice for Aspiring Nurses
46:12 – 1:00:51 | The Major Keys to Success
1:00:52 – 1:06:15 | The Nurse Shark Academy 
1:06:16 – 1:08:44 | Why do you want to be an entrepreneur?
1:08:45 – 1:12:48 | Upcoming Projects & Get Connected!
1:12:49 - 1:13:32 | Closing Remarks
1:13:33 - 1:14:00 | Subscribe to The Keys to the Office Podcast


•If you're interested in nursing, get your CNA certification, get a job working in a nursing home or assisted living home health care, and get your feet wet.
•Understand if this is something that you want to do. Too many young people go into nursing school and become nurses, only to realize they didn't want to be nurses.

The difference between a CNA and other nurses
•CNA stands for Certified Nursing Assistant. You are the eyes and ears of the nurse.
•A lot of times, the CNA takes care of the patients and does the basic care like taking them to the bathroom, helping them bathe, helping them get dressed, and sometimes feeding someone.
•The CNA's role is very critical and a lot of what the CNA does and how they document what they do can impact how a legal case comes out.
•The role of the CNA is very important and it's the entryway into the healthcare field for a lot of people.
•They are not responsible for the actual plan of care, but they can give input into it. But it's the registered nurse (RN) that develops a plan of care for the patient.

Finding a legit CNA program
•Start by finding your department of health or state board of nursing website.
•Make sure that the program we're looking at is on the accredited list.
•Look at how the classes are structured and the learning style.

The earning potential for a CNA
•This is a good time to be in healthcare because everybody's short-staffed, so they're paying more.
•You can start your career as a CNA and make up to $18 an hour.

•Look for those opportunities in your community that can help you go further.
•If you're thinking of being in any type of STEM fields or medical, etc. Take the hard classes, and don't be afraid to try.
•Take the extra English class because a lot of what you need to do is communication, and writing. Take the science class and learn about it and also do your research.
•You could always volunteer at a nursing home passing out water.

One Major Key to Success
•Set your intention.
•Always be open to new opportunities.

The Nurse Shark Academy
•A formal coaching program that takes you from idea to launch with six sessions that work you through building your business plan.
•If you can write a nursing care plan, you can write a business plan.
•This isn't some dried-up business plan that people think of; this is a plan for your business with all the steps being put in place.
•If you don't have a plan of what vision you have for your business, you're going to be easily distracted.
•Other nurses can have their own businesses and let people know that nurses can be business owners as well.

Why do you want to be an entrepreneur?
•If it doesn't make your heart sing, you're not going to want to do it for the rest of your life.

Key Notes
•When you move up the ladder, you begin to see that there are so many things that you didn’t know why you were doing.
•When you study hard, it pays off in rewards later on.
•If you work hard now, you don't have to work as hard later.

Connect with Tina Baxter
Website - http://baxterprofessionalservices.com 
Twitter - https://twitter.com/baxterprofserv 
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/baxterprofserv/ 
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/BaxterProfessionalServices 
LinkedIn - https://www.linkedln.com/in/tina-baxter-58b25925/


Let’s Stay Connected!
Website: https://thekeystotheoffice.com

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/keystotheoffice

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/keystotheoffice/

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Phone Number: (804) 766-5768

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Tina M Baxter Profile Photo

Tina M Baxter

Legal Nurse Consultant/Nurse Practitioner

Tina M. Baxter is an advanced practice registered nurse and a board certified gerontological nurse practitioner through the American Nurse Credentialing Center (ANCC), who resides in Anderson, Indiana. Mrs. Baxter has been a registered nurse for over twenty years and a nurse practitioner for 14 years. She is the owner of Baxter Professional Services, LLC, a consulting firm which provides legal nurse consulting services for attorneys and insurance professionals; wellness and chronic disease management coaching; and customized educational and operational resources to healthcare organizations. She provides a weekly Facebook live program on business and health topics. Mrs. Baxter teaches stress management strategies to clients of all ages and offers virtual as well as online classes. She is listed as best lessons for 2019 and 2020 from Lessons.com. She is the founder of The Nurse Shark Academy where she coaches nurses to launch and scale their businesses. She is a certified small business and benefits solutions advisor with LegalShield Business Solutions. She is a public speaker and have spoken on numerous topics on national level. She is contributor to articles on electronic and print media such as Entrepreneur.com, The Minority Nurse, LinkedIN, as well a guest on numerous podcasts.
She is currently working at Adult and Child Health in Indianapolis, focusing on the mental health needs of adults and geriatric patients. She is a previous owner of HIS Solutions Healthcare, LLC which provided a community Certified Nursing Assistant course, Home Health Aide training course,… Read More