Feb. 26, 2024

PREVIEW: Christin Lindley - After the Recording: Patreon Bonus Episode #21

PREVIEW: Christin Lindley - After the Recording: Patreon Bonus Episode #21
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The Life Shift Podcast

I wanted to share this clip from Christin Lindley's bonus episode for the Patreon members. In these recordings, I reconnect with past guests to discuss their experience on The Life Shift Podcast, share their stories, and allow them to share any updates.

I wanted to share this clip from Christin Lindley's bonus episode recording for the Patreon members. In these recordings, I reconnect with past guests to discuss their experience on The Life Shift Podcast, share their stories, and allow them to share any updates since their episode aired.

In this clip, we talk about the value of sharing stories to create connections and understanding. We also discuss the updates she's had since her appearance on the first episode of The Life Shift. The full bonus episode with Christin is available on the Patreon feed. Please consider supporting the show with the link below.

Christin Lindley's Full Episode (#1) can be found here: https://www.thelifeshiftpodcast.com/s1e1


Thank you for the support along the way. If you want to help support the show and join the Patreon, please check out www.thelifeshiftpodcast.com/join


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Hello, my friends. This is another preview to a bonus episode that we do over on the Patreon feed. And so with these bonus episodes, I like to go back to former guests and just catch up with them based on what we talked about on their show and see if things have changed a little bit. Maybe they had some feedback from people that they didn't expect, or maybe they just learned something new about themselves by sharing the story. And so in this clip, I wanted to share just a little piece of the latest conversation that I had.

If you're interested in checking out the full bonus episodes, you can head over to the Patreon page, which is www. forward slash join. And there is a special tier that gets you ad free episodes, early release episodes, and the bonus episodes. Come on over, check out the Patreon community and see how you can support the show if you're interested. But without further ado, here's a preview of the latest bonus episode.

There were times where I almost wanted to reach out to you and ask you to like take down my episode because I felt like I was not disingenuous but like I learned new things about myself and my situation that changed my mind about my relationship.

right, and brought some different things into focus. And I like listening back to it and hearing a lot of like hope and positivity about that in particular almost made me want to be like, I don't want that out there kind of thing. But then I had to really like sit on it and be like, you know what, that was my reality then.

And that is important. Like that doesn't make the Kristen of 2022 any less valid than the Kristen of January, 2024, right? Like I had grown to that point, the way I, where I was, I had learned what I had learned up until that point. I was where I needed to be. I was doing the things I thought I needed to be doing. And I was...

passionately and positively going to do them because that's how I do things is passionately and with positivity. And with more learning and more growing, I changed my mind on some things and now I am passionately and positively doing those things. And I think it's what is it a Maya Angelou quote who says, we do the best we can until we know better and then we do better. Right? It's something like that.

I totally garbled that up. But basically, that we can only do the best, we're all doing our best given the level of awareness and knowledge we have in any moment. That's all we can do. Well, I'm just thinking, you know, like to look at that past version of you, you were who you were at that moment in time, whether you were masking some things, whether you were lying to yourself about some things, that was the level.

and the abilities that you had at that moment. And like, what is evolution if we can't look at prior versions of ourself with love and compassion? You know, I feel like. Exactly. And that's where I was going with that is that.