Aug. 3, 2022

The Keys to the Office: Your Degree IS NOT Enough

The Keys to the Office: Your Degree IS NOT Enough

Welcome to The Keys to the Office Podcast, where we help Black and Latinx students chart career paths and prepare for success through guest interviews and job search tips from HR professionals and successful entrepreneurs.

Today's focus is: The Importance of Gaining Work Experience Before Graduation

Make sure you hit subscribe if you haven’t already and be sure to share this episode with a friend or two. You can also check me out on Instagram and TikTok @keystotheoffice!

Until next time...stay amazing!


00:00 - 00:30 | The Keys to the Office Podcast Introduction

00:31 - 00:59 | Welcome Your Host, Kristina Butler!

01:00 - 01:59 | My Background

03:15 - 03:45 | Gaining Work Experience

03:46 - 05:11 | Build Your Professional Network on LinkedIn

05:12 - 07:59 | Start Raising Your Hand

08:00 - 09:00 | Start Your Own Business

09:01 - 09:50 | Closing Remarks

09:51 - 10:26 | Subscribe to The Keys to the Office Podcast



Gaining Work Experience

- Gaining work experience while you’re a student, will certainly impact your earning potential down the road.


- Create a LinkedIn Profile even if you don’t have a job.

- Make connections in order to build a professional network.

- You will need to leverage your network as you move through your career journey.

Start Raising Your Hand

- Start raising your hand for volunteer opportunities to help build your experience when applying for jobs.

Start Your Own Business

- Monetize your skills and build your portfolio by putting your services on freelance platforms.

- Fiverr, Upwork, etc.


Let’s Stay Connected!




Want to be a guest on the show?



For all business inquiries, please email:

Phone Number: (804) 766-5768