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May 4, 2023

How to Fix Insomnia

How to Fix Insomnia
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The Life Detox

Many of us struggle with insomnia — I have since I was a teen. In this episode we're talking to Functional Health Coach and Sleep Consultant, Martha Lewis about how we can get better sleep. She'll tell us the underlying cause she sees in *all* her clients that is keeping them from sleep. We'll also talk supplements and when they can do more harm than good. 

You can find Martha Lewis at TheCompleteSleepSolution.com and on her podcast, The Insomnia Fix With Martha Lewis

The Life Detox is brought to you by Bubble & Bee Organic

Have PCOS? Download my free PCOS Thrive Guide for 40+ pages of tips and information. There you'll find the exact supplements I was taking when I got pregnant at 41 with PCOS, general dietary advice, emotional healing modalities, and chemicals to avoid.