"Sometimes Solo Mama"

Sometimes Solo Mama
This week I have on my podcast and we are talking about being a “Sometimes Solo Mama”. What is that?! It’s when you have a partner that works A LOT or is away a lot. So you are on your own quite a bit. Not quite a military wife or a single mom but somewhere in that category? Or around it?
This topic is near and dear to me because I myself am a “Sometimes Solo Mama”. My husband often works long hours where he is gone before we wake up and doesn’t get back until we are sleeping. He will also travel sometimes for work. It’s either weeks without him or a time period where he is here for weeks. I believe it’s just as confusing for me as it is for my children.
We will get into a routine then dad comes home, I need a break, I’m having to tell him the ins and outs of each child and that their favorite snack is no longer goldfish it’s pretzels or not to say certain things because they get in their feels now. It’s a transition for us all.
I love my husband and yes I kind of knew what I was getting into being in the entertainment industry myself some time ago but you only can truly realize how you will react when your deep in the thick of it. Everyone always says “you need a village!!” Well those days are long gone!! Living away from family and only have one or two people to lean on is tough. But we get through it.
So are you a “Sometimes Solo Mama” as well? If so check out Kayla’s Facebook group!! A place where we can go and be seen or heard.