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July 3, 2024

The Spirit July 3,2024

The Spirit July 3,2024



This week our country will pause to celebrate the Fourth of July. I pray we are each able to find ourselves immersed in a season of joy and gratitude—connected to our church’s desire to build up our joy through gratitude. I pray this week that the fireworks, parades, and family gatherings remind us of the freedoms we cherish and the hard-fought battles that have secured them. This national holiday offers us a moment to reflect on the values that define us as a nation and to celebrate the liberties we hold dear.

Many of these same values are lifted up by our denomination: individual freedom of belief and respect for diversity, love and justice. As we commemorate this day, it is essential to approach our celebration with a mindful heart and a discerning spirit. While we honor our country and its heritage (even finding gratitude in our country), we must also be wary of the potential dangers in conflating our national identity with our Christian faith—a concept often referred to as Christian Nationalism.

In fact, at last year’s General Assembly in Louisville, Resolution GA-2341 was passed, calling the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) to “denounce Christian Nationalism in all its forms as a distortion of the Christian faith.” Christian Nationalism is the belief that the policies and laws of the United States should be fundamentally Christian.

In celebrating the Fourth of July this year, let us remember the following principles to maintain a healthy balance between patriotism and our faith—acknowledging our gratitude of this country and seeking to avoid equating our faith in Christ to some political power over our neighbors to be won:

  1. Gratitude for Freedom: We can celebrate our nation’s independence with gratitude, acknowledging the freedoms that allow us to worship, speak, and live according to our conscience. These liberties are gifts that we should cherish and continue working to protect for all, regardless of faith or background.
  2. Respect for Diversity: The United States is a mosaic of cultures, religions, and perspectives. Our strength (like that of the church) lies in our diversity. Our celebrations should reflect as appreciation for the multitude of voices that make up our nation. Let us strive to create an inclusive environment where everyone feels valued and respected.
  3. Separation of Church and State: Upholding the principle of separation of church and state ensures that our government remains neutral in matters of religion, allowing for true religious freedom. This principle protects both the integrity of our faith/church and the rights of those who believe differently.
  4. Christian Values of Love and Justice: As Christians, our ultimate allegiance is to the teachings of Jesus Christ. This means prioritizing values of love, justice, mercy, and humility in all aspects of our lives, including our civic duties. Our faith should inspire us to advocate for the well-being of all people and to seek justice for the marginalized and oppressed.
  5. Prayers for Our Nation: Let us pray for our leaders, our fellow citizens, and our nation as a whole. Pray for wisdom, compassion, and unity. Pray that we might live out our faith in ways that contribute to the common good and reflect the love of Christ to the world around us.

As we enjoy the festivities of this Fourth of July, let us do so with a spirit of gratitude and humility. May our celebrations be a testament to our appreciation for freedom, our respect for the diversity of God’s creation, and our commitment to living out our faith in ways that honor and respect both God and our fellow citizens.

Peace Always,

Rev. David Clifford


Gratitude for the Things That Made You Smile Today



 I spend a lot of time alone at my home.  It’s not that I don’t like to go places or have people that I could go places with, but I really enjoy being at home.  I guess I have just gotten used to the isolation after being a caregiver for so long, Covid, and then the loss of Roy.  During that time, I developed many hobbies and interests to keep my mind busy and satisfied.  But not interacting with many people, things that make me smile could be few and far between…. However, I have always been blessed to find myself smiling several times a day.

Today I smiled because I have a crazy dog (who absolutely has saved my life), and there’s no way to be around him and not smile.  Those who are friends with me on Facebook know just how funny Biscuit is and how much I enjoy him.  Sometimes I wake up in the morning, or I’m sitting reading a book, and I look up and he is just sitting there like a statue staring at me.  It always makes me laugh, because I have no choice but to acknowledge him….and then when I do, he runs as fast as he can to get a stuffed toy so we can play.  He loves to “help” me water the flowers by chasing the water and constantly trying to get a drink…when we are finished his ears and hair are all wet and he looks hilarious, and I know he has no idea why I’m laughing.  After we go out at night for his last walkabout, he comes in and has the zoomies…If you’ve never seen a dog with the zoomies, you are missing out on a lot of smiles and laughter.  Other things that make me smile are some of the memes on Facebook…. I sometimes copy the joke and send it to my friends or Mother or Amber so that I know that they will laugh and smile, also.  I also laugh at myself because I talk to my dog and myself all day long, not just in my head but out loud!  Biscuit just moves his head from side to side like he is listening to every word…that makes me smile, too.

Think now about the things that made you smile today and write them down…then smile again.  I know some days when I have been in pain, I pass by a mirror and look at the awful face I am making and I think that I need to do something about that, and quick.  A smiling face is like a ray of sunshine to everyone around you.  What makes you smile? – a text from a friend, reading a beautiful poem, listening to your favorite music?  Be someone who offers smiles to others, laughs easily, and enjoys the happy feeling it gives you inside.  Do the things that make you smile…and then share that sunshine everywhere you go……and be grateful.

Thank you for the opportunity to share my smiles and my thoughts on gratitude…With much love, Your Friend in Christ, Carolyn


  Sunday School Classes meet every Sunday @ 9:30 a.m. prior to worship. The classes are open to teen,   children, and adults. The Nursery is open.

 The Outreach/Prayer group meets on Mondays @ 9:30 a.m.

 Youth Group Activities will meet every Wednesday from 6:00 -7:00 pm.

 VBS Supplies please see list of needed supplies on the bulletin board outside Rev. David’s  office that   are needed for Bible School. Please add your name if you can help bring supplies.  If you’re interested   in helping with Vacation Bible School, July 19-21 please call the church office or Jada.

 Deacon’s meeting after worship on July 7.

 The Men’s Group will have breakfast on Sunday, July 7 at 8:30 am. All men are welcome to attend. 

 Gratitude Discussion Group - July 9, 11a.m. FCCH will begin a monthly discussion group for those   who  have worked with the gratitude journal. Barbara Kammerlohr, Debbie Enyart and Carolyn Dorsey   will meet with those who would like to share the experiences they have had with gratitude journaling to   date. Gratitude journaling is generally a transformative experience, and this will be an opportunity to   share those experiences with another. We plan to have a light lunch, if you plan to attend, please call   the church office to let us know.  

 Elders Meeting Sunday, July 14 at 6:00 pm

 CWF’s July projects: They will be collecting toiletries in July. They are taking donations for any of the   following items -Deodorant, Soap, Shampoo and Conditioners. Donations can be made at the church   office. Thank you for your generosity!

 Joint Board and Ministry Team meetings will be July 28 at 5:00 p.m.

 “Women of the Bible” The women’s Bible Study will meet July 30 at 3:00pm.

                 Regional Assembly Scheduled for August 1–3

 The 2024 Regional Assembly of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) In Kentucky will be held August 1 through 3 in Mount Sterling. Host Churches are High Street Christian Church, Somerset Christian Church and First Christian Church of Mt. Sterling. This will be the first Regional Assembly hosted in Eastern Kentucky. The Christian Church In Kentucky has reserved 47 rooms at the Comfort Inn and Suites in Mt. Sterling and 30 rooms at the Ramada Inn in Mt. Sterling. To receive the negotiated discounted rates, ask for the Christian Church In Kentucky group block rate when reserving a room. Our church permits three representatives/delegates to the assembly. Currently, two of those positions are open. Contact the church office or any board member if you plan to attend and would also like to serve as a delegate. For more specific information about the Regional Assembly, consult the web page for Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) In Kentucky or call the church.                        




  Our first Vacation Bible School since COVID is seeking donations. Your help with any of the items listed below will be greatly appreciated. It is a good idea to check with Jada Hamby to make sure the item you are considering has not already been provided.  

Tea lights Candles Battery

Pipe cleaners (Black)

Star Stickers

Khaki or light brown wash cloths

Brown paint

Sponge paint brushes

Wet wipes

White bars of soap

Safari themed stickers

White paper (Heavy duty material)

Spare cardboard

Brown paper bags

Individual chip bags

Individual drink patches

(Capri Sun, Kool aid, etc.)

Permanent markers

Wet wipes

Hand sanitizer

Masking tape