July 25, 2022

The Keys to the Office: A Conversation with Kristina Theodore and Madison Washington About the Beauty Industry

The Keys to the Office: A Conversation with Kristina Theodore and Madison Washington About the Beauty Industry

Welcome to The Keys to the Office Podcast, where we help Black and Latinx students chart career paths and prepare for success through guest interviews and job search tips from HR professionals and successful entrepreneurs.

Today's focus is: Business in Beauty

I sat down with Kristina Theodore of Plush Beauty Studio and Madison Theodore of Bia Vee Essentials to talk about their paths into the skincare and beauty industries. If you're thinking about becoming an MUA, an esthetician, and/or creating a wellness empire, then this episode is definitely for you!
Make sure you hit subscribe if you haven’t already and be sure to share this episode with a friend or two. You can also check me out on Instagram and TikTok @keystotheoffice!

Until next time...stay amazing!


00:00 - 00:30 | The Keys to the Office Podcast Introduction

00:31 - 05:30 | Welcome Kristina & Madison!

05:31 - 10:54 | Finding a Purposeful Career

10:55 - 13:24 | Take a Chance! Make Connections!

13:25 - 17:10 | Mentorship

17:11 - 20:00 | Major Keys

20:21 - 22:15 | Get Connected!

22:16 - 23:00 | Upcoming Events & Launches

23:01 - 23:10 | Closing Remarks

23:11 - 23:49 | Subscribe to The Keys to the Office Podcast





Helping Others

- Take what you learned from previous workplace experiences and develop from them. Use the skills, knowledge and connections that you gained and translate them to your new environment.


Make Connections

- Make genuine connections by buildings relationships.

- Don’t be afraid to reach out to someone regardless of their status in the industry.



- Show up for yourself and do the hard work. You never know who may be inspired by you.

- Don’t be afraid to be hands on in your business.

- Pour into others! Provide tips, business advice, share some nuggets that have helped you along the way, and tell your personal story of scaling your business.


Major Keys

- Make sure that you align your lifestyle with your business. Be the brand!

- Stay the course even when your journey is tough.


Connect with Madison Washington







Become a Partner





Connect with Kristina Theodore





PLUSH School of Esthetics



Let’s Stay Connected!







Want to be a guest on the show?




For all business inquiries, please email: thekeystotheoffice@gmail.com

Phone Number: (804) 766-5768

Madison Washington Profile Photo

Madison Washington


Founder of Bia Vee Essentials LLC, a brand designed to promote the beauty that is found found within. Products and services range from skincare products and consulting to home good and health tips.

Kristina Theodore Profile Photo

Kristina Theodore

Master Esthetician and Instructor

Kristina began her makeup journey while in undergraduate school at Washington, D.C. at Howard University. Her grandmother bought her first makeup MAC brushes. Immediately falling in love with color and wanting to create makeup moods through artistry. Later, expanding her makeup portfolio and offering waxing and facial services. We are growing! Be sure to follow us for our upcoming Beauty School Programs.

Kristina has worked with leading artistry brand Sephora and currently MAC Cosmetics. Blessed to have worked alongside many celebrity talents such as Jasmine Guy, Angela Robinson aka "Veronica" of OWNS/Tyler Perry's Haves and Have Nots, and ongoing freelance artist for R&B First Lady of Bad Boy Faith Evans.