Spiritual Transformation & Light Language Activation In this captivating episode, Ken Lloyd shares his journey of integrating 22 soul aspects, his work in the 'Library of Creation,' and how his unique abilities facilitate healing. Ken is a...
Spiritual Transformation & Light Language Activation
In this captivating episode, Ken Lloyd shares his journey of integrating 22 soul aspects, his work in the 'Library of Creation,' and how his unique abilities facilitate healing.
Ken is a spiritual guide who experienced a profound transformation after a near-death experience (NDE). The conversation explores the nature of walk-ins and the changes Ken underwent, leading to his powerful healing gifts.
Ken talks about his brain tumor prior to his spiritual awakening, and how his extreme stress led to his NDE and spiritual awakening.
The episode concludes with a light language activation by Ken, designed to activate you as you engage with it. He also explains its cleansing effects and how it can deepen your spiritual empowerment.
Ken is a spiritual guide and healer who, after a profound Near-Death Experience, integrated 22 soul aspects from his higher self and oversoul collective, into his physical being. This union allows him to channel higher frequencies and transmit powerful ascension and healing codes to humanity, using light language that is conveyed from his collective.
Ken contains a 580-foot omnidirectional healing field that catalyzes individuals who enter it, accelerating their healing and spiritual growth. This energy field promotes profound transformation, helping people release energetic blockages, balance their energy fields and activate their higher consciousness.
As a prototype of the new human, the cellular structure of Ken’s body has been enhanced to enable him to hold this transformative frequency that has the power to deeply impact individuals, catalyzing profound changes in their spiritual, emotional, and physical well-being.
Ken specializes in removing energetic blockages and unlocking dormant DNA blueprints, accelerating spiritual growth and facilitating the awakening of individuals' unique gifts.
Within Ken’s holographic field can be found the “Library of Creation”, where he accesses and releases dense energy programs—the root causes of discomfort—and empowers his clients to realize their full potential beyond the limitations of the human experience.
Check out Ken's offerings: https://kenlloydofficial.com
Join me at the Sedona Ascension Retreat: https://sedonaascensionretreats.com Use code KaraGoodwin5 for 5% off
Other episodes you'll enjoy:
226. The Walk-In Experience: A Soul Exchange - Sheila Seppi
254. NDE: Embracing Deathless Living - Nicole Kerr
277. Miracle Healing with Interdimensional Assistance - Sharon Coleman
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00:00 Introduction and Episode Overview
02:29 Ken Lloyd's Near-Death Experience
03:55 Life Before and After the NDE
07:41 Discovering Multidimensionality and Healing
11:04 Understanding Walk-Ins and Soul Aspects
15:32 The Great Reset and Life Transformation
18:04 Experiences with Cambo and Bufo
22:48 Living with 22 Soul Aspects
26:28 The Impact of Environment on Spiritual Connection
27:25 Navigating Spiritual Guidance and Struggles
34:09 Client Interactions and Healing Process
39:44 Exploring the Library of Creation
46:04 Light Language Healing Session
54:24 Conclusion and Final Thoughts
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Ken Lloyd
Kara Goodwin: Hello and welcome to the Meditation Conversation, the podcast to support your spiritual revolution. I'm your host, Kara Goodwin, and I love this episode with Ken Lloyd. He has a fascinating story of how his near-death experience catapulted him into huge spiritual transformation. He's a walk-in who is ultimately holding the aspects of 22 Souls.
And he explains what that means and what it's like for him as he works with these souls to help heal his clients and what it's like for him to work in the library of creation. At
the end of our interview, Ken does a short light language activation, so be sure you tune into that and you may want to listen to it more than once. One suggestion for listening to this episode is to listen to it at regular speed. If you're the type of person who listens to podcasts on an accelerated speed, You'll benefit from [00:01:00] being patient with this one and listening at the regular speed so you can benefit the most from the energy that's coming through in this episode.
Ken Lloyd is a spiritual guide and healer who, after a profound near death experience, or NDE, integrated 22 soul aspects from his higher self and over soul collective into his physical being. This union allows him to channel higher frequencies and transmit powerful ascension and healing codes to humanity using light language that is conveyed from his collective.
Kin contains a 580 foot omnidirectional healing field that catalyzes individuals who enter it, accelerating their healing and spiritual growth. This energy field promotes profound transformation, helping people release energetic blockages, balance their energy fields, and activate their higher consciousness.
So we'll get into this in just a moment,
but first I am so excited about the Sedona Ascension retreat, March 14th through the 16th, [00:02:00]2025. I can't wait to see amazing guests such as Bashar, Bashar. Robert Edward Grant, Billy Carson, William Henry, and previous meditation conversation guests like Adam Apollo, psychic lawyer, Mark Anthony, Alan Steinfeld, Vivian Chaveau, Amanda Romagna, and so many more amazing guests.
You can use code KaraGoodwin5 for 5 percent off your ticket. I hope to see you there.
And now enjoy this episode. Well, welcome Ken. I'm so excited to talk to you today. Thanks so much for being on the meditation conversation.
Ken Lloyd: Well, thanks. I've been looking forward to this for well over a month now, I believe. Right.
Kara Goodwin: Yeah. I'm sorry
about that. It does take a
Ken Lloyd: Oh, no, no, no, no.
I think, I think a month is actually pretty good. You know, typically, you know, it's several weeks or, not several weeks, but several months before people can get you a fit in. I'm like, wow, all right, we're going to hop right in here and have some fun.
So thank you so much for inviting me.
Kara Goodwin: Yeah. I'm, I'm super excited and you've got such [00:03:00] a fascinating story. Um, there are lots of ways and places we could take this conversation, but I'd like to start with your NDE, your near death experience and the journey to discovering this new version of Ken.
Ken Lloyd: Yeah, yeah, still on that journey, right? It never seems to stop. so, so, NDE, right? Near Death Experience. And, you know, when we, we hear about these things, when we see them on TV or the news or whatever the case is, right? There's always an amazing story that comes along with this, right? Somebody's been healed, somebody had a conversation with God, or I met my relatives, or other versions of me, so on, And And so forth, just amazing stuff.
And, you know, there's part of us that says, Hey, I want to have that experience. I don't want to die, but I want to have that experience, right? So, it did happen to me. But not like it was that we see, you know, on, on YouTube and everything else. There was no real experience. So in 2018, um, I'm [00:04:00]cybersecurity guy.
I've built three cybersecurity companies. I sold all three of them, right? Uh, I'm the guy that comes up with the ideas, uh, creates the software or finds the team and we build the company up to five or 10 employees and then we sell them. So kind of a. You know, I start companies and then they sell my companies off.
And I've done that three times. And it was the third one that everything happened. So 2018, uh, mobile security had a business partner and I wasn't getting paid very well. And we were in the middle of acquisition and the information that was being passed back and forth between the company buying us and my company, my business partner was very clear.
And that stressed me out. I mean, anger, stress, anger. I mean, I could say anger a thousand times here. Just imagine how frustrated I was that this acquisition is happening and I'm not as involved and aware of what's really happening behind the scenes. So at that time, the stress in my life was, was pretty massive.
[00:05:00] Um, I had already been diagnosed with the brain tumor and that was about a year and a half earlier, maybe two years earlier, uh, was getting, uh, ice pick headaches, right. And beginning to pass out randomly. things like that. And the tumor was a pituitary tumor. And, you know, as I said, NDEs, people come back and they're healed.
That didn't happen for me. No miraculous healing. Um, after my NDE, about, uh, six months later, I had the surgery. And when they did the biopsy, it was a, a cortisol tumor wrapped in a cortisol cyst. So it was stress on top of stress in this beautiful package.
Kara Goodwin: Wow.
Ken Lloyd: I'm on a lot of ADHD medicine at the time. You know, I'm on massive amounts of energy drinks.
My employees are across the world. And I just, I flipped one day, uh, you know, something, you know, the partner had told me something, and it triggered me, and I just got angry. I know I walked into my bedroom, and I'm like, you know what, I just, [00:06:00] I need to take a time out, right? As they say to the children, take a time out.
And so I lay down, and, My stomach then arched in the air. So stomach pointing towards the ceiling, upside down letter U, if you will. And I mean, it was a crazy position. My body just kind of moved itself into, and I was locked in position for two to three minutes, maybe more, just totally, it felt like I was plugged into an electrical socket.
I had no idea what was going on. But the one thing that clearly happened during this was I felt something coming out of my abdomen area. I mean, like energy wise, right? I mean, it literally felt like a mass coming out of my abdomen. I had no idea what that was. Passed out, fell asleep, woke up the next day, right?
And the only difference in my life at that very moment was, I was a little bit more peaceful. I don't know why, like all of a sudden the things coming at me in life were just, eh, they weren't as [00:07:00]aggressive. They weren't, you know, rubbing me the wrong way. But that very point is what shift that time was what shifted everything in my life.
So I immediately began to turn off the news Like like I think it might have been an election year. This happened 2018. I don't even know right? I don't even know these dates anymore
Kara Goodwin: like midterm,
Ken Lloyd: yeah, I don't even know but I turned off all the news Um, I unsubscribed from all of my computer stuff. So I lost my passion for computers The one thing I've done for 27 years, gone.
Didn't have any interest in subscribing to a single newsletter, podcast, nothing. Had no idea what's going on with technology. So as I moved through this, I found every day, I found myself dedicating more and more time to trying to figure out what happened to me. Like, what was this thing? And why do I feel different?
Now, nothing was going on in my world at the time. Like, I wasn't [00:08:00] healing people. You know, I wasn't doing all of this. It was just, there was a shift. There was a subtle shift. Um, so rather than going to doctors, I ended up going to psychics, which I hadn't been to before. And, um, I would get just a little bit of information, like a little breadcrumb from each one I would go to that would say, go a little further, go a little further, go a little further, let's discover what happened. And I started reading the books about auras and remote viewing and you know, you name it, the list of 30 things we'd love to do if we could, right? And I'm like, this stuff's really, really neat. So I learned you had to heal your body in order to be connected to spirit. At least that's what I thought at the time.
And it's kind of true to some degree, right? You need to clean the poisons out of the body. you need to change the way you think. Um, and specifically I'm referring to me. Not everyone's the same, right? Some people are born with it and they're turned on and it just comes in and it's great. But for me, I had to get rid of the energy drinks.
I had to get rid of the ADHD medicine. I had [00:09:00] to clean up my environment and begin shifting and changing the way I saw life. So. Through the journeys, I ended up hiring someone to teach me multidimensionality. Now remember, I have no idea why I'm doing this. I just feel compelled to start paying people to tell me things I don't know.
Right? I have no idea why I'm doing this But so I hired this person and, you know, she taught me how to meditate, but not in the meditation that we typically are told to do. Not the, let's quiet the mind, let's quiet the mind. And go into the, the void or the zero point or whatever, it was literally about me dropping in and then immediately going on a journey.
And I usually say, you know, take me to Mars, take me inside of Mars, take me to this, planet, take me to this, every time I would go somewhere and she was able to see everything that was going on. And, and this particular person would tell me, you know, I don't think I've had a student yet that was able to do all these [00:10:00] things.
And, you know, quite honestly, Kira, I, I. was pretty sure I was being fed, you know, being fed because it's like, what is all this stuff? I've never done those things before. And why am I doing them now? And is the person on the other end of the phone just looking for my money? So there was that aspect of me.
It says, okay, well, I'm seeing these things. This other person's validated these things, but I really didn't have the belief process in place that things were actually happening. So moving on forward, um, I began reading books about energy healing and Sure enough, you know, I would start healing these people that are sitting around me.
I took Reiki, right? Open up the channels in my hands, and I never practiced Reiki, but getting Reiki certified was a huge step in opening up these, these energies that flow through me. So, you know, ultimately, I learned that I was an energy healer from reading books and from other people telling me what was going on.
As we [00:11:00] know in our journeys, we run across people. Who will tell us a little bit more about our journey. And I had someone come up to me and said, you know, you're a walk in. This is what's a walk in. So now I had to research it, right? Now I had to read about it. I'm like, Oh, I'm a walk in. And as I'm reading the descriptions of a walk in, it starts to kind of gel, kind of make sense a little bit on why don't I have these memories?
Why don't I have these things? Why do I feel different? Why are these things happening? So the idea of a walk in definitely fit the description. So for your audience. Let me explain what a walk in is. Um, there are several types of walk ins. The ones that we are most familiar with are what they call soul exchanges.
So, imagine this body. Um, at some point I have a near death experience and the soul walks out, and another one walks in to occupy the same body. And, soul exchange, and when that happens, the, the soul that's coming in Has a lot of trauma because It doesn't know the spouse. It doesn't know the children. It [00:12:00] doesn't know the job.
It doesn't know these things. Now it has the memories and the cognizant ability to dialogue and all those things, but this isn't its family, right? This isn't its life. And what happens within weeks, everything shifts. They come in, they immediately ask for a divorce. They move out. They separate from everything they've known and they begin a new life.
This is a typical scenario of a soul, uh, soul exchange, but this wasn't what happened to me. So Ken, me, I never went over in that tunnel metaphorically, but imagine the idea of that tunnel opening during the near death and one walking over into me. Okay. Now I didn't know what happened. I didn't know anything actually took me quite a long time, but what that soul ended up doing and soul aspect of me, a future version of me.
They began pushing me to educate myself. And this was, this is where that drive was [00:13:00] coming from, you know, go read about this, go read about that, go do this, go, go take the QHHT, go, you know, go do all of these things. And this was that, that soul aspect inside of me, not only that, but it was preparing my body.
So about. A year and a half into this, I'm told I'm a walk in, and then I meet our good friend Sheila Seppi, which we talked about just briefly ago, but for the audience, Sheila Seppi, author of Walk in Cosmology of the Soul, I believe. So Sheila is also a walk in. She's a soul exchange walk in, and I kind of see her as the poster child of walk ins, right?
So she's got the Conscious Awakening Network platform, and she puts a lot of content out there. So I came across her podcast, and Kind of resonated with everything she was saying. So I picked the phone up. I called her. I got it. I got a session together She says listen, she says, you know, you don't have one Like what I mean?
She says you've got 13 Like 13 we can what do you mean 13? She said get 13 souls in your physical [00:14:00] body Okay, I kind of knew this because just before I met her I ended up having an activation session done on me and 12 more came in. I'm like what is going on?
Why Why do we need so many? Right? So I've been working with Sheila and her team, her collective has helped me understand what's happening.
But just to kind of give your audience a little more background and I've been diatribing here just a little longer, but the full story is in December just passed. So 11 months ago, my higher self, the oversoul, if you will, stepped into my physical body. And that was a 15 minute experience in meditation. I couldn't move.
I couldn't think they turned off my ability to ask questions and all I could do is simply observe all this energy flowing through me as my higher self with the oversold, they're telling me to hire self, um, stepped into the body. Now, the reason I tell you this is that a moment ago, I told you that most walk ins [00:15:00] have a life change almost immediately after they arrive.
I was four, five years into the journey. I believe when the higher self stepped in. And two weeks after that, that's when everything shifted. So two weeks after he stepped in, I was asking for a divorce, right? That's 17 year marriage. I got to tell you, it was a great marriage. It really was no issues, no problems.
And I lived a really good life. I do live a good life. And here I am all of a sudden asking for a divorce. So. When he stepped in, he began shifting everything in my life, and the team told me, I call him the team of 22, that you're getting ready to go through the Great Reset. I'm like, what's the Great Reset?
What do I, what do I need this for, right? Well, the Great Reset is literally a reset of every single aspect in my life. Um, from family, um, relationships, um, environment, literally everything. So I went from [00:16:00] being a cybersecurity three time serial entrepreneur doing all this wonderful stuff to selling everything I owned in January.
Or given it away, including the race cars, the classic cars, the lifts, it gave away everything or sold everything, right? And in, uh, was it mid March, I think? Yeah, I think it was mid March. I ended up moving to Mexico for six months with just three suitcases.
Kara Goodwin: Wow.
Ken Lloyd: complete life reset. So this is, this is the, the walk ins, if you will, that are reshaping. I don't want to call it my identity because I'm still Ken. But they're reshaping everything in my external world for these high vibrational experiences to come in. So, so it gets juicier. So here I am in Mexico, and in April, I went there in April and I went to Yalapa for 30 days. So Yalapa is a place by Puerto Vallarta, on the Pacific side, where you [00:17:00] Yalapa by boat.
So there are no cars. There are four wheelers, donkeys, and horses. That's Yalapa, and a very spiritual place, right? So you go there, and you get to kind of relax and do your thing, but I was there for 30 days, and during those 30 days, nine more souls stepped into the body. Now, It sounds crazy. It sounds dramatic, right? But I didn't even know it happened. Like, I knew there was more coming. but it didn't actually feel the experience unlike it was back in December when I could feel everything. So here I am today, we're, we're, we're in October now, right? And I have 22 soul aspects that are in my physical body. And when I say my physical body, not only are they in the field around me, but they are integrated into the cellular structure, the DNA structure of me.
This is the nature of the body in. In July, just [00:18:00] passed. I'm in Tulum, Mexico. And I've been there for about 10 days and my team, the team of 22 says, you're going to go do Cambo and you're going to go do Bufo. And I'm going to, I'm going to go do what? Like, cause I don't like these things. Right? So for your audience, Cambo is a frog poison, I believe.
and they burn four or five little holes on your arm and they apply this frog poison.
Kara Goodwin: Wow.
Ken Lloyd: Now they do this after you drink about two gallons of water. So they make you drink this. Why? I mean, just, it was disgusting how much water you had to drink. And then they, they apply this. And then within a minute, two minutes, you're purging.
All right. So what's happening here is that poisons. Yeah. Yeah. And I don't understand why they were doing it because a lot of people who go through these things have reactions. They're not ready for their, their, their, the emotions and all these other things in their body to be released. What [00:19:00] I had found out is that the thing that came out of my body during my near death was my trauma.
So because the trauma is gone, I'm able to do a lot of this other work without having to go through the preparatory stages of clearing myself necessarily because they've already done it. So they, they applied the frog poison. I'm purging. You know, 15 minutes later, I'm done and I'm fine. I'm like, that was, I don't even know why I'm doing this.
I'm talking to my team. So then this is, well, now you got to go do Bufo. And it did it within a two hour window. And it's not a normal thing, I guess. I guess you don't do those in the same day. Did the Bufo. Now the Bufo is toad poison. So frog poison, toad poison. And the Bufo, the toad, contained DMT. All right.
Um, I believe is, I think the internet calls it the God molecule. Like I, this isn't my, this isn't my thing. Like I just, I'm just not interested in hallucinogens and all that, but you smoke [00:20:00] it and it lasts about 15 minutes, maybe 20. And I remember inhaling this and almost immediately, everything just went bright, bright, bright colors, like a kaleidoscope.
And. If you remember when we were younger, we used to have those little kaleidoscope telescopes. That's what it looked like.
Kara Goodwin: Yeah, I, I, I'm familiar. I
have not done Bufo,
seen, I've, I've described my own kind of quantum experiences as like,
Ken Lloyd: Yeah.
Kara Goodwin: gosh, it's like those
Ken Lloyd: It was so bright and vivid. And then you immediately knock out and you're gone for 10 or 15 minutes. And the Bufo experience is what they call the ego death. And now I know why, because 10 minutes when I'm starting to come through, you know, come through, I could see my ego in my mind's eye. being walked over by two guys.
I mean, they look clear as day and my ego is looking back at me like I'm not liking this. It was not happy and it [00:21:00] walked it over. And as soon as that happened, even with my eyes closed, I could see 22 beans in the tent with me. I had one of those big dome tents, right? So there's 22 beans in there and 21 of the 22 were kind of fuzzy.
So it's like you couldn't quite make them out with your eyes, but you knew they were there. But. The one to my immediate right looked as human as could all be like flesh and blood and I opened my eyes and he was there So were the other 21 and fuzzy as I close my eyes, they're there and I'm like what's going on?
They're like relax relax. You're gonna be able to see these things going forward And they gave me a few messages so One of the messages they gave me is my 24th chromosome was turned on Okay, which I thought was really interesting. And when I Google this, you'll find some things that say the 24th chromosome doesn't exist. And then you'll find health sites where they say it does. Ultimately, the 24th chromosome gives us access to more of our human potential. That's how I [00:22:00] understand it. They also told me that everything that I have done to this, this point was nothing more than a sniff of the aroma of what's cooking. Now, we haven't talked to the,
Kara Goodwin: that. That's an incredible way to say
Ken Lloyd: it was. What? Well, the funny thing is, is I don't know how to cook right here. I'm in Mexico and I have no idea what I'm doing and they use these these cookie metaphors. I thought that was pretty funny of them did to do that. But what really took place that day was when the cellular structure of my body was open. And my ego is no longer in the way. All 22 of them were able to merge in deep into the cellular structure of the body. All right. And now we operate as one. So I don't have 22 voices in my head. Yeah,
Kara Goodwin: how, what's it like to live like this? Because if they're integrated within you, are you getting like [00:23:00] voice, not even voices, but like different representations of information that's coming in, different like personalities that have that carry information, or is it kind of like one. know, there's like a merging where they kind of present as a
counselor. I
Ken Lloyd: they do.
Kara Goodwin: it like for
Ken Lloyd: They do. So they are, they, we are an embodied collective. We include including Ken. So Ken never left. Although I think there are aspects of me that have left, but I am still investigating that. Right. It's, it's funny. I can sit here and have a session of client. Tell you everything they want to know, but when I turn the questions on myself, I hear crickets.
So, for me, you know, the 22 present as a single entity, a single collective, alright? Usually I'll see them off to my right. They have my personality.
Kara Goodwin: clairvoyantly,
Ken Lloyd: Now,
Kara Goodwin: you just sense
Ken Lloyd: I sense them,
Kara Goodwin: Okay.
Ken Lloyd: It's a little different now, because I don't have to have the visuals. [00:24:00] All right. And I get frustrated with that, by the way. I'm like, I want to see you guys.
I can see you. Let me see you. I want to see all 22 of you in my mind's eye. I have places I can go in the library of creation where I can see and talk to them at times, but still not all of them are completely clear. When they need to talk to me or catch my attention, I'll see them off to my right as a single silhouette of something.
And they have my smile. They have my personality. And when they talk to me, it's my voice.
Kara Goodwin: Mm hmm.
Ken Lloyd: And they talked to me in just one voice when they do this, because apparently they recognize it a lot more than I do. But having multiple voices in your head really isn't a healthy thing.
Kara Goodwin: Well, yeah, I
mean, they're,
Ken Lloyd: Yeah. Yeah,
Kara Goodwin: I think that would make you kind of
question your sanity.
Ken Lloyd: It would. Absolutely. Right. And, and they don't just come up and talk to me. If I don't have a question, they're not talking. So it's not like I'm watching TV and, and they're diatribing about, you know, The universe just doesn't work like that with [00:25:00] me. So, you know, at the same time, I have this beautiful relationship with the 22.
I also struggle. I totally struggle. And I'm like, listen, wise, why don't you guys talk to me? Like I do when I see you with others, you know, our friend, Sheila Seppi, right? They, they talk to her all the time. I'm like, Sheila, what's going on? So I asked my team about that. They're like, listen, she says, you know, when you have Something. Talking to you something, just a general word. First of all, there's a delay in the response. You have to ask the question. You have to wait. You need to get a response. He says. Second of all, you're going to infer or interpret what they're actually trying to tell you based on the words. I'm like, yeah, it's a, it's, we're already inside of you.
Why do you want us to step out to have a conversation in your ear when we are inside of you? You need to shift to the knowing. Versus they, they ask question. So they're teaching me how to work with them differently. And I gotta tell you, as soon as I did the, the ocam within [00:26:00] days, the clairvoyant. The clairvoyant, is that the word?
The, the clear cognitive clairvoyant. It was, it was so intense. Like
Kara Goodwin: of being able to see
Ken Lloyd: see, and know with the clients, with everything going on with myself, it was like boom, boom, boom, boom. It was like intense. Incredible. Right, right.
Kara Goodwin: Like while you were having it, you
Ken Lloyd: When I was done
Kara Goodwin: When you were done.
Ken Lloyd: right.
Kara Goodwin: and and from then
on, or,
Ken Lloyd: Yeah.
Kara Goodwin: Oh,
Ken Lloyd: but but it varies, right? So when we keep our body in an incredibly clean, you know, space, we, we receive more, we feel better, but we receive more.
And when I'm in Mexico, I don't have any of the, the American food choices, right? I also don't drink that much. I don't have any of those bad habits. I, I literally, and I don't go out and I just do the thing I do. And Mexico is beautiful because I didn't have any of the, you know, environmental pollutants.
But then I get back to the United States and now I'm back into the [00:27:00] poor food choices. And now I'm recognizing some of the bad food choices I've made. And I recognize there is a deficiency in, in the, the, the amplitude of the connection You know, kind of like it's just a little fuzzier, but it's still there.
Point is, the cleaner we, we, we maintain ourselves, the more we get out of it. So that was a lot of talking for your, for your audience there. I hope that made sense.
Kara Goodwin: It's fascinating. And I, I'm, I'm so, you know, we're recording this in the morning and I, I'm just curious, like we're just a few, just a couple of hours into the day, but like from Ken's perspective, what has, has your morning been compared to it used to be just in terms of like the guidance or the, because, you know, I'm not a client.
So, but you know, you're, you are sort of doing spiritual work right now in
terms of just
Ken Lloyd: Yep.
Kara Goodwin: with my audience and with myself. [00:28:00] Um, so those circumstances, when it's not like a
client call
or, or whatever, what. it like for you? Are you getting like guidance? Are you getting, um, no.
Ken Lloyd: no, it's just as frustrating for me as it is for the next person that's on their journey. So even though I have all these incredible abilities to heal people and to get information, I struggle every day. Tell me Why Why aren't you talking to me more about these things or these things or, you know, it just ebbs and flows and, you know, even, and, and what's happening for me is that I do have good times and, and times that aren't so, so good.
And I mean that in terms of communication and information from the team. There are times they're just spot on. They're, They're in it. They're in and in it. You know, I remember them telling me just before I went to Dallas a few months ago, like, listen, someone's [00:29:00] gonna hand you something in two days. Don't take it.
I mean, that's creepy. Well, it turned out they weren't handing me something. It was, it was a scam call pretending to be Google to get into my account in the middle of dinner, two days later, and they wouldn't get, let me off the phone. So, so little things like that. Right. So, you know, I, um, I have worked on thousands of people and a lot of folks will come to me to turn on their gifts and understand where they're at in their journey. And. The one thing that I have realized with typically with typical folks on their spiritual journey is, you know, it's like they, they, they step up a ladder or a run or a stare and, and they take time to integrate that newness, maybe a new gift, a new knowledge, awareness, point of life, whatever. And then at some point, whether it be a day later or 10 years later, but they go up another level and another level.
And for me, it's not like that. The way it's been explained to [00:30:00] me. Right, several other folks is that, imagine the idea of an elevator. Right, instead of going up a step and hanging out for a little while and going up another level and hanging out for a while, imagine the elevator just went straight up and didn't stop. This is the rest of my life. So, I find myself with my GIFs being activated, me using them, and then I'm like, well, what's going on guys? And then it gets quiet. And then another one comes in. It gets quiet. And another one comes in. So for many of you who go through your activations and your growth, you'll notice right before you get your next thing.
It's crickets.
Kara Goodwin: Hmm.
Ken Lloyd: know where your guides went. You don't know why they're not talking to you. You get frustrated. And it's just everything getting prepared to go into the next thing. So I go through this a lot. I struggle a lot with where are you guys? So
Kara Goodwin: Thank you for sharing that. That's so relevant because, um, I just, in the last like 36 hours, I came across something. [00:31:00] Maybe it was on Instagram. I wasn't on there very long, but it was just like, it came somehow that some, I feel like it was a meme or something. And somebody was talking about The void period where it's just like, you're saying there's crickets, you're, you don't feel like you're and I think this was more about creatorship, um, you know, being in a creative flow
Ken Lloyd: yeah, yeah.
Kara Goodwin: other times it just feels like. It's done and nothing's flowing in to create more, and that can make us feel frustrated, but it is this important period of just integration and kind of letting their, like clearing things out, letting things just kind of clear away and empty and quiet so that you can, that you can make space for more. And yesterday morning in my meditation, I woke up feeling so weird yesterday. And I was like, what? And I could never put my [00:32:00] finger on why, but it was from the moment I woke up, it was almost like I was forgetting something and I couldn't put my finger on, or like, I felt, um, almost like a regret, you know, like was explaining it to a friend where I'm like, you know, if, if like, you've said something or you've done something and you You're like, why did I do that?
Why would I say that? And you feel so badly for hurting somebody's feelings, for example. maybe you wake up the next day and you've got this, this whisper of like, something's off, but you haven't remembered yet what you did. That's how I felt, but I couldn't. And then you remember what it is and you get that resonance and the penny drops and you're like, okay, now I've found the cause and I've matched it up.
And there's just this sense of like, Even though you don't feel great remembering what you're regretting, you, like a clicking of like, Oh, that's what it is. Okay. Now I can match the feeling with. the cause, [00:33:00] and it was like, I'm just looking around for like, what is it that I forgot? What did I do?
Why do I feel this way? And then, and I felt that in my morning meditation, I just wasn't really able to click in the way that I wanted to. And it, and it just kind of set the stage for my morning where I just felt a little bit energetically like aimless. Um, so I love that you're mentioning that because it's so relevant to me. the things that you're talking about in terms of we want to have strengthened that connection. We're wanting to all deepen it. And sometimes it's just not happening. Um, I resonate with that so much as well,it feels like it comes and goes. Sometimes it's stronger. Sometimes it's, it's weaker. And, you know, trying to trying to find avenues
Ken Lloyd: Yeah,
Kara Goodwin: to, strengthen it. so we talked about, um, You've got a [00:34:00] regular day and, and as you're going about your business, what that is like with the 22 and, and you're like, it's not really that different than how it was before. So now let's talk about when you're working with clients, when you're working with people who've come to you and they're like, I want to be activated.
I want you to tell me what I don't know. Um, what is that
like for you?
Ken Lloyd: that's awesome. Like, like that makes my day. You know, the only thing that really brings me joy are the clients and the sessions, whether it be groups or individuals. And, and I really do mean that since, you know, sincerely, cause when I'm with the client, you know, the way this works is we just start talking. We'll, we'll, we'll spend three or four minutes just trying to understand what's going on in their world. You know, do they have a physical condition? Um, is a heart issue, a heart issue, meaning emotional just for the audience, you know, is it, is it a life issue or the job issue, you know, what are the, what are the, you know, why are they in front of me?
Just that simple, right? [00:35:00] And walk into a show up in front of me, you know, people who have attachments and entities. I mean, listen, across the whole gamut, those folks will show up. So when I'm talking to these, these clients, the first thing I ask them is, do you have pain? anywhere in the body. And it could just be discomfort, arthritis, or it could be pain, pain, right?
And that's the first thing I do for them is I will pull that pain off their body. And it happens within seconds. So somebody has got a shoulder issue. I'll go in there. My team will tell me if it's a past life issue. Ancestry. I mean, you know, the, all the boxes, right? Past life, ancestral trauma, lifetime, magic, childhood trauma, contracts, agreements, you know, it's just, you, you name it, all of those potentials there.
And the team will tell me ancestor and they'll give me a number. They'll say like two and what I'll see in front of me, these two little sticks figures coming across with little halos over their head. And this is in my mind's eye, like a movie [00:36:00] and the angels will come in. They'll reach down, they'll pull the energy out of this stick figure, which is the sole aspect of the ancestry, which they heal.
And what's left under the halo is the trauma ball, which I pulled out of the body. So for me to remove an ancestral connection takes seven, eight seconds, right? And you will feel it in your body almost immediately. Same thing with childhood trauma, little stick figure angels. Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom. Now, as I'm doing this, I'll ask the person, do you still feel it?
Move your elbow, move your shoulder around, right? Is it popping? Is it clicking? when I'm doing this, especially with the popping, which I find really, really interesting, because I don't know much about the human body. I mean, I know the average guy, right? Like, I don't know any of this stuff. And I'm like, how could your shoulder go from popping to not popping within seconds?
To me, there's something rubbing and popping, but What's happening at the energy level is no, the, all that crunching goes [00:37:00] away and the necks and the backs, you know, the discs. When I'm in a session, I see everything like a movie. And not only that, it's like an interactive movie. I'm able to go in and talk to the organ.
I can talk to your shoulder, right? Not only that, but I can see. the attachments that are in there, the energies, right? You know, the entities that don't belong, whether they be really bad guys, yucky ones, right? Or whether they just be something you picked up at the grocery store. I can see these things. I can literally reach in, talk to those consciousnesses and ask them to leave. Or I pull them out, break the contracts, and they're gone. And it happens so, so darn fast. Um, if I, if someone's sitting across from me. virtually or in person and they have an issue with pain. If it's not done within two minutes, I'm like, what's going on here? Like, you imagine the idea that healing happens [00:38:00] every single call and when it doesn't happen, that's when you start asking questions, which usually it used to be the other way around, right?
Like, I don't know how it's even going to work, but now if it doesn't I'm like, what did I miss? All I'm doing is removing energy interference. It's like removing the static on your favorite radio station. Reach in, I pull it out. And when I do that, your body goes back to its naturally healed state, often instantly.
So there are exceptions to that rule, Kara. If you have a bump, a bruise, something visible, you can see, those don't go away right away. Our, our brain, our eyes can't process, you know, a lump being there now and then not being there seconds later. But the discomfort goes away immediately and the pain does too.
And then, you know, those are the obvious things. But now people come to me and say, listen, I've got cancer, I've got tumors, I've got SIBO, S I [00:39:00] B O, which is small intestinal bowel stuff, I guess, which I kind of tell you, you'd be surprised how many people show up with, uh, digestive issues and they're done, done, done all the way through the whole thing.
So yeah, uh, instant healing, literally it's instant healing. And I'm talking to your team. I'm talking to everything connected to you, your ancestors, your past lives, your other realities that are also occurring are now showing up and I'm talking to them and healing them and closing off the energy. So I know that again, that was a lot of me talking.
I love what I do. It's just, it's just, it's every client is different and every client gets relief so fast. It's pretty awesome. So,
Kara Goodwin: amazing. What an, what an amazing gift. I want to hear more about the library of creation, which you mentioned earlier. Is this also known as the Akashic records? Is it something
Ken Lloyd: Great question. And I'm still trying to figure more details about this out. Let me kind of [00:40:00] explain. So last year, um, about this time last year, the team introduced me to what they were calling then the living library. And it's funny because they said there'll be a new name coming. I'm like, I don't even know why I needed the first name.
This, this is how I talk to my team, right? So, and they said the, the living library is a library of everything that's ever existed. All right, across all universes, like literally everything has to have existed. So come springtime, they said the name is actually the library of creation, I started asking other psychics about this, trying to get more information because again, I can't always get what I'm inwards. And, and they told me it is a, an annex like off of the halls of Amenti Anything that's ever been created will be created. And we're talking about technology, we're talking about thought forms, we're talking about species, you name it, the whole nine yards is in this repository of information, library of creation.
Now, [00:41:00] excuse me, I said earlier in our call that the team began modifying my body. I couldn't understand why that was important. So as this process goes through, I'm starting to feel tingles on my body. All right. And, and the, the, the quieter I sat in stillness, the more I can see these energies flowing through the body in physical form, the muscles would twitch in really crazy places.
And this went on for about three years
Kara Goodwin: And
this was within your
Ken Lloyd: in my physical body,
Kara Goodwin: Uh huh.
Ken Lloyd: less I moved, the more amazing it felt. And it was, imagine falling asleep on your arm, but through your entire body, but it was just delicious. So they were modifying my body. Well, what was happening? And I recently found out about a year ago is they were creating a field around me.
The field right now is 580 feet. So what this means is that when I work on a client, I'm creating healing codes, programming codes, if you will, if you use the [00:42:00] idea of a programmer writing software. Well, this software, these codes that I write get stored in my field. So when you step into my field virtually or in person, you're getting exactly what you need without having to actually interact with me.
Right, so just being in the field, listen to the recordings like this, you're going to get healing codes, you're going to get ascension codes, you're going to get whatever it is that you specifically, um, are looking for. So in the library creation, it is in my field. Now, when you come into Library of Creation, imagine the idea that you have access to all information, all knowledge, and all stuff. But you don't actually know how to use the search engine, right? So, what they are showing me now is how to access the Library of Creation.
And what they've done is they've had me create certain rooms. So, imagine the idea of, you're like, listen, I need to remove the energetic attachments from my ancestors. Well, how do you do that on your own? You don't even know they're there. You don't even know they're there. You go into these rooms, [00:43:00] the room of the Ancestral Connections, I think is the actual name of it, and you'll say, listen, please show me all the energetic attachments that are attached to me from the ancestors that are causing disease.
And they will show you everything attached. Not only that, they will be dissolved for you. So in short, the Library of Creation holds all of my gifts, all my abilities and my capabilities. And when you as an individual come into the Library of Creation, you get my tool belt. You get to go into these rooms and heal yourself without having to interact with me, but you get all of my gifts to do it.
You don't get to take them with you. But, but it's super cool. And the idea that there is this room. in there called the conference room. Now the conference room is a white room, white chairs, white walls, conference room, right? But when you go in there, you will ask to speak with any of the 22 that are in me as well as your team.
And guess who shows up at the table? [00:44:00] 22 or whoever of the 22 will show up. Your team will show up and you get to literally have a dialogue with the angels, whoever shows up.
Kara Goodwin: and are they talking
through you?
Ken Lloyd: No, you are literally talking to them directly inside of this, this room. So I'm, I'm an observer. I don't even know the conversations that are taking place sometimes between the client and, and, um, the 22.
Kara Goodwin: Well, and so for a client, if they don't, they haven't had any like psychic experiences, for example, or they don't feel like have the capability to have that dialogue, how, how does that work for them?
Ken Lloyd: I typically won't take some of those folks in there.
Kara Goodwin: Okay.
Ken Lloyd: If they, if they're not able, all they got to do is visualize and everyone can visualize, but we have our own blockages, right? So if they're in the room, the ancestral, um, you know, viewing the ancestral connections as an example, and they can't see these things, then I won't take them into the conference room.
Kara Goodwin: Okay.
Ken Lloyd: Right. But other folks can go in there and you [00:45:00] don't need to have gifts. You don't need to be turned on. You don't need to be psychic in order to the conference room. And, you know, it's like, imagine you asking me a question, then then I would ask a 22, but You can just go around me. You don't need me anymore.
And I think that's beautiful. So, not only once you get into the conference room, but you can go back anytime you want. Like, you don't need me anymore once you get your codes and your access to it. So, Library of Creation. More and more is coming with that, right? Your ability to heal yourself will be done in the Library of Creation.
So today, I work on you. And every time I work on you, I create these codes in the library. Great. I'm now taking, as of November, I'm doing my first class where I'm taking people into there so that they can learn how to use the library for themselves anytime that they have a problem. So that's coming up here shortly.
It's a library creation. Yeah, right. There's more coming, but I don't know what it is. I just know that I'm just trying to handle what's going on with right now, [00:46:00] but super cool stuff.
Kara Goodwin: Wow. Well, thank you for sharing that. I know that you offered to do a little light language session, um, before we finished. So would you, are you
feeling good about that?
Ken Lloyd: Yeah, absolutely. I wouldn't feel right if I didn't do it. So,
um, folks, this is just a really quick healing. Everyone's going to get something different out of it. They don't have any expectations, please. And if you're driving, please don't listen.
Don't don't close your eyes. It's gonna be that. Yeah, you know, don't close your eyes, but Just notice what you notice, and it's okay if you don't notice anything, but here we go. Koriyatiya mapia [00:47:00]shaali yaat aanai yaata, kaariyaa aoali yaata aonaa aanai yaani yaado kutokaok, tishaar yaani yachaari ano, Papaya thaakatiya Morya Popa, aliyatiya. Kwa'sha Papaya thiya? Noriyan niyaa moma papayato haapaa, Kaapaapaa aadiii iidiyatiya to. Sheemo papayato niyapa aa nii nii yidiya. Teetoka papaa. [00:48:00] We're almost done. Mia Nee so thank you. We're done.
Kara Goodwin: Hmm. Wow. Thank you.
Ken Lloyd: So, so I never know what's actually coming out when I'm doing the groups like that. And. For me, I am wondering what's going on for my schedule. I'm wonder, what am I doing tomorrow? Like, so I'm tapped out when, when that stuff comes through. Right. And again, I have no idea what the team's gonna do. I was on, uh, coast to Coast AM radio station a month ago, right.
And doing this about five o'clock in the [00:49:00] morning by the way, or 4:00 AM And uh, I'm getting follow up calls of course. And they're like, listen, my back was sealed in the car when I was driving. I'm like, yo. And I got that so many times, not just their back, but people having the experiences during the call, which your audience will as well.
Some of them will absolutely have an experience. So that's going to be amazing for them. Oh,
Kara Goodwin: solar plexus and I've had a lot of stuff going on in my solar plexus over the last few weeks, really, which I, I don't think is, um, unrelated to all the solar. that are going on, um, but it was just really interesting cause you've talked so much about codes and with the cadence and the rhythm, it was as though there was, it just kind of felt like codes coming, like coding, you
Ken Lloyd: they are.
Kara Goodwin: almost like, um, almost like a [00:50:00] Morse code.
Uh, like tapping experience of it, just with the cadence
of your voice. It was
Ken Lloyd: there, there's definitely codes coming in. And the way they've explained it to everybody who, who has a session with me or hears me in any capacity, right? They're getting their, their DNA attunements. They're human, DNA attunements, you know, for, uh, the, the, the accelerated ascension of the ascension, right?
So while I am working on the healing, they are also working on correcting and aligning their, telling me now correcting and aligning everybody's DNA, like that's. That's the, the, the basis, but the operative. Yeah, like we're going to work on everybody, but everyone's going to get their DNA activated, right?
And it gets a little bit more, not only are they activated, you need to clear it up. And they're also getting rid of, um, what I call extra stuff. Now, I don't mean junk DNA, but what they've explained to me and I'll explain to your audience is that we are all receiving DNA activations and upgrades through [00:51:00] various channels, doesn't matter who it is, right?
The problem is, it's not really a problem, but the concern is that these DNA activations that are coming down contain additional things that aren't necessary for the human, okay? So, when we're receiving an activation from our favorite Okay, and that favorite person is connected to any particular species.
It doesn't matter. E. T. species, right? It's no different than the human where every, every species of whatever you want to call it, every individual of that species has their own opinion. You know, they have their own agenda, right? So, you know, when you get Joey, the, the channeler channeling Jimmy, the E. T.,
Jimmy might throw some extra things in there that you're not aware of. So what this team does, they're like, listen, you can have, you can have the, the, you know, the activations, but we're going to get rid of the back doors and the hooks. We're going to dissolve [00:52:00] the contracts you entered into that we weren't aware of.
So it's kind of cleaning up behind the scenes while they heal the body and everything else. So everyone gets something regardless. They're, they're, they're cleaning up the act for everyone.
Kara Goodwin: That's amazing. Do you have a sense from like, well, the light language piece, I'm curious about how that showed up for you. And, um, did you just kind of start doing that
one day? Did you take some
Ken Lloyd: Yeah. No. Yeah.
Kara Goodwin: from? Yeah.
Ken Lloyd: of, yeses and no's to all of that, right? So, I listened to an audio one day, it was a six minute audio, how to learn light language, right? And I was on a boat, a Key West high speed ferry to Key West. And sure as crap, I'm speaking light language before I'm off the boat. With my hand over my mouth, right?
Kara Goodwin: Wow.
Ken Lloyd: That easy. I mean, and for me, I know thousands and thousands of different light languages because of my job, um, up [00:53:00] there, I need to communicate with thousands of different species, thousands of different consciousnesses, and this is all done through light language. So I have that entire repertoire and what I have found in the beginning When I did my light language channeling, I would have 10 to 12 different voices or tones or speeds all coming through.
And that would change every time I spoke, it would be something different. I'm okay with that. But what's happening here is, is the team is kind of what they're explaining the 22 in my, me, we're, we're, we're, you know, we're melding together better and better. And there's no need to have so many variations of tones coming through.
So they're kind of, they're beginning to standardize it on one, one volume, which is what we heard today. There might've been two or three tones in there, but ultimately one, and it's just the way they're, they're changing the inside of me. So the thousands and thousands of languages are there, [00:54:00] but they're just presenting it more clearly.
Um, I don't always know what I'm saying. If I'm in a, if I'm in a session with you and. They want to come through and activate you. They'll tell me and I'll be able to share that. But for group, I have, I have no idea. And it's not, it's not even the people on the call. It's the people a month or an hour, two months from now, they're still going to get it as well.
Kara Goodwin: loved this, Ken. Thank you so much for being on. Tell people how they can
find you.
Ken Lloyd: yeah, so the website is Ken Lloyd official. com. And if you go there to sign up for the newsletter, there's a free gift for you. And then I am rolling out some new group session starting November 14th. Um, they're about 30 to 40 minutes once a week.
And I'll go in there and I'll work on your physical body as well as any, any, any other energy clearing that needs to happen. Um, but check out my website, Ken Lloyd official. com. Most of the details are there. You'll have an amazing ride.
Kara Goodwin: Beautiful. Well, thank you so much. This has just been so [00:55:00] insightful and super
fun. Thank you.
Ken Lloyd: you.
Kara Goodwin: Thank you for listening to this episode of meditation conversation. I would be so grateful if you would share this episode with someone in your life who would appreciate it. Your sharing helps to build momentum and make high vibrational content such as this more accessible and easier to find.
I would also be so grateful for you to subscribe to this content. Thank you for your support and I look forward to the next meditation conversation.
Ken is a spiritual guide and healer who, after a profound Near-Death Experience, integrated 22 soul aspects from his higher self and oversoul collective, into his physical being. This union allows him to channel higher frequencies and transmit powerful ascension and healing codes to humanity, using light language that is conveyed from his collective.
Ken contains a 580-foot omnidirectional healing field that catalyzes individuals who enter it, accelerating their healing and spiritual growth. This energy field promotes profound transformation, helping people release energetic blockages, balance their energy fields and activate their higher consciousness.
As a prototype of the new human, the cellular structure of Ken’s body has been enhanced to enable him to hold this transformative frequency that has the power to deeply impact individuals, catalyzing profound changes in their spiritual, emotional, and physical well-being.
Ken specializes in removing energetic blockages and unlocking dormant DNA blueprints, accelerating spiritual growth and facilitating the awakening of individuals' unique gifts.
Within Ken’s holographic field can be found the “Library of Creation”, where he accesses and releases dense energy programs—the root causes of discomfort—and empowers his clients to realize their full potential beyond the limitations of the human experience.
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