Sept. 13, 2022

Season 1 Shout-Outs and Season 2 Preview

Season 1 Shout-Outs and Season 2 Preview

Thank you!!

Thank you to my listeners. Thank you to my subscribers. And thank you to those who are deep in the community that I call The Keys to the Office.

Thank you to all of the guests who rocked with me in season one and to those who have already raised their hand for season two.

This girl from Queens had no idea she would be here doing this with a smile during each episode so thank you for being part of this journey and I look forward to seeing you all in a future episode.

In the meantime, go be amazing.

Welcome to The Keys to the Office Podcast, where we help Black and Latinx students chart career paths and prepare for success through guest interviews and job search tips from HR professionals and successful entrepreneurs.

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Good morning. 
Good afternoon. 
Good evening Keys family. 

It's the two of us today. Um, and this is my wrap up of season one. Um, and really, you know, inviting you to, to rock with me in season two. So first and foremost, thank you. Thank you to. The subscribers. Thank you so much for every download. Thank you so much for opening up your ears and listening to the content. Never in my wildest dreams that I imagine I would have a podcast. Um, when I stepped away from corporate in May, um, I knew I wanted to do something that brought me joy, something. I was passionate about something that was impactful and. I also knew I loved interviewing. So, you know, I wouldn't have stayed a recruiter, um, and worked in the HR space for so many years. I wouldn't have focused specifically in that early talent, um, and emerging talent sector specifically, right. With a DE&I lens for so many years. Um, so like I'm, I'm completely blown away and appreciative. gratitude. Just like that word. It, it, it doesn't say enough. Right? So thank you to the listeners. Thank you to the subscribers. Thank you for every single download. Um, you'll continue to make a difference, right? And you're telling the platforms that you actually enjoy this content and you find it valuable. So I appreciate that. special. 

Shout out to all of my guests. Again, you took the time out of your busy schedule. You took the time out of your day to have a conversation with me so that I could share it with our communities. Um, we are all grateful and we are all better for your presence. 

So first of all, Coach Juice, my first guest. entrepreneur genius, you know, multiple references to backdoor, right. And, and figuring out how to make things happen. You know, sort of that. Why not me mentality? Um, if you miss that episode, you gotta catch it. So thank you to Coach Juice. 

Kristina Theodore and Madison Washington, two generations of skincare besties who spent time with me talking. How they got to where they are today. And what's on the horizon for them. Awesome episode, great energy. Again, to, you know, Kristina being my esthetician yesterday, name is Kristina and Madison being my daughter's skincare bestie. It was just, just an all around awesome episode. So thank you so much, ladies. 

Amor Laüren. So she doesn't know this. I have not shared this with her. I should text her. Huh. But the most downloads for season one, the award goes to Amor Laüren, uh, multi talented entertainer, just on so many levels and an all around amazing human being. And I mean that. She, and I have exchanged text messages, you know, since recording that episode and just truly a great friend. So Amor Laüren, if you have not heard that episode and it happens to be the longest episode of the season, um, you absolutely must. Listen to it, as soon as I'm done talking. Um, so shout out to her again, most downloads for season one.

Tiauna Jackson history-making talent agent who said, sure, I'll do it. I reached out to her. She was like, yes. You know, and, and she gave it to us raw and unfiltered. You know, when I talked to her prior to the episode, I remember saying like, yeah, I don't want the filter. Right? Like we need to know the obstacles. Right. You've had to overcome, we need to know the obstacles. Others are going to have to overcome, um, coming into this industry. So huge, huge shout to Tiauna Jackson. 

Thank you so much for taking the time out to chat with us, Rick Benbow. So. When I tell you that conversation spoke to me in so many ways. Um, we talked about the obstacles in our pursuit for higher education. And I just remember my own story. So listening to him, talk about the work he's doing with WGU - Western Governor's University. Just, it spoke to me in so many ways, and I know a lot of our listeners. Uh, found value in that. So thank you so much for, for chatting with me, Rick. 

And we closed this season out with the Lenise and Star show. Y'all hair, industry bosses here in Richmond, Virginia and elsewhere, because I know they hop on flights and they're teaching classes elsewhere. They're mentoring, you know, young men and women coming up in the industry. The most laughs. And lessons in one episode, like unbelieve, like I still, I Okay. True story. I told Lenise, I guess it was a couple of days ago, um, that. I was having trouble sleeping. So I took some melatonin, but then I listened to the podcast episode and it didn't work. It didn't work at all. Melatonin didn't work. I was too busy cracking up. Um, so shout out to Lenise and Star. Thank y'all ladies. So, so, so, so much for bringing the energy and the laughs and the gems. To the keys to the office family. 

So thank you special shout out to those really who simply couldn't fit an interview into their schedule. a number of people raise their hands and say, you know what, put me in, I'll do it. You know, I wanna share my story. I wanna share my career path. And, and we just could not make it happen for whatever reason. Um, I get it. I still appreciate you. I still appreciate your interest. Hopefully it's coming up. You know, I don't know if we can squeeze it into season two, but, uh, maybe, you know, the winter season, you know, we'll have some of those individuals who really are excited to share their story with you. Join us now, 

Season two drops Tuesday, September 20th. If you're not subscribed wherever you listen to podcast. You need to do that immediately. Season two drops Tuesday, September 20th. That's right around the corner. What does that mean? We've already started recording. We already have interviews on the calendar. We're talking careers in marketing news, legal medical, nonprofit, film, and so much more when I saw you. I wasn't quite sure. of how many guests I would have this fall season coming up, um, until we do it, it's a seasonal podcast in case you haven't noticed winter, spring, summer, fall, we're going into the fall season. Um, and I just wasn't sure. Right. I know in my head I've committed to 10 episodes per season. I. Um, but I didn't know if a lot of those would be individual episodes or if I was going to be able to lock in some of those guests, um, to come on and, and have these conversations about their career paths. Um, so I'm part of a podcasting community. And I simply said I'm open to guests in the outpouring, like people who look like us, wanna share their stories with us and our students. and I'm, I like, I don't even know the word and I'm not normally speechless. It's heartwarming, it's heartwarming. And it's exciting because I know it's going to have an impact. Every single guest interview will impact someone who's thinking about that specific career path. Stay tuned, stay tuned. We're talking to multiple industries. Season two, you know, episodes are already being recorded, which is why I'm so excited. Um, Tuesday, September 20th, mark, your calendars, subscribe wherever you consume podcasts. So a lot of you are on apple podcasts. I love Spotify as well. I even, uh, listen to podcasts on audible. Um, you know, it, it is what it is. Right? You get it wherever you get it. Sometimes I'm listening to a book. I switch over. subscribe wherever you listen. Um, share right. Sharing is caring. We all know this. So be sure you're sharing, not just the episodes, but the overall podcast. Right? I think the more we get the word out, um, the better I. Connects with me on social media. Sometimes I'm acting a plum full other times. I'm super serious. dropping gems. It's just how I balanced my, my life. So sometimes I'm a little crazy cracking up and other times, you know, you're going to get. The raw unfiltered interview tips, um, resume tips, things along those lines. 

Speaking of resumes, if you have not seen yet, we, uh, released a giveaway or, or, uh, kicked off a giveaway, um, that closes soon. So be sure to find us on social, get the details for the giveaway we're giving, um, two resume reviews, um, complimentary. Yours truly. Um, and when I tell you I'm an expert in this stuff, believe me. Um, and then there's a 30 minute phone con consultation for each. So excited about that. Um, connect with me on social, like I said.

And breaking news, um, you can now donate. I've actually had some people ask, how can I contribute to the show? So here's what I'll. While you all can consume this content for free. I can't produce it for free. Um, it really does take. A team effort, right? There are a few people who are behind the scenes helping put a number of the pieces to the puzzle together, and that costs money. It costs money to host it. It costs money to, you know, market it like all of this stuff costs money. Um, so if you ever feel inclined to do so, uh, we now have a donate button on the. Um, so click the donate button. I think there might be an option to, um, use some preset amounts or you can populate your own, um, for PayPal. And then there's buy me a coffee on there as well. 

So quick recap. Thank you. Thank you to my listeners. Thank you to my subscribers. And thank you to those who are deep in the community that I call The Keys to the Office. Thank you to all the guests who rocked with me in season one. And to those who have already raised their hand for season two, um, this girl from Queens had no idea she would be here doing this. With a smile during each episode. Um, so thank you for being part of this journey. And I look forward to seeing you all in a future episode. In the meantime, go be amazing.